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Shiny and new posifrickintivity thread for pregnancy after miscarriage.

989 replies

MrsGiraffe12 · 22/07/2014 20:27

Hand holding, fish slapping and general bat shit craziness :-)

OP posts:
amicablemoomin · 23/07/2014 08:10

hi everyone, just checking in on the lovely new thread. I'm joining the scan worriers - 5 days until the anomaly scan for me. FX for everyone for good scan news.

Cakebaker35 · 23/07/2014 08:16

Woops here you are, I started a new thread too Blush I'll get mnhq to delete it. That'll teach me to pay more attention Blush

OneLittleToddleTerror · 23/07/2014 08:24

addicted here the midwife listens to the heartbeat at the 16 week check up. I didn't know it could be linked to miscarriages if done under 12 weeks.

fedup don't worry, it's probably a cold. I was paranoid for a few days after I accidentally ordered a burger with brie in it.

baby good luck with your scan.

GandTnow · 23/07/2014 08:57

Just found you all. Second page already and thread has only been going since last night. Well played ladies.

baby good luck, I hope you have an ace scan.

fedup sounds like a cold - small mackrel slap!

addicted They wont listen for hb here until after 20 weeks as MW said sometimes they can't find it at 16 weeks and people freak out.

GandTnow · 23/07/2014 08:58

Gail I hope you feel better soon. I don't think the heat helps. Its a bit cooler here this morning and I've already done more housework then I did all last week Blush

Alb1 · 23/07/2014 09:28

Good luck to those with scans today! Scan doom is perfectly normal in our situation unfortunately so I won't do any fish slaps on this one

mrsg I'm keeping my fx that you will be after me then and the pre-eclampsia will stay away, I hope your still getting plenty of extra monitoring

My midwife finally revealed my blood test results to me this week n told me my iron levels were dangerously low for labour (these were the 28 week blood test results she was tryna give me at 34 weeks) she seemed pretty relieved when I told her someone had phoned me about 2 weeks ago to sort it out already cos she new she'd messed up leaving it so long. She then told the student mw all the other midwives had a video that they had to show all their ladies at 34 weeks around here but that she still hadn't sorted it yet so I cudnt have it, and Then booked me for my next appointment at 37 weeks despite all my notes claiming that my next appointment now must be in 2 weeks at 36 weeks and that's when birth plan etc will be discussed, but seen as she's been pretty useless so far anyway and iv been luckily very healthy (asides from the anemia) so far I can't see the point in chasing them up to change it to 36 weeks, she'd proly just forget again anyway! I think midwives do an amazing job on the whole but there deffiently seems to be somethin in the water here making them a little flighty lol

InternetFOREVER · 23/07/2014 09:29

Good luck for the scan baby! I'm feeling sick about mine already and its not til Monday. Crying at anything and everything, and I haven't even had bad news yet!
Forgot to take my aspirin and folic acid yesterday, feel dreadful that I can't even remember that Sad. Am I too much of a newbie to ask for a fish slap?

GandTnow · 23/07/2014 09:33

internet no fish slap but a hand hold. Its always so difficult to prepare for a scan and of course the hormones never help. Just keep repeating 'today I am pregnant', iits the nest we can all hope for.

HollyBen · 23/07/2014 10:16

Once I brave adding myself to the stats I will be there at the bottom with you tanny

8+1 today - passed the point of mc #2, but another few weeks for #2. Scan tomorrow at 9:50. Feeling truely awful and not sleeping Sad

1morecupofcoffee · 23/07/2014 10:35

Hi everyone, very happy to be able to join you here, although I'm barely pregnant at the moment, just 4 + 1, probably shouldn't jinx myself by joining yet but need something to do other than check my pants every 5 mins Grin

My stats are DD1 (nearly 3yo), TFMR Sept 2013, MC at 6 weeks April 2014. EDD 31 March so I will be well and truly bottom of the list!

Best of luck everyone waiting for a scan. HollyBen, internet, fedup and others, hope things get better soon x

MrsGiraffe12 · 23/07/2014 10:53

1more welcome to the mad house. We are all bat shot crazy here and regular knicker checking comes high on the list of our hobbies :-) congrats on the BFP

alb yeah, I'm being seen every week, I've got to take DS from now on where it's the holidays, I hope they won't mind a very inquisitive young man who asks lots of intelligent questions - latest one "Mummy, you know the wiggly tube that goes from your tummy to the babies tummy? Well, how does that get food into the baby but also take nasty things away from the baby when there is only one tube? Doesn't the nasty stuff leaving the baby make the food tube dirty?" All from a 6 year old haha.

I don't really mind the weekly appointments but the midwives seem a bit twitchy about the BP, and keep asking me if I've been at work / stressed etc, which doesn't really help me, but at least the seem more on the ball than in your area. It seems so strange to me that different trusts have such different protocols! Have you been given something for your iron levels at all? x

OP posts:
InternetFOREVER · 23/07/2014 10:53

Good luck for tomorrow HollyBen - have you got any plans to keep your mind off it today?
Welcome and congrats 1morecup - you're just behind me (5+2) so I've graduated from bottom of the list (if I was brave enough to add myself to it!) How are you feeling? I was full of positivity to begin with, but have crashed since I went to the GPs on Monday and it all became real/ began the same medical treadmill I've been on over the last year!
GandT... Today I am pregnant Grin (wish I'd done another test this morning as thats the only way I believe it!

Gwlondon · 23/07/2014 11:07

MrsGiraffe12 thank you for the new thread.

fedupofrainydays I have a cold. It is so odd in this weather. It feels much worse than a normal cold.

Good luck with all the scans today! I have mine too today.

Babytinx11 · 23/07/2014 11:17

Just finished at the hospital :) I'm a week further on than I thought 8 weeks today thought I was 7 which was a nice surprise saw a happy healthy heartbeat and and the nurse was lovely said she is discharging me but gave me the unit number if I have any worries :) feeling so relieved :) hope every one is doing good :)

amicablemoomin · 23/07/2014 11:35

fab news baby! enjoy the post scan high!

MrsGiraffe12 · 23/07/2014 11:43

Fab news baby enjoy the excited feelings after a positive scan :-)

OP posts:
OneLittleToddleTerror · 23/07/2014 11:48

mrsg it is very lax where I am too. At the last two appointments with the midwife (16 and 28) she told me she still haven't received x and y results from the hospital. It's things like iron, blood sugar levels etc. Then she reassure me that the hospital would have informed me if I'm above level. It is just nice if she has a copy of the results in the doctors surgery files! Doesn't really inspired confidence does it.

Babytinx11 · 23/07/2014 11:54

Thanks guys feeling a bit more relaxed for now lol 4 weeks till the next one though that's going to feel like a really long time

BlueStarsAtNight · 23/07/2014 11:58

Woo great news baby! And that's one less week to worry about too, even better Smile

Hi to all the newbies!

I'm still ticking along ok, 7+3 today. Don't feel sick today which is worrying me a bit. Plus the girl I sit next to at work just announced that she's thrown up all over the sink in the loo and hadn't bothered to clean it properly - she'll probably give us all bloody norovirus now, so I'm not best pleased!

I tried to call the GP to start the process but can't get an appointment until 2 weeks when I'm 9+4, and they then have to do all the paperwork and refer me to the midwives/ hospital etc, so hoping it won't cause problems getting a scan!

squizita · 23/07/2014 12:36

Radley I've never heard of them listening to heartbeats before week 16. Not because of any risk, but because it's far less accurate and reliable at that stage than seeing the beat on a scan. So they just scan instead. The heat thing is to do with Dopplers and I have never heard of NHS/any reliable not American HCP going with that as policy but I think that is because no one uses dopplers that early in the UK.

Fedup It will be a cold or a bug of the type which is horrid but ultimately harmless. Although they say Listeria is not 'serious' it's in the same league as proper flu or measles - you'd be laid up in bed.

Baby I am booked in with a further away hospital because it's got a better reputation. It is quite possible. :)

squizita · 23/07/2014 12:44

Alb I think there's definitely something about how MW and many caring professionals are chosen for their skills, not their admin/paperwork expertise. Sadly in the modern days they do need both!! Glad you're all sorted as best you can be though.

Hi 1more!

Good luck all you scan ladies, keeping fingers and toes crossed. :)

Baby just saw your scan news! Yay! :)

Blue urgh gross. Luckily it's hard to catch vomit bugs unless you touch/injest the vomit (had a similar scare at work- kid sent to me after puking everywhere when my RA said 'no contagious 1st aid' very clearly - consulted a nurse who works there who told me the above) so just keep away from that sink till it's cleaned. YUK though. Although now whenever a lady is sick I do think 'hmm is she...?' after my vommy escapades in the early days!! Grin Probably not, probably something she ate and therefore totally non transferrable.

Babytinx11 · 23/07/2014 12:54

Thanks squiz I'm going to ask my midwife when I book which should be next week now providing she ever returns my call lol

blue yes one less week to worry about and it means I'm a week past where I miscarried last time kind of feeling silly for worrying about it now


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BlueStarsAtNight · 23/07/2014 13:44

Haha squizita there's no chance of this particular lady being pregnant - she's a bit of an odd one, completely (genuinely) frigid, single, lives at home, early 40's, lots of cats, and a virgin! (She's also a big over-sharer!). Unfortunately she told me after I'd been to the loo and washed my hands in said sink......she'd rinsed it off with water so wasn't visible, but hadn't bothered to look for/ask for cleaning products! My hands have been scrubbed in hot soapy water to within an inch of their lives since.

liesal79 · 23/07/2014 13:59

Hi all -
Im having severe anxiety most days! I'm currently 18 weeks and have had nothing to suggest anything is wrong, but as my last miscarriage was a MMC at 9 weeks, I am scared!
I heard the heartbeat last week, and most symptoms aren't daily, still tired, boobs hurt a bit, feel a bit sick but that's about it. I know have 2 weeks til 20 week scan and I'm scared! My mum and DH are coming, and although I am pleased mum will be there, I am worried incase something is wrong. I need a BIG OLD SLAP!

Last week when I heard the heartbeat, that seemed to satisfy me for about a day! Surely there has to be a point, when all this panicking can stop! :)

HollyBen · 23/07/2014 15:17

DH and I are decorating today. Escaped to have my hair cut and quick wander round shops. I am dreading the wait at EPU tomorrow as much as anything else. The staff there gave never been anything other than lovely but this is our 8th visit and only 1 previous visit has had a positive outcome. However, today I am pregnantSmile

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