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August/ September 2019 babies #2

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kyles101 · 24/11/2019 01:25

Thread number 2 for our August / September 2019 due date babies.

DS is having a regression on nighttime sleep since moving over to combi - seems to want to wale at 1am whereas before would always go through until 3am...

OP posts:
THATscurryfungeBITCH · 17/03/2020 07:05

I am going to go in shops today and see if i can pick any up

There was some stage 2 stuff online and he is 6 months so if need be i can put him on that i suppose

Think i will knock his bottles down to 7oz as he rarely finishes 8 and every oz may count at this rate Sad

Being home with the small children is not worrying me as much as the hormonal 12 year old Blush

Stroan · 17/03/2020 08:40

All of our groups and classes are cancelled, except baby sensory. Including all of DDs. I'm fully expecting nursery to close soon too.

I'm trying to stay positive and think about what I can do in the house and garden while we are all stuck at home. But DH is now fully working from home and I feel like he is invading my maternity leave! So irrational.

Hope you get sorted for milk @thatscurryfungebitch what a worry. I can't believe people are hoarding it, knowing that it might stop people finding some. It's awful.

Dyra · 17/03/2020 12:32

Woke up to the news that all local baby groups are cancelled. Sad Already bored out of my gourd. Probably going to go for a daily walk and just keep our distance from everyone. Hopefully the weather will brighten up again and we can do some garden time.

@THATscurryfungeBITCH It's dreadful all the hoarding of formula. A friend of mine with month old twins also on Cow & Gate can't get any for love nor money. Keeping an eye out for some for her, but she's also been given the advice of trying to get some through a pharmacy order.

@Geegrl19 Good to hear Nate is perking up! How crappy for your cousin and their husband. I hope they get as much as they can refunded. I love F1 (though never giving money to Sky) and it's looking like 2020 is going to be a bit of a bust.

KnobJockey · 17/03/2020 18:22

Try places like superdrug or local pharmacy, or smaller stores like asda express if you've got one nearby. Supermarkets have been empty here, but the smaller shops are find.

THATscurryfungeBITCH · 18/03/2020 07:09

Made the decision to move ds up onto 6month+ formula. Obviously HV say they dont need to change but i have the option of putting him on it someone with a newborn does not. My friend had to visit 6 supermarkets to find milk for her 5 week old Sad

yevans · 18/03/2020 07:48

I'm been driven mad by a roller here. She's learnt to roll onto her belly but can't get back again so screams at me to turn her back again... Desperately hoping she learns front to back soon!!

THATscurryfungeBITCH · 18/03/2020 07:54

We have started having to use a babygate for babyDECAF as he can escape the living room Shock

iano · 18/03/2020 07:59

Anyone else having to self isolate?

db92 · 18/03/2020 08:20

Hey all, just checking in. Hope everyone's well with what's going on at the moment.

Update on E: we've managed to wean back into regular formula now and it seems to be perfect timing as nutramigen was difficult enough to get before the world went crazy!
He's mastered rolling in both directions and is sitting pretty confidently on his own now. Can last a good 5 minutes before toppling over. Seems like he wasn't doing much but then did loads all in one week. Weaning is going well and he's loving food.

We live in a county with pretty high numbers of cases so we've chosen to accept we need to 'social distance'. E and I are staying home unless absolutely necessary while DP continues to be able to go to work.
We'll get out the house for short walks when the weathers nice enough to stop us going stir crazy.

We have two family members (separate households) having to self isolate so it's all coming very close to home now

Horehound · 18/03/2020 08:57

We are just social distancing. Arthur has had a cold for a week and a half now although today he seems a lot better. I'm glad I managed to see my granny and parents before the bee advice came into play. Won't see then for a while now :(
I was really enjoying getting out more and now I'm concerned I'm Gona go a bit stir crazy here but I'll just have to go walking around the village and country tracks more.

He's started to crawl, we noticed yesterday he was making attempts and then this morning he really has upped his crawling activity so I think we will be needing eyes in the back of our heads soon!
Weaning really well, too. Yesterday he picked up and ate two batons of cheddar cheese and a soft biscotty thing. I spoon feed purée veg and fruit so he's getting a really good variety and he hasn't turned his nose up at anything yet.

DH has been classed as mandatory on site for his work. Be works in big pharma so you can imagine it's all gone a bit crazy right now.

I went to Tesco last night and the shelves were empty! Luckily I actually have a good freezer stick if vegetables and meat so we are in a good position but I really needed eggs and there were none! Well there were two packets from cages hens but I'm not buying those. Poor hens.

Even though hes only waking once max two times in the night and sleeping for longer stretches I feel really really tired. Not sure why Confused

Hope everyone keeps safe and well!

KnobJockey · 18/03/2020 10:05

We're isolating here.

Had flu like aches and pains the day before yesterday, sore throat, and last night and this morning a fluctuating high temp- not staying hot though. Very, very sporadic cough. Eldest started with a sore throat last night, fluctuating temp this morning but doesn't feel feverish, and again very sporadic cough (that could well be psychosomatic, she only does it if someone else coughs). DP has a sore throat, general feeling of rubbishness, but doesn't believe that it's likely to be Corona in this area- we've only heard of 9 confirmed cases in our very large council District. Indie seemed a bit unwell 2 days ago, runny bum and not feeling well, whingy, but no cough or temp.

DP is a bit worried that it's not Corona, just a virus, we self isolate, then we actually get Corona later on and the time off work will be unpaid for that or won't be able to self isolate then. Anyone know what happens for that? As they're not testing, we've no way of knowing.

iano · 18/03/2020 19:25

We have similar symptoms here @KnobJockey
Not sure if this is IT. Only the baby has been ill so far. It's been strange everyone being home and having to entertain the toddler. We packed so much into today he didn't watch any telly. Going to run out of activities 🤣

Megan2018 · 18/03/2020 20:10

We are self isolating although I am 99% sure not Corona.
I am 27 hours into the worst stomach bug ever. Completely grim and worse than labour. Throwing up whilst baby latched and pooing myself is a new low!!!
I have a temp though, been high 38’s to low 39’s throughout. I’m sure it’s Norovirus or similar but obvs can’t risk it.
This is so hard with a baby!!

Dyra · 18/03/2020 20:12

@yevans Here's hoping she masters front to back soon!

@THATscurryfungeBITCH Wowsers. He's learnt from his older brothers and sister how to move fast.

@Horehound Another early crawler. Wow. This cohort really want to go places. Literally. My local supermarket is entirely out of eggs and bread as well as all the other things that're out of stock everywhere else. Never before have I wanted scrambled eggs on toast so badly......

@KnobJockey and @iano Sad Hope you and all your families feel better soon.

We're social distancing. I can't not go out. Worst comes to the worst, I will strap Alice into her pushchair and do laps of the back garden.

Otherwise, weaning is going well. Most of it is still hitting the floor, but she gives it a good go. Starting to work on fruit now, which is giving me an excellent excuse to go out every day to buy some. Movement, if she's on her front, she pushes herself backwards with her arms. On her back, she pushes herself forwards with her legs. Either way, it's very frustrating for her, as it's never the direction she wants to go. She's amazing at sitting, and now she's discovered her feet, it's her favourite thing to do.

Geegrl19 · 19/03/2020 00:30

@yevans Nate still not figured how to roll from front to back but been doing the other way for ages. He pushes up onto his knees now though and rocks back and forth. Nowhere near sitting though

Anyone else sick of reading about corona and freaking themselves out 🤔

Geegrl19 · 19/03/2020 04:13

Check where I have to pump at work... Can hardly get in the door and tripping over stuff 🤪🤣 so much junk everywhere (disclaimer. No client names visible!) Such luxurious work conditions, lol

August/ September 2019 babies #2
Horehound · 19/03/2020 08:28

@dyra yeh it's fine to go out walking etc just need to keep a distance from others.

@Geegrl19 oh that looks crampt! And I spot a wee medala lid there. I have tonnes of medala bottles not being used due to bottle refuser! What a waste. Will have to keep for no.2 though Wink

It's been so sunny here recently but a bit too cold to sit in garden. I cannot wait for some Warner weather coming although I kind of feel like if we had some really bad snow for a week that would keep everyone indoors and help against the virus!

db92 · 19/03/2020 08:49

Oh @megan2018 that sounds awful! Hope you're feeling better soon x

E has spent yesterday and all morning looking as though he's about to crawl. Still not quite figure out to keeps his arms and legs up for longer than a few seconds though.

We had a nice day here Monday but downhill since then weather wise. Fingers crossed we can get in the garden soon so we can all enjoy some fresh air.

It's awful to say but I'm slightly relieved this has happened during mat leave. whilst it's not ideal having to be shut in, if I were back at work I'd be expected to be there. Thinking of you who've gone back to work and are trying to juggle everything at such a s**t time.

For those of you with older kids, if you're on Facebook there's a page circulating at the moment called 'family lockdown tips & ideas". Loads of ideas to keep the little ones busy and stop you going stir crazy

Geegrl19 · 19/03/2020 09:46

@Megan2018 hope you're feeling better this morning. I can sympathize on the vom situation, been there. Awful!

Horehound · 19/03/2020 09:57

@db92 I agree, So glad to be off right now

DustyDoorframes · 19/03/2020 13:58

Oh god @Megan2018 that sounds horrific! You poor things!
We are in quarantine too, DP has man flu. First day off school today. I've not really attempted a schedule but might be a good idea if I do...

yevans · 19/03/2020 17:55

@Megan2018 that sounds awful, hope you recover quickly!! Flowers


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db92 · 22/03/2020 08:44

Happy Mother's Day to you all! It'll be a strange one this year but I hope you all enjoy your day however you're spending it xx

Geegrl19 · 22/03/2020 09:10

We're in what they're calling a shutdown in 48 hours time. Anything non essential closing. Can't say I'm not freaked out!

Dyra · 22/03/2020 09:40

Oh no @Geegrl! How long for? Are you having to isolate as well?

Happy Mother's Day! Definitely not how I imagined my first one. But despite Alice being in the throes of a sleep regression, she did (with assistance from DH) give me a lie in. 🥰

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