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April 07 - where has our thread gone?

455 replies

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 09:48


OP posts:
liath · 15/10/2007 19:45

Very rude & very odd!!

Yey to babies sleeping better. Ds hasn't been quite so bad lately either, up once or twice usually.

My poor cousin is stable. My mum visited her last night & was a bit shocked at how bad she is, as she is pretty confused & can't talk properly . Poor lass really hasn't had much luck all her life .

Leaky, am glad Eva hasn't had any more seizures and great that she has breast fed as I think that can be a good sign when assessing if there has been significant brain damage. Hope the MRI is good news.

Sexonlegs · 15/10/2007 19:47

Evening all.

Hope Ellie is ok. She hasn't been on since Saturday night has she? Has anyone heard from her?

F&F, can't get over your friend not wanting to hold E. Silly Moo! Sorry the poor lamb has got an ear infection again. I remember he had one when your mil was really ill. Hope the ab's kick in soon.

Maveta, we use a long sleeve sleepsuit and a 2.5 tog grobag. The temperature in K's room really only goes down to about 18, and she seems fine. 16 seems v cold for Majorca. Do you have the window open?

Forgotten everything else!

Hope you are all ok. All good here. x

VamPesha · 15/10/2007 19:54

Just posted this on mavetas blw thread - wrt getting baby out of high chair in a hurry when choking - at this age I dont leave him alone for a second when hes eating so I dont strap him in, hes too young to escape, im there to stop him falling out and it means if he did start choking i could whip him out straight away. Had been meaning to say it here but keep forgetting!

Interview was for school lunchtime supervisor job. Not alot of money but ideal hours for it not to affect my bfing dylan and nice to be abit more involved with dcs school life whilst getting paid for it!!

Took d to dr today about iron medicine, he felt his levels were actually within normal just on the low side of it so not worth making him sick over so gonna leave it which is good. I also said I wondered if he has silent reflux - would fit with the colic like crying he's done since birth, constant comfort feeding, faltering growth, very little sleep etc and also since we started him on solids once he gets halfway into a meal he starts crying out like in pain, arching back and ends up me getting him out for bf which he'll cry on and off throughout for half hour or so. Dr has given me infant gaviscon, he hates it but his crying went from pain cry to 'i've had enough of this sh*t' cry while I was giving it to him and has been bfing contentedly ever since! I have to say I'll have very mixed emotions if it turns out thats been his problem all along

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 19:54

I never leave my kids windows open in case someone steals them ((((SCARY))) I know its completely barking mad to worry about it - but have never left them open

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 19:56

My sisters little boy had reflux and he was much better once on solids. I have found that if ernie is really hungry after a sleep he has to have milk as just freaks out at food not getting in quick enough when giving solids!

CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 19:58

Not barking hon. xx

D sounds very much like my DD2, Pesha - she was diagnosed with silent reflux - not v.helpful, I know, but just sort of had to put up with it til she was 1yr and on full solids really. Was horrid. {{{{{hugs}}}}

VamPesha · 15/10/2007 19:59

Sol I think Ellie is intending to stay away although she is still aroung the wider world of mn I believe.

Seephas gone backwards here too - last night d didnt sleep till 00:42! and then woke up at 4:30!

nappynuttynormabutty · 15/10/2007 20:00

I gues if it is silent reflux then at least you've got an answer iyswim. Glad he's been feeding better.

F&F - get on the nappies section and look and my thread about my wraps!!!! Where have I gone wrong, they're leaking!?!

CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 20:06

Why is that, Pesha!!?

Sexonlegs · 15/10/2007 20:10

Why has Ellie left our thread?

Pesha, hope D is ok. I hope the Gaviscon does the trick. Why would you have mixed emotions about the silent reflux diagnosis?Hope you get the job as well - tht would be great.

Hi CD!!!

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 20:12

What has happened?

CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 20:12

Hi SOL!!

Could someone please make me some dinner!!?

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 20:14

We are having roast chicken and sudanese potatoes - will send you some now!

CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 20:16

Wish it was real.....

Right, really need to get off my ample backside / fat arse ........

nappynuttynormabutty · 15/10/2007 20:17

Thanks for posting on my nappy thread F&F!

If Ellie's avoiding the thread because of me then I think she needs to grow up.

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 20:18

Oh blimey nutty - will facebook you and you can spill the beans!

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 20:19

Dippy - dh is a fab cook! I am useless

CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 20:20

Oh dear ......

(To NNNB, not F&F .....)

Idreamofbroomsticks · 15/10/2007 20:21

Evening. DH away tonight as he is off to a cheese conference tomorrow. Hope he brings some home for me to sample.

CD - just had the remains of a very yummy chicken casserole leftover from last night. Tasted even better today. I could send you the bones!

Maveta - We put S to bed in just a sleepsuit, with a light blanket over her (which she kicks off). When she has her dreamfeed at 10pm we take the blanket away and put her in a sleeping bag. Seems to work with the dropping temperature situation.

Well, we've been thinking about moving house for ages and today I got an estate agent round to value the house. Was pleasantly surprised, so am now trawling Rightmove looking at the houses we could possibly afford. Going to look at a fab one on Thursday. Bet there's something wrong with it . Am so in 2 minds about moving - know we'll have to do it eventually (bursting at the seams here), but reluctant to go through all the up-heaval, expense, re-decorating, being skint......Need to win the lottery really.

Idreamofbroomsticks · 15/10/2007 20:22

Someone please tell us what's going on with Ellie. Not on facebook here, but neeeeed to know.

oooggs · 15/10/2007 20:29

"If Ellie's avoiding the thread because of me then I think she needs to grow up." interesting

CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 20:29

Agreed, IDOC!


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CaptainDippy · 15/10/2007 20:30

Foooooooooooooooooood. I need foooooooooooood.

Idreamofbroomsticks · 15/10/2007 20:32

You must have something in your cupboards CD? It's times like these that you need to keep a supply of Pot Noodles in the cupboard.

fangsandflash · 15/10/2007 20:32

Ellie - if you are lurking - come back!

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