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Jan 2014 - can we call it a sleep regression if they didn't sleep in the first place?

999 replies

Swannykazoo · 05/06/2014 15:10

Here goes...

OP posts:
FelixFelix · 18/08/2014 23:20

Book I handed mine in last Thursday! It's scary isn't it Grin

FelixFelix · 19/08/2014 00:33

Well we were doing really well with only one very short wake up between 8pm and midnight, but she just woke up now and is refusing her bottle. She's wide awake with a dummy in mouth and a dummy in each hand, waving them around like a pair of bloody castanets!

beccajoh · 19/08/2014 06:06

I suppose if your baby goes to bed at 17.10 for the night, then it shouldn't be a surprise when he's up at 5am Angry He was really tired last night so we put him in his cot, thinking he'd have a short nap, but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be! It's definitely a cbeebies start to the day.

Angelesque · 19/08/2014 06:19

nature F's getting through about 600ml of formula each day he's at nursery (8.30 - 5.45). He's not eating much food in the way of solids yet - a few teaspoons of purée at lunch (he's six months and one week). Can't believe you have a walker on your hands already!!!

F is now waking twice in the night, after sleeping through for so long... Am sure it's separation anxiety. We're moving house at the mo and F will be going into his own room at the new place. Suspect that's going to go down like a shit sandwich!!!

Gettingthroughthis · 19/08/2014 07:43

Wow nature

Another good night yeay :) up at 12.30 and 3.30 for a feed then woke at 6 and played in his cot until 6.30. Nappy didn't leak again so I expect it's that, which there's not much I can do about except night time changes.

Jealous of all the resignations. I'm due back in September but taking the first 2 weeks as holiday as my boss is being awkward

FelixFelix · 19/08/2014 08:37

We had a sleeping baby from 12.30-5.30 last night!!!!! ShockShockShock

I can't believe it! After so many months of hourly wakings. Fingers crossed it's not a fluke...

Gettingthroughthis · 19/08/2014 08:38

Woo go sylvie

BookTart · 19/08/2014 08:48

Lol at the castanets felix, and hooray for dry nights toby and getting. Percy wazzed through a size 4 nappy, a sleepsuit and a grobag in the early hours Hmm

I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a SAHM, I am rubbish at housey stuff and P is a velcro baby, but there's so much that needs doing at home. Also, I hate working, so it is the obvious choice!

I contacted a sleep consultant yesterday. Hopefully she'll help us. It isn't surprising that her sleep has been rubbish this week though; she's cut two teeth, started crawling and learnt to stand!

FelixFelix · 19/08/2014 09:06

Book sounds like Percy has been busy this week Shock I hope the sleep consultant can help you.

AMillionNameChangesLater · 19/08/2014 12:55

Oh my gosh! P has been really busy :)

Gettingthroughthis · 19/08/2014 14:25

Woo go percy

Have you tried the 4+ nappies book? I found them slightly better

BookTart · 19/08/2014 14:33

Really getting? I was worried they'd be massive on her, but I'll try anything if it stops me waking up covered in wee!

Gettingthroughthis · 19/08/2014 14:43

No the + means they are the same size but more absorbent

alteredimages · 19/08/2014 16:44

Big changes everywhere!

nature I think you have a new career as one of those experts who are always on tv. You could write a book telling people how to make a super baby. Grin

book I always feel the same about being a SAHM, and worrying about productivity. Don't think about it, it's fine. No special skills required, and P is still too young to tell everyone if you decide to sit around in your pjs all day.

I had a bit of a mixed experience today at first attempt at getting back into work. Will post later bc N is headbutting me.

TobyLerone · 19/08/2014 17:10

The + nappies are slightly bigger. I know this because I studied them all intently :o

Gettingthroughthis · 19/08/2014 17:55

Oh I hadn't noticed that toby but I never looked, I just went by the pampers advice. H is still in 3s as so many to use which might give him time to grow into the 4+ I've bought

Bought proper hairdressing scissors today to cut h hair as the kitchen scissors id previously used. Sat him in bumbo infront on cbeebies which worked well, don't know why I didn't think of that before. For the first time I think his sideburns are almost even

altered hope it wasn't too bad. Just remember it's bound to get better as you get into the swing

beccajoh · 19/08/2014 18:23

The advantage of being a SAHM is that you CAN sit around in your pyjamas all day if you don't fancy going out Wink That said, I've always found it easier to be out with a toddler than staying at home. A bored toddler is not good (well mine isn't anyway). We more or less do the same groups each week. Means I don't have to do much thinking about what we're going to do each day!

AMillionNameChangesLater · 19/08/2014 18:50

I always have treated DS1 as if he is a dog, which sounds awful, but I make sure he has two long walks/lots of exercise a day (even a good session dancing) and three good meals. It seems to be working so far.

Even if the walk is just to Asda, it burns off some of his energy and we used to spend so much time looking at butterflies and snails, which I miss.

AMillionNameChangesLater · 19/08/2014 22:17

I worked 11-8 today, a favour for a friend. Got home and the boys are asleep, the house is tidy, and all is calm, it was bizarre!

We spent time together this morning, and now I've just had pie and chips for tea. I'm all blissed out and watching Grimm. Sadly I'm working at 8 tomorrow, but hoping the kids sleep well

TobyLerone · 19/08/2014 22:29

Sounds like a lovely day, million :)

Meredith did NOT want to go to sleep tonight. She was knackered, but instead of her usual 30-second grizzle (if that) when we put her to bed, she haD an hour long, first night of CC-type screaming session. We broke all the rules -- after about half an hour I couldn't bear it any more and went in (it was DH's turn to put her down tonight and it's meant to be the same person who puts her down who does the going back in. DH had been going in to her every couple of minutes). I tried feeding her some more, cuddling, shhhing...nothing. She eventually tired herself out :( It was heartbreaking.

Can't imagine we're in for a great night here. Good luck to everyone else!

Naturegirl82 · 19/08/2014 22:38

toby sounds horrid. We tried to give O a bottle of ebm for bedtime feed tonight so dh could do the whole bedtime and it did not go down well, a lot of crying here too. Sad Two wake ups all ready so not holding out much hope.

Slowly giving up the idea of being able to go away. Dh is trying to come up with lots of scenarios to enable me still to go. He really wants me to have some time to mself but also he wants to look after O by himself. Tonight he said he feels like he is not fully involved because I'm still bf. He doesn't want me to stop though but it makes me sad he doesn't feel fully involved as he does so much with her.

Naturegirl82 · 19/08/2014 22:39

million that sounds fab. Enjoy your relax this evening.


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Angelesque · 20/08/2014 06:13

So I've been up since 2.49 with a grizzling baby. I think it's teething. Work's going to be fun today... Just remembered I have a client meeting too. Joy!

AMillionNameChangesLater · 20/08/2014 07:05

Both boys woke at four crying. An hour later I could sleep again. I have to leave in 15 mins and I'm so tired.

Total sympathies Angel

AnotherStitchInTime · 20/08/2014 08:39

Another one in the no sleep club. DH has actually suggested we put M back in the bedside crib temporarily after witnessing his 7+ wakes last night. Chesty cough plus teething zzzz.

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