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WWYD? I am NOT a stalker. I am just waiting for my train!

401 replies

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:00

So for three days a week I take a train to work. I stand on the platform and wait for the train and don’t really register anything or anyone. I vaguely stand behind a couple that also wait for the train because they stand in the place where the door stops, and it is just in my nature to form a queue.

Anyway this week I was gazing into space and noticed that the woman in front of me kept gesturing towards me. So I tuned in. “I just hate it”, she says to the man. “She always stands behind us.” "Arse, she’s got a point", I think. And I can see how it must be totally disconcerting, but I never really saw it as standing behind them, just as standing where the doors stop, and they usually get to the platform first.

So the following day I resolved to stand to the side of them rather than behind and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she had marched further down the platform with the man. Fair enough, I think. Problem solved – you don’t like it, then move. Wait for the train. I turn my head to see it as it pulls in and she is looking at me laughing, and then giving the man a triumphant laugh.

Now I am slightly torn. On the one hand I am thinking she needs to get a life / grip / perspective, is obviously very petty, and for three or four minutes in a morning I am quite happy to ignore the ridiculous behaviour and stand where I please. On the other hand I can actually see why it would be disconcerting to have a random standing behind you every day and I feel slightly aggrieved at being held out to be a stalker when I am barely able to function and just unthinkingly doing what I always do.

So what do I do? It’s a small station and a short train, only 4 carriages. I could wait further along to get on one of the other carriages but they are either ones with a toilet on (grim) or high risk in terms of getting / not getting a seat. But I can’t really be doing with this every morning. I just want a quiet life. Hopefully they will just continue to wait further down the platform but if they get there before me I suspect they will make a point of waiting in their usual space.

So what would you do? Apart from tell me to worry about something worth worrying about?

OP posts:
NoelOfLorst · 31/01/2014 17:51

Whisper "I see dead people. I see you" when you're really close

nancy75 · 31/01/2014 17:53

Next time either stand in front of them or if you are feeling really brave get in between the two of them.

On a more sensible level, let her think what she wants, everyone that gets a train regularly has a spot on the platform that they always stand in, why would you stand at a bit that isn't going to have a door!

Misspixietrix · 31/01/2014 17:54

I like scrambleds idea! Grin. OP follow them on to the train sit across both their laps and repeatedly ask "why won't you be my fwend" Wink. I would ignore it. She sounds bonkers. Its a public platform. You could swing from the announcement boards if you wish. Stand your ground. With your chalk and say in your best Sheldon voice "that's my spot".

NoelOfLorst · 31/01/2014 17:55

Ooh ooh or do the Train Guy in Ghost thing-


MatryoshkaDoll · 31/01/2014 17:56

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

GossamerHailfilter · 31/01/2014 17:57
MrsCakesPremonition · 31/01/2014 17:59

Practise humming "it's all about you... it's all about you, baby" under your breath and very, very close to her ear.

Cocolepew · 31/01/2014 17:59

another t shirt picture idea

WWYD? I am NOT a stalker. I am just waiting for my train!
MrsCliveStanden · 31/01/2014 18:00

Do your eyes like this sit opposite them and close your eyes

MrsCakesPremonition · 31/01/2014 18:03

or "every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you"

GossamerHailfilter · 31/01/2014 18:03

SING the adele stalker song really loud.

NoelOfLorst · 31/01/2014 18:05

Wait til the doors open, rush past them and squeak I love you as you do. But stare straight ahead.

Hassled · 31/01/2014 18:05

I have no stalking expertise to offer, sadly. I'm just here to applaud you for the System Addict reference.

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 18:08

Hassled Grin

Seriously, your ideas are ALL genius and have made me laugh a lot but are truly rubbish for actually solving my dilemma.

All that will happen is that I will remember this thread while waiting at the platform next time and not be able to stop myself laughing. That'll really help.


OP posts:
Pigsmummy · 31/01/2014 18:12

I always stand in the same place too, never given it a thought and nor should you. However rather than feel awkward how about faking a phone call one day?

Look at your phone and pretend to answer it, something like, "yes it's me Horlicks, oh you are joining me on the train today, great I am standing where I always do so that's can get on carriage number x". Yes hopefully see you soon!" all within earshot of PIA women, hopefully she will realise that she is being a dumb bitch. You could fake a "oh sorry to hear you have missed the train, see at work" call if you can be arsed. The first call should do it.

p.s. I have several fake phone call scenarios that work well, my one to use the loo in pub when not a customer is very good, never failed to use the loo of the pub that I don't intend staying in and a bad commuter breath one too.

WhatWouldFreddieDo · 31/01/2014 18:18

Wear dark glasses and take a thermometer so you can take your temperature repeatedly as you wait.

TheNightIsDark · 31/01/2014 18:21

Place marking for Wednesday.


ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 31/01/2014 18:24

I have a pretty good hacking cough at the moment thanks to my DC giving me yet another cold.

Would you like me to join you on the platform and stand behind her sounding like a 90 a day smoker. She'll think you are her new best friend compared to that.

Pimpf · 31/01/2014 18:28

Can't wait til next weds!

threeleftfeet · 31/01/2014 18:31

"All that will happen is that I will remember this thread while waiting at the platform next time and not be able to stop myself laughing. That'll really help."


Pimpf · 31/01/2014 18:31

Seriously ignore the silly bitch!

LadyFlumpalot · 31/01/2014 18:31

Can you get a copy of the Metro, cut two big circles out of it and stare at them through it?


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TheZeeTeam · 31/01/2014 18:32

OP, you can always do what my FIL did when someone looked at him funny (according to him) at the station. He got on his imaginary horse and "galloped" up and down, neighing.

I don't know who was more stunned, the woman or my children! Grin

AwkwardSquad · 31/01/2014 18:33

I commute by train. I get on to the same doors every day. So do other people. It's her, not you. If I were you, I'd be having some fun with this - there are some excellent suggestions in this thread Grin.

Sexnight · 31/01/2014 18:33

Do the phone call thing, but whisper loudly, "look, I've done what you asked me to. just make sure you've got the body out by the time i get home".

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