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April 2011 - silence might be golden but the April ladies are diamond so chat on

998 replies

GlaikitFizzog · 13/01/2012 11:24

Ta Dah!

OP posts:
Alibabaandthe40nappies · 15/01/2012 10:00

Oh kitty!

ILike - it is because they can't do clinical trials on babies, so instead gradually evidence is built up about customary use and now there is a BNF (British National Formulary) for children which gives info on this sort of thing about what has been used safely, dosage and that sort of thing. The paed I know has been involved with writing it

The Piriton did help, we all had a much better night, only about an hour in total spent awake with T (3 wake ups) although DS1 was in our bed from 6.15 as well

Frakk - with biting, we just put T down and say 'no biting' really firmly while making eye contact. It is hard because sometimes he sneaks up and bites one of us on the leg or something which makes us yell - which he obviously finds hilarious Hmm

kittycatcat · 15/01/2012 12:45

Clear blue = pregnant 2-3 weeks!!!

Starshaped · 15/01/2012 12:48


OhFraktiousTree · 15/01/2012 12:52

Omg! Congratulations!

GlaikitFizzog · 15/01/2012 13:05

Omg you are crazy!!! Congratulations! :o

OP posts:
kittycatcat · 15/01/2012 13:59

Hehe thanks. I think I might be a little crazy but I'm excited. Grin

JKSLtd · 15/01/2012 13:59

WOW congratulations Kitty! (you nutter!) Grin

DD woke at 4ish for her dummy, disturbed DS2 who got up about 4.45. Luckily it was DH's turn to get up so I slept in (on and off depending what noises went on downstairs) until gone 8, lovely.

Anyone else in spring cleaning mode? I've been all sorts of random tidying, kitchen cupboards, behind the tumble dryer, in the car, for eg.

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 15/01/2012 14:43

Oh my Kitty, congratulations! You are utterly mad, clearly, but that is great news Grin

T is much better today, and my parents are here and have taken him and DS1 out for a walk while DH and I cook the Sunday lunch and drink wine in peace Grin

BuckminsterFullerene · 15/01/2012 15:52

Congratulations Kitty! You're a braver one than I. Hopefully you'll have a straightforward easy pg with a happy snoozy baby in... September?! Grin

chillikat · 15/01/2012 16:33

Congratulations kitty. You're brave doing it all again so soon.

Well, after the terrible sleep at the end of last week M did a six hour straight stretch from 11.10-5.15 ! There were a couple of wake ups before then and a mega feed until 6, then another couple of hours sleep :) Obviously DH and I feel much refreshed, although with M BF lots over the last few days I actually woke up before her in a puddle of milk Blush. She still seems to be off her solid food but I'm hoping it'll pick up again this week as she feels better.

I'm in a spring cleaning mode too JKS I think it happens after the Christmas decorations come down. I even dusted and insisted we needed to hoover under the sofa last week! I'm also on a mission to get rid of all the stuff we don't need including all the weird and unwated Christmas presents we got the 'stuff to leave the house pile' is slowly being freecycled and maybe I'll try ebay eventually for the things that might be worth selling.

Cyclebump · 15/01/2012 16:33

Massive congrats Kitty!! am almost jealous...

Brew for those with poxy babies, must be rough Sad

H had an up and down night as he was massively constipated. He then pooed while asleep. Did lead to the funniest nappy change so far though. I'd got him on the changing table, unzipped his grobag, unpoppered his pjs, undone dirty nappy and wiped his bum by the time he started to stir and I was nearly done so he went straight back to sleep with some patting. Mental!

DairyBeetle · 15/01/2012 18:37

wow Kitty congratulations!!!! I will admit watching OBEM this week had me thinking I could do it again now...then i had to rush to the loo after a coughing fit so I guess my pelvic floor isn't so ready!

Had another crap night here, i could tell exactly when the baby nurofen wore off as S was awake every 40 mins or so and obviously restless with teething pain when he did drop off.

Cycle we do sleepy nappy (and clothes) changes when S has worn himself at nursery. It feels like a magic trick! Plus it's one of the rare times that we can get him changed without chasing him across the floor or wrestling his hands off his bits long enough to do the nappy up!

Not too much biting here (yet, things may change once these teeth come through, if ever they do!) just lots of raspberries and 'kisses'

Brew and Wine for those with the pox.

MumToTiny · 16/01/2012 00:30

Kitty - you're mad! Congratulations!

ILike - I think it's most likely that the ibuprofen just works really well (or you've discovered a previously unreported side effect)! Grin

T has slept loads today - hopefully he'll also sleep lots tonight, or I'll be a zombie for swimming in the morning (why did I think that the 9.15am class was a good idea? I don't do mornings!).

Night all!

BuckminsterFullerene · 16/01/2012 06:14

OMG, we've just had our 4th ever sleep-through! 7:30-6:00 (and I think he'd have slept longer). So I've had 7hrs unbroken* sleep for the first time in months!

*except for waking just enough to listen to him breathing and have a little snoozy 'woop!' every few hours!

It'll never happen again, I'm sure. But I feel better just for 1 good sleep! Thankyou sleep faries!

OhFraktiousTree · 16/01/2012 06:47

Wow buck that's great! So glad you feel better Smile

cycle nice nappy changing skills! They will sleep through a lot, won't they?

Dairy time to do more kegels maybe? Wink I'm terrible at remembering so I have an app on my phone. Not that I ever use it but occasionally I see it and it reminds me.

chilli glad M seems better. Thank goodness for boob sometimes, eh?

Mumtotiny have a good swim! I must confess to really not being a morning person either...

M still seems pretty mucousy from his cough. Any bright ideas? He's okay in himself but I think I might take him down the paed anyway. He's due a checkup next week.

GlaikitFizzog · 16/01/2012 08:12

Morning! B has decided that 5.30 is the best time to get up recently! I feel like I've done a day already! I'm currently trying to tire him out in the Jumperoo! I'll try get my head down when he has his nap!

Had a lovely weekend with my BF. Unfortunatly when she got home her boyfriend ended it. Bastard! He can't commit to her Hmm. Thankfully she still has her flat and the tennents have just moved out. We fell out when she moved in with him and I said to her not to sell her flat as he had no inclination to sell his place or get somewhere together. Boy am I glad I had the conversation with her now. It's her 30th next month. She organised a party for his 30th, I guess it falls to me now to make sure she has a good one!

OP posts:
DairyBeetle · 16/01/2012 08:23

Fizz your poor friend, he sounds a delight. Hope she's ok and she looks like she's better of well shot of him.

Mumtotiny Could I pick your brains for a minute? >bats eyelids sweetly< I think S has conjunctivitis (he's gets a really snotty nose when he's teething badly and keeps rubbing the snot in his eyes, bleugh). Anyway, I'm cleaning regularly with cooled boiled water. Apart from gunky-ness he doesn't seem to be finding them itchy and they're a little red but mostly just watering a lot. Is there anything I'm meant to get from the chemist or is a trip to the GPs job? Thanks

Buck I am so very, very Envy of your full nights sleep, I think we saw every hour last night...

Frak And Squuuueeeeeze and release! Grin Wink

Cyclebump · 16/01/2012 08:31

We spent a fortune in Sainsburys yesterday. We bought loads of baby stuff in the sale. H now has a Tommee Tippee magic mat and divided up plates among other things. Before now vie fed him from a pot and any finger foods were straight on the highchair tray. He's so grown up now, sigh. He's now dipping his toast into his porridge Hmm.

Grrrrrr at your BF's ex-boyfriend Fizz, one of my friends got royally screwed over this year too, makes me so cross. She's lovely and just seems to attract complete nobs!

ILikeToMoveItMoveIt · 16/01/2012 08:58

aqua draw pen Frakk If you do buy one, check the size as they do small ones which are probably too small for lo's.

Hurrah for good sleeping, wish I could say it was the same in our house

I stocked up in the baby sale at Sainsbo's as well Cycle Grin

Sounds like your friend is well rid Fizz and you sound like a fab and loyal friend.

Thanks for your opinion Tiny, no more ibuprofen at bedtime in this house!

Yesterday I had 5 whole hours to myself! I spent some of my Christmas vouchers (some new jeans and some books), had some lunch (on my own in a restaurant, and i didnt care who was looking!), then I went to the cinema. It was fab Grin

What to do today?

kittycatcat · 16/01/2012 09:01

Dairy are you still breast feeding? If so squirt some milk in the eye. It worked a treat for S.

Fizz what a shit. Happy organising!

GlaikitFizzog · 16/01/2012 10:16

Who was it on here that had to stop their DS using his willy as the pen making his own aqua draw pen? Was it GGF?

I have 100s of things to do today before work tomorrow. I fyousee me here again, give me a slap!!

OP posts:
ecuse · 16/01/2012 13:56

Bloody hell kitty CONGRATULATIONS!! Slightly in awe of your bravery, slightly Envy. I too blame OBEM for the Envy. No more for me until we move out of this m%-%+%+%%-%-ing on bed flat, though.

Sitting in massively overcrowded baby clinic waiting for Joanna's 8 month review. Gonna be waiting for at least an hour by the looks of it. I bloody hate baby clinic. Wish they would let me just make an appointment. At least she is sitting in her pushchair being quiet, looking at the bigger babies playing with wide-eyed silent fascination. Small mercies...


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ecuse · 16/01/2012 14:33

One hour and counting....

[seventh circle of hell emoticon]

JKSLtd · 16/01/2012 14:39

Oh dear Ecuse - sympathies. Our HV does checks at home so I haven't taken M to the clinic once (as CBA to get her weighed like I did with DS1).

Kitty - how are you doing? Has that bone-crushing tiredness hit yet? I always felt like I could sleep wherever I was, standing, talking, etc. Just had to shut eyes & I'd be gone Grin Hope you've not got MS too, I have been lucky x 3 and not suffered.

M currently loving her pile of dollies & her hamster in a ball toy - actually it's just hidden behind the sofa I suppose I should rescue it?!

kittycatcat · 16/01/2012 14:46

God Ecuse how awful. Whats the 8 month check? S hasnt had one...

JKS feeling a little sleepy and cant seem to concentrate (is that any different to any other day tho). Feel really bloated and lots of twinges. I saw a psychic in 2009 who said i was going to have 3 children, but i wont be allowed another after this and he was worryingly right about a lot of other stuff! Hmm

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