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Ok so dd2 and I sitting in the living room and hear loud crash from upstairs........

207 replies

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 20:35

.........followed by a cascade of feathers into the garden! On investigation there is a bloody great pigeon prostrate in the garden against the fence! Daft sod had flown into the bedroom window. It has now recovered enough to be hopping about but it obviously can't fly - what the hell do I do with it now?
DD2 kept asking if it was dead, or will it die Mummy? Now she's gone to bed but every other sentence was 'is the pigeon still there Mummy'. DD1 now home and wants me to DO something Mummy!!!!!

OP posts:
aardfark · 22/05/2007 22:16

Pigeon eulogy anyone?

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:16

Have you ever noticed how piercing a pigeons gaze can be?

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:16

Well we are on the flight path of the airport - maybe he was following the planes!

OP posts:
Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:17

Its dark I can't see his piercing gaze now thank god!

OP posts:
MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:18

But he can see you!

dmo · 22/05/2007 22:18

grave? who said anything about a grave?
why waste a washing box? recycle is the key Barry will have to make do being scooped up with a shovel and thrown into the black bin

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:18

There once was a pigeon called Barry.........

OP posts:
aardfark · 22/05/2007 22:18

Oh my goodness I don't believe it. I've found someone who agrees with me on this!!!!

dmo · 22/05/2007 22:19

evil eyes

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:19

Well I've just read about helping sick pigeons and it said there are at least 32 different diseases it can pass on! OMG I am definitely NOT rescuing Barry now, no sirree>

OP posts:
MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:19

A washing powder box they wont recycle as it is corregated cardboard.
Barry i will see you get the send off you deserve.

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:20

How cute was that baby pigeon?

dmo · 22/05/2007 22:20

dont mess with tesco

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:21

32 disceases on the other side though becomes 64.

dmo · 22/05/2007 22:21

baby pigeons are not cute
they are rats just like their parents

aardfark · 22/05/2007 22:21

There once was a pigeon named Barry
Who flew into Polgara's house
He landed down hard
In her back yard
and then flapped and wiggled about

Now Polgara she was such a nice girl
She didn't know of bad pigeon ways
So she asked everyone on mumsnet
who said 'hit the fucker with a spade'.

She worried and worried about Barry
All alone and nearly dead
But alas in the morning, while stretching and yawning,
She saw the cat, eating his head.

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:23


Now that should be eulogy of the week.

aardfark · 22/05/2007 22:23

That baby pigeon was HIDEOUS. Gosh I know mums are meant to love their young and think they are lovely but I would have kicked that one out the nest even if it was mine!

dmo · 22/05/2007 22:23

that was so funny
cant stop laughing now
cant even see at the mo as my eyes are watering

aardfark · 22/05/2007 22:23

Please don't tell me MN has one of those? A eulogy of the week I mean?

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:25

aardfark - that is so funny!! It's not helping my conscience though.

OP posts:
Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:26

I wonder if Barry is even still there? It's too dark to see now.

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MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:26

If you did kick your baby pigeon out of the nest i would be left with no choice but to report you to the Nshp(Nice sorts help pigeons )

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:28

want my mommy

aardfark · 22/05/2007 22:28

MrsSlowLearner - to be fair, I would have called the cats attention to it first. I may be a pigeon killer but I DON'T LITTER!

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