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January 2008 Shiny New Year Toddlers - I want it nooooooooooooooow!!!

746 replies

madmouse · 24/09/2009 12:35

Here's new thread - enjoy

OP posts:
JustBeBuffy · 09/10/2009 11:21

Oh Lily - didn't realise it was white wine!! and i ran out of cold stuff last night, grr! (was only half a bottle in the fridge from the day before in case anyone's worrying)

Simps - 700 for a new door?!?!? ouch.
I don't know anything about soya tbh, why is it in stuff?

We have an appt for T to see his consultant in a few weeks time, may explain to her that we have other stuff going on right now and his testicles can just wait, dammit! or not, and fit in a repeat op (if that's what's needed) somewhere.....

Getting paperwork/boring stuff done this morning, but makes me feel more organised

Friend coming round later with her DD & baby DS, aww cute!

Gingemeeeklookatthatspider · 09/10/2009 13:16

Afternoon ladies
Wow you lot have been busy.
I havn't been for a few days because I couldn't spell my halloween name so couldn log in doh....
Anyway I am amazed at Charlies speach Nicky and Simpson They sound very advanced. George actualy said 'wee wee' yesterday as I went into the toilet for a 'wee wee'
I am looking after Mum again. She is alot better in herself thank goodness her arm still pretty painful.
Not alot happening here today. DH just put trunking around all the tele wires etc as George keeps tugging dangerously on them
Well I hope you all have a goos weekend. xx

Lilyloooohhhh · 09/10/2009 19:57

Gingeme sorry but

simpson · 09/10/2009 20:47

gingeme - where did you get your new suitcases from?? I forget

Going into town tom as need a really large suitcase for all of us for Spain as H took suitcase we had to Ireland

Gingemeeeklookatthatspider · 10/10/2009 11:14

Simpson I got them from Wilkinsons
My nephew rang this morning to say hes got to go back to Afghanistan on the 18th Oct Its just so pants
Went out to an eat all you can chinese with DH last night. Mum babysat . Nice to eat a meal without having to cut up food and wipe faces all the time
Well a day at home today. David has homework to do soon.
Mooncup week has arrived to so feeling a bit yuk today!
Ah well have a good day all xxx

LaTruchaaaaaaaaaargh · 10/10/2009 14:38

Sorry not been on much. Having a nasty time - all the things you already know about plus anniversary of Mum's death last Thursday. Brother off the rails again. Stressed and preoccupied.

Will join you with brighter things soon!

madmouse · 10/10/2009 17:44

LaT big hug - sorry flying visit xx

OP posts:
simpson · 10/10/2009 17:49

Gingeme - cheers for suitcase idea. Got a set of 3 reduced to £12.50

LaT - so sorry you are having a tough time (hugs))

simpson · 11/10/2009 18:30

had a bit of a scary moment with M when I put her to bed this evening at 6.

Both her and J have had a bit of a tickly cough all day but when M was lying on changing unit getting her sleeping bag put on she started to cough so much she could not breathe and her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she went all floppy

Was just about to call for an ambulance when she was ok and started coughing again, then breathing iyswim.

Had her over the bath as all this mucus came out.

Then 30 seconds later she was fine saying "night night mummy" etc.

Was amazed at howcsalm I was thought I would freak TBH. But feel a bit shaky now

Gingemeeeklookatthatspider · 11/10/2009 19:36

You have nothing to be embaressed about Simpson. Well done you for staying so calm. That probably realy helped M stay calm too. Glad she is ok. They can be scary little creatures acn't they?

madmouse · 11/10/2009 20:01

Simpson what a scary moment and no way would I have handled that as well as you did.

And I would be checking on Nathan every five minutes.

OP posts:
simpson · 11/10/2009 20:46

10 mins after incident she was singing her version of "twinkle twinkle little star" in bed.

Kitchen is right underneath her room so heard everything.

Going to see how her cough is tomorrow and if still there will go to docs.

JustBeBuffy · 11/10/2009 21:27

Bl**dy hell Simps! you are brave!!

Allow yourself a steadying glass of something strong....

just pootling along here, nothing new/nothing different.

Off to london tomorrow for Pet scan...

MrsMcJnr · 11/10/2009 21:46

Hey ladies how are you all and all the little ones? sorry I haven't posted for so long. I guess I got caught up with my new arrival Aaliyah is now 4 months old and Xavier adores her and is so sweet with her. He is a glorious little monkey, climbing everything and chattering in scribble talk all day long

MrsMcJnr · 11/10/2009 21:48

There are some photos of them both on my profile oh yes, I am now also on FB - am really enjoying it so if the group still exists on there, can I join?

madmouse · 11/10/2009 23:02

Hiya MrsMc have sent you a friend request but it seems I can't add you to the group until you are my friend because at some point I pressed the wrong buttom grrr

OP posts:
MrsMcJnr · 11/10/2009 23:10

Hey madmouse thanks for that. I have been looking at your lovely photos Nathan looks like a wonderful little boy - I find it kind of sad that our babies are now little boys and girls, where did the time go? I have tried to enjoy all of Aaliyah's baby moments but they still fly by so fast. How are things with you? how is Nathan's prognosis now?

Gingemeeeklookatthatspider · 12/10/2009 13:06

Hey MrsMcJnr welcome back your children are beautiful I am fb and shall try to add you later.
Had some news this morning that my rl friend had a dd at 9.10 this morning weighing at 7lb 2 oz her 5th dc .
Woke up at 7 am to 3 boys having a screaming competition Put it this way none of them are going on the pc after school today
Georges latest word is 'no'. Trouble is he says it even when he means yes. 'Do you want a na na George? 'no' then moans and points at the bananas insistantly
Ah well . Right off to make Mum and I some lunch.
See you all later x

LaTruchaaaaaaaaaargh · 12/10/2009 13:11

Hi MrsMc! Was just thinking about you yesterday and meaning to email. Nice to see you!

Gingeme - Sabela does exactly the same thing - although it's usually with a shake of the head.

This morning she was sitting on my bed saying, ''. So I said, 'Can you say 'n' now?' and she shook her head. I really do think she makes deliberate jokes!

Lilyloooohhhh · 12/10/2009 13:49

Simps that must have been a fright with M well done you on being so calm. Is she any better ?

LaT Sorry to hear things so tough again

Mrs Mc nice to see you , agree it flies by i still think of M as a baby then see babies and realise she isn't!!!

Ginge great wake up call. Had to wake both H and L up this morning for school at 8am , we leave at 8.20!!!!

Just been out for a walk with M as it is very sunny but very cold here today. Am now looking at a buggysnuggle for my new pram

LaTruchaaaaaaaaaargh · 12/10/2009 14:29

Sorry Simpson - meant to ask how M is?

Thanks for cyber hugs.

JustBeBuffy · 12/10/2009 19:49

Hi all, esp MrsMc - great to see you

went to St Thomas' earlier and filled out paperwork, not really sure why it had to take quite as long as it did but anyway i must say it is a fab hospital for kids - the Evelina bit anyway.

though v scary bit as we were walking through the main (non-kids) bit, a woman started shouting for help. she was holding up an elderly man and it was all going pear-shaped. i was ahead of dh + boys and was thinking i should at least stop to help when 2 docs came flying down the corridor, then nurses, then calls for the crash cart, then the cart itself
for the man & the woman.

i got out of the way, then realised dh was stuck on the other side of all this - trying not to let the boys see too much.
so mad waving signs for me to carry on and he went around the outside of the hosp - a loooong way round.

i felt quite ill tbh. hope he was ok...

back tomorrow for the actual PET scan. Nanny has T

H in bed, i'm letting T stay up a bit, hoping he'll go to bed with no fuss - watching some random Madeleine cartoon program on tv, all about fashion being from within - T seems fascinated


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MrsMcJnr · 12/10/2009 21:29

Hey ladies, holiday here today ? national saint?s day (Pilar). Rearranged Xavier?s room so that he cannot get up to as much mischief when he is meant to be sleeping, we?ll see if my plan works. Had to move him to a bed 2 months ago when he started climbing out. I thought that we?d have him in a cot until at least 2 so it came as quite a shock! Poor DD is teething like mad

Ginge ? nice to speak to you, did you hear that Aaliyah?s arrival was similar to George?s ? on the bathroom floor with only assistance from DH! I had only be in labour an hour, couldn?t believe it. Congrats on your friend?s lovely news. Xavier is doing exactly the same as George with ?no? it?s a more of ?I hear you? than anything else! He says it with a very Scottish accent too which is very funny. Looking forward to seeing your photos on FB.

LaT ? love your Halloween name I have been thinking of you and have been looking out for suitable Spanish things for Sabela but haven?t seen anything yet, will keep my eye out though. Sabela sounds like a character! sorry to hear things are tough for you at the moment

Lilyloo ? hi! They are still babies, just walking ones!

Justbe ? hello! that hospital trip sounded scary, what?s going on? Is one of your boys going in?

Simpson ? hope M is much better today it?s horrible when something scary like that happens. It?s not comparable but X split his forehead open a few weeks back, there was blood everywhere. I was amazed at how calm I stayed but I did crumble when he had been seen at A&E and was all patched up and I knew he was fine.

It?s nice to talk to you all again

Lilyloooohhhh · 13/10/2009 13:25

ooh MrsMc we thinking of putting M into bunk beds with L (dd1) in school hols in Oct.
Only problem is L likes to lie in and M doesn't Not sure how to tackle yet that but she still in our room so needs to move!!!

JKS poor man , hope it wasn't bad news! Hope the PET scan is ok , How is your nanny settling in ?

Quiet day here today have cleared up after morning chaos post school run and am now vegging with M who was up at 5 and back asleep on way home from school this am (double )Taking H to football tonight as dp going to the committee meeting r/e the fall out he had with football manager!!!!

Gingemeeeklookatthatspider · 13/10/2009 13:26

Afternoon ladies.
Wow MrsMcJnr no I didn't know about your birth. Great feeling isn't it? Once you get over the realisation that the mw isn't going to be there to help
Oh no JKS sounds terrible. I hope the boys didn't see too much Glad the hospital is nice though
How are you LaT ?
We tried a new playgroup with George this morning. It was packed luckily I went with my friend and her dd or no one would have spoken to me . Think I'll stick to my usual Tuesday one next week
Well I have got two stubborn little boys in bed at the minute. They didn't go to sleep yesterday afternoon and it doesn't look like they will today troubl is they were flaking out over their dinner which then means they don't eat plus bed time is not as good because they are too tired for story etc, which then means they wake up in the night because they are hungry
Bloody kids !!!

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