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August/ September 2019 babies #2

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kyles101 · 24/11/2019 01:25

Thread number 2 for our August / September 2019 due date babies.

DS is having a regression on nighttime sleep since moving over to combi - seems to want to wale at 1am whereas before would always go through until 3am...

OP posts:
Geegrl19 · 22/03/2020 11:24

@dyra hope you enjoyed your lay in! Happy mother's day everyone. Is not mother's day in Oz till May

No idea how long the shutdown will go. Supposed to be information in the morning on what is essential and what's not. People been panic buying at the bottle shops as they think they're going to close!

The directive is to stay home, but don't think it's a lockdown yet like Italy. I have no problem staying home, I'm antisocial anyway! I do however need to find bloody fish tank filters. Tried to get them today and sold out. Got to try somewhere different tomorrow otherwise dd's goldfish will be a victim of corona. Managed to keep the bloomin thing alive for 18 months, he can't go out like this!

iano · 22/03/2020 18:31

Happy Mother's Day!

Geegrl19 · 25/03/2020 04:20

Hi everyone. Hope everyone is safe. Are you guys on a total lockdown now, in that you're not allowed to leave your houses? Can't imagine were far from that here. Anxious times.

happydays00 · 25/03/2020 06:58

Hey @Geegrl19 how are you holding up? We're allowed to leave our house for one session of exercise a day, to go to the supermarket, visit a vulnerable person or for a medical need.

Having gone to the supermarket yesterday and seen families of 3 or 4 out doing their shopping together I suspect there will be more stringent restrictions still to come as people still don't seem to get it 🤦🏼‍♀️

Dyra · 25/03/2020 08:33

I can see more stringent measures coming in too.

The "public gathering ban of more than 2 people, unless you're of the same household" definitely needs more clarification. I imagine the families of 3/4 at your supermarket the other day thought they were ok under that rule. But I don't think it's intended for inside buildings where it's tough enough to maintain distance as it is.

At least the weather is nice.

Geegrl19 · 25/03/2020 10:42

@happydays00 I feel anxious which is horrible as I'm not normally like that! Is my birthday today and have to say it's probably the worst one I've had Such uncertain times. Still at work but not sure how long that'll carry on. Want the boss to lock the office door now which I planted the seed and will push for tomorrow. I work for a crim law firm so don't need our clients breathing anywhere near me! Reckon I wash my hands so much I could be a scrub nurse 🤣.

Poor Nate developed another cold and conjunctivitis over the weekend. Hold off sending your babies to daycare for as long as you can cos the germs are out of control there!

Megan2018 · 25/03/2020 11:02

Felicity may have “it” , has had high temp since Sun night. Lots of horrible green poo nappies and this morning projectile sick. 111 say self care at home unless bad enough for 999. So scary.
Obviously that’s us both in for 14 days at least.
Hang in there everyone!

Geegrl19 · 25/03/2020 11:26

@megan2018 oh no, how worrying. Thinking of you both, and hoping she doesn't get worse ☹️

Horehound · 25/03/2020 11:55

Oh god @Megan2018 hope she recovers quickly. Poor you!

Dyra · 25/03/2020 15:48

Happy birthday @Geegrl19! Hopefully you can celebrate it properly later in the year. At the very least, go out for a meal.

Oh no @Megan2018! Your poor little love. Wishing you good health and that the coming fortnight passes quickly and uneventfully.

Littlehouseinthebigcity · 26/03/2020 11:27

@Megan2018 sorry to hear that, hope she gets better fast and none of you come down with anything!!
Is anyone else still struggling with sleep!? She's waking 3/4/5 times a night and I don't know why! She feeds and resettles which I'm grateful for but can't believe she actually needs to feed that much in the night!! I'm so tired and obviously getting no rest from the toddler now and trying very hard not to let lack of sleep affect our interactions 🙈

happydays00 · 28/03/2020 20:41

@Megan2018 hope your little one is doing better?

@Littlehouseinthebigcity we're 50/50 with the sleep, DS will either sleep from approx 7pm to 5:30am (then back to sleep in my bed) or will sleep 7pm to 3ish, have a feed and a faff about them sleep until 5:30 (then back to sleep in my bed). DS is 7.5months and eating 3 solid meals a day plus about 4 bottles so I have no idea what he's up to 🤷‍♀️

Geegrl19 · 29/03/2020 05:50

@Littlehouseinthebigcity our sleep is still shocking. Nate will sleep if I'm lucky from 7.30 to midnight. Then he feeds 3 hourly pretty much on the dot and more often than not ends up in my bed. He is refusing any foods in the day, won't take a spoon and if I give him finger food he just gags and chokes and has been known to spew. So he's pretty much just having milk. Going to chat to the health visitor as they're quite good here. Hopefully they're still taking phone calls. I don't think it's helped that he's been constantly ill sinlce starting day care and I've had to be forcing antibiotics down his throat too. My dd1 was a nightmare with food and he's proving even worse.

He also still has a phlegmy cough which gets bad at night. He's full on choking on his phlegm. So gross. He ended up spewing on me last night. So over everything 😒

@Megan2018 how are you both doing?

Dyra · 30/03/2020 21:39

@Megan2018 How're you and Felicity doing? Hope she's gotten better and nothing got passed on.

@Geegrl19 One day Nate will give you the break you so richly deserve. Hope he's all recovered from his cough now.

How's everyone doing? I'm just wishing it's all over before our LOs' first birthdays. Somehow cabin fever hasn't set in yet. It's weird. Back in the pre-baby days I would have been perfectly happy, when not at work, staying at home all day every day reading books and playing computer games. Now... I miss my baby groups.

Megan2018 · 31/03/2020 09:46

Hi all, Felicity back to normal, she had a temp and was not herself for 3 days. She responded to Nurofen though (only have a bit of Calpol left so saving it). But I think she probably was affected by the Norovirus that my DH and I had rather than Corona! She had very dodgy nappies, although that can be a symptom of Corona in babies I think. We are doing 14 days self isolation as required, 7 days in and nothing noted in us yet.
Getting anxious about jobs and finances. I don’t go back until Sept but it doesn’t seem certain that we will be back. I can’t rent out my house due to lockdown (current tenants move in April) and that is meant to be funding my unpaid mat leave. DH’s job is not secure either. Scary. Have applied for mortgage holidays so they will help.

We’ve almost cracked sitting unaided, she started sitting ages ago but didn’t seem to get any less wobbly but something is clicking now and she can lean right forward to pick something up and pull herself back up again.
Weaning is slow as we are low on suitable food so just doing 1 or 2 meals a day for now. She had her first pasta last night which went down well. Breakfast is usually my crusts!

Geegrl19 · 31/03/2020 10:05

@dyra. Been going for long walks here. Don't think our restrictions quite as tight as yours at the mo but still being sensible and only going for walks. No more trips to Kmart for a while, so sad! Still feeling paranoid though as there is a long way to go. Even if distancing works, it will still have to go on for ages otherwise we'll be back to square one I imagine.

Geegrl19 · 31/03/2020 10:07

Glad you are all feeling better @Megan2018. Must be a relief 😊

Dyra · 31/03/2020 11:22

@Megan2018 Really glad you and Felicity are ok. I was hoping it was a tummy bug (never thought I'd say that) rather than the 'Rona. I really didn't know about dodgy nappies being a symptom. Good job on the sitting Felicity! Weaning wise I'm taking solace that Alice is getting the vast majority of her calories from breast milk still. If I can't provide appropriate solids for a meal or two, she can make up for it with extra feeds.

@Geegrl19 We can get out for a walk every day. It's more the social aspect of baby groups I'm missing. I never got anyone's number before the world went mad(der). Not too interested in online groups. DH has helped out by getting me Disney+. The loneliness is lessened when DuckTales is on the telly. 😄

happydays00 · 31/03/2020 12:58

That's good news @Megan2018 . We're in a fairly shite situation re money and financial stability too: DH is self employed but above the £50k cut off for support, I'm a ltd company and don't rely on dividends as I declare all money made but because of 2 x maternity leaves in the last 3 years my 80% would be around £500 p/m. We're fine for about 3-4 months but after that the pot is going to start to run very dry. Especially as it looks like DDs nursery is going to try and charge whilst they're not there.

DS has mastered a very unique style of crawling.. it's a real mix of a shuffle and a belly flop 😂

db92 · 31/03/2020 19:13

coronavirus has changed plans here too. DP is self employed and while he will get support, that won't be until atleast June and we can't manage on just SMP until then.

As a key worker I've had the opportunity to go back to work early and on a full time contract for a few months until DP can work again.

Started back to work yesterday and while I am working from home, it's still odd.

Abit sad really as we had lots of lovely plans for our last 6 weeks of maternity leave. But I know I am very lucky to be in the position to be able to go back to work with DP now at home with E.

Glad Felicity is feeling better Megan.

We are now properly sitting and trying to crawlZ he hasn't quite worked out how to hold his top and bottom half just yet so there's been abit of shuffling along with his bum in the air!

Stroan · 31/03/2020 21:24

Just spotted that this thread is almost full, so here's a shiny new one.

Will be back with more to say when DS stops wriggling on me...

KnobJockey · 01/04/2020 13:57

@happydays00 if you take a look at the gov guidance, then it says if an employee's wages are varied (which I would class maternity leave as), then you can use the higher of either 80% of an average of 19/20 wages, or the same month last year
It's lower down at the end of the link, and obviously depends how you interpret it, but by my reckoning maternity leave means my pay is varied from my usual salary when I get back, so I am entitled to claim for 80% of March 19 salary. Would that change your entitlement?

Please bear in mind this is my interpretation!


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macrametoran · 27/06/2020 12:50

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elldra27 · 19/08/2020 19:46

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