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January 2008 Shiny New Year Toddlers - I want it nooooooooooooooow!!!

746 replies

madmouse · 24/09/2009 12:35

Here's new thread - enjoy

OP posts:
simpson · 29/09/2009 16:18

Madmouse - thats the last thing they need!!

LaTrucha · 29/09/2009 20:22

Madmouse - I'm sorry this horrible story is affecting you and the people around you .

I do want to get back to my pre-baby weight, for health reasons if nothing more.

Thanks Lily - I decided to get an old Fisher Price one from ebay as a stop gap. The rings go red and it has a timer which pings, so hope she likes it!

JKS - how are you today?

Gingeme - how's your mum? 'Bickit' ... I simply can't think what that might be

Well, Sabela has started lashing out today. She's been quite happy (although teething) but it started this morning when I put a polo neck jumper on her and she obviously hated it immediately and started lashing around for me to get it off. She's done it a couple more times today, once because she wanted a hug and once she got my eye. A friend consulted the Baby Whisperer and it says that children who are about to talk sometimes do this because they are frustrated and want to express themselves. Apparently if you clamp down on it, talking follows soon. She must be doubly frustrated as she has two languages to learn!

Lilyloo · 29/09/2009 20:38

MM sorry to hear that it has affected you so personally It's an awful thing.

Simps this is Lily 4th week and she still getting used to it. Have tried to get back to a slightly earlier bedtime and routine again , oh and some snacks on hand at the school gates can help.

LaT hope the talking follows soon , M is getting better with hers now. Think she realised she is going to have to talk to get anything in this house

Gingeme · 29/09/2009 20:52

Evening ladies.
Just a quick one from me. Mum went to the fracture clininc and the ENA dept. Her right elbow has a hair line fracture. They have not plastered it and have given her one of those sponge slings which is alot more comfy. Her nose is not broken but they want to see her again to make doubly sure when the swelling goes down in about 3 weeks.
The ticket office got back in touch with me and have offered me a 10% discount when I re book which isn't a complete loss
The man from the claims company is coming to interview Mum tomorrow and take pics of the pavement she tripped up.
I am totaly knackered now so thinks I will have a bath soon and get an early night x

nicky6 · 29/09/2009 21:34

hi all long time no speak - not caught up unsuprisingly but I will try to be a little better.

Well Charlie is wonderful and really pushing boundaries. She is now potty trained and little Noah is 3 months old today.

Charlie has continued to talk talk talk and now puts togeher whole sentences pretty much. for instance she is nto allowed to go into the food cupboard so I continually say no charlie you have to ask mummy and when she asks and says please i often say of course you can. charlie last week goes to cupboard and says the following : no ask mummy crisps please course you can and then proceeded to open the cupboard - very cheeky.

ANyway will hope to join in again if you all dont mind.

WIll be nice to know that my daughter is not the only one being a little so and so??????

LaTrucha · 30/09/2009 08:48

Hi Nicky!

madmouse · 30/09/2009 09:03

Hi Nicky
Hi LaT

Shall we just have a 'post when you can' rule gals rather than get hung up on posting regularly or catching up? We all have manic lives to live?

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JustKeepSwimming · 30/09/2009 09:31

Hi all - second Madmouse's plan

H on first day of steroids.....(will need to find as easier way of getting them down him though - dissolving them in juice worked until it started tasting funny!)
so everyone cross everything that they work - he was upf or 1hr & a quarter this morning before falling asleep on DH's lap....

right, DH booked me in for a facial later, i have a farm to harvest & tea to drink!

Lilyloo · 30/09/2009 12:27

Fingers crossed for you JKS and enjoy the facial!

Nicky wow clever girl , potty trained already Can't believe Noah is already 3 months wow , love his name What's Charlie like with him ?

Just back from toddlers , M in bed had two terrible nights with her , no idea why! Cue me and dp cross with one another But she was chewing everything in sight at toddlers , should they still be getting teeth now ?? Not a chance she will let me look!

madmouse · 30/09/2009 12:39

Lily Nathan is still busy with molars and has some teeth yet to come - also very busy chewing fingers going awawawawaw and waking 2am

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Lilyloo · 30/09/2009 12:42

Thanks MM could explain it then , you would have thought having 3 i would remember this Maybe back to the ashton and parsons then!
Is N suffering then too ?

madmouse · 30/09/2009 12:47

Nathan is his cheerful self - no mean feat with a cold and cough too - but as soon as anything doesn't go his way he is more upset than normal and chews his fingers. It takes a lot to get him out of his normal good humour bless him!

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Gingeme · 30/09/2009 13:25

Afternno ladies.
Yes bad night here too George up at 5am tried settling till 5.40 but every time I left the room he cried so I put him in our bed. Queue DH and I being cross
DH s sciatica realy bad again too queue him being in pain all night and fidgeting to get comfy
Managed to sort the boys toys out though and took 2 black bags worth to the charity shop and we counted our change up and managed to put £100 pound into our savings account
Tried to put George down for an early nap only for the work men to start drilling literaly outside our flats so I took him with me to collect Edward from pre school and fingers crossed they are both now asleep
Hi Nicky sounds all go in your house Chalie sounds like a real charecter just lovely.
JKS good luck and everything crossed with the steroids

nicky6 · 30/09/2009 21:18

hi all. charlie is a proper little character gingeme - mad as a hatter. she too has been calling out crying in the night and soetimes not letting us leave room - someone says its their new found independence that frightens them a bit and makes them a bit insecure again.

you know what its weird doing it all again with noah - i cannot remember at all what i did to get them down for naps or evening - weird heh.

anyway am off to bed soon

LaTrucha · 01/10/2009 08:14

This is officially the best toy ever! It arrived yesterday and we're all playing with it like mad. It makes a brilliant noise when it goes along (which is does really easily) and has loads of bits and things to do. Off to play!

madmouse · 01/10/2009 09:00

LaT I am not surprised - that is the sister of Nathan's magic yellow bus s=toys&qid=1254384004&sr=8-2-spell 36&id=740850466

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madmouse · 01/10/2009 09:02


Nathan sleeping with bus


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LaTrucha · 01/10/2009 09:32

Ah! Now I really do understand Nathan's bus thing. They are FABULOUS toys.

What I don't understand is that you are not obsessed

Gingeme · 01/10/2009 11:14

Right have noted that down for Christmas LaT and madmouse
Nicky we discovered yesterday the reasons for Georges wakings, 2 new molars at the bottom He woke at 5 this morning had 2 spoons of Medised and went straight back to sleep
The man from the claims company came to see Mum yesterday evening. Wow he is good! He went to look at the claim site but the pavement wasn't high enough that she actually tripped on , has to be the height of a 50p, so he looked around for one that was and took a pic of that . We can also claim for the tickets and I can get a carers claim for looking after Mum. He said if she lived on her own with no family to hepl she would have to have a carer who charge up to £100 a day so I have to keep a diary of everything I do for her and help her with and this will all go on the claim.
My Dad is taking her home today for the weekend so she can see her won GP and get some more clothes and tablets and she is coming back on Sunday.
Not alot else happening here realy today. DH at the physio for his syatica so hopefult he will be a bit better this afternoon.
Take care all.

madmouse · 01/10/2009 12:33

Gingeme that is fraud - isn't it?

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Lilyloo · 01/10/2009 13:24

ooh Gingeme would be wary of companys and employees like that tbh , sounds a bit iffy to me!!
If not i would think about removing that post maybe ? (sorry if that sounds awful don't mean it to be just not sure it's something you want in writing online)

How is your mum now ? Bet it's chaotic at yours then ? Wondering then if M getting hers too like Geroge, still another disrupted night. Oh well they have to come i guess!

MM how you it's lovely to see you about a little more Bless N what a lovely little boy

LaT looks great at you enjoying it more than S!

Have been out for a walk with M and the dog to the farm this morning so she now napping and i am ironing

LaTrucha · 01/10/2009 14:20

Gingeme - look at this by the same company. I want to buy their toys for everyone!

I am so usually disappointed with toys but I really think this is worth every penny.


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Gingeme · 01/10/2009 14:30

Oh never thought of it like that tbh. How do I remove the post?

madmouse · 01/10/2009 15:26

Ginge you need to ask Mumsnet to do it for you - they will ask for a reason. The easiest is to report your own pot.

Must be honest would rather you removed the company than the post.

If they use false information to make a claim then

a) You cheat the council out of tax payers money (Because that is where the money comes from)

b) You could be held in contempt of court and that is a criminal offence and a serious one.

sorry being the big booboo here xx

OP posts:
madmouse · 01/10/2009 15:26

report your own poSt

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