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December 2012: The one were they are stubborn Monkeys

999 replies

halestone · 03/04/2015 07:02

New thread for us.

OP posts:
WLmum · 01/08/2015 14:53

I honestly believe that wages are not proportionately lower in the north so would be massively better off if we moved, but all our family are here and without a reason to go it's a bit weird. House prices here are crazy.

DeladionInch · 01/08/2015 16:10

I don't think wages are lower, but there may well be a lack of similar positions especially for anyone London based. Down here it's pretty much all call centre, care, cooking and cleaning at under £10 an hour. Lots of jobs but nothing that would look like an office-based career iyswim

WLmum · 01/08/2015 16:48

Good point delad. Grass is always greener eh!

SpottyTeacakes · 03/08/2015 07:35

After waking up dry for three night we decided no more nappies at night and no accidents last night. He's had one accident a day since Thursday but I think we're getting there...

Barbeasty · 03/08/2015 08:10

Go little Spotty. That's fantastic progress. I've got no idea when A will be out of nappies at night. Definitely not dry in the morning.

MrsNutella · 03/08/2015 09:33

Good work spotty and DS! I am really looking forward to DS potty training.

He was running naked around the garden yesterday and said he wanted to do a poo poo on the toilet. Took him in, sat him down, nothing. Went back to the garden and he did a poo in the garden Confused ... Yeah... He isn't ready yet.

SpottyTeacakes · 03/08/2015 09:42

Grin Nutella. Natural fertiliser!

WLmum · 03/08/2015 17:41

Whoops nutella!

HoneyMum21 · 03/08/2015 18:42

Checking back in after a long hiatus. Hoping to keep up this time.

DeladionInch · 03/08/2015 19:03

Hi, honey, how's things?

MrsNutella · 03/08/2015 19:52

Delad I read your post and it made me lol. I'm sorry, but it sounded like a pick up line Grin

But yes, hi Honey! How are things?!

HoneyMum21 · 03/08/2015 20:07

Exhausting. D is still being particularly challenging - his current thing is running up and pushing people over and laughing.
Still nowhere near potty training either.

WLmum · 03/08/2015 22:55

Welcome back honey!

SpottyTeacakes · 04/08/2015 06:10

Welcome back honey

I'm taking both dc to the cinema today what was I thinking?! Especially with ds so newly in pants...

Barbeasty · 04/08/2015 07:58

Welcome back Honey.

Spotty just get a seat by the door and check in advance with DD whether she wants to be left watching or go to the toilet if DS needs to go.

WLmum · 04/08/2015 08:20

spotty sit him on a folded towel - tell him it's for extra height in The seat to help him see. What are you seeing? I love the cinema.

WLmum · 04/08/2015 08:26

We saw inside out on a rainy camping day and it was fabulous.

SpottyTeacakes · 04/08/2015 13:07

We survived! We are (currently !) on day and night two of no accidents. Before the cinema dd had physio and then we went to homebase so we've been out of the house for five hours plus he slept in the car.

halestone · 04/08/2015 18:59

Welcome back HoneyGrin

Well done to Ds Spotty.

OP posts:
WLmum · 04/08/2015 19:25

Hooray spotty!

SpottyTeacakes · 05/08/2015 09:07

So far today I've had to tell ds not to stick his finger up my bum (when I was drying after a shower) and not to out things down my knickers Hmm

SpottyTeacakes · 05/08/2015 09:12

Don't poke mummy's boobs


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halestone · 05/08/2015 10:18

hahaha Spotty Grin

OP posts:
DeladionInch · 05/08/2015 11:25

I had to politely request that the fat controller be removed from my bra.

In the middle of Sainsburys.

Parenting karma repaid me though, i managed to help a mum and (great?) granny with an upset 7/8mo by proffering breadsticks. Cue happy baby through the tills

utopian99 · 05/08/2015 21:52

Hurrah for being the bringer of calm, delad, and dead impressive minipotty (realised I had mispelt that spotty, but seems appropriate.)

O is suddenly in pants! Shock We've had a potty knocking around for ages but on the weekend at my parents he managed to get a wee in it, and we all made a big song and dance over how cool he was, and since then we've had most pees in the potty and a few asks. One poo in trousers under fil's supervision, Hmm but he's doing well and even asking..

Apropos house prices, we're in London (Walthamstow) and it's full mental here. Won't even go into it but the house price leap in two years is loony.

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