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Staying posifrickentive- Thread 13 for ladies pg after mc

999 replies

LynseyH · 26/11/2016 17:50

And here we are at thread 13... we can do this Smile

OP posts:
MoonlightMojitos · 07/12/2016 19:07

Sorry for the flood of posts everyone, just catching up some more!

jpeg how has movement been last few days since you mentioned you hadn't felt much?

And congrats on the good scan lynsey! Great news :)

XxBecxX · 07/12/2016 19:08

Welcome cat and I would say that although you will always have an element of doubt and uncertainty, I feel like my faith in having my little fatty has improved with each passing milestone, I think my 20 weeks scan being all good has now given me the most positivety so far and I'm now feeling more happy and excited than fearful xxx

Naschkatze · 07/12/2016 19:15

My post from 10 minutes ago seemed to not make it!

So pleased baby is well Lynsey!

Glad all okay in the end Fuzzy- those moments waiting for that sound are hard.

Welcome Catlady, congratulations. 3 positive scans already is very good news (not the circumstances that you've needed them for but in that the odds are in your favour.) I'm 28 weeks and in my opinion it does get easier. For me, 12 weeks wasn't the milestone, it was more like 20 something when I started to feel less anxious. I still worry now and certain things get to me but the early weeks were the worst. Now I feel baby move every day I try to remember to be thankful for being lucky enough to have got this far. Hang on in there and best of luck for your scan this week!

XxBecxX · 07/12/2016 19:23

Yes moonlight definetly invest in the doppler, I got mine from amazon and I've attached pics of my one for you.
I've had it since 9weeks and I found the HB around 11weeks.
It ha provided me with a massive amount of reassurance, every 16 week appointment I've had the MW has listened in.
With regards to our front placentas I have always found my lil sausage above my pelvic bone to the left, although he has a little swim around he's usually always locatable there.
I can hear him to the left of my belly button also but I think what's the point searching for him in new locations when it can some times cause a little panic.
You will hear 3 sounds, your own heart beat or your womb heart beat (same thing) your placenta which sounds like whoosh whoosh whoosh and then the baby who sound like a train going whom whom whom quite fast xxxx

XxBecxX · 07/12/2016 19:27

Oh and the last few days I've felt much more movements, definate kicks or punches, if you still haven't jpeg don't panic as I've had lots more experience with these feelings through my other 5 baby's xxx

Staying posifrickentive- Thread 13 for ladies pg after mc
Staying posifrickentive- Thread 13 for ladies pg after mc
MoonlightMojitos · 07/12/2016 19:39

Thanks bec that's really useful :) think I'll invest!

XxBecxX · 07/12/2016 19:59

When it arrives if you have any struggles with it private message me and I'll give you my facebook details so it's eaiser to help you with it xxx

Catlady100 · 07/12/2016 22:19

Thank you Naschkatze 😊 I agree and feel like 20 weeks is a safer point, and then once the point that the baby could survive if born I guess. Just hoping I manage to get that far 😞

jpeg28 · 08/12/2016 06:40

fuzzy have you thought of pregnancy Pilates? I go every week and a few women have SPD and she gives them lots of exercises to help. Glad you got to hear the baby's heartbeat! Must have been scary! I haven't heard mine yet and I'm 21 weeks! moonlight my MW wouldn't listen for the HB at 16 weeks. I was really upset as I was so worried that something was wrong but she still wouldn't do it. Hope yours does!

Welcome Cat and congratulations. It does get easier! I had early bleeding too for about 4 weeks and even despite lots of early scans I was convinced at the 12 week one they would give me bad news. Since then I have been so much more optimistic and rarely think of the bad things that could happen. As soon as I got to 20 weeks I've sort of relaxed! Everything crossed for you.

Still not a lot of movement for me. The womb heartbeat is so loud and it's all I can feel!! Sometimes I'm sure I'm feeling the baby move but not enough to be definite. I'm getting a little worried but trying to stay calm as I know having an anterior placenta doesn't help!

Rebeccaj1985 · 08/12/2016 07:06

Hiya everyone hope all pregnancys are going well, I've just joined MN for someone to talk to as no one except my mum and partner know I'm pregnant, I had a scan at 6weeks and seen the heartbeat but still doesn't stop the feeling of something going wrong, I'm currently going out of my mind and am pretty sure at my next scan (next Wednesday( it's going to be bad news I've convinced myself I'm having a missed miscarriage. Bled when I wiped yesterday and gone from feeling very sick, with really sensitive smelling to nothing. I should be 8 weeks today
I've had 5 consecutive miscarriages before having my 2 sons and this is my first pregnancy since having my youngest so really anxious over everything right now

fuzzywuzzy · 08/12/2016 09:00

JPEG that's a really good suggestion I was thinking about joining a pregnancy Pilates class for a while now will do it I think. Thank you.

Rebecca can you go to your EPAU and ask for a scan? I'm sorry you're going thro this, I've had five miscarriages too and with this pregnancy I started bleeding at five weeks which stopped eventually was brown blood and nobody knows why it happened.
Try and get to your EPAU.

Rebeccaj1985 · 08/12/2016 09:14

I went to the gp yesterday and the earliest the EPU can see me is next Wednesday the same day I have my consultant, do you think a pregnancy test would pick up if I'd had a missed miscarriage yet?

fuzzywuzzy · 08/12/2016 11:23

Rebecca a pregnancy test will still show as positive for a MMC. I had one and the test was positive.

Can you ring your EPAU and tell them you're bleeding and worried they may take you in and scan youbif you ask?

I'm so sorry your going through this anxiety. I do hope everything is ok. xx

Effy1990 · 08/12/2016 17:28

I've just come back from my scan, and am relieved to have seen a heart beat and have a better approx date then my estimate! Now just to get through Christmas and to my 12 weeks scan but a weight has been lifted from my mind for the moment

Effy1990 · 08/12/2016 17:40

And I'm so sorry to those going through the anxiety and having unsuccessful pregnancies.

XxBecxX · 08/12/2016 18:04

Well done effy xx

jpeg28 · 08/12/2016 18:47

Great news effy!

Catlady100 · 08/12/2016 18:52

Congrats Effy! Grin x

Catlady100 · 08/12/2016 18:54

Hi Rebecca - is a private scan an option for you? I managed to get one at very short notice (next day on a Saturday and booked on Friday night online). Cat x

NetflixandBill · 08/12/2016 19:22

Great news Effy!!

Lizziedoll · 08/12/2016 19:56

I think I'm out, I've just been for a wee and there's blood, that's how it started last time. Going to EPU first thing but not looking good

jpeg28 · 08/12/2016 20:23

Lizzie it might not be.... I bled loads during this pregnancy and now I'm 21 weeks. Hope you get good news tomorrow.


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Catlady100 · 08/12/2016 20:26

Hi Lizzie, I bled too and was ok. Hope you are ok x

Rebeccaj1985 · 08/12/2016 21:29

Catlady that's what we are considering next either that or wait and sit in hope that all will be ok on Wednesday when I see consultant and that he possibly scans, I haven't bled since wiping but I also know that means nothing aswel. Don't know whether it's a good thing that I've told no one as now my whole support consists of partner and mum

Congratulations to everyone that has had good news too

Hope your ok Lizzie and good luck at EPU tomorrow x

purpleviolet1 · 09/12/2016 10:00

Sorry to hear of all those having troubles. It truly is a Horrendous experience. Really wishing you lots of luck xx

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