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April 2011 - silence might be golden but the April ladies are diamond so chat on

998 replies

GlaikitFizzog · 13/01/2012 11:24

Ta Dah!

OP posts:
Cyclebump · 16/01/2012 19:35

That's pants Ecuse, hope you got seen!

GlaikitFizzog · 16/01/2012 21:22

Does anyone else think ecuse is still at the clinic?

OP posts:
Alibabaandthe40nappies · 16/01/2012 21:26


God I hope she wasn't there too long, hideous business.

GsyGacheFiend · 16/01/2012 21:33

Hello Smile. I'm back after a week's self imposed internet ban. As a result I have actually got some housework done this week and started to sort out the stuff I want to sell at the NCT sale. Shock

Congratulations kitty, I have a friend with a similar age between her DC (20months). They are now 2.1 & 3.8 She did find it hard work but worth it. They are very close and are starting to play together independently now IYSWIM. I also found out today a friend is expecting her 2nd baby in June.

Yes fizz, it was my DS that used his own water shooter on the Aqua Doodle mat. Good luck at work tomorrow.

ILikeToMoveItMoveIt · 16/01/2012 22:31

Just came on here to say good luck for tomorrow Fizz Smile

kittycatcat · 16/01/2012 22:34

Oh yes good luck

JKSLtd · 17/01/2012 05:42

Good luck today Fizz Smile

I have 20 months between the boys (unplanned Blush) the first year was hard work but at the same time not.
We had nowhere we HAD to be, no school runs, etc. we went to lots of playgroups or had friends round but life moved at a different pace to now.
My tip is to get out of the house at least once a day, even if it's just a walk round the block Smile
I almost feel nostalgic about it!Grin

DairyBeetle · 17/01/2012 07:04

Good luck today Fizz!

Another night of no sleep here. I feel like a zombie which is particularly bad as I'm on a course all day today so actually have to concentrate.

GGF your DS with his own personal aquadraw still makes me chuckle!

OhFraktiousTree · 17/01/2012 07:23

Good luck fizz

DS is getting so good at signing. It's very cute Smile

GGF I thought about your DS when we were buying the mat!

kittycatcat · 17/01/2012 07:42

Thanks jks. that's the reassurance I needed Smile. Perhaps u can give us pram advice at some point. S will be 14 months.

GlaikitFizzog · 17/01/2012 07:45

Zombie here too! B had us up most of the night. Dh was on duty but I couldn't stand the whining any longer. I almost blew my top when I found out all dh had done was give him calpol. not changed his nappy or offer him water. oh no that would be the sensible thing to do! Dh is intelligent but in the middle of the night he can be the most stupid. We finally got him settled at 5. But the I couldn't sleep for worrying about sleeping in. so I'm up and ready with she'd to go. Bs little bag is packed dh is getting him ready. we had to wake him too.

I keep telling myself it will all be fine. and ot will!

OP posts:
kittycatcat · 17/01/2012 07:57

Thinking of you fizz

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 17/01/2012 08:08

Good luck fizz!

Slightly better night here, T seems to be over the worst of the itching and actually spent some of last night in his own bed!!

MumToTiny · 17/01/2012 08:47

Good luck Fizz!!!

Nothing you can buy, Dairy - nothing is licensed for babies. T has had gunky eyes a few times, and they've cleared up with boiled water and a bit of massage (from the corners of the eyes to the outside of the face - encourages the tear ducts to drain). If he's had it for a few days without improvement, maybe get in touch with your HV? She might be able to prescribe something or get GP to write you a prescription - then you've just got to get the stuff into S's eyes!!!!!

Has anyone ever had/heard of a male HV? It seems to be the domain of women... Just musing, no reason for the question!

Off to help set up at playgroup soon - one of the regular volunteers has been in hospital since last Wed (she's only 24, found a lump in her stomach a while ago which started hurting last week. Since she's been in hosp her BP has crashed several times, she's needed oxygen and adrenaline, as well as anti-sickness meds and industrial strength painkillers. Have they given her a scan to diagnose what's going on? No - why would anyone think that's sensible? AngryConfused). So anyway, I've volunteered to help as I only live around the corner. Can see myself becoming too involved though - someone shake me! I haven't got time! Brownies is a big enough commitment!

I'll tell you the swimming saga when I get chance... I said I'd be at play group by 9 don't think it's going to happen

Cyclebump · 17/01/2012 09:25

Good luck Fizz!

Hope the volunteer feels better soon Tiny, sounds serious Sad

My younger sister and I are 14 months apart Kitty. It took six years to conceive me after my older sister so mum and dad thought they better start trying straight away Grin

It was hard work for mum at first but we were inseparable when little and we played together. She slept in my bed for years (she had childhood epilepsy and really bad nightmares). When she was older I was the person she'd wake when having nosebleeds (again epilepsy related) and we were mistaken for twins a lot.

We grew apart as teenagers as we got tired of being in each others' space all the time. We fought a lot, but now, as adults, we're still very close. I got her a job at my company when she left uni and we ate lunch together nearly every day. We teach together at music school and everything.

I love my older sister too but it's a different type of relationship. She's very much the eldest and it's taken til we were adults for us to be friends. No 12-year-old I know wants a six-year-old trying to play with them and their friends!

kittycatcat · 17/01/2012 09:31

I hear ya Cycle 7 years between me and my bro. Wasnt until i moved out we became friends even, so i would rather Sam and his sibling have what you had with your younger sister have Smile. That said already i am worrying about them sharing a room, Sam will still be in a cot so i will need another? Thinking i will get a swinging crib this time so the baby can be in our room longer so Sam might be ready for a bed? And what will i look after Sam with a baby on my boob? Confused

OhFraktiousTree · 17/01/2012 09:38

kitty sling! One that you can BF in. A crib sounds a good plan but IME siblings tend not to disturb each other as much as one would think. Also I would really recommend considering done kind of help (domestic or childcare) the first few months if you can afford it. Or looking at keeping up whatever childcare you have in place now PT.

kittycatcat · 17/01/2012 09:45

Thanks frak I got a cot2tot sling for S but struggled with it, am gonna need practise. My SIL had their 2nd in October and they kept my dn (3) at home while my BIL was at home, but after that he started going back to his grandparents and his original routine. S goes to his grandparents Monday to Wednesday so maybe it's worth me doing that in the beginning until i find my feet. I also think i will have to have a csec again as it's so soon since S. I will have a chat to the midwife about that, cos thats a whole other concern. 5 days after S was born i said i would have another c sec but the thought of the knife still fills me with terror as does childbirth in general now!

Sorry to take over ladies.

MTThope she's ok.

OhFraktiousTree · 17/01/2012 09:50

Not taking over! We're living vicariously through you Wink

I'm minding a friends DD (6 months younger than M) from March so also hoping to pick up tips. Luckily both are used to being slung or I have no idea how I'll manage.

kittycatcat · 17/01/2012 10:25

Then here's an update Grin Midwife just called. Will send me a date for my scan and my midwife will call re 9 week booking in appt. I also see a consultant at 16 weeks because i had a csec - v pleased about this. All seeming a bit more real now. Bursting to tell people so thanks for letting me share with you x

chillikat · 17/01/2012 11:40

Kitty when/if I do it again I think I'll go for another c-sec but without the 31 hours of labour beforehand. No point getting more stiches in another place! Also one of my friends is a midwife on the post natal ward that gets c-secs

Not a great night here :( just back to 3 hour wake ups so at least it's not like last week. My mum annoyed me saying we should have left M to cry in the cot last week instead of letting her sleep between us. She's convinced that co-sleeping results in squashed babies. I pointed out I wouldn't leave her to cry, especially if she was ill, why would I leave M? I also said her repeated suggestions about leaving her to cry means I'm unlikely to trust her with M. I'm thinking of sending her a link to the Dr Sears site.

Looks like we're not napping this morning. Hopefully we'll get a long one in the pram after singing.

OhFraktiousTree · 17/01/2012 11:43

It is very rare for cosleeping parents to squish their babies unless drunk. FSID have some interesting figures.


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kittycatcat · 17/01/2012 11:44

Oh no chilli. Will she be looking after M?

JKSLtd · 17/01/2012 13:46

Kitty - I won't tell you about me & my sister with a 14month gap or how badly we still get on then Grin She is a difficult person with everyone not just me though.

Worth looking at Phil & Teds if you want to look into double buggies. There's also a funky new one on the market but name escapes me now sorry!
Sling invaluable, get lots Grin
My 2 shared from early on and rarely disturb each other so go for it on that front.
Yes to a cleaner for a couple of hours a week if you can.
Yes to any childcare options/nursery for the older DC. (not in a sending them away kind of way obv).

I made it a personal rule that i would never say to DS1 'no, I can't do X because of DS2' - i always changed it round to 'no, i can't do X because i'm having a 5minute sit down, or a rest or something.' Maybe unnecessary but I didn't want him to resent DS2.
Lots of cBeebies Grin
I would probably go for another cot in your position. I moved DS1 into a bed earlier than most to free up the cot in plenty of time, but he was about 17/18months then.

Also, I will try not bang on about it, but please look into VBAC if you can. There is a great Yahoo group. :)

kittycatcat · 17/01/2012 14:19

hehe, thanks JKS er what's VBAC?

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