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Shiny and new posifrickintivity thread for pregnancy after miscarriage.

989 replies

MrsGiraffe12 · 22/07/2014 20:27

Hand holding, fish slapping and general bat shit craziness :-)

OP posts:
amicablemoomin · 24/07/2014 06:58

hi radley, we heard the heartbeat at 2 of our scans (9 weeks and 12 weeks). I'm in Surrey.

GandTnow · 24/07/2014 08:53

Morning ladies, welcome newbies. Feel free to freak out and stress with us all. Grin

Just realised that it is still two looong weeks until my 12 week scan. Argh! Going to go mad. Was talking to DH about another scan and he said (quite rightly) that we can't afford another £100. Bums.

Hope everyone has a good (hopefully cooler) day x

KeepingTheFaith9 · 24/07/2014 09:13

Good morning all. Just found you ladies again after a few days away Welcome to new folks, this is a check-in, never as regular as I'd like but here I am! Good luck to everyone expecting scans and sorry to hear about work stresses. I am quite lucky in that dept - ie can work from home a few days, and my boss is very flexible (despite being quite freaked out by pregnancy - and she is woman btw! LOL!)

I am travelling on the steamy Bakerloo line daily - and it's certainly a heat trap - I totally relate to all you ladies navigating the tube system! FedUp - I feel your pain

I went a bit mad on the t'internet the other day and bought some bits in the Mothercare sale (a little outfit and a nappy bin disposal system) and I also bought some tiny clothes in NEXT - it felt liberating and also risky, but hey ho, part of me thinks I need to experience feeling the fun of pregnancy and stop denying myself that; despite my past experience.

28 weeks on Saturday - my little girl moves some days like mad and hardly at all on others - so also trying to deal with this ebb and flow. Bleeding has calmed down thank God but bladder situation is still unbearable - but hey ho, for today I am pregnant and I so thankful about that.

Babytinx11 · 24/07/2014 09:40

ilovechops yea I have had 4 scans now and i'm still only 8 weeks I have a very understanding epu who were fab when I had my mmc last year. Fx for your scan the nurse at my epu said that just because it happened once doesn't mean it will happen again between her reassurance and these lovely ladies I've just about kept my sanity :)

Babytinx11 · 24/07/2014 09:48

radley scans are scary but I doubt taking DS will jinx anything chill out and try and enjoy it I'm sure DS will be really impressed with it all and it will be a special memory for all of you :) on the heartbeat thing my epu don't let you listen to babies heart beat not sure why I didn't ask to be honest but of there is a risk I'm guessing that's why :)

I'm in need of a giant fish slap I woke up this morning feeling loads less sicky and even after yesterday's scan I'm worried it's coz something is going wrong :(

SeaSaltMill · 24/07/2014 11:18

ARGH I'm panicking again. I hate this feeling of not knowing!

I'm 9+4, my symptoms seemed to disappear yesterday and whilst im feeling a bit queasy today they're nowhere near as strong as before.

Also, ive got a bit of a back ache and crampy feelings, only mild, and it could be wind, but Argh! I CANT STOP WORRYING!!!

Babytinx11 · 24/07/2014 11:40

seasalt consider yourself fish slapped I was the same this morning mind lol but then about half an hour ago ms snuck
Up again and I was hugging the toilet so enjoy it while it lasts the nurse at epu said that my sickness should start improving from 9/10 weeks so maybe that's what is happening with you

1morecupofcoffee · 24/07/2014 11:59

wow this thread moves fast!

Babytinks and seasalt I'm sure the sickness coming and going a bit is totally normal - I had that with my DD and everything was fine. babytinks that's fantastic about being a week further on than you thought!!

Hi ilovechops congratulations! and all the best for the scan, and the wait.

Hi internet, am feeling a strange combination of optimism and terror, every trip to the loo is ridiculously scary. Not sure if I can handle another several months of this! But in other ways feeling quite positive, it was lovely to tell my mum yesterday, and I am daydreaming about my DD becoming a sister. How are you feeling just now? hopefully much better and hope the days til the scan pass as quickly as possible.

Hope everyone ok and not too stressed

SeaSaltMill · 24/07/2014 12:01

Thanks for the slap!

I am feeling a bit nauseous now, not as bad as it has been but perhaps, like a normal person, I should be thankful for that not panicking.

I have had headaches the past couple of days, perhaps things are manifesting in that way now.

Argh the drama!

1morecupofcoffee · 24/07/2014 12:02

sorry cross post babytinx!

MrsGiraffe12 · 24/07/2014 12:30

Off to the midwife I go for my weekly check - fish slap needed as at every appointment I'm convinced they will diagnose pre eclampsia again. Urgh. It's tough being pregnant after loss, and even harder still when you chuck in a previous complicated pregnancy :-(

OP posts:
Davidtennantmistress · 24/07/2014 12:44

SEA, i'll hold you hand and tag team, mine are not so bad today (9+2) which is a relief as yesterday I was vommitting. huge glasses of ice cold orange squash and copious amounts of carbs are helping. just you wait, tomorrow it will all come back full pelt and you'll be upset you feel rough! Grin

mrs g good luck.

G N T any idea when your next scan is? i've got 3 weeks today like you can't justify another 65 and hubs is putting his foot down to say no (doesn't often)


GandTnow · 24/07/2014 13:01

David I have a date for the 7th August - or in other worlds aaaaggggeees away! Grin Feels like time is crawling now. i just keep swinging from thinking that us having seen a hb at 9 weeks is really positive and then thinking that I don't want to be hit by bad news at 12 weeks if something has happened earlier on.

can't seem to get out of negative thinking - harumph!

Babytinx11 · 24/07/2014 13:17

Thanx davidtennant Mother Nature have me a huge fish slap earlier on aswell so I'm feeling more positive again sickness is just coming in waves rather than constant now which actually is easier to cope with it would be so much easier if there was a set in stone pattern for pregnancy there would never be a need to worry

Davidtennantmistress · 24/07/2014 13:29

G N T I hear ya 100% on that front esp after reading doctor google and all the we saw a heart but it still went wrong. I figure we've seen a heart we still feel sick my hormones still make me rage it's all good. step away from dr google and listen to your body.

baby, glad to hear the sickness is waves. it does make it more manageable doesn't it - plus you get to sit down for half an hour to wait for it to pass! Grin

Happilymarried155 · 24/07/2014 13:35

I think that's natural gnt I feel the same! I'm trying to tell myself that a scan at 10 weeks, where all is growing well and a strong heartbeat is seen is as good as it is going to get. Statistics state that once a heartbeat is seen at this time you are 99.4% of having a successful pregnancy. That's an amazing amount of chance that everything is going to be fine! From what I have read mmc at 12 weeks are quite rare and whilst they do happen more people have successful pregnancies.

This is my moto on a daily basis anyway!!! X

TeaandHobnobs · 24/07/2014 13:45

Hi all! Found you on the new thread. Pleased to hear your scan news babytinx. And so sorry about the tonsillitis TeaRex - it really is the worst Sad
Nothing to report here really - "today I am pregnant" I assume! I'm guessing I'm 6-7 weeks now. MW next Wednesday: like Babytinx we've moved since I had DS (at the amazing St Thomas'), and I really don't want to use my default local hospital because (a) it is awful and (b) having had medical management there in February, and although the staff were very kind, the place is SO disorganised and I just don't trust them at all. I know our local MW is attached to this hospital, so I'm not sure how she will be when I say I want to use another one. My friend round the corner definitely used a different one though, and she said she thinks I can also use the one I would prefer to use now too. We shall see!
It is so weird being pregnant but not talking about it - we don't want to tell any family until we have confirmation, but we are spending all this week with MIL, and my mum was down for the day yesterday, and I feel like I'm lying by not telling, IYKWIM?

Good luck at the appointment MrsG

Babytinx11 · 24/07/2014 13:48

davidtennant I wish it meant I could sit down and wait for it to pass but DS has other ideas lol

It's definitely harder to trust your body after a mmc because of how it works I've found it harder to trust anything than I did with DS this mc before DS was a normal you bleed and know what's happening one somehow it was easier then because no blood = healthy baby I'd never heard of mmc till last year then the lack of explanation after makes it worse some how

GailLondon · 24/07/2014 13:56

Hey everyone,

good luck Holly with your scan and everyone else having appointments.
I've finally (at 13 weeks) convinced the NHS that they should really have me on their books by now, so I had my nuchal scan today, and will finally have my midwife booking appointment in August at 15 weeks.
The nuchal scan went absolutely fine, I had a private 12 week scan just a few days ago so was luckily quite relaxed about it. I did have an ironic laugh to myself while waiting in the antenatal clinic, you'll never guess what song started playing on the Hospital radio?
'Since I lost my Baby' by the Temptations
#facepalm. Epic fail by Whipps Cross hospital there

squizita · 24/07/2014 14:23

Baby & Seasalt 9-10 weeks most people ease up with the sickness anyway so most likely it's normal.

coffee the toilet fear!! Ugh. Now that lasts for months. To be replaced by the manic counting kicks and is-that-a-braxton-hicks-or-something-sinister fear!! Grin

David ugh I hate the wait between appointments. But yay for early payday! :)

Gail yay for a good nuchal! :)

I'm just back from Dunelm Mill buying massive V pillows to prop myself up on as I am beyond the help of my little mothercare bump wedge now.
Also bought some baby blankets from TK Maxx and my mum found a super luxe winter grobag and bought it for me too ... jinx fear appeared briefly but then bubs gave me a good poke in the kidneys so she seems OK today! :)
I will have to buy nappies, breast pads and maternity towels at some point though- for some reason my jinx fear focuses on Boots/Superdrug more at the moment hmmm...?

CorporeSarnie · 24/07/2014 15:17

Hi all, glad to hear all the good news.
Well done squiz on baby purchases. You only need a pack or two of nappies (think 10 or so a day for the first few days), one or two of mat pads and one of breast pads (some people don't need the latter, I never used many after the first few weeks once my milk supply had settled down, and I bought some washable ones which worked well (except for I think I've lost them now). The supermarkets will be open so no need to go overboard unless you find an amazing deal.
Had a vile day yesterday; massive row with DH about buying new cot mattresses, I threatened to leave if he wouldn't accede to buying new ones while he blethered on about evidence bases, then he was a witness to an RTA on the way home and was massively delayed sorting out ambulances, speaking to the police etc. He hadn't quite realised until I told him that we were just past the anniversary of the MC last year, thankfully he has apologised now and understands why I'm not willing to compromise.
Am struggling massively with the heat. My office faces south, no aircon and is like a sauna, have just had to make an emergency Costa run for icy drinks to try and overcome the temp. It is bad enough normally, but with a bump it is quite miserable. Still, I should be grateful that all is going OK - been feeling pokes right at the top of the bump today, so who knows what babySarnie is up to in there.

MrsGiraffe12 · 24/07/2014 15:38

Phew, midwife was fine despite the "fear" BP normal but still have +1 protien in my wee. A week of respite before the fear kicks in again I'm sure :-)

Well done squitz on the baby purchases, everything you buy is a positive at this stage, even if we had our babies now chances are they would be fine xxx

gail epic fail indeed on the radio, not something that should be playing there! But yay on scan news xx

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Babytinx11 · 24/07/2014 15:53

squiz I have to admit when I don't think about it it's a nice break to not be constantly throwing up I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be sick all the way through but at 8 weeks I am getting a few hours here and there of respite which is awesome :) well done on your baby purchases too :)

mrsg glad your midwife app went well :)

HollyBen · 24/07/2014 15:59

Yah on the scan and getting mw apt gail Bad song choice though! Glad to hear your apt went well too mrsg

All well at today's scan Grin Little bean measuring 8+1 (I am 8+2 by dates) with a lovely strong heartbeat. The lovely sonographer even stopped for a bit to let me have a sob. Been feeling really nauseous, tired and dizzy this afternoon though. Think it might be the stress. Managed to have some salty crisps and a fizzy drink now (my usual nausea cure) ans feeling a better. 3 weeks to booking apt and 4 till 12 week scan...

Alb1 · 24/07/2014 16:18

mrsg that is so cute of your DS, that sort of question would have never occurred me to at that age! Yep I have iron supliments now, I'm terrible for remembering to take tablets but DP is trying his best to remind me.

This heat is torture, my hands were all swollen yesterday when I was out and about cos it was so warm, very strange feeling! I'm sure it's making the baby move less aswell, not dangerously so, but he deffiently feels slower. I feel very bad for all those with morning sickness in this heat aswell, must make everything feel so much more sticky!

gail glad you finally got seen and had a good scan!

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