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Shiny and new posifrickintivity thread for pregnancy after miscarriage.

989 replies

MrsGiraffe12 · 22/07/2014 20:27

Hand holding, fish slapping and general bat shit craziness :-)

OP posts:
PurplePest · 22/08/2014 15:17
PurplePest · 22/08/2014 14:34

I can do it squiz - same name? creativity and me today are not friends!!!

squizita · 22/08/2014 14:31

Sounds really positive Baby! And Purple!

I'm on my phone, but noticed were v neat 1000 posts again... anyone on a pic can set up a new thread? Ta!Smile

PurplePest · 22/08/2014 13:12

so pleased to hear it went well baby Grin

Babytinx11 · 22/08/2014 13:10

So glad things went well for you purple

Babytinx11 · 22/08/2014 13:09

So had my scan they changed my edd to the 2nd from the 4th :) every thing was really good she commented that baby has really long legs :) baby was busy wriggling around and generally not being helpful but after what was a longer scan than it should have been she was really happy with baby :) after 20 weeks I'll be having 4 weekly scans to check growth fluid levels and my kidney as my kidney is already filling with fluid :( I'm shared care which is what I expected consultant was lovely and really on the ball and has already said chances are I will be induced at 38 weeks to protect my kidney so all in all a good app :) hope everyone else is having a good day :)

PurplePest · 22/08/2014 12:49

hope scan was ok today baby

squiz a huge well done for getting to full term!

i had my scan this morning. i was so scared. all was well though and my little bubba is ok! 12+5 today so due date moved to 1st march from 5th. waiting on bloods but so far so good. today i feel happier than I've felt in weeks.

squizita · 22/08/2014 12:10

Hi Lauren those bloods sound good, fx for you. I spotted about then too, some women do for no reason to worry about.

Good luck Baby

Fx for your result Silver

Fed up grrr yup sober weekends are just as hard work as hangovers. I'm slightly missing a hangover: well I'm bloated, sweaty, my head hurts and I swing between hungry and sick anyway... Be nice to have a few wines or ciders first!! Grin

I'm 37 weeks today. I have grown a bean all the way to "term". Gulp. Now its waiting, counting kicks, clenching my fanjo and stretching my pereneum. Confused " Fun" times. Grin

GandTnow · 22/08/2014 10:39

Welcome Lauren, hope those results keep doubling.

Wales sounds lovely Suzy, have a great time - minus the red wine! I keep longing for a little glass in the evening when DH is partaking.

SuzyBean · 22/08/2014 10:34

Good luck today Baby. Today is the start of a week and a half off work for me, it couldn't have come at a better time! I'm looking forward to relaxing and de-stressing a bit! We're off tomorrow to stay with some friends in deepest Wales. They have a lovely holiday cottage in the countryside, it's very primitive, no electricity, just a wood burning stove and candles but it's always lovely just to catch up and chat, read and play cards - think I'll miss the copious amounts of red wine I normally drink up there though!!!

Cuppachaplz · 22/08/2014 10:16

morning all, just a quick check in before running off to foetal medicine.

silver, great to hear form you, everything is crossed for you and your family, will reply properly later. feel free to PM me if you want xxx

waves to everyone

Lauren82000 · 22/08/2014 09:18

Hi ladies, just wanting to stick a tentative toe over here. Just got my second lot of blood work done and it's doubling even though I'm spotting at the moment so just wanting to perhaps join you ladies even if it's only for a little while. I should be 5weeks today due end of April. Smile

fedupofrainydays · 22/08/2014 09:09

I totally freaked out re my combined test to. Low Nuchal but high Pap-A and was on the phone to the screening mw. I'm still 'low risk' but much higher risk than when I had ds (he was like 1:10,000). It's just so unknown and scary. I didn't tell people at work til after anomaly scan. Although many had guessed by then as I show early.

So pleased you had a good scan hollyben!

fedupofrainydays · 22/08/2014 09:05

Good luck baby

Off for a weekend of drinking (well everyone else drinks) that we do every year. Second time I've done it sober and it's much harder to do sober than deal with the hangover. Plus I will have a smelly husband and no doubt have all the childcare responsibilities. Remind me why we do this, supposed to be fun isn't it? Ugh.

HollyBen · 22/08/2014 08:56

I hope you get a positive result silver. The waiting myst be so stressful. Even though I had a positive nuchal fold measurement yesterday I am still concerned. I told dh I don't want to tell work people until the results of the combined test are back.

Good luck today baby

silverine · 22/08/2014 08:41

Thanks baby!! Good luck today, you'll be fine!
Thanks for the good wishes fedup and suzy!

Babytinx11 · 22/08/2014 08:33

I did wonder silver hope all turns out well for you :)
Right time to get ready for my scan keep telling myself just breathe and that everything will be fine.

GandTnow · 22/08/2014 07:57

Good luck today baby, I'm sure that you will have a great scan and can hopefully begin to relax. x

I think I've entered that funny time between scan that others have talked about, can't feel any movement yet, but also don't feel as crap all the time. Starting to worry something might go wrong with no basis for worry. Oh the joys!! Grin

fedupofrainydays · 21/08/2014 22:38

Sorry for the radio silence from me - stuck in wales with no reception. Been away for my birthday / to escape the building work at our house.
Sorry to catch up and see so much uncertainty and worry - hand holding for all who need it. Keep the posifrickintivity ladies... Today we are pregnant!

Also I have everything crossed for those awaiting outcomes of harmony / cvs / amino. My heart goes out to you as imagine this is just so stressful. I get so worked up about every thing to do with this pregnancy so can see how it must be so difficult getting past the scary first 12 weeks to then face those challenges. I was a wreck between 12 and 20 wk scan.

Can't get enough connection to catch up properly but hope there is good news too from others with positive scan news? I knew there were a couple coming up.

All ok here - just very tired and still freak out at every twinge. 34 weeks tomorrow though.. Eeeek!

SuzyBean · 21/08/2014 22:20

Congratulations on your scan Hollyben, that's fab news. Cuppa and Silverine, fingers crossed for you that all will be ok.x
Welcome newbies.
I'm 6.2 weeks now and time is going past very slowly . . I keep changing my mind, in one moment I think I feel really pregnant, then I think all my symptoms have gone and my boobs are deflating and then I can feel the start of morning sickness. . . I think I'm slowly driving myself mad!!!

silverine · 21/08/2014 22:17

Oh yeah, meant ds for downs...

Babytinx11 · 21/08/2014 22:05

Just wondering silver what ms stands for? I thought nt was for downs? Any way I hope all
Turns out well for you Flowers Cake


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silverine · 21/08/2014 21:26

Hi all
Sorry I've been off for so long... trying to be positive but been a bit down with the uncertainty. Thanks for checking on me cuppa welcome back, and thanks to everyone for the good wishes earlier.
Congrats on great scan holly and welcome newbies.
My appointment at the Fetal Medicine Centre was on Tuesday. They took the bloods first for the calculation, then the consultant spent over an hour doing the scan as she couldn't get the right position. Everything size and HB-wise was good (which makes an eventual decision even harder to contemplate as this is the furthest we've ever got...) but the NT was still high, higher than a week ago, at 4.4mm.... she calculated our MS risk at 1 in 35...
She also said this is quite high (so really confirmed what they said in the hospital last week) and we could go straight for cvs rather than harmony, but we had come for the harmony so stuck to it.
So the results should be by 2nd September. I'm kind of hoping it might be earlier, say 29th August but we are hosting a bbq on 30th and bad news would ruin it.... still hoping it will be good news obviously. After all 1 in 35 means there's 34 in 35 chance it could be fine...
Anyway, we have to just wait and see. I have my 12 week appointment next Tuesday, not the milestone i thought it was going to be now, so very mixed feelings at the moment!
Cuppa if you could do the harmony earlier, would you have done it? Would you keep the baby if MS?
purple I went with the harmony as it's non invasive but gives you a result with a high degree of certainty, so I thought that was a good option. Costs £500 at the FMC and includes cvs if result is positive. Good luck!

Babytinx11 · 21/08/2014 20:45

Glad things are good with you now missmakes :)

missmakesstuff · 21/08/2014 18:55

Hi all and welcome to the newbies! I hovercraft the thread to catch up but I'm just checking in, work's been manic with exam results etc and we've had the in laws here so I've had no time. I had another scan after more spotting, but everything was fine, baby measured a bit ahead, and I feel a lot happier, had booking appointment today too, which was fine.

See everyone is having interesting times too! Hope all ok with everyone.

I think weeks 9-12 are going to fly with work etc, which is good.

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