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to wonder why Obama isn't running for president

342 replies

TheoriginalLEM · 22/03/2016 21:06

just that really.

he seems like the best man for the job

OP posts:
megletthesecond · 23/03/2016 08:52

gaz I think she was.

ScoutsMam · 23/03/2016 08:54

What about Nut Bush?

redshoeblueshoe · 23/03/2016 08:56

Whoever suggested Martin Sheen for President has clearly never seen The Dead Zone. Shock

GreatFuckability · 23/03/2016 09:17

In fairness, the president of America (bush 2) once asked which state of England Wales was in.

so, y'know, stupidity doesnt end with mumsnet...

Anniegetyourgun · 23/03/2016 09:30

I thought Jet Bush was a DYAC thing rather than an uninformed poster.

I only found out what GOP meant a few weeks ago through the kind offices of Google - and I did an OU course entitled "The US in the 20th Century" not so very many years ago! So, not necessarily mainstream knowledge, that one. (However I confess to having never watched The West Wing.)

YetAnotherHelenMumsnet · 23/03/2016 09:46


SylviaWrath · 23/03/2016 11:03

Just GOTUS sounds too much like POTUS and might not carry clearly through their secret wrist transmitters. It's a quandary all right

They wouldn't using those terms through the secret transmitters, they would use the Secret Service code names, like Eagle or Flamingo. Or Book bag Wink

SilverBirchWithout · 23/03/2016 11:05

MummyT Good idea.
Sounds like we have the start of a great plan.

SilverBirchWithout · 23/03/2016 11:15

George Bush Jr is a great example of the American dream - which is, their political system means that anyone can become President.

SilverBirchWithout · 23/03/2016 11:17

Oops, strike-through on anyone was wrong, meant to be an underline Blush

GiraffesAndButterflies · 23/03/2016 11:26

SCROTUS GrinGrinGrin

Americans / knowledgeable people, is there a mnemonic to help the rest of us? Like Henry VIII's wives, "Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived"?

If not can we create one? Grin

GiddyOnZackHunt · 23/03/2016 11:58

Oh meglet that's the limit....

SenecaFalls · 23/03/2016 14:18

As a Florida Democrat, may I just point out that the US arguably did not actually elect Dubya president in 2000. [Still-pissed-off-about-that-emoticon]

Cerseirys · 23/03/2016 14:38

quencher - Yes, and there is a third bush, jet bush

There's a fourth and fifth too - Neil and Marvin. Also a sister. But I don't think any of them are in politics.

SenecaFalls · 23/03/2016 14:44

Jeb's son is though. George P. Bush is the fourth generation elected official in the Bush family.

LineyReborn · 23/03/2016 14:48

George Snr, George Jnr, Jet, Neil and Marvin and 'also a sister' sound like (a) Thunderbirds, or (b) the members of an Osmonds tribute group.

Cerseirys · 23/03/2016 14:49

Jeb's son is though. George P. Bush is the fourth generation elected official in the Bush family.

Yes, he's half-Mexican isn't he? And is being touted as a future presidential contender.

Cerseirys · 23/03/2016 14:50

The sister is Dorothy (I think). A Dorothy Bush sounds like some kind of shrubbery.

SenecaFalls · 23/03/2016 14:51

The sister is Dorothy, by the way. There was another sister, too, who died of leukemia as a child.

SenecaFalls · 23/03/2016 14:56

Yes, George P's mother, Columba, is Mexican by birth. He is bi-lingual as well.

CallaLilli · 23/03/2016 14:59

Interestingly (or perhaps not) Dubya is a lot older than his siblings, who were all born in fairly quick succession. His parents had him when they were fairly young but then waited several years before continuing their family.

SanityClause · 23/03/2016 15:10

Who could blame them, Calla?

I bet it took quite a lot of time to summon up the courage.


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Twistedheartache · 23/03/2016 15:12

PMSL at this thread. Thank you for livening up an otherwise dull afternoon at work.
It's scary that in a world with endless information at our fingertips that so many or so ill-informed. Maybe there should be a general knowledge gcse????

Hope Hills gets elected now just so that Bill can be SCROTUS (tee hee)

Andylion · 23/03/2016 15:22

Cerseirys and Sencea, where does George P. stand regarding building a wall along the Mexican border?

legotits · 23/03/2016 15:33

Completely brilliant, erudite and fuzzy thread that made me chuckle.


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