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April 07 - where has our thread gone?

455 replies

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 09:48


OP posts:
Eddas · 14/10/2007 21:02

thanks cd, i'm not up for testing out the 3rd baby theories

CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 21:04

Two's a good number ..... I always said I would have two or four.... four it is then!!

CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 21:05

Friend's DH will be home in a mo so going to log off now, might pop in when I am back home! "See" you later .....

Eddas · 14/10/2007 21:07

rather you than me

I always said 2, then dh had a 'mad' moment and wanted more so i said it had to be 4 as I won't have 3. I'm one of 3

But we've both decided to stick with 2 unless we win the lottery, then i'll have a couple more but that's unlikely as we don't do the lottery!

Sexonlegs · 14/10/2007 21:07

Thanks Eddas and CD. MN is such a fab place to be able to air these thoughts.

CD, my friend (and midwife) had her dd2 on Monday, and like you, I couldn't believe that K was that size, in fact smaller, just 6 months ago. Scary, but so sweet!

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 21:31

Ooh Dippy congratulations to yuor friend

OP posts:
Sexonlegs · 14/10/2007 21:45

Where have all the April 2007 mummies gone???

I am off to bed.

See you lovelies tomorrow. xx

weepotion · 14/10/2007 21:54

oh gmm - thats awful. i got goosebumps reading it. hope you are ok now - it must have shaken you all up. is wee c ok now too? he probably got over it much quicker than you.
i think spb idea of scissors to hand is a good one. i though the other day what woudl happen is she choked. i have moved her to the bumbo for the time being but we arent really weaning yet - this weekend we will begin blw.
i was booked on an infant resusitation cours to allay fears (even though i used to be a first aider in night clubs and have done cpr twice!). cant go as dp has to work. it might be good to have it for the future.

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 22:10

T has just gone to bed
aaaargh so tired
SOL, sorry I assumed it was your DH was the rugby fan - it is in this ahouse
Right, off to bed in a sec, good night everyone

OP posts:
Gateau · 14/10/2007 22:20

weepotion, am just wondering, , areyou Scottish or Irish , by any chance?

tcmummy · 14/10/2007 22:27

hi everyone

Just popping in quicky. Have been really (far too) busy this week. AND T has just stopped sleeping. AHHHH... Dh & I are going round like zombies. AND I'm planning 2 huge parties on the same weekend and am doing so much mass catering/bulk cooking we've bought a chest freezer for the garage . I am seriously bonkers. So far I've made... 10 pots of onion jam, soup for 45, beef dopiaza for 10, chicken korma for 15, vegetarian red thai curry for 15 and icecream for 40. And I'm only half way. I'm going mad... and breathe...

We've also had 2 chocking incidents now. I'm not sure about blw . It is so scary when you have to whip them out the chair and get a lump of pear out their throat. So we're mainly on purees with the odd -highly supervised- bit of finger food.

T has cut his 1st tooth too! Which is very handy for sheering off a good chokeable-sized lump of food!

Hope you are all well. I seem to have missed all the action last night as usual! Is ellie ok, I saw someone say something about her going to a&e??

Leaky - hope baby eva is doing well.

SOL - I thought it's a positive thing that your experience of K has been better than B. If it was hard 1st time, it's good that this time it's better and also if you're stopping at 2 it leaves you with a positive final experience of having a baby. And in the end that can only be a benefit to B. A happy mummy makes happy kiddies and all that.

Very of all you lot who are meeting up. Why do I live in the middle of nowhere...

Can't remember anything else. Sorry for that babbling post!

CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 22:45

Hello - back again! Pumping for P's breakfast before going to bed.

Hi TCmummy! Eeeeek to choking incidences. .... and Eeeeek to all that catering, you are one very brave (and mad ) woman!! You go girl - Super Mum! I don't really live near anyone from this thread either....

CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 22:47

Ellie got driven into by some Bulgarian nutter who bearly spoke English yesterday - She was feeling all shaky and achey and we were all trying to encourage her to get checked out. Joe was in the car with her too and he is ok as far as I know.

weepotion · 14/10/2007 22:48

gateau - spot on! i am irish but live in scotland... why do you ask???

CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 22:58
CaptainDippy · 14/10/2007 22:59

Right. All pumped here so off to bed wih cup of tea nad chocolate fingers. Yum!

night lovely ladies. xxxx

SharpMolarBear · 15/10/2007 07:19

morning everyone

OP posts:
liath · 15/10/2007 08:05


OMG at the choking GMM, hope you're not too shaken up, well done for dealing with it so calmly.

Ds seems to be enjoying food so far, BLW a success from the point of view of him managing to feed himself. The thing is, most of it ends up smeared around which I suppose is the point but I've started giving porridge in the morning. It's a good concept but I don't think it's necessary to stick purely to finger foods.

Had one of those wseekends - fun on one level (went to zoo, had some good chats with DH) but also had some bad news as my cousin had a stroke ( as she's only 30) due to a brain haemorrhage, so we're waiting to see if she needs an operation .

Hope everyone is well, how is Eva doing, Leaky?

SharpMolarBear · 15/10/2007 08:27

oh no, sorry to hear about your cousin, when did it happen? What's the situation at the moment?

OP posts:
Sexonlegs · 15/10/2007 09:26

Morning ladies

Hope you and babes are well.

Liath, really sorry to hear about your cousin. What an awful shock. And so young.

Need to get on, back later. xx

nappynuttynormabutty · 15/10/2007 09:36


at the choking incident GMM. Think I'd have panicked.

Liath, so sorry about your cousin.

Bit of a bad night here, Erin woke at 11.30pm and wouldn't settle for an hour. Then up again (don't know what time) for maybe 10 mins. Then I think she was up fairly early too - I never heard her tho cos I was fast asleep

SharpMolarBear · 15/10/2007 09:38

Is she OK this morning nutty? How are you?

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nappynuttynormabutty · 15/10/2007 09:45

Hi SMB, she's fine this morning. I'm tired but ok. It's just annoying cos she's such a good sleeper usually.

SharpMolarBear · 15/10/2007 09:48

t hasn't been sleeping well either but we think his routine's been messed up, he's been going to bed late and then waking up at half 5/6 and not really going back to sleep.
He also vomited again this morning, I'm fairly happy there's nothing wrong but I think I'm going to post a quesion in Health.
I'm neurotic!
Was thinking about you yesterday - MIL was telling me how cute DH and BIL looked in reusable nappies! (when they were babies of course )

OP posts:
leakyR · 15/10/2007 09:57


at choking GMM. Glad you managed to stay calm. I went to a baby show yesterday but unfortunately missed the first aid demo. Nice lady said to give her a call and she'll come along to baby group for free and do it again.

Sorry about your cousin Liath.

Eva is much the same, they are gradually reducing the medication that prevents seizures and so far she has not had another. She's sleeping the right amount for a week old baby and is more alert when awake than previously. SIL managed to give her 2 bfs yesterday which is real progress as she has been having all feeds through a tube. Just waiting for MRI results on Thursday which will tell more about damage and what to do next. SIL says the waiting and constant fear of a relapse make things difficult. I think they're coping amazingly well.

Have to be domestic goddess today as agent coming to value flat tomorrow. I know the value is not based on the cleanliness, but it will make me feel better if it's tidy. So switching laptop off and not logging on again until this evening. We'll see!

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