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Jan 2014 - can we call it a sleep regression if they didn't sleep in the first place?

999 replies

Swannykazoo · 05/06/2014 15:10

Here goes...

OP posts:
TarkaTheOtter · 14/06/2014 20:43

Poor Mr spged

Dd has chicken pox. It is day 3 of spots and on day 8 (next fri) all our belongings are being shipped to Ireland. What are the chances that we will be able to go too? I suppose Alex could come out in spots at any point too.
I'm a bit stressed!

Spged · 15/06/2014 00:23

Blimey Tarka, I'm not surprised!! Nothing's ever straightforward is it?! Have you for a plan b with somewhere to stay etc if you don't go on fri?

Just left DH at hospital to go on an antibiotics drip for his tonsillitis. Feeling bad for my general lack of sympathy during the week (was so angry that he said he was tired as he was struggling to sleep!!!) and also it was terrible to just abandon him at the front door to go and face it all on his own. I know he's a grown up and all that, but we've never done these kind of things without each other before (for at least the last 14 years). Not a big deal really. Right will man up now...

TarkaTheOtter · 15/06/2014 08:06

Oh no! It must be pretty bad to need admitting. Do you think they'll take them out? Or is that not done anymore.

We have a sort of plan b but it requires me to rely on family members that I'd rather not be indebted to. I'm finding it hard not being able to say goodbye to all my friends here but most of them have babies/toddlers who haven't been exposed yet.

MadameBonfamille · 15/06/2014 11:40

That is crap Tarka - typical timing nothing is ever simple is it. Can you visit your friends without the kids so you'll still be able to say goodbye?

alteredimages · 15/06/2014 13:58

Hello everyone,

I have been reading the thread as much as I can but haven't been able to reply until now. Let's hope the electricity doesn't go like it did last time I tried!

Hope Mr Spged is on the mend.

humpty you have me worried about the antilop now! All my plans hinge on being able to get one, high chairs are so expensive otherwise.

tarka that is tricky. Not at all on the same scale, but N had a massive fever the day before our move too. Is day 8 post spots still in the contagious period? I seem to remember only getting a week off school for chicken pox.

I hope you are able to say goodbye to your friends before you go.

felix I have been thinking of you and your projects because DD has been asking for "an Ariel tail for me to wear when I am in the bath". I doubt that this would have mass market appeal, but she is still insisting I take her to the tail shop to pick one.

Three weeks and counting at the in-laws now and cabin fever has set in for me and DD. It is too hot to go out in the day and by the evening I am too tired from chasing DD around the flat all day stopping her from breaking stuff or opening the suitcases. DH takes the car so we can't really go out, PIL aren't very mobile and DH comes home at 10pm each night. On his one day off he is too tired to do much. So I am feeling pretty sorry for myself.

The good news is that DD got into the school we applied to, but we need to find her a nursery to keep her French up over the summer. Unfortunately, the school fees are a bit of a stretch for this year (2,350 euros registration fee!) so I might have to find a job if I want to send her to nursery. I am a bit torn: I really want to enjoy time with N, but at the same time another income could help us move close to DD's school (we are about 30km away now) and provide money for activities. At the moment we are just stuck inside all the time.

Sorry for the massive moan, I am on day three of unexplained gastro trouble with fever, so am not at my most cheerful! Smile

HumptyDumptyBumpty · 15/06/2014 17:07

altered huge sympathy. I went to Egypt last in Aug and Sept and it was insanely hot. Did v early morning and late afternoon outings only, it's so enervating otherwise. Hope the gastro trouble goes soon (is it Pharaoh's revenge? If so, get the magic tea - I'm sure you have had it/know of it, the liquorice tasting one).

MrSpged get well soon, tonsillitis is vile, and a quinsy sounds awful.

tarka hugs. That is hard. Are you planning to come back? Could you have a belated farewell party then?

another how are you doing? Feeling any better?

What's everyone doing for fathers day today? I did breakfast in bed, then DH and Alex napped (separately, so they both got some sleep) while I did a roast, then heroically washed up too. Sadly, Alex then decided her lunchtime nap would be 25 mins... Hmm

HumptyDumptyBumpty · 15/06/2014 17:08

Also, LOLZ at 'tail shop'.

TobyLerone · 15/06/2014 19:39

An Ariel tail is genius! I can't imagine many children who wouldn't want one. DD1 would probably love one and she's 13!

FelixFelix · 15/06/2014 20:01

Altered you could probably make one out of neoprene Grin I admit, it's a bit of a niche market!

Sleep has got worse again. Genuinely thought we had turned a corner! Her cot is being assembled sometime this week so we will see of it makes a difference.

Had a long walk round the park today and cancelled out the exercise with cake and coffee Smile

Spged · 15/06/2014 22:18

Love the tail idea. Friend's son had a superman top with cape attached today and was pretty jealous of that too!

First things first, update on the Ikea highchairs: they are now in stock in Edinburgh after approx a week of showing no stock. Luckily this news comes on the same day as our neighbour tells me her friend is dropping off a tripp trapp for us next week otherwise I'd have been at ikea today. Am very excited but need to buy the baby add on. Ebay here i come. Anyway Altered, just keep checking the stock on the Ikea website and hopefully they'll turn up soon.

Also, Altered, feel free to moan ! That sounds like serious hard work. Hugs to you and hope you feel better soon!!!

DD is much better tonight after some gory sounding treatment, decent painkillers and antibiotic drip. Thanks for all your good wishes. He should be home tomorrow and we'll just have to have an unofficial Father's Day next weekend to make up for it.

Tarka hope you manage to see your pals. Also what's this indebted business?! What about them helping you from the goodness of their hearts??!!

C is in a cloth nappy for the first time overnight tonight. She looks ridiculous! Her bottom is about 4 times it's usual size. I have opted for a bamboozle nappy with attached booster and also a hemp booster. Quite tricky to do up and put a wrap round. Maybe I have gone over board!!

Felix I'm afraid the big cot didn't help us although she no longer wakes up from whacking her arms on the sides of the bed nest. You never know though :-)

MadameBonfamille · 16/06/2014 03:36

Glad mr spged is feeling better - poor thing!
Love the idea of a mermaid tail (I always wanted to be a mermaid when I grew up!)
So I just saw the baby nurse & got a bit of a lecture about making sure I carry on giving H baby rice - she had it the first 2 days of weaning but surely fresh fruit & veg is much more nutritionally valuable? She also went on a bit about her being on the 25th percentile for weight (the same as she has been since birth) - I just resorted to the old smile and nod in the end.
Has anyone had or heard of babies having a reaction to pear? We tried it yesterday & it made her a bit blotchy & then she kept coughing as though she was going to vomit (she didn't, and was ok after a few minutes) - pear is in everything baby wise!

beccajoh · 16/06/2014 10:36

There's no nutritional merit whatsoever in baby rice. Google 'baby rice and arsenic' if you want to scare yourself! Time for a smile-and-nod and then carry on doing what you were doing in the first place Wink Never heard of anyone reacting to pear before!

Archie's sleep is back to normal now... Ie. twice a night 11.45 and 5.15 last night. He's extending the gap between the two feeds now. A couple of weeks ago it was only four hours but 5-6 hours now.

Been toying with the idea of trying a dream feed again. Does anyone else do one? It didn't really work when we previously tried it but that was a couple of months ago...

MadameBonfamille · 16/06/2014 11:42

I have becca, which is why I stopped giving it to her after day 2!

We do a dream feed and if it's timed right it works well. If she can last till 11pm, she will generally then go till 4.30/5am (not great but at least it's 6 hrs of uninterrupted sleep for me). If she wakes up before I do the dream feed I know we're in for a long night as she will wake up every 3 hours after that for a feed. I don't know why!
Glad you had a better night - lets hope he keeps extending the time between feeds!

FelixFelix · 16/06/2014 11:59

Spged glad he's feeling better!

Madame, I agree it's a nod and smile situation. Or if you're like me, you'll reel off all of the information you've researched and leave her really annoyed at you Grin

Meeting up with the NCT women today. Looking forward to adult conversation!

MadameBonfamille · 16/06/2014 12:04

Haha felix I like your style!

alteredimages · 16/06/2014 12:45

Hope you are enjoying your adult conversation Felix!

Well, I took DD to the local supermarket (Alfamarket, for anyone who knows Egypt) and guess what we found? Yep, an Ariel tail! It is actually two mermaid shaped flippers with goggles but DD was happy enough. I will post a pic when DH gets home. I think it is supposed to have a snorkel though, and no sign of it in the bag, so when the kids are napping I will head back to check. True to form, DD says her "old Ariel tail" was better though. This was a green rubber glove she somehow fitted over both her feet. Should have saved my 15 quid.

N grabbed a piece of chicken and stuck it in his mouth yesterday. To my shame I freaked and hooked it out his mouth, I probably should have let him explore. He has also been trying to drink out of mugs and biting plates, so he clearly has the idea. Time for weaning, methinks!

Who here has tried BLW? I am keen to try but want to reassure myself enough that I don't constantly intervene. N also seems super hungry so I don't think I can hold off any longer.

TarkaTheOtter · 16/06/2014 13:01

We did blw with dd and I was worried at first but then I saw how far forward in her mouth thing were when she gagged and realised that if anything too big went past the middle of her mouth she would cough it up.
With ds I think I will use a more mixed approach with some mashed stuff too. He's only 5.5m and not sitting yet,soooo I'm not going to start yet.

AnotherStitchInTime · 16/06/2014 14:23

madame if she reacts to pear, be careful with fruit from same family like apple, plum, cherry, peach and also watch out for birch pollen which can cross react apparently.

altered glad you found something to keep her happy. I found this website for true mermaid enthusiasts! Hope you feel better soon, sounds like you are having a tough time.

spged glad Mr spged is getting better, a quinsy sounds awful.

My SIL had this highchair which was very easy to clean and converted to a low chair, if I hadn't got one already I would have got this one.

Hi Humpty, I am OK thanks. It was a perfect storm of three children not sleeping and a sick dd2 going into hospital for stopping breathing in her sleep that tipped me over the edge. I kept trying to juggle everything and the balls kept dropping on me.

beccajoh · 16/06/2014 16:38

So on the day he's five months a tooth pops through AND he's rolled onto his front. Of course he gets stuck there and cries. That's going to be tedious!

TobyLerone · 16/06/2014 19:39

All these teeth and milestones! :o

AMillionNameChangesLater · 16/06/2014 21:33

I'm still waiting for teeth, hes so dribbly!

Also waiting for the rolling back to front thing.

He's eating two meals a day, which is exciting!

beccajoh · 16/06/2014 21:38

Altered we sort of did BLW with DD, not through choice, but she wouldn't eat from a spoon. We were planning to do a mixture of spoon feeding and finger-food but she had other plans. I'm of the opinion that there are times when it's useful to be able to get something down them quickly, so it is helpful for them to be able to eat from a spoon rather than doing pure BLW when it can take aaaaaggggggggeeeeeeesssssss for them to finish!

DH was really nervous about me giving her toast fingers and so on to eat (not that she really ate anything but that's a separate issue) as he panicked a bit when she gagged on stuff. She would often gag on my boob though so I think she had a particularly sensitive reflex!


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Swannykazoo · 16/06/2014 22:35

We have a tooth! At last!
Really down about DH -feel like we're fighting all the time, he works away for 2 nights a week, at home he spends his evening pissing about on laptop. I keep suggesting chat/company and when he does hear me its "well you talk if you' want it" He'll change the odd nappy but will leave the dirty one lying - without reminders he'll leave it there all day (and in fact left a dirty napy in my side of the bed for the whole day last weekend) but when I ask him to do anything its nagging. He keeps going on and on about how tired he is but thats cos he's done daft things like stayed up to watch football and ignored the fact that his son will reliably be awake by 7:30 so old style lie ins till 10 don't really happen. (Actually no they do - he's had several after I've got up with little puggle. He has never ever let me have a lie in since little puggle arrived, and does no night parenting at all)
I'm wondering if writing down how worried I am about how much of a gulch there is between us and how belittled I feel by his behaviour would be helpful or whether it'll make things worse.
Sorry for pity post - scratchy baby with eczema, maybe sodding AF coming back too

OP posts:
MadameBonfamille · 16/06/2014 22:44

Thanks for the tip another
It sounds like you've been having a rotten time of it. Is Dd2 ok?

TarkaTheOtter · 17/06/2014 00:14

Close to breaking point. Last night dd was up til gone 4 because of her chicken pox. Alex slept through til 5. I got about 45mins of sleep. Tonight, dd up until midnight. 10 fucking minutes later Alex wakes up. Dh trying to help but both just want me atm.

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