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Ok so dd2 and I sitting in the living room and hear loud crash from upstairs........

207 replies

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 20:35

.........followed by a cascade of feathers into the garden! On investigation there is a bloody great pigeon prostrate in the garden against the fence! Daft sod had flown into the bedroom window. It has now recovered enough to be hopping about but it obviously can't fly - what the hell do I do with it now?
DD2 kept asking if it was dead, or will it die Mummy? Now she's gone to bed but every other sentence was 'is the pigeon still there Mummy'. DD1 now home and wants me to DO something Mummy!!!!!

OP posts:
dmo · 22/05/2007 21:36

he might even do goast poo all over your house

aardfark · 22/05/2007 21:37

It's out there watching you!

aardfark · 22/05/2007 21:38

But let's face it, Barry is not likely to have many friends is he?

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 21:38

Be afraid Polgara ,very afraid.

dmo · 22/05/2007 21:39

like the tatoos
deff see to the one who you think will survive (your dd)

purpleduck · 22/05/2007 21:39

omg!! How refreshing to have a (mostly) lighthearted thread!! Well done!

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 21:39

Barry may be a pornstar in bird world.

dmo · 22/05/2007 21:40

cant believe how many responces there are about a nearly (hopefully) dead pigeon

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 21:42

Allo my name is ray,i come to fix your nest

aardfark · 22/05/2007 21:44

Fuck me! There are two of them now, Ray and Barry. Maybe they'll form a band!

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 21:45

LOL you're all maaaaaaaaaaddddddddd!!!
I am going to have to shut the curtains and hope that Barry does not bite the dust but lives to fight another day! There is absolutely NO WAY I am going to chase him round the garden in a half-hearted attempt to catch him. Apart from anything else the neighbours will actually move never mind not speak to me .

OP posts:
aardfark · 22/05/2007 21:46

BTW have you seen this?

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 21:47

He's on my conscience though - I can't stop worrying about poor Barry (not enough to get him though )

OP posts:
aardfark · 22/05/2007 21:49

for those of you whose cars have been adorned by these darling creatures

dmo · 22/05/2007 21:52

need me to get one of those cars
bet dh is wondering why i'm laughing so much

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 21:53

ROFL where are you getting these from!

OP posts:
dmo · 22/05/2007 21:56

just been down stairs to show dh

aardfark · 22/05/2007 22:00

my favourite weekend activity

MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:05

aardvark-You pigeon hater!

Poor ickle Barry all injured and shivering outside and polgara all cosy an d warm sat in front of the Pc with a green and Blacks organic choc bar and a glass of Jack Daniels.

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:06

omg evil, just evil .
Well dh has come in and said to just leave it as it just keeps running away. So that lets it clearly off my conscience and I shall just blame him if Barry snuffs it .

OP posts:
aardfark · 22/05/2007 22:06

Go on, be honest, you laughed at that video didn't you?

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:07

oh MrsSlowLearner I was just letting go then as well!

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MrsSlowLearner · 22/05/2007 22:07

Barry could have given you all you ever wanted

dmo · 22/05/2007 22:07

cool can i join you looks like fun
she looks just like me too
maybe Barry would like one of the special nuts? maybe you could throw a couple his way

Polgara2 · 22/05/2007 22:07

The Ka vid was inspired.

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