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December 2012: The one were they are stubborn Monkeys

999 replies

halestone · 03/04/2015 07:02

New thread for us.

OP posts:
WLmum · 05/08/2015 22:41

Just been watching a bit of one born every minute. delad can I re-live pregnancy, birth and newborn loveliness vicariously through you please?!

DeladionInch · 06/08/2015 13:29

Yes, I will spam fb with squishy pics for you Wink

Barbeasty · 06/08/2015 20:46

"Quick DD. Come and see the shopping!"

Said A. At full volume. In DD's room. While DD was asleep.

Really A- a supermarket delivery is not that exciting.

and it wasn't the pretty blonde lady who has children, it was the grandad who tells little boys to go to bed!

SpottyTeacakes · 06/08/2015 21:05

Ds told the delivery man the other day that he was playing with his willy. Poor guy didn't know where to look Blush

WLmum · 06/08/2015 23:10

Haha spotty
Thanks delad. WL repeat after me 'I cannot cope with any more children no matter how lovely and squishy babies are'

halestone · 08/08/2015 13:21

H had a sleepover at my nans last night. My nan rang me at 9am and said Heidi was crying and saying her neck hurt. I came to nans and she was screaming, i gave her Calpol and we went to A+E, where whilst being triaged she made a sudden recovery and could move her neck in all directions without crying, but still said it was sore. When the Dr saw her he felt her neck and said her glands were up then looked at her throat and said H has tonsilitus. She is currently running around the house absolutely fineHmm

OP posts:
SpottyTeacakes · 08/08/2015 17:51

Oh no hales poor h doesn't have much luck!

My niece is here (almost four hours she's going soon) and she's cried for get mum already argh. She's almost five. I'm hiding in the kitchen

WLmum · 08/08/2015 22:34

How scary hales. Glad she's ok. I remember a few times as a young teen having neck spasms that were incredibly painful and literally not able to move my neck so she has my sympathies.
spotty I hope dn has gone now and it's all peaceful at yours.
I have not had a good insect day - first I was walking up the stairs wearing just a sports bra carrying a load of stuff in one hand and a hot cuppa in the other - and I could feel a spider crawling up my back. When it came over my shoulder I managed to blow it off.
Then we went for a lovely walk at a nt place today, and I got stung on the bum by a bee! It went up my skirt and got in a bit of a tizz.

Barbeasty · 08/08/2015 22:54

Ouch WL, I remember my mum being stung on her bottom.

Hales DD really suffers with tonsillitis. It's horrible and they can go downhill so quickly.

A stuck his hand down my top and mooed like a cow today. Such a charmer.

SpottyTeacakes · 09/08/2015 06:39

Oh no WL! We have wasps everywhere in our garden and on Friday we had our flying any day Sad

Haha beasty Grin

WLmum · 09/08/2015 08:57

Work dilemma. I have an interview on Tuesday for a job with a big multinational who I used to work for (left after dd1). It's potentially a good road to bigger and better things, and will be good on my cv but it's a contract, and travel will be about the same as now but crappy drive rather than peaceful train. Money is a bit more but not loads. Risk is that it's a big org so could just be a small cog in a big wheel. Vs my current role - perm and secure, am well thought of, I've still got some interesting stuff to deliver but org is small and there are/will be no opportunity for promotion.
Hmmm. Thoughts?

SpottyTeacakes · 09/08/2015 09:05

Do the interview and see if they offer it to you. No point in worrying until you know Grin (that's my motto anyway!)

WLmum · 09/08/2015 11:21

Absolute right spotty but IF they offer it to me, I know they'll be expecting a decision quickly so need to have had some thoughts at this stage.

SpottyTeacakes · 09/08/2015 11:26

Ds all the way home from Tesco 'where me olives? Where me houmous?' On repeat. Then cried when I said I hadn't got houmous. Can't get him to eat veg though...

SpottyTeacakes · 09/08/2015 12:10

Will you be disappointed or relieved if you don't get the job? (Because you don't have to make a decision).

WLmum · 09/08/2015 17:46

Genuinely don't know spotty. Don't know if my hesitation is just fear of change or something more.

Barbeasty · 09/08/2015 18:01

WL I've seen it advised on here before to imagine you don't get the job, do you feel relieved or disappointed? That will guide your response.

We stopped for lunch/ dinner on the way back from Bournemouth. A was fiddling with MIL's top (little buttons on the neckline) when we suddenly realised he had undone it. The dirty raucous laugh, and insistence that "It is funny mummy" means I'm in the car with him waiting for the others to finish (we were done anyway). What can I do with him?!

SpottyTeacakes · 09/08/2015 18:21

At least he didn't moo at her beasty Grin

WLmum · 09/08/2015 20:48

beasty I'm guessing it's funny because he gets a good reaction. What if you ignored it and just moved him? Or is that what you do anyway? You always seem very calm and in control!

Barbeasty · 09/08/2015 21:54

We usually move him away and ignore him, this was disturbing people so I strapped him in his car seat (rear facing so he couldn't see me). Then I patiently explained that he couldn't have the music on because we weren't there for a treat!

Ah well, the 2 incidents will go down well when I'm back at work tomorrow!

And when I did "difficult conversation" training at work I was told I stayed amazingly calm- I was just using the techniques the DC have taught me....

Barbeasty · 09/08/2015 21:59

New thread started. Hope the title is OK.

MrsNutella · 10/08/2015 16:19

Cake and Brew .... I might fill the thread with cake Wink


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MrsNutella · 10/08/2015 16:19
MrsNutella · 10/08/2015 16:19

See everyone on the new thread Cake ThanksBrew

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