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Sept 10 - Now they're all one, where has the year gone!!!!!

986 replies

lumpylumps · 30/10/2011 21:06

Sorry, I've jumped in with the new thread! Its been running through my head for the last week!

OP posts:
beaditAli · 07/11/2011 14:12

Can't wait Patito hahahahahahaha
I remember my niece asking me to take her to the loo and when she kindly bent over for me to wipe she said: and it's a word for word quote.... "Aunty Ali...... you know when you have a poo! Your bum is like a rabbit's nose twitching in and out isn't it?!!!!!!" Shock Apart from it being amazingly funny.... how would a four year old know that unless she has a mirror on the bottom of the toilet??? Grin Grin

lumpylumps · 07/11/2011 14:13

MammyG on the subject of silly names, I have piriformis syndrome, aka ballerina butt!!!!! Always makes me chuckle!

Ds1 is always telling me he loves me! he'll be playing, stop and say "mummy, I yuv you!" nursery say that sometimes he'll be sat quietly on his own, they ask him if he's ok & he just says "I yuv my mummy" Grin

patito when he said it gets bigger did he mean it blew up like a balloon?? Ds1s does! He's just learnt how to wee standing up! Its very cute!

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 07/11/2011 14:23

I know what you mean lumpylumps, it's like the end fills with wee before it actually starts coming out! Ds1 plays with his a lot more now he's older and gets erections a lot which he doesn't like. Luke fiddles with his all the time, the second it's uncovered!!

Shock at your neice beaditAli!

saoirse86 · 07/11/2011 17:11

When orlaith had her development check she was measured (lying down) at a teeny tiny 72cm. I would have thought at this stage when she's a very confident walker she'd be measured standing up. Confused she was also weighed at 23lbs! Shock She's a chunky short arse!

Orlaith's had a horrible cold and cough that have really knocked her about for over a week. She's been sleeping loads and hardly eating. She normally has a really sticky outy tummy (very technical I know!) but it's hardly there at all ATM. We've also not been out much because she's only awake for 1-2 hours at a time. I'm getting cabin fever now!

I have always thought that I have no preference as to whether I had a boy or girl but I don't know how I'd cope with all this willy business! I've never known any little boys at all really and I think it'd shock and embarrass me to see all these bulging, erecting willies! Blush

newmum001 · 07/11/2011 18:00

Saoirse I was thinking the exact same thing! I'd be really shocked to see a tiny erection. Hop orlaith feels better soon! Is she still waking at night or has the cold meant she's been sleeping better?

newmum001 · 07/11/2011 18:00

Saoirse I was thinking the exact same thing! I'd be really shocked to see a tiny erection. Hop orlaith feels better soon! Is she still waking at night or has the cold meant she's been sleeping better?

lumpylumps · 07/11/2011 20:05

I'm not keen on the erection side of things! My two don't tend to fiddle but ds1 does get them occasionally! He was funny the other day, sat watching telly he was fidgeting. I asked him if he was ok & he said his winky was pointing up! I jiggled his trousers round & he was ok. 2 minutes later he was doing it again. I had a look & his winky was poking out the top of his pants (not erect) Bless him, he really needs to tuck it in!

OP posts:
beaditAli · 07/11/2011 21:06

Thankfully Jack hardly ever bothers with his but sometimes if I change him just after a nap, it can be poking out in front Grin
I wouldn't know what to do with a girl so I guess it'd feel a bit strange the other way around. I've only ever changed one nappy on a girl!

Research question for you all: What would your ideal piece of costume jewellery be? Excluding diamonds!!!

MammyG · 07/11/2011 22:14

I could write a book of willy stories!!! Its so much fun!! DS1 was/is obsessed with growing and getting taller. Arrived into our room one morning with a big proud face and exclaimed that all that eating had paid off cause his willy had grown!! DS1 even had a daddys big willy song that nearly caused a car crash! DS2 was totally obsessed with me not having a willy and one day in the supermarket asked where they sell the willies as his mommy needs one!! Nowadays its all focused on Phoebe - what do ye call girl bits? Im at a loss! The boys think she pees out her bottom but tbh havent allowed much investigation and saved her dignity! (plus it will all backfire on me!)
Patitio on just a healthy diet for now but have to do an elimination diet after the tests and see if any particular food aggravates it.
Met Doc today - if its spastic colon I cant do anything but try to manage my stress levels!!! Im a working mum of 3 - unless they are going to give me 5 more hours in the day dont know what Im going to do. Plus being rushed off to a&e every few months is a bit of a severe reaction to stress!!! Am down about that - never thought I would wish for gallstones! Plus now have a weird mole that needs investigating - will it ever end!!!!!

saoirse86 · 07/11/2011 22:16

Thanks newmum, she's getting better. Still just very sleepy but has eaten a little bit more today (but that was only a bit of toast, quarter of an apple and quarter of a sandwich!). She's been sleeping better than usual at night so just waking twice, but also sleeping longer. On sunday she woke at 9am, napped from 1-5pm then went to bed at 7pm. Still only woke twice and woke properly at 8am this morning. Then a 2 hour nap and 2.5 hour nap today. I just don't know what to do with myself with all this time. In a way it's annoying this didn't happen when I had assignments and exams!

Should I mention that Orlaith has accidentally learned what boobs are and randomly pulls down any woman's top and says "boob" Blush Blush Blush DP thinks this is my fault but I'm genuinely not sure how she's learned this!

newmum001 · 07/11/2011 22:31

Saoirse that is hilarious! We play a game with grace asking where her toes are, where her nose is etc then one day I cam home and dp said watch this grace where's your toes - she points at toes, where's your nose - she points at nose, where's your nip nips and she bangs her chest, now she does it all the time! I could have killed him! She also says hiya daddy to every man she meets which led to a very very fit guy asking me if there was something he should know! I could have died! He was utterly gorgeous!

newmum001 · 07/11/2011 22:31

Saoirse that is hilarious! We play a game with grace asking where her toes are, where her nose is etc then one day I cam home and dp said watch this grace where's your toes - she points at toes, where's your nose - she points at nose, where's your nip nips and she bangs her chest, now she does it all the time! I could have killed him! She also says hiya daddy to every man she meets which led to a very very fit guy asking me if there was something he should know! I could have died! He was utterly gorgeous!

saoirse86 · 07/11/2011 22:48

Grin newmum! DP's parents are nanny and grandad to Orlaith and so are my grandparents, so she now seems to think that "nanny" means old woman and "grandad" means old man. So she calls all old people nanny or grandad now. Old people love that kind of thing though. But I wish she'd chat up someone lovely man for me instead! Wink

Have I told you all, I've started working at the pub again. I've done a few shifts now and I'm loving it. Smile It's nice to have a change of scenery and the good thing about the job is that there's no stress, and you go home at the end of the shift and don't think about it again till your next shift. If only it paid more and it'd be a long term job for me I think (although I have been working there for nearly 7 years so I suppose that's pretty long term already Hmm).

cinnamongreyhound · 08/11/2011 07:28

We don't mammyG! Ds1 says mummy doesn't have a willy but the idea that I must have something else seems to escape him! Having said that he does follow me to the toilet a lot and if we're out he always comes with me, one day in a public toilet he did say very loudly 'mummy I'm fed up of your blood now' Shock Blush so he must know something goes on! My friend just calls her girls' a front bottom and one of my minded little girls says fairy (which for ages I thought she was saying furry Shock). I honestly don't know what I'd say it's hard as there isn't even a proper term for everything all together that you could use. I'd love a good suggestion for if they do ask though!

You did say you were working in the pub saoirse86, glad you're enjoying it though.

Would definitely have given dh a piece of mind for teaching her that newmum001, will be very embarrassing while in the supermarket!!

cinnamongreyhound · 08/11/2011 07:32

Oh and sorry beaditAli but not even sure I know what costume jewellery is, wrong person to ask! I'm lucky really I have boys as I'm not girly at all!!!

beaditAli · 08/11/2011 08:31

My Sil was waiting to pick her dd1 up from school early and she came bounding out of the school entrance... into a playground full of parents and said: "Mummy's going to get her flu flu seen to now" Shock
Yep..... same girl with the rabbit story! Grin

saoirse so glad you're enjoying getting stuck into something else that you enjoy. I'm a tad jealous! Smile
A lovely time of year to be there too I would have thought....?

cinnamon it's just a term for everyday jewellery that's not massively expensive like diamond, gold, sapphire etc etc
just wondering what people like these days...... been a while since i've done any proper looking into latest fashions. Am currently making a load of lovely long necklaces for a lady doing a charity event next week...... but I would never wear them myself Confused

newmum001 · 08/11/2011 09:08

I love gold atm beadit (not real gold) big earings with orangy coloured stones or beads and chunky beady bracelets or chunky bamgles. I don't really do necklaces but love earings and bracelets, also love quite big over the top rings with big flowers or a big bright stone on etc!

newmum001 · 08/11/2011 09:08

I love gold atm beadit (not real gold) big earings with orangy coloured stones or beads and chunky beady bracelets or chunky bamgles. I don't really do necklaces but love earings and bracelets, also love quite big over the top rings with big flowers or a big bright stone on etc!

newmum001 · 08/11/2011 09:10

As for colours I'm loving gold (as I've said) burnt or bright orange, turquoise and floral prints! I've also got a few chunky (ish) wooden bangles that seem to go with everything.

newmum001 · 08/11/2011 09:10

As for colours I'm loving gold (as I've said) burnt or bright orange, turquoise and floral prints! I've also got a few chunky (ish) wooden bangles that seem to go with everything.

cinnamongreyhound · 08/11/2011 09:29

I have a pandora braclet which has the murano (sp) glass beads in orange and turquoise and silver ones. I have very little jewellery but when I have is mostly silver with amber of all different colours. I don't wear anything big at all, by all the gypsy style (sorry really crap at this!) long dangley stuff for dss's mum when we buy her presents otherwise no clue! Glad newmum001 is here to help Wink

comixminx · 08/11/2011 10:06

Hiya all, I am mostly staying in today and having a nice quiet day, cos of a tummy bug (something A brought back from nursery of course!). It's not too bad but it is uncomfortable and would be worse if I sat up at a desk all day, at least that's my story...

beadit, my preference in jewellery is probably something with a bit of colour to it - I've got a locket with Blue John stone which is a nice purple colour, and I've also got some nice orange-y-brown necklaces. I also wear quite a bit of silver when I wear anything, but that's because of one particular silversmith here in Oxford whose work I really like. I used to wear earrings every day and had quite a few, but have given up since having Aphra as my ears don't like them anymore after the break! (I didn't wear them during all my maternity leave and then when I tried them again on return to work my ears went funny.)

Dunno what we're likely to call Aphra's bits when she's older: in the bath at the moment they are referred to as her bits, but suppose we might also go for 'front bottom' as a good old standby. When I was little we called it a peehouse, I think that was a term I made up.


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Debs75 · 08/11/2011 10:36

beadit I'm a challenge as I'm allergic to metals, I can wear medical grade stainless steel but they don't come in pretty designs. Gold is definitely out but I do like silver. I have some nice wooden pieces which are allergy free, and glass beads on ribbons are ok. Colours I like are reds, purples, blues and greens.

I have 3 girls and we still don't have a name for their 'privates'. Flu is probably the best one

saoirse86 · 08/11/2011 11:27

beadit I like either big statement pieces like they do at freedom at topshop or small items, like at junk jewels. I don't have much preference of gold or silver but I'm definitely more of a necklace kinda girl.

Debs is it the nickel you're allergic to? DP has lots of customers who think they're allergic to gold or silver but it's actually the nickel. The problem is you're not allowed to sell items containing nickel in the uk but it's not tested for. Probably 99.9% of items coming from abroad have nickel but no one mentions it, and all the big high street Jewellers, and lots of the small independents too, buy from abroad so it's very common!

I've just found out I have to be at the accountants DP uses tomorrow at 8.45am! Confused I don't do mornings! Maybe that's why working at the pub is good for me. Hmm

beaditAli · 08/11/2011 14:37

Liking the Junk Jewels site but I can't buy jewellery like that cos i'm too heavy handed and everything would end up damaged and shoved in a box somewhere! I love Accessorize too but should be banned from buying anything there for the same reason. Blush I bet your DP is busy this time of year!?
It is such a nightmare trying to order findings without nickel in!

Just about to list these on my Notonthehighstreet pages:

They've been mega popular with my friends who like understated, plainish silver pieces. All the letters sit nicely behind/ish each other rather than being seen in a row to spell something out.

I want to move house!!!! Any body want to buy my pad? Hmm

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