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Jan 2014 - can we call it a sleep regression if they didn't sleep in the first place?

999 replies

Swannykazoo · 05/06/2014 15:10

Here goes...

OP posts:
Gettingthroughthis · 13/06/2014 09:34

Ha ha that made me chuckle million

BookTart · 13/06/2014 10:18

Another tiny bastard here. I logged her naps and feeds yesterday in desperation. She fed 6 times between 12 and 6am! I am now torturing myself by reading threads about gradual retreat on the sleep board, and knowing we won't ever be able to do it. Her cot arrived in the week, but it feels like a waste of time putting it up at the moment! Woe is me etc. Smile

What are your plans for Father's Day? I'm thinking maybe a picnic or a barbecue in the garden might be nice.

beccajoh · 13/06/2014 10:35

We had an alright night. Wake ups at 11.30 and 4am. He woke at 6.30 but DH popped his dummy back in and he didn't wake again until 9am! Think we're through the sleep regression too thank goodness! My mum called last night and was going on about how we ought to try a cut out the middle of the night feed. Smile and nod, smile and nod. Yes it would be nice not to have to get up, but I don't think he's doing too badly.

beccajoh · 13/06/2014 10:38

DH might be working on Sunday. If not he'll be doing the garden anyway. I'm still pretty much housebound after the surgery so haven't been able to get out to buy anything. I did order a photo mug for him with photos of the kids on, which arrived a couple of days ago. I got it from photobox and I'm quite pleased with it Grin

TobyLerone · 13/06/2014 11:43

The weird thing is that once Meredith has done her 2-hour screaming fit, she's sleeping better. She went to sleep last night (eventually) at 10pm, then woke at 2am and 4am. We had to wake her just after 7am to take DH to the station.

Re Fathers' Day, I think I'll bake some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then we'll just have a quiet one. DH is going away for a week on Monday morning so I think he just wants to hang out with the babies.

FelixFelix · 13/06/2014 12:13

Sylvie woke up at 2ish, then 4 and it took me an hour to get her back to sleep! Her cot has arrived today so we have got a hell of a lot of sorting out to do this weekend to make room for it. It can go in our bedroom where the cheapy Ikea changing table is, but I don't know where the changing table will now go! I think we will just get rid of it as she's too long for it now anyway and it was only £20 odd quid. There's a local charity who will collect unwanted furniture so I'll give them a call.

DP is out with his cycling club on Sunday morning until early afternoon so I may take the opportunity to bake him something nice Smile his present hasn't arrived though due to a mess up somewhere between Germany and the UK so I've been emailing the company I ordered from this morning to see if they can resend it. Hopefully she understands English as I can't speak a word of German Grin

Also is anyone else's pelvic floor absolutely fucked? Not even realised until this week. I've been doing the 30 Day Shred since Monday and when it comes to the cardio bits (star jumps etc) I am leaking like nobodies business Confused I'm rubbish at doing pelvic floor exercises as it really goes through me and makes me feel sick and weird so I don't know what to do! Sorry if it's TMI...

FizzypopFireball · 13/06/2014 13:19

Think I'm going to have to try a few star jumps.. Shock

HumptyDumptyBumpty · 13/06/2014 23:57

I second the Antilop, but my local ikea today had NONE in stock and said it might be discontinued Shock
I had one, just went to get the tray and the inflatable cushion and two smock bibs and a frog weaning set and some stacking cups and a hooded towel and a bog brush and a garden table and an ice cube tray and a cushion luckily.

book I'm intrigued - why can't/won't you be able to do gradual retreat?

Not going to talk about sleeping here, as when I do, she hears me and starts waking up all over the shop.

It is too hot for babies, isn't it! 27 in the nursery tonight. If I open the window the cunt motorbike that fizzes up and down the street at all hours will wake her. Have opened all the other upstairs windows instead.

Naturegirl82 · 14/06/2014 01:19

Thanks for all the high chair tips am off to ikea to have a look tomorrow and maybe buy new garden furniture for my lovely new garden

Tomorrow is also my first attempt at expressing. I bought the avent in the end so fingers crossed it is works well for me.

TobyLerone · 14/06/2014 08:05

So the screaming at bedtime now seems to be A Thing. Last night it only took an hour Hmm

It means I'm doing accidental CIO, because she screams whatever I do. She actually cries less if I put her down and just sit next to the cot. When I pick her up she cries more and flings herself backwards until I put her back down.

Naturegirl82 · 14/06/2014 08:35

Oh dear toby do you have any idea why she has suddenly changed? Is it the same as when she was a newborn?

Very sad I know but I managed to express 4oz this morning. Quite pleased with my little bottle of milk sitting in the fridge Smile

TarkaTheOtter · 14/06/2014 09:03

toby Alex is being difficult in the evening too. Not too much crying but really hard to get to sleep and only happy with me. I let him sit in his bouncy chair and he seems satisfied with that. I think his natural sleep zone is 10pm-9am, which sounds all good but I would like an evening and his sister wakes at 6am anyway.

BookTart · 14/06/2014 09:11

toby that sounds fucking harrowing. I hope she cuts it out before your DH goes away. You can always come over for gin. They can not go to sleep together!

humpty gradual retreat feels impossible as she gets so upset so fast. No grizzling here, just piercing high-pitched screaming. Lovely Blush Also, reflux babies' symptoms are made worse by crying. I am doomed to bed share with the milk vampire forever. I spent two hours feeding her between 12 and 4 (she was screaming at DH for an hour in there as well).

Her specialist is squeezing her in to clinic in a fortnight. Not sure what to say though. Not sure if her reflux makes her like this, or whether she's just evil high needs.

Is anyone else getting bitten when they bf? It really hurts. If she carries on I think it might be formula time, but we're so close to 6 months ebf that I'm trying to hang on.

TobyLerone · 14/06/2014 09:24

Book, I'm going with evil.

No idea why she's suddenly doing this. Last night was night 3. Hopefully Maybe she's sleep training herself. It took an hour last night instead of 2.

She's been sleeping better though. Last night she did 9 -1, 1.15 - 4.30, 4.45 - 7.

TobyLerone · 14/06/2014 09:28

And yy to getting bitten. She's always done it. It hurts like a tiny bastard.

DD2 just sat next to Meredith with a banana and M grabbed her hand and pulled the banana into her mouth. I think she might be ready for weaning :o

beccajoh · 14/06/2014 09:40

We tried Archie with some porridge this morning. He's swallowed it but didn't seem overly interested in it.

Gettingthroughthis · 14/06/2014 10:19

humpty the tray and cushion are in stock in Croydon if you want me to pick one up for you?

Swannykazoo · 14/06/2014 10:42

nature very impressed with your 40z! I had a go at expressing on Thursday + milk didn't seem to be flowing too well - cue rigors at baby yoga on Fri from mastitis. ARSE! Feeling a bit better now but was thinking about becca and other people who've been unwell - you must be hard as nails as it sucks to be ill with a baby.
Toby - boo to the new "thing" - hopefully it'll disappear suddenly.
book - I also have an evil high needs baby. Clearly hasn't heard about this "lightly grizzling before going back to sleep" - if there's no nipple in mouth there's flapping follwed by crying which reaches air raid proportion. I'm resigned to bedsharing with a milk vampire to 18...

OP posts:
MadameBonfamille · 14/06/2014 14:51

Hi all, have just caught up & found the new thread. Toby - Harriet has been doing the same thing for the last couple of weeks, she hates to be cuddled lying on her back, and if she's up on my shoulder she's too interested in everything else in the room to go to sleep so she ends up overtired & flinging herself around, bashing her head on me. I end up just putting her down in her basinette & hope for the best. Mostly once she's in there she has a big grizzle & then falls asleep. But she doesn't half give me a look when I'm putting her down - real tears and everything,
For those of you whose babies have a dummy - how much do you (or rather they) use it? She seems to need one 24/7 at the moment which I'm not very keen on, but it's the only way to stop her whinging most of the time. Her current favourite activity is taking it out, and putting it back in which is quite cute.

HumptyDumptyBumpty · 14/06/2014 15:14

book that sounds really tough. We get air raid screams every time we put her down, and she goes from happy and laughing to howling when put in cot. But I am mean mummy and just walk away and time 90 seconds on my phone to stop myself going back in instantly and she usually goes down pretty fast. The screeching stops almost as soon as I leave the room, so I know she's just trying it on. She's not refluxy, so I just distract myself when she's complaining, and tell myself that self-soothing is an important skill. It's bloody tough though, although better than what we used to do which was 40-60 mins of cuddling/restraining (see below) whilst singing and rocking, only to get a max 40 min nap.

toby Alex has always been a flinging, wriggly, unhappy being cuddled, flailing little monster baby. And she's done her fair share of endless screaming for no earthly reason, which you eventually have to ignore, as comforting her makes it worse. Sympathies.

getting you are lovely! I got the tray and cushion, thank you, but it's kind of you to offer.

HumptyDumptyBumpty · 14/06/2014 15:15

Oh, and madame she has it to fall asleep, then spits it out, and occasionally I can distract her from a meltdown in Sainsburys with it, but she's not addicted, thank god. Her willpower far exceeds mine, and if she wanted it 24 hours, I'm not sure I'd have the strength for the battle to get it off her.

FelixFelix · 14/06/2014 15:41

Madame, Sylvie has a dummy but only for sleeping. She spits it out once she's asleep usually. On the odd occasion that she still has it in when she wakes up, I remove it straight away! Sometimes she will fall asleep without it too.


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Spged · 14/06/2014 18:14

Humpty no antilop in edinburgh either! You've got me worried-I may investigate home delivery
No dummy here, but increasingly sucking on my finger to calm herself in her cot. A dummy would be easier I think!
First night for ages that C only fed every 3 hours and no 4am party! Felt amazing this morning! It's been a tough week as DH has tonsillitis which doesn't seem to be improving. We are currently waiting for NHS 24 to call back as now he's struggling to talk and swallow. I realised that I've done everything for C for a week now. Hats off to people doing this on their own-it's exhausting!!

AMillionNameChangesLater · 14/06/2014 18:53

Still here. I'm so tired. Dh isn't pulling his weight with the boys, I've been working and then coming home and picking up the slack. We need to have a blow out argument about it, but I'm just too tired at the moment.

hugs to all who need one

beccajoh · 14/06/2014 20:03

Madame, Archie has a dummy and has it for going to sleep but he also likes it after he's had milk. That might be because of his reflux I guess. .

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