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April 07 - where has our thread gone?

455 replies

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 09:48


OP posts:
Sexonlegs · 15/10/2007 12:53

Wow, lots of messages!

Thank you lovely ladies for making me realise I am not alone with regard to how I feel re B and K. I do love both of them to death!

MJ, hope you feel more up soon. Will F be your last? Do you think you feel sad about that perhaps? x

Nutty, hope you get a better night tonight.

SMB, hope T is ok.

Leaky, good luck with the flat tidying!

Tcmummy, really glad Mr Ele made it - wasn't sure it would with the Royal Mail being as it is!

IDOB, which theatre did you go to to see Angelina Ballerina? Glad you had a lovely family weekend.

Elkie, glad D is ok today.

Pesha, fab news re the interview. Hope you get the job. What job is it?

Hi CD!

Right, need to eat lunch and then chores before picking up B from school. It is her first day of having lunch there today!

Pinions · 15/10/2007 13:36

Just wanted to say SOL, though I haven't really thought this through properly, its GOOD to talk. I am one to suffer from verbal diarrhoea myself,cannot shut me up so I guess I have the opposite problem to you . (Good to see you at our "party" on Friday btw).

Sounds like you're fine this time around, I know it has been certainly different in lots of ways for us too x

Nutty fab to bump into you hun x

GMM and others with BLW. Please do be careful. Babies can and do choke very easily. Didn't really want to put you guys off trying it, as it is each to their own, but certainly not something I myself would be prepared to risk under any circumstances. Not only that babies need TEETH (several of them) in order to be able to chew food and not just swallow whole chunks. Just my opinion, not something for us.

EvangelinesMum · 15/10/2007 13:38

Hi everyone, havent been on one of the April threads for ages but have been lurking! Sorry to hear some of you are having a bad time. Hope things improve for you all.
Re: the BLW we are following this too and no major choking yet but its does worry me. I watch her like a hawk and am not opposed to ramming finger in her mouth to remove offending articles.
Also Eva has stopped sleeping through and is waking at least twice a night, on saturday it was 5 or 6 times! . I know others have it worse but it knocks you for six when you dont expect it! She doesnt seem hungry either, just wants to play. . Oh well "this too shall pass" I suppose! Sorry to be a purveyor of doom

Pinions · 15/10/2007 13:38

Ellie I've just seen about your accident. Hope you're ok and will be back online v soon x

oooggs · 15/10/2007 14:39


Sexonlegs · 15/10/2007 14:55

Hi Evangelinesmum, are you joining some of us in Basingstoke? We are meeting on Friday 23rd November from 10.30 at The Anvil Theatre. You and E are more than welcome!

Just been to the pharmacy to ask about my burn - just wanted to get some gauze or summat to put over it as K keeps catching it [ouch]. His suggestion - see the Doctor!!! So, seeing the Doc tomorrow. Funny how we fret about our babies but kind of overlook our own health and wellbeing!

Right, off again to pick up B. See you all later.

Oooggs, did you press on the keyboard by mistake!!??

EvangelinesMum · 15/10/2007 15:11

Thanks for the invite SOL will have to see nearer the time - i think we have visitors that week! x

SharpMolarBear · 15/10/2007 15:12

naughty SOL
oooggs, are you ok?

OP posts:
Pinions · 15/10/2007 15:25

Think oooggs was doing a bump. Either that or she is still recovering from Friday night . !!

Eddas · 15/10/2007 16:09

Hi ladies, just done a bit of sorting through some cupboards

How many shoes that don't fit dd ridiculous!

Sorted dd's clothes too, put in the bigger stuff as she's getting a bit big for a lot of things and I figure the summer stuff is taking up useful space.

Thing is now I have dd's clothes age 0 to 4 to get rid of and ds' 3-6 months(swapped that lot over yesterday!) What the hell am I going to do with it all, eek!

Oh and not to mention millions of baby crap gear and maternity clothes. It needs to be gone. I think I need to spend a week or so getting stuff ready to ebay or sell on here.Shit.

Eddas · 15/10/2007 16:33

how is it 4.30

Not even thought about dd's dinner yet and ds is having a nap thought it was about 3 but no idea why DER

SharpMolarBear · 15/10/2007 16:40

I have days like that

OP posts:
leakyR · 15/10/2007 17:52

I have weeks like that!

Got very little done today. George seems to be having separation anxiety, every time I go out of sight (even when he rolls so his back is to me) he whinges. Also because he doesn't like sleeping for longer than 2 hrs at a time during the night he needs his day time naps but he is FIGHTING sleep so hard. Which also makes him soooooo grumpy.

leakyR · 15/10/2007 18:30

Helloooooo (listens to voice echoing back)

MurderousMaveta · 15/10/2007 18:47

oh leaky that sounds like hard work..only 2hours at a time through the night I can´t believe you are still functioning..

N slept better last night, back to 2 wake up calls and then up at 6.30am (bleurgh) for the day. But am scared to complain in case it turns into 3 or 4 again!

I have been keeping up with the thread just about as I´ve popped in during work but can´t remember anything now so sorry I can´t do any personal replies..

nappynuttynormabutty · 15/10/2007 19:04

Blimey Leaky, I don't know how you manage. Also don't know what to suggest but the more experienced ones may have some ideas!

Elkie - I would have loved to go to the baby show but can't afford it (well I could afford to go just couldn't afford all the stuff I'd buy when I got there ...too many nappy stalls )

MurderousMaveta · 15/10/2007 19:10

lol nutty! Would be fun though, wouldn´t it..?

Question re. bedding for those who know what they´re doing (or at least think they do ). I think N was getting cold in the night and that´s what was making him wake up. I was putting him down in a 2.5 grobag and pyjamas which was fine when he went down but then obviously as the temp dropped through the night he wasgetting a bit chilly.

So last night I put him in a long sleeved body, pyjama and the gro bag and he went back to his normal sleep pattern. What worries me is that right now he is hot, even a little sweaty on the back of his neck. He was like this last night because right now the room temp is probably about 20degrees but it does drop to about 16 degrees, at which point he is wearing the right clothes for the temperature according the the little gro bag info chart. But I don´t like that he has to be hot now in order to be comfortable later.. but I can´t just put him in his cot without the grobag and then put him in it later so what do I do?? [thick]

Eddas · 15/10/2007 19:11

Glad i'm not alone with my losing track of time

I've just given ds a small haircut.Why didn't I do it sooner, looks much better. He had a long hair on top short everywhere else thing going on Now it's just short but he looks VERY cute now. He's currently wrestling with dd's bouncing tigger must rescue the poor thing or ds will be sick on it

VamPesha · 15/10/2007 19:13

Put a blanket over him later when it gets cold?

MurderousMaveta · 15/10/2007 19:15

But I tried the grobag, pyjamas (no body) and a blanket and it didn´t seem to keep him warm.

Man, THESE are the bits that really get me about parenting. I want to knoooooooooooow and no one knows

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 19:24

HELLO (((((waves)))))

Just popping into say hello

Pillock - hope you are okay xxxx

Maveta - I never put on more than a sleepsuit and grobag at the moment - in deepest winter would put a vest on aswell. If you are going to put a blanket in aswell - use a cellular one as it breathes. I worry about them getting it over their face!

Ernie has two teeth

He also has an ear infection and a chesty cough - but he did sleep though last night ~~~~~~~fanfare~~~~~~~~ He has some antibiotics to try and kill it off. This is the second ear infection he has had - the older two have never had one.

I am off up north to the Lakes next week for half term

Hope all are well - thinking of you all xxxx

CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 19:26



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CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 19:28

Hi F&F! Poor Ernie - yey to him sleeping through though!

Not ignoring you, Mav, but don't use GroBags here - P sleeps in PJ's with a light blanket over her - she seems to be a little baby As long as their back/front is am ok temp, they should be ok.

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 19:33

Hello Dippy

Just to add to my mad mad life at the moment I have become chair of the pta at school.

I had a rant moment today - asked a 'friend' to hold ernie while I lifted up the glass notice board outside school to put a poster up and she said no and walked off Even if she didn;t want to hold him she could have offered some help Really do need to get it out of my system before see her again as it is so petty but made me so mad!

nappynuttynormabutty · 15/10/2007 19:34

Blimey F&F, how rude of her

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