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August/ September 2019 babies #2

999 replies

kyles101 · 24/11/2019 01:25

Thread number 2 for our August / September 2019 due date babies.

DS is having a regression on nighttime sleep since moving over to combi - seems to want to wale at 1am whereas before would always go through until 3am...

OP posts:
Stroan · 25/11/2019 17:26

@kyles101 I was under the same pressure to stop BF. I'm a great believer now in looking at the bigger picture - were you happy with how things were going? Was DS happy? Plenty of wet and dry nappies?

For what it's worth, even after giving DD a lot more formula, she still didn't gain as quickly as they wanted her too. She was happy, very active and really alert. Her weight didn't really stabilise until she had solids. Every baby is different and trying to make them for a line is stupid.

kyles101 · 25/11/2019 18:32

@yevans thanks. I think I read similar somewhere but not sure I've ever noticed it in reality with other peopobabies but I suppose you don't take as much notice

OP posts:
happydays00 · 25/11/2019 19:35

I've found you all again! @Stroan - how is little one doing now! DS was admitted for bronchiolitis last week, it's so sad seeing them so poorly! All better now but does seem to be picking up a cold every few days which is super frustrating!

Geegrl19 · 25/11/2019 20:29

@kyles101 they are very supportive here of BF, but not pushing either if you feed the other way. Sorry it is impacting your enjoyment of this time. Can you offer more feeds to him throughout the day so as to not affect your supply too much? I remember stesssing over Nate's weight gain in the first few weeks, not pleasant.

Ugh, got get up now and do school run, joy!

kyles101 · 25/11/2019 20:38

Usually I'm pretty stubborn but I just don't have the energy to constantly worry. He's always been super alert and wet nappies as they should be. To me he just looks slight. Ah well he's filling out now, we have some chubby rolls coming... no doubt he'll be overweight soon 🙄 if we can keep some bf sessions going for at least a few more months I'll be ecstatic.

On a more positive note aren't they getting so much fun - usually anyway- he's been a proper grumpy so and so today 🙄 baby massage turned into baby cuddles.

OP posts:
Littlehouseinthebigcity · 25/11/2019 22:28

@yevans We had our 8 week jabs (a week late) today too! She's been grumpy or feeding ever since so I'd gratefully take sleepy! Did you have any issues booking in your next ones? My doctors were insistent it had to be 4 weeks but only have emergency appointments available Christmas week! 🙈

yevans · 25/11/2019 22:42

@Littlehouseinthebigcity sleepy didn't last unfortunately...we had very upset most of this evening!! That sounds a bit daft. My doctor's is great and they operate a drop in every Monday from 9-11 for all the vaccinations so you just turn up on the right week and it's first come first serve, so no appointment needed!

Geegrl19 · 25/11/2019 23:38

@kyles101 as long as you're comfortable with where you're at that's the main thing. Gotta love the chubby rolls 😄

Megan2018 · 26/11/2019 07:56

So we had our first night sleeping through (11-6) but alas it is due to her having her first cold Sad. I had huge boobs this morning, she had a big feed and then basically threw up all over herself, most sick we’ve ever had. I think she may have just had too much in one go though.
She seems happy in herself, very smiley this morning and no fever. But I think we’ll have a couple of quiet days at home. Yesterday we were at Music Bugs then out for lunch and she didn’t get much sleep in the day.

Geegrl19 · 26/11/2019 12:20

Sorry to hear she's not well @Megan2018. So horrid when they have a cold. It looks like so much milk too when they throw up, but like you say, sounds like she might have had too much

Horehound · 26/11/2019 16:03

Hi everyone. Sorry to hear your baby is Ill Megan :(

I'm worried about Arthur. He seems to be putting his hands in his head Alot. He doesn't have a temp though and doesn't seem to be irritated being put down or lifted. Here are some examples. What do you think?

August/ September 2019 babies #2
August/ September 2019 babies #2
August/ September 2019 babies #2
DustyDoorframes · 26/11/2019 16:45

@Horehound I really wouldn't worry, that's totally normal. If he was sore he'd be crying. He's a cutie!!

Stroan · 26/11/2019 16:50

@horehound looks like he's found his head and likes exploring it! If he doesn't seem upset, I wouldn't worry.

DS is permanently surprised that he has hair, loves to stroke it!

Horehound · 26/11/2019 17:04

Thanks both.
I just had HV round completely forgot she was coming! She said the same especially as he isn't upset.

Yes dusty I think he's very cute too hehe x

db92 · 26/11/2019 17:51

He really is a cutie @Horehound.

Is anyone little one (bottle fed) vary how much they take each feed? DS hasn't finished his bottles consistently in weeks and the last few days has had feeds where he's only taken an ounce! The next feed he'll then take 3 or 4. He's gaining weight as he should be but I can't help but be worried.

kyles101 · 26/11/2019 20:21

@Horehound what a cutie pie! Deffo agree that he's just going his head and is exploring. William is always very surprised by his willie in the bath!

@db92 yep, William varies now he's being combi fed. I don't worry about it, judge more over the course of the day than individual bottles. And if he's gaining and weeing I deffo would t worry about it.

OP posts:
Lavellan · 27/11/2019 16:20

So here's a fun preggo side effect - I've just been to podiatrist and had a pyogenic granuloma (!) cut off my foot. Basically a little bunch of capillaries. Rare he said. More common in pregnancy. Of course it bloody is, what isn't? It's the gift that just keeps giving!

Lavellan · 27/11/2019 16:21

I should say "after effect" there, not preg again. No thanks. Confused

DustyDoorframes · 27/11/2019 16:29

Ha ha @Lavellan was about to congratulate you there! I'll congratulate you on your delightful op instead...

kyles101 · 27/11/2019 17:37

Oooh I wonder who the first will be?? My mum was again by 10/11 weeks with her third. I briefly thought the other day "oh I miss being pregnant"

DS had 12 week jab today. Definitely wasn't as bad as the 8 week but he's been sleepy and his little bottom lip keeps going. Health visitor tomorrow to check his weight, actually looking forward to this one as I can tell he's put on so much! Those foul smelling poos must have some positive.

OP posts:
Megan2018 · 27/11/2019 18:26

I miss being pregnant but there will be no number 2 here Sad

But I think 2 would be a nightmare for me anyway! Blush

Littlehouseinthebigcity · 27/11/2019 20:26

I do not miss being pregnant! Would love a number 3 (and Dh is very keen) but considering I've had HG both times I think it's safe to assume I'd have it again and really don't fancy another 8 months of being completely incapacitated! Several people have told me how nice it is to see me looking well again. And considering how little sleep I'm getting that's saying a lot 🙈


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KnobJockey · 27/11/2019 21:48

Definitely no here too! 1 teen and 1 baby is more than enough.

Dyra · 27/11/2019 23:26

I definitely want another, but the implant is staying in my arm for a year or two.

I want DD in nursery first. But who knows if there'll still be free nursery hours then. Let alone if I can get a place.

yevans · 28/11/2019 08:31

We are already talking about no.2 but would like to wait until first is around 1 before trying I think! I'm 23 and have always wanted to have my kids quite young if I can!

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