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April 07 - where has our thread gone?

455 replies

SharpMolarBear · 14/10/2007 09:48


OP posts:
nappynuttynormabutty · 18/10/2007 15:07

I think some of hte stuff that got caught up in the strike is taking longer to get through than stuff that was sent out once it finished. I've had a couple of bits that were sent at the start of the strike arrive at the same time as stuff sent really recently but there's still and odd bit I'm waiting for from during the strike iyswim.

kneehighinnappies · 18/10/2007 16:09

Hi, Now come on ladies do I or do I not have the worst luck?
After I posted on what ever day it was, saying dh and z were ill things went down hill.
Dh swallowed a whole bottle of nightnurse and knocked himself out, I was then up the entire night looking after z who couldn't breathe and couldn't sleep.
Then yesterday I woke got up and felt like I had slept funny cause my shoulder was sore, anyway as the day progressed the pain got worse and worse, Dh came home early to pick dd1 up to give me a break, I was upstaris on the bed unable to move and i couldn't breathe properly due to a massive pain in my chest, so dh had to carry me to the car, pack the kids up aand off to A & E.
Aparently i have some sort of "virus" that is attacking ym whole sodding body, making me very very sore, but on the bright side they have given me some very very strog pain killers.
but they make me feel very very drowsey,which is not good as last night dh nocked himself out again, and i was up and down the stairs seeing to l z and f, who all have the flu now.
So i haven't slept in 2 days and am on drowsey making tablets so forgive me if i

fall asleep
why is it none of my kids sleep at the same time?

kneehighinnappies · 18/10/2007 16:11

on a brighter note we got the keys to the new house yesterday!

elkiedee · 18/10/2007 16:16

sol and smb, hope your ebay stuff reaches you soon. I'm typing one handed a lot today, struggling not to lose it as baby unhappy and it feels sometimes like I can't do much to help with whatever's troubling him (think teething) - stepping out with the buggy has worked a bit - the park and up and down the street. I'm so scared of losing it at the moment. Hoping DP comes home in a good mood and not in one where he just grizzles at me too....

elkiedee · 18/10/2007 16:18

khin I'm sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon.

And tell dh to go easy on the night nurse, I don't remember what it has in it but I'm sure using a whole bottle at a time isn't a good idea!

NorthernLurker · 18/10/2007 16:19

Hi elkie - its so hard when they're like that - have you tried calpol?

SharpMolarBear · 18/10/2007 16:24

KHIN do they know what kind of virus it is? Sorry to hear you're having a rough time, you do seem to be having a rough time at the moment. You too elkie, hope D is happier soon. T has also been screaming all afternoon, don't know what's wrong. He did fall off the bed earlier but has been like this since well before then

OP posts:
VamPesha · 18/10/2007 16:38

Haven't caught up at all yet but just posting while I'e got chance.

D has a really bad cough bless him, sounds awful - just like a ratchet (the ones they use for changing car tyres in garages!) and you can hear it all in his chest as he breaths and talks. He keeps doing the most pitiful, pathetic little cry and its heartbreaking, it sounds so desperately sad Last night he was in bed with me all night feeding constantly for comfort and cos I think its abit soothing for him too. But I am shattered. Took him to dr but theres no infection so we have just hae to keep on with the calpol and cuddles!

And my poor big stupid dog is poorly too. He's being kept overnight at vets for obs and has a drip and anti-emetics cos he has been being sick since tues morn. They're doing blood tests to look for signs of infection and pancreatitis. If its not that he'll have to have x rays to look for obstructions. Is costing a fortune!

kneehighinnappies · 18/10/2007 16:56

elkie- I feel for you sweety I really do, just hang in there, hope your dp is in a good mood it never helps when they come home in a bad mood does it.

SMB- don't know what type of virus it is, i think virus is just a lable they stick on things that they can't diagnose

CaptainDippy · 18/10/2007 18:32

Only got time to pop in briefly, but {{{{{KHIN}}}}}} Praying you are better really soon - not easy for you with 3 very little ones who are not 100% themselves. xxxxxxxxxxx

MurderousMaveta · 18/10/2007 18:47

sorry to hear of all the poorly babies and mummies.. khin that sounds awful you poor thing, hope you get through this quickly and on to enjoying the new house (glad you have some good news to cheer you up).

Elkie and SMB - sending you calm happy baby vibes.. make sure they hit your babies when they arrive

Vampesha - that sounds really sad, poor D..N is a little bit ´coldy´ these days, I can hear he´s got a snotty nose and am just hoping it stops there and doesn´t turn in to more. He wasn´t half snoring during his napy earlier

I just did some spontaneous EC-ing I went through to check on N and see if he was looking any more ready for bed and heard his tummy do a big rumble and thought ´aaaahh ok, now I know what you´re waiting for..´ picked him up, off to the loo and put him on his change mat, nappy off and was holding his legs up trying to help him poo when I thought, hold on... so just picked him up and held him over the loo and let him go in there Yay N!! It was still a bit messy because of course once I laid him down again and wiped his bum he had the customary afterthought but still.. was quite impressed with our joint effort

leakyR · 18/10/2007 19:18

Haven't caught up properly so excuse me if I've missed anyone out.

KHIN sound like you're having an awful time. I hope the whole family gets well soon.

Those with unhappy babies have my sympathies.

Mine is sooo grizzly. Have been trying to sleep train him for the last 2 nights(have I already told you this? Sleep deprived) he wakes every 2 hours wanting a feed during the night, usually between 2 and 6am I either fall asleep feeding him or he kicks off when I put him back in the cot so comes back to bed with me. Tue and Wed night I resolved to try and drop his 2am feed, settling him with water and/or dummy (hates it). Tue night we had more than 2 hrs screaming followed less than an hour sleep but he stayed in the cot. Last night much the same except at 4.30 DH pleaded with me to bring G to bed as he was so tired.So it's 1-1. Wonder how tonight will go?

Eva's MRI results were inconclusive so she has had another EEG today - results tomorrow.
She passed all the physical tests which measure damage to the brain and had her feeding tube removed yesterday and is bfing well SIL and BIL hoping to bring her home at the weekend if the news is good tomorrow She's 2 weeks old today and has been through so much already.

NorthernLurker · 18/10/2007 19:30

Hi Leaky - will be thinking and praying for Eva and you all tomorrow. It does sound like things are going better doesn't it - bfeeding well is great news and it will be marvellous if they can have her home soon.

liath · 18/10/2007 19:38

Good luck tonight, Leaky & such good new that Eva is feeding well & likely to get home soon .

Sorry that there are so many poorly babies & mummies, it's that time of year isn't it? Yuk. Dd has a really grotty chesty cough but at least it means she's so tired she goes to bed early....

I'm going to try and make Cornish Pasties tomorrow - my 92 year old grandfather is on a quest to find pasties like his mum used to make. Granny's are "too middle class" apparently and Waitrose and M&S definitely not up to scratch so I thought I'd have a bash .

oooggs · 18/10/2007 19:44

wow lesley good news on Eva

KHIN - fantastic news on the keys but not so good you are all feeling crap

mammyjo - mil is ok

have been to an 'art auction' this afternoon at the nursery and the parents all bid for their children (or others) art works, some of the staff were posing as art collectors so were bidding as well. I paid £12 for James' and it is really good (but green, don't like green much) will photograph it tomorrow and put on profile. The most expensive was £22 and the cheapest £5. It was to raise money for the Bright Horizons charity and the childrens Christmas Party. It was good fun and dts were angels throughout

who was decorating a girls room in pink and was going to post photos when finished????? mammyjo?? sol??? emmymummy?????? I can't remember and it must be finished and I would like to see please x

MurderousMaveta · 18/10/2007 19:45

leaky - sorry you are all going to be kept waiting longer for test results but everything else sounds really positive.. fingers crossed it´s smooth sailing from here on in

liath - lol at ´middle class pasties´ good luck! My mum makes wicked pasties but can´t comment on their socioeconomic status

oooggs · 18/10/2007 19:45

wow Liath a 'cornish pasty' we live on 'em down 'ere good luck

Sexonlegs · 18/10/2007 20:00

Evening all.

Sorry there seem to be lots of ill/grizzly babies atm. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

Leaky, that sounds so positive about Eva. Fingers crossed for the next results.

KHIN, you have the most awful luck you poor thing. Hope you are all feeling better soon. Night Nurse is a nightamre. I only take hald of the recommended dose as it is, cos it makes me feel like a zombie (more than usual!)!

Have had a manic day today. Had to go to work today and take the girls with me. Fortunately they were fab. Drove like a maniac to get to School for lunch time, got back home, grabbed lunch, did some work, went to pick B up, went into town to buy her some disco shoes, came home, gave them both tea and then headed back to school for B's school disco! Now back and enjoying wine!

The house is a tip, and dh is being a pita. He is on a course this week, so every evening he is catching up with real work and does eff all in the house. .

And relax.

Hope you are all well. xx

mammyjo · 18/10/2007 20:05

Evening all. Oooggs, not me with the pink nursery although I do keep hinting at dh that I want it painted!!

Leaky, glad to hear Eva is improving. Hope the EEG results are good too xxx

Liath, best of luck with your quest!! Have you tried the Nigella recipe? I think she has a cornish pasty one in her book (may be wrong though!).

KHIN, you are having a nightmare of it arent you. Hope that the virus buggers off quickly and you all start to feel better xxx

Elkie, how is D now? Hope he has settled for you.

F has been a right misery guts today. Just whinging and grizzling all day. Thankfully she is asleep now so I can have some peace and quiet

oooggs · 18/10/2007 20:06

I want to see photos of the pink nursery - who was it?????????

VamPesha · 18/10/2007 20:06

Leaky - glad things are looking up for little Eva

Vet rang earlier with blood tests results ( D's blood results took 3 weeks but the dogs are same day ) and no sign of infection but enzyme, bilirubin and some other levels are very high so is liver problem. Vet going to ring specialist, hoping its something that could just pass on its own poss hepatitis or virus thing but could be a lot worse. Worried bout my poor doggy, he looked sooo ill earlier was lying on kitchen floor shaking at one point , but also, and I know it seems heartless, but I cant help worrying about how much its gonna be. I used to be eligible for pdsa help but haven't been since april and been meaning to get pet insurance but was just putting it off till we weren't quite so skint. We're already looking at £170 and thats just drip, anti-emetics, tests and his stay there so before he's even had any treatment. And it's mine and dd's birthdays in november then christmas.

Oh yeah and csa money from dds dad is going down cos they've finally taken his other daughter into account and because they've taken so long they're taking all the overpayment off nov and decs payments. And hes taken a job for £16500, about 10k less than what hewas on, because he 'didnt like the way they were treating him' Despite having moved 4 hours away just because of the job apparently (although coincidentally its just minutes away from all his and his wife's extended family ). Had big argument on phone the other day, he doesn't see why he should only pay slightly less for dd now he's got another kid. Doesn't seem to realise that she doesnt get cheaper or need less things just cos hes had more kids, now we've got 3 kids we've had to increase our income and cut back on extras to pay for it, not start depriving the kids we'e already got and certainly not taking a 10k pay drop ffs Although the wife has now gone back to work so wouldn't be suprised if they're actually better off but csa only look at his money.

On plus side cant remember if I said but i got the job at the school - yay! - just have to wait for crb checks then I start. But now starting to worry its not gonna be enough.

Sorry for crap moany self absorbed post - feeling bit stressed today, sorry.

oooggs · 18/10/2007 20:07

I might have been Ange and she is away!


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mammyjo · 18/10/2007 20:07

Hi SOL Enjoy the wine and r-e-l-a-x

mammyjo · 18/10/2007 20:12

Pesha, its not heartless at all. It is a real worry when your pet is sick and, unfortunately, the money is normally the main issue. I would be the same, despite how much I love my dog. Sorry to hear about the money for dd too On the plus side, congrats about the job!!

oooggs · 18/10/2007 20:24

sorry pesha I x posts at dds' dad and hurrah at new job. Sorry about dog

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