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December 2012: and now the babies have mischief in their eyes.

997 replies

halestone · 25/08/2013 21:51

New thread

OP posts:
halestone · 27/08/2013 11:29

Oh Willyou theres nothing worse than a stinky poo.

Isthat and Willyou i hope the babies start sleeping better soon we finally had a good night last night first one in a long time.

Beasty i hope your week gets better soon.

H has finally crawled today i sat quietly and watched her as soon as she got near the tv i picked her up and kissed her. Unfortunately she choose that moment to vomit niceee! Still chuffed she crawled thoughGrin

OP posts:
WLmum · 27/08/2013 11:46

Oh dear beasty. I hid that fb group as it seemed to be very expensive (and lovely!) woven wraps. I think I'll go with a mei tei as I want something that's a bit more pop on and off-able. T seems to be increasingly mummy ish, howled just now when I gave her to mil and then later put her down to wash my hands.

hales Tabs is still a big puker - 3 times so far this am, luckily just milky, the foody ones are gross. If I don't wipe it immediately she finger paints with it - so gross!

WLmum · 27/08/2013 11:47

Well done on the crawling though!

halestone · 27/08/2013 12:00

Showing her artistic side already WL? Maybe she'll be the next Monet haha

OP posts:
SpottyTeacakes · 27/08/2013 12:15

I just got the appointment through for ds's referral and it's in Southampton argh. I've been told I can't take any time off work in my 6 month probation period and I really wanted to go to dd's first nativity and now there's this as well Sad

Barbeasty · 27/08/2013 12:15

Yes, I ought to hide it. I went looking to spend about £50 on a ringsling and came away with a beautiful wrap that cost twice as much. But someone did refer to anther group called bargain slings or something, and if you posted saying what you were looking for someone might offer something.

Yay on crawling, boo for puking. Fingers crossed A seems to be improving on that point.

Not so good is the email DH just had from his mum asking how she can stop DD calling A a little bugger, and telling him to "come here you little bugger". Oops. Not my fault, this one.

WLmum · 27/08/2013 12:24

beasty that is hilarious!
I've just been experimenting with the moby again and whilst it does provide the most fantastic cuddle it was hurting my back in no time, and as stretchys aren't recommended for back carries it looks like its time to move on.

WLmum · 27/08/2013 12:25

spotty wait til you start and see - places often write this in their contracts but individual managers can be more flexible. Maybe there'll be someone you could swap a shift with?

SpottyTeacakes · 27/08/2013 12:32

I hope so! I'm going to phone Southampton in a bit as I was told they did a clinic in Chichester which is much more convenient....

WLmum · 27/08/2013 14:02

Lovely owly print mei tei ordered.

Barbeasty · 27/08/2013 14:05

Spotty cross post. I missed DD's first nativity because it was the day A was born. She arrived late for it too.

I hope you can sort something for DD's appointment. I've only just twigged how far Southampton is from you ,that's mad. Can you go online and check what clinics the consultant does nearer you? Ours do them in all sorts of tiny hospitals, and we're much closer to the main one.

SpottyTeacakes · 27/08/2013 14:16

Beasty I phoned and she doesn't do a Chichester clinic anymore. The secretary said if we went anywhere else we would be waiting much longer too. It also means we will have to go there for the op probably, 8am nil by mouth etc. It's not going to be fun but I can talk to her about it at the appointment I suppose.

WL that looks really cool! I can't wait to get my R&R!

WLmum · 27/08/2013 14:35

The r and rs look fab but way out of my price range (specially the pre-schoolers!)

Pita re hospital apts but if that's the only option then so be it.

I missed dd1s first carol concert as I was still in hospital after having T. DH videoed it for me.

SpottyTeacakes · 27/08/2013 14:39

DD's nativity in in the afternoon and then they have their Christmas party afterwards which parents attend so I'd really like to go, will just have to wait and see I suppose, hopefully my record or one day off sick in over six years will let them know I'm reliable and won't be taking days off willy nilly..

WillYouDoTheFandango · 27/08/2013 14:46

Won't you get holidays to take though Spotty?

SpottyTeacakes · 27/08/2013 14:47

They don't like you taking time off in your probation period

Maryland2013 · 27/08/2013 15:23

Spotty you're entitled to holidays though, I can't see that being legal in terms of employment rights saying you can't take holidays in the first 6 months??!!

Doesn't one of the mums on here work in HR or is a lawyer? Unless I imagined that...

Maryland2013 · 27/08/2013 15:25

Hales well done H on the crawling! DS will only crawl backwards!?

SpottyTeacakes · 27/08/2013 16:11

I know I don't want to creat a bad impression though!

Maryland2013 · 27/08/2013 16:16

It's not unreasonable to ask for holidays when you have 2 children- work life balance and all that!

WillYouDoTheFandango · 27/08/2013 17:43

You accrue 1 week per 3 months that you work there as a statutory minimum. They cannot tell you you can't take any holidays for 6 months!

SpottyTeacakes · 27/08/2013 17:47

I know they can't legally but I'm not going to do anything to annoy them jobs are hard to come by same reason in my old job I worked 7:15-5 with no breaks. Im in a really bad mood, I've got a headache and ds has been moaning non stop for hours


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WLmum · 27/08/2013 18:27

Hey spotty did you do the 5+2 diet? Seriously time for me to stop being such a pig and now T is feeding less I was wondering about effect on supply.

itsMYNutella · 27/08/2013 18:38

Hales congrats on the crawling! DS is still in commando mode but he is so fast! He gets up on all fours and does that very cute wiggle. Although today there was more arm and leg movement in the wiggle so I'm sure he won't be long Confused he has also started to pull himself up (not to standing, not yet) on a few things...

spotty when do you start your new job? I'm sure they will be flexible about it, they must know from your interview/ application processthatyou have kids. Hope DD is feeling better too.

We had a rotten night last night. DS kept waking up screaming, almost hourly from 12:30 onwards.

Today MIL came and took DS out for a bit over an hour. She is 69, had a big heart op two years ago and really hasn't done much about diet fitness etc. she also doesn't have a mobile... I was a little bit worried about them, is that unreasonable?
She was sweating when she brought him back so much so her glasses were steamy I showed her how to use the breaks and put the buggy flat if he slept etc. of course he didn't sleep though. She told me he was chatting away to her for the last 30 mins or so.
Yes that's what he does when he gets really tired.
Her response was "why doesn't he close his eyes and go to sleep then?" AngryHonesty I could have thrown her out of a window I told her that sadly he doesn't go to sleep that easily well he does but you need to listen when someone explains a few tricks to you on how to help him sleep
Ho hum...

SpottyTeacakes · 27/08/2013 18:39

Didn't effect me at all and I lost 1/2 stone that wasn't shifting after ds. You can still eat on the fasting days as long as its under 500 cals.

Dp is decorating our rooms and we've got chalkboard paint in the dc's bedroom it looks really good!

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