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December 2012: and now the babies have mischief in their eyes.

997 replies

halestone · 25/08/2013 21:51

New thread

OP posts:
halestone · 24/09/2013 09:44

Hope all the poorly babies and mums are better soon.Thanks

Productive morning so far, i have cleaned the whole of downstairs and am now making a beef casserole whilst waiting for the Reverend to come round and talk about the christening.

OP posts:
halestone · 24/09/2013 12:06

H decided that whilst the reverend was here that she would get my boobs out Blush

OP posts:
PurplePidjin · 24/09/2013 12:41

Hahahahahahaha Hales sorry Blush

SpottyTeacakes · 24/09/2013 14:32

Grin Hales.

It was so foggy this morning at 6. Thank goodness for larking sensors or I wouldn't have been about to turn my car around!

Utopian you could try a mothers help as it's only two afternoons a week it would have thought you'd be unlikely to find any sort of nanny. Maybe post on the childminders board?

SpottyTeacakes · 24/09/2013 14:44

Small aibu Wink

Aibu to be a bit annoyed that dp doesn't open the bloody curtains before he leaves for work?? I asked him last week to remember to do it and he didn't today. I had left before 6:10, he was up and dressed and leaves about 7:20 yet he doesn't have time to open the bloody curtains?!

So I get home at 2, headache, two crying children, not eaten since 5:30 and open the doors to a dark dingy house Angry I know it's not the end of the world but it's one more thing to do before I get to sit down and have some lunch! I'm going to eat his chocolate Wink

utopian99 · 24/09/2013 15:29

Definitely eat his chocolate spotty!

Mother's help sounds good - can you use the childminders board for that? They have some fierce rules..

Superb move from H hales. Grin O did exactly that when we met the celebrant for his naming. Stay classy San Diego..

SpottyTeacakes · 24/09/2013 15:41

Hmm if it was me I would probably just advertise and see what crops up, if that doesn't work then try an agency?

SpottyTeacakes · 24/09/2013 17:52

It's not one tooth that ds got it was two!

HoneyMumandSon · 24/09/2013 18:16

Sorry that I've missed loads - why out of the house do early spotty?

Barbeasty · 24/09/2013 18:42

Hope the chocolate was good spotty!

Utopian if it's mostly for while you're at home anyway you could advertise and see if anyone doing childcare at a local college wants to do it as work experience. A great chance for them to get the experience and a chance of a reference, especially if they're thinking of going into nannying. And you don't need to worry to much about inexperience because you're around iyswim.

A has a bump on his forehead where he dived out of MIL's front door today. Ready for the nursery photographer tomorrow. Bugger, just twigged that one!

SpottyTeacakes · 24/09/2013 18:43

I have to work honey Sad

SpottyTeacakes · 24/09/2013 19:56

Dd is being a right pita at bedtime atm and she's woken ds up. It's a nightmare having them in the same room. I just want to sit down and eat a key lime pie relax

WLmum · 24/09/2013 19:57

utopian yep a mothers help but I don't know how easy they are to find. You could enrol him in a nursery a couple of afternoons a week or does anyone you know have a sensible teenage who could come round after school a couple of days?
hales love it!
spotty not unreasonable at all. It would piss me off too. I was telling DH at the weekend about a radio prog I heard where they said the divorce rate is lowest in couples who share domestic stuff 50/50 - not just doing as they're told but doing the thinking too. My DH will do anything if I put it on a list for him but never thinks about what needs doing and when etc.
DH changed Ts nappy this morning to find one of dd1s plastic bead treasures in her morning poo! Guess that went down without anyone noticing.

WLmum · 24/09/2013 19:58

And I found a maggot on my kitchen counter - so gross. It had obviously crawled out of an old acorn dd2 had collected for nursery show and tell. Bleurgh x100!

SpottyTeacakes · 24/09/2013 20:01

Whoops WL! Dp cleans the bathroom, washes up and does his washing (some of ours sometimes) without me asking oh and the oven so hopefully we will be ok Grin he has an awful habit of closing all the windows too which really annoys me. I think he belongs in a basement....

SpottyTeacakes · 24/09/2013 20:01

Gross gross gross!!

WLmum · 24/09/2013 22:04

Sounds like he's well trained spotty!

2blessed · 24/09/2013 23:18

Hope that choc tasted good spotty.

Little bit tipsy this evening, went to a board meeting and had wine. Then went to get bagels from Brick Lane as a treat for DP and bumped into a friend who runs a bar in the area so had a quick catch up and cocktail with her. Loving life.

WL the things we can identify in our lo's poo. I noticed tangerine and spinach in R's today.

WillYouDoTheFandango · 25/09/2013 04:12

Ugh yuck to the maggots WL. They seem to be everywhere atm as it's been so warm this summer.

Glad you had a nice evening 2blessed.

I'm back off my holidays and have no hope of catching up, so you'll have to excuse me if I ask some rather stupid questions over the next few days.

We had a fantastic time! It was such a perfect hotel for kids, but it was a shame really as I know that if J was a little older we could've really made the most of it (the hotel had mini golf, a safari park, an amusement park, water slides).

While away we slowly got over our cold. J and I didn't sleep at all the night before we went but he settled into a fantastic routine over there and slept 14h/pd (naps and night) giving us lie ins until 8:30 everyday. Feeding him was a struggle as the dining room was busy and he's such a nosey bugger. It took a few days of mainly milk to get him back to eating a good amount of solids again.

On day 2 I found that his 4th upper incisor had come through as we travelled and the last 4 or so days he's been wailing like a banshee, which has turned out to be a very early upper first molar Shock He must be in agony poor thing. So we now have 6.5 teeth.

Love to all the babies and the mums, hope you're all fast asleep.

HoneyMumandSon · 25/09/2013 07:17

When did you go back to work spotty? Poor you with rubbish early starts :(

SpottyTeacakes · 25/09/2013 07:24

About 3 weeks ago? It's only that early one day a week.

Welcome back WillYou. Not Envy of your holiday at all....

lazzaroo · 25/09/2013 07:35

Holiday sounds great willyou, makes me want to go away again.

Last night got off o a great start, baby lazza slept till 3am. But then she wouldn't go back to sleep until 4.30am! I left her to it at one point and when I went back in she was out of her grow bag, standing at edge of cot with huge smile on her face. I was so fed up but she was doing her best at being cute! Dd1 up at 5.45 so I'm knackered....again!

Might even venture to soft play this morning so they can just go crazy & I can drink coffee (& eat cake!)


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Barbeasty · 25/09/2013 08:32

I can cope with being woken up 4 times a night, you get used to it. But I need to be in bed and pretty much asleep by 10 so that I can face getting up at 5.

What I can't deal with is a wide awake, noisey baby at 11pm. Put him in the cot, he cried. Brought him into bed with me he crawled around, sat up, and tried to bite randon parts of my body (my elbow was a favourite). So, back in the cot...... stand up and cry!

Dosed him with neurofen (what I had in my room) and finally we got to sleep around 11 30.

And at about 00.15 DD woke up screaming and needing a wee. So I had to let her out of her room and deal with that.

After that it was calm, with just the usual 3 or so wake ups.

I had a small lie in (until 5.30!) because I'm heading to our training centre this afternoon/ evening. Then I'll have to drive the nearly 2 hours home after dinner, then leave at 6.30 tomorrow morning to get back in time for a full day there. So I'm not going into the office this morning.

DD was devastated the cheerios had run out. After a bit of a strop she was hugging me, crying and wailing out "but mummy, why did they have to run out". Eventually rice crispies were eaten!

SpottyTeacakes · 25/09/2013 10:11

Oh no beasty!

I've just put a beef casserole in the slow cooker. Yum. Going to have a lazy day today Smile

Barbeasty · 25/09/2013 11:29

Sounds good.

At least it's quiet here, with both DC at nursery. Just need to time the pumping right before I head off to work this afternoon. And timing travel along the M42 around rush hour.....

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