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April 07 - where has our thread gone?

455 replies

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 09:48


OP posts:
Lucewitch · 14/10/2007 14:12

Had a really lovely day yesteday with WP and GMM. Thankyou so much you two, thats the most relaxed I have been in ages
The babies are getting so big and are gorgeous.

Just as I was leaving GLC the tartan army arrived at the station, S's face was an absolute picture, there was a complete wall of noise and singing .
All those kilts and knees were a fine end to a fabulous day.

elkiedee · 14/10/2007 17:53

I'm impressed by nutty's early Christmas shopping. Think I will do a lot of mine by getting it posted to my mum's so I don't have to carry it. That's assuming we get there of course.

dp has to go back to his real job two days a week at the beginning of November, as a residential social worker. As residential homes run 24/7 all year round, we couldn't go away for Christmas for our first few years together, then I never felt that I could plan for it later. So this will be 10 years since I've spent Christmas at my mum's and I so want to take D up there this year.

D still has a temperature, no other symptoms. My friend with two teenagers thinks it's teething related and actually what she's telling us makes lots of sense.

Sorry for self-absorbed post. Glad to hear the mini meetup was fun yesterday. Hope Eddas' family reappeared. Hope the quietness on here means that everyone's having a more interesting life elsewhere.

nappynuttynormabutty · 14/10/2007 18:04

Blimey, it's quiet today!

Well didn't get much xmas shopping done. Mothercare didn't have what I wanted . Did get photos printed tho. Oh and I saw someone looking at their Smart I wanted to go and show them all my nappies but dh wouldn't let me . Bumped into Pinions too!!! (We'll have to have a Leeds meet-up again soon!)

Then went to a garden centre (cos they also have a gift section) and got a "baby's 1st xmas" bauble.

Now trying to finish xmas shopping via the internet could be a long night

Eddas · 14/10/2007 18:07

They came home went to the park!

Elkie, for teething someone said neurofen for children was better than calpol, so you could try that. Hope he's back to his normal self soon. It's such a minefield because they can't tell you what's wrong. Mind you with a toddler you have to trick them into telling you what's properly wrong sometimes

Why can't men see things we can?

Dh : Where's dd's ball
Me : In the shed
Dh : can't find it

Eddas · 14/10/2007 18:09

nutty, it's frustraring atm because not all the shops have their christmas stuff out. Normally I'm cursing them saying how stupid it is that it's out already, this year i'm like a kid waiting for the sweetshop to open. What a difference not working makes

leakyR · 14/10/2007 18:41


New thread confused me. Did things get a bit heated last night? MN went off for ages last night so I gave up and went to bed.

Elkie - I hope D has cooled down. Is he still feeding ok? Sleeping more or less than normal? I'd say follow your instincts - if it seems like something more than teething you need to get it checked.

Did Ellie go to A&E last night. She sounded like she might need to. Was just about to post that last night when MN went off.

Been looking at houses today (not proper viewings) trying to get an idea of areas etc. Because Dh and I are not from Leeds we're a bit clueless. Someone coming to value our flat on Tuesday. Very excited about having more room and a garden!

MurderousMaveta · 14/10/2007 18:43

hello.. dh and I fell out this morning for the same reason as you, eddas.. I was up 4 TIMES last night with N and after I fed him at 6.30am he wouldn´t go back down and he was grunting and groaning on the bed next to us for an hour before I finally said FINE, I´ll get up with him and then of course dh says, no no, don´t get up, I will. Too late, was wide awake and physically out of bed by that point so very We managed to make up by about 10am so have still had a lovely day. Although dh looks wrecked, think he can´t wait to get back to work and school tomorrow

N had some carrot and banana today.. still not properly weaning, just half hearted letting him play with something or other every few days.. but he seemed to like it. Have to say I am a bit worried about choking and BLW.. I know it´s not supposed to happen but.. think I´m going to post on weaning.

MurderousMaveta · 14/10/2007 18:45

Oh yes Leaky, I meant to ask after Ellie - does anyone know how she is?

Eddas my dh is exactly the same.. definitely something to do with the old Y chromosome I think.. it´s hardwired in there

Elkie hope D feels better, we´ve been pretty lucky with N so far and I know I´ll be a nervous wreck the first time he has the first sign of anything that isn´t just a snotty nose

weepotion · 14/10/2007 18:53

i think ellie was going to disappear for a few days. she said something like that on the other thread before it got deleted. there might have been other post from her onm it that i missed.

geordiemacmummy · 14/10/2007 19:00

Hey ladies;

Just a quick post before C goes to bed and I get the wine out.

Maveta and everyone else;

Had a very scary incident this afternoon, had made roast chicken sunday lunch, put a wee bit out for C on his tray - brocolli, carrot, strip of yorkshire pud and a chunk of roast potato - all was going well until I looked up and C was choking - like really choking - not coughing or spluttering - something was stuck in his throat and he couldnt breathe. It really was the most scary thing I have ever experienced - had to whip him out of his chair - put him over my knee and really thump his back until offending arcticle came out. He gave himslf such a fright that he pooed himself, I wasso upset.

I know that this is all part of being a parent and that it will probbaly happen a good few times over the next 5 or so years but please please please please be careful.I now the theory behind BLW is that they wont choke, but the reality is that babies and children do, sometimes with tragic circumstances.

I think I'm gonna keep on with the pureed stuff for a little while longer, even though C has 2 teeth he obviously hasnt got the whole chewig thing yet. Could have been a very horrible day

mammyjo · 14/10/2007 19:11

Oh god GMM, how awful for you. That is so scary. Thank goodness you knew what to do and managed to keep it together to do it IYKWIM. Really glad C is ok

mammyjo · 14/10/2007 19:20

Leaky and WO, just to let you know that Ellie is fine (have been chatting to her on msn), and she says to check you facebook!

mammyjo · 14/10/2007 19:21

YOUR facebook even!

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 19:55

gmm that's awful and is my big fear at the moment. So glad you sorted it - sounds like you were very calm when you must have been so panicked! It occurred to me today that if we had to get t out in a hurry wed spnd ages faffing with the straps - maybe we should keep a pair of scissors handy. hope you're ok now, bet he's fine & you're still tearful
elkie, how's danny now? do you have an ear thermometer?
so pleased i didn't insult your cat! i was then worried you'd think the deleted post was about danny
oooggs - what did you get up to eh?
eddas, my dh does the "looks but doesn't see thing" too - man blindness.
Well, just been at PILs, had a really nice day

OP posts:
elkiedee · 14/10/2007 20:00

Think D's a bit better, we gave him calpol mid afternoon on advice of various people including my wise friend. It didn't seem to make much immediate difference but he went out with dp for a short walk and we had some playtime before his bath, which he loved. He fell asleep half way through his bedtime feed and dp's just going to see if he's settled before coming down for a wee while - he's now in his cot but still in our room as he's much longer than the Moses basket.

elkiedee · 14/10/2007 20:01

gmm, that is so scary, glad you managed to get it out.

Sexonlegs · 14/10/2007 20:07

Evening lovelies

Hope all is well.

Maveta, sorry you fell out with your dh today, but glad you made up too.
How is your dad btw?

Eddas, typical bloody men eh! Selective vision and selective hearing.

Elkie, hope D is ok. Could be teeth or maybe a virus. K an B had one a couple of weeks back and K had a temp of about 38.5 for a couple of days. She was fine with her milk etc but just a bit grizzly, mostly in the evening.

GMM, how scary for you both. Christ, good job you noticed so quickly and took action. I would have been a bloody wreck. Hope you are both ok.

I have to say, BLW doesn't appeal at all - each to their own, but not for us. Good old puree for the time being!

Luce, WP and GMM, glad you had a good time yesterday.

All ok here. DD's in bed, and dinner ready. No sodding wine tho!

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 20:30

hi sol
does your dh care about sa / argentina?

OP posts:
Eddas · 14/10/2007 20:31

GMM, how scary, I panic everytime dd has done that(about 3 times in all so not that often) luckily dh has always been on hand to rid her off offending naughty food item. I'm to gentle to get it out! Glad all was ok and well done for staying calm.

BLW not for me either as I would panic about choking constantly, whether people say it doesn't happen or not, I know from dd it does here and there. Had never heard of it with dd and TBH i am knida sticking to the same theories as I did with dd as they seemed to work for us, if it ain't broke and all that!

Gave ds a 7 months jar on sat(ikea give one free with a meal) thought i'd try it even though there's chunks. Didn't bat an eyelid just gulped it all down so once the jars in the cupboard are gone then I will probably just mash whatever we're having(leaving it a bit chunky) and he can have that. I will keep the odd jar for days out and emergency use, ie when we have something bad or a take awya

My boy's getting too big too quickly

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 20:35

t just spat a mouthful of milk over the floor

OP posts:
Sexonlegs · 14/10/2007 20:41

SMB, I am more bothered about the Rugby!! I want Argentina to win! Keep your fingers crossed!

Eddas, I am the same re BLW. I had never heard of it with B, and like you, I am pretty much doing what I did with her.

Feel quite sad that we won't have any more babies. Even dh said the other night that it seems sad we won't go through that experience again.

Tbh, I have loved every second of K. I am going to open up and say very guiltily, that I have a much greater bond with her than B. With B I used to dread her waking up; with K I can't wait for her to wake up. I feel so awful. I do honestly think looking back, that I had PND, but was too proud to acknowledge it. It also took me about a month to get over B's birth, and I really think it hampered things between us.
I feel awful admitting all this.

CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 20:54

No time to catch up, but buzzing in quick while sitting on bf's children! She had her 4th little one this morning at 4.02am, a gorgeous little boy, 7lb 12oz, all fine and dandy! DH has gone to see her while I sit on the other 3. Awwww, can't believe P was all small and scrunched up and sleepy like that only 5 months ago! Another friend is currently labouring with identical twin boys - should be born very soon - all extremely exciting!

Hopw is everyone else this evening??


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CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 20:56

SOL - It is good you are admitting it sweetie. xxxx

I absolutely adored my 1st, but my 2nd was such a nightmare baby, I can honestly say I am not v.sure I actually loved her for the 1st year of her life, I just sort of "looked after her" tbh - It took me a long time to truly "bond" with her - I love her to bits now though, she is completely yummy, cheeky and gorgeous ..... bloody hard work and challenging!!

Eddas · 14/10/2007 20:57

sol, i feel sad that ds will more than likely be the last, don't actually want to commit to it yet though hence moe than likely

It's really nice that you feel you can share your feelings with us. Please don't feel guilty about them. I feel bad that I seem to favour ds over dd, but I think it's an age thing. DD is such a handful now whereas at the moment ds really creates little bother.

You can't change your feelings and you are probably right that PND played a part. I too felt dd's birth was much worse than ds' and took a lot more out of me. I took me a few weeks to get back to normal(well normal ish) and with ds it was no time at all.

I also think that the first baby is such a shock. I couldn't believe I was responsible for her. Mad. I was very naive about having a baby and didn't realise how hard it would be.

With ds it's been so much easier as you have the experience of the first. Not that I rememebr too much but it does have a habit of flooding back just when you need to know something.

CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 20:59

Well put Eddas hon! 3rd is even more straight-forward (loathe to put "easier" though! )

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