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Sept 10 - Now they're all one, where has the year gone!!!!!

986 replies

lumpylumps · 30/10/2011 21:06

Sorry, I've jumped in with the new thread! Its been running through my head for the last week!

OP posts:
diddlybop · 02/04/2012 21:28

I've googled it & apparently they can take the money when they feel like it! I think there's a time limit but I think that takes the piss a bit really! It'll come out soon enough by the sound of it!
I got a Fiesta. Its a 54 plate so not the new new style but still nice. Its my work car. I finally gave in & decided that my mini was too small. It was the day i was stood on the drive holding things in the boot & slamming it shut before everything fell out that swung it!

newmum001 · 02/04/2012 21:42

Haha I had my 2 lessons in a mini and loved it (shame the instructor was a complete arse) but I agree it doesn't really sound practical for what u need it for. My friends got a fiesta it's really nice.

newmum001 · 02/04/2012 21:42

Haha I had my 2 lessons in a mini and loved it (shame the instructor was a complete arse) but I agree it doesn't really sound practical for what u need it for. My friends got a fiesta it's really nice.

patito · 03/04/2012 15:59

Diddlybop If that´s the case (can take it when want) then Id ring them to tell them to get a move on!

I started my periods at xmas and they are all over the place Im hating having them back. Im getting very tempted to go for nyumber 3 after hearing you all speaking about your pregnancies. Just not sure Im ready for it yet.

We finally had DS´s birthday BBQ on Sunday, the weather held out and we had a really nice time. We invited 6 other couples so there were 12 adults and 12 kids! (We did it in a designated BBQ area by the beach, not my house!).

Well thats my "free" time over DS just woke.


cinnamongreyhound · 03/04/2012 16:11

I wuouldn't bother to ring them, just don't spend it diddlybop! There must be some time limit on it even a cheque only have 6 months to be cashed. Glad you are happy with the car though.

That's a bit of change patito from previously when you were saying dh wanted another one and you didn't! The others who are pregnant here either only have one or have two but the older one is much older than yours so I understand you not being sure! If money wasn't an issue I'd definitely be happy to be pregnant now.

comixminx · 03/04/2012 20:45

Hi, a different WWYD to cinnamon this time. My friend has just gone back to work and her 1 yr old DD has gone to a local childminder but seems like she's really not settled and the CM thinks it's best if she goes elsewhere - leaving my friend in despair of course. I don't know what the whole story is except that it was only last week that her DD started at the CM, so she hasn't been for more than 4 days as she's going 3 days a week as far as I know. My friend has had to pick her up early twice I think but the baby was happy there on at least one of the days.

My questions: to me it seems like pretty early days to be saying it's hopeless and the baby should go elsewhere - does this seem right? I realise that the CM needs to be fair to the other children she minds and if the new child is taking a lot of energy it might not be fair on them but still. And - what are her options now? I suggested the local nursery, that Aphra is very happy at, but my friend is worried that it will be the same problem only worse because there will be more children for the nursery staff to look after - and she's worried that the nursery would just leave her DD to scream alone for longer. I don't think they would, they've been really good with Aphra, and I talked to them tonight when I did the pickup and they said their approach would be to have a longer lead-in acclimatisation time. And of course having a nanny is the final possibility, but only if she could afford it which she assumes she can't... I imagine that for them it would still be cheaper than either my friend or her husband becoming stay at home parents but clearly that's not a very tactful way of framing a discussion. Any helpful ideas!?

diddlybop · 03/04/2012 20:48

Patito I'm exactly the same. I'd like number 3 but just don't know! DH ses a definate no & i'm yes one day, no the next! What to do!

cinnamongreyhound · 03/04/2012 21:16

comixminx my gut says she's had a better offer and is trying to offload your friend but that could be being unfair. I would never expect a child to settle within 4 days of being with me. How long was her settling in time? I give 4 hours free settling in depending what suits the parents and if they want more they can pay for it. I have had one little girl that took 2 months before she stopped crying when her mum left and after that she was sooooooo clingy with me for months more but I stuck with it and looked after her for 3 years. You know when you take on a new child that they will most likely disrupt the balance that you have and some do that more than others. Presumably she has a notice period? I would suggest she talks to the childminder and persuades her to give it a bit longer if not she should have a month in which to find an alternative childminder. It could be that this childminder has never had an unsettled child and is not sure how to cope. She would not necessarily be worse in a nursery but some parents just don't like nursery's for younger children and she may not have wanted to say that to you as it sounds like shes critising your choice iyswim. A nursery will be more likely to persist as well, although I would expect a childminder to give it more of a go than this! I also wouldn't get a parent to collect a child early due to them being unsettled as it's to be expected and that doesn't really help the situation, sorry to sound negative but it seems a bit fishy to me :(

comixminx · 03/04/2012 21:59

Thanks for the speedy reply, cinnamon. I think it sounds all a bit off too, and have passed on your advice on notice periods and suchlike though I wouldn't be surprised if my friend felt like "well if she doesn't want my baby I don't want her!". My friend did consider the same nursery as Aphra goes to, but the CM she went with was very local indeed and really handy in many ways so seemed like the best bet. I would assume my friend was ok with nurseries in principle but I think she just feels a bit despairing about the whole thing at this moment - which I'm not surprised by either.

Patito, diddlybop, bit of a dilemma then! I'd wait till you were definitely sure meself cos obv there's no going back, but I know it's not as easy as that...

Dixiebell · 04/04/2012 22:20

It took Arlo a good couple of months before he stopped crying at cm's. And actually this week he's just started doing it again when I leave him! I would expect the cm to help the child and parents through the transition not just give up. But think I'd be put off her entirely after that. How will she cope with other issues if she gives up after only 4 days?!

comixminx · 05/04/2012 08:45

To be fair, my friend has given a bit more info that I didn't have when posting earlier. For one, her baby wasn't just crying, but scream

comixminx · 05/04/2012 08:49

Damn, fat fingers! Screaming with rage, for two and a half hours non-stop, so loud that it could be heard on the other street. Also this CM normally works in pairs and therefore takes on more kids, but one of them is due to go on hols soon. And apparently they didn't charge for the time they've had my friend's DD so at least that's something.

cinnamongreyhound · 05/04/2012 14:27

The little girl I mentioned before literally cried from drop off to pick up unless she was eating or sleeping for 2-3 weeks (was 3 days a week) but I knew her mum had to work so I got on with it an tried to play it down a bit, I don't think she'd have been any different in any other childcare situation but I suppose I could have seen it as not needing the hassle!

Debs75 · 05/04/2012 16:00

Hi we will need a new thread soon ladies, any ideas?

cinnamongreyhound · 05/04/2012 19:10

I was thinking that too Debs75 but I am rubbish, really not creative or imaginative!

cinnamongreyhound · 08/04/2012 21:04

How about Sept 2010- Another 6 months past, it's going too fast!

patito · 08/04/2012 21:24

I don´t mind about the title just as long as it´s got "Sept 10" on, otherwise I tend to lose it (the thread that is!).

Finished lent today, ha ha choclate and a cuppa for me coming up Smile. Also gave up meat but didn´t really miss it tbh, except for DS´s birthday BBQ - that was quite a hard day.

Dp away for the week so Im heading in for an early night tonight to try and start the week off with some energy cause I know it´ll all be gone by the time he gets back on Friday night.

BeaditAli · 09/04/2012 10:04

patito click on the blue watch on the toolbar near the top, and bottom...... Then go to your i'm watching each time you want to get the thread. That way you'll never lose us Grin

cinnamongreyhound · 09/04/2012 19:52

That's some serious will power patito!!!!! I have lost a total of 23Kg/3st 8 now but I haven't given up chocolate at all just eating less of it. Couldn't love without my treats.

newmum001 · 10/04/2012 08:20

Cinnamon I was looking at you're pics on fb yesterday and you're looking amazing! Can't believe you've lost so much!

Well dp is back in work today but my sister and mum are off for the week which will be nice.

We took grace to a petting farm on saturday and she loved it! I got bitten off a micro pig which hurt sooo much but it was my fault, I was holding the food wrong and it was too greedy. Hope everyone has had a lovely easter weekend. Also I'm not bothered about the new title, I have no imagination for these things so anything will be better than what I can come up with.

newmum001 · 10/04/2012 08:20

Cinnamon I was looking at you're pics on fb yesterday and you're looking amazing! Can't believe you've lost so much!

Well dp is back in work today but my sister and mum are off for the week which will be nice.

We took grace to a petting farm on saturday and she loved it! I got bitten off a micro pig which hurt sooo much but it was my fault, I was holding the food wrong and it was too greedy. Hope everyone has had a lovely easter weekend. Also I'm not bothered about the new title, I have no imagination for these things so anything will be better than what I can come up with.

cinnamongreyhound · 10/04/2012 09:18

Thanks newmum001! I feel different but when I look in the mirror I don't see any difference. I have only gone down from 16 to 14 which is a bit disappointing. Luke loved the farm park we went to, it's so lovely to see them enjoying animals. I was bitten by a pig when I was about 13 when on holiday with my dad and it really hurt! Basically the food ran out so she decided to take a chunk out of my finger.


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sassy34264 · 10/04/2012 11:36

cinnamon you do look really different. you look great. im surprised you've only gone down one dress size. have you tried any size 12's? you might find that it might only take a couple of more pounds and you will be there.

well done on the running. i have been using you to push me! I went to 5k (3.1 mile) again on the treadmill for the 2nd time this week and when i got there i decided to keep going to 4 miles and then i thought, i'll get to 4.5:miles and then when i got there, i only had 3 mins to run and i would make it to an hour, so i did. so got to 4.8 miles in 60 mins. i probably would have made it to 5 miles but the treadmill cuts off to warm down after 1 hr.
really felt like id had a break through. not concentrating on my diet yet (its crap!) but will do soon. got my nutrition exam on mon, so leaving it till after then (oh the irony)!

down to just a morning breast feed with eva. my decision which i feel a bit shit about, but i have had enough. she is up to 3 solids a day now. not a lot though. she has yoghurt at breakfast, fruit (apples,pears and mango so far) or veg (only carrot tried yet) for lunch and baby rice for dinner. she will be 6 months in 9 days!

the twins are 20months on friday.

sassy34264 · 10/04/2012 11:40

newmum i knew there was a readon why i have never held my hand out to an animal with food in it!

i was over 30 before id even get on a horse! ive since rode an horse, a camel and a dolphin! ha

sassy34264 · 10/04/2012 11:40

newmum i knew there was a readon why i have never held my hand out to an animal with food in it!

i was over 30 before id even get on a horse! ive since rode an horse, a camel and a dolphin! ha

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