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WWYD? I am NOT a stalker. I am just waiting for my train!

401 replies

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:00

So for three days a week I take a train to work. I stand on the platform and wait for the train and don’t really register anything or anyone. I vaguely stand behind a couple that also wait for the train because they stand in the place where the door stops, and it is just in my nature to form a queue.

Anyway this week I was gazing into space and noticed that the woman in front of me kept gesturing towards me. So I tuned in. “I just hate it”, she says to the man. “She always stands behind us.” "Arse, she’s got a point", I think. And I can see how it must be totally disconcerting, but I never really saw it as standing behind them, just as standing where the doors stop, and they usually get to the platform first.

So the following day I resolved to stand to the side of them rather than behind and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she had marched further down the platform with the man. Fair enough, I think. Problem solved – you don’t like it, then move. Wait for the train. I turn my head to see it as it pulls in and she is looking at me laughing, and then giving the man a triumphant laugh.

Now I am slightly torn. On the one hand I am thinking she needs to get a life / grip / perspective, is obviously very petty, and for three or four minutes in a morning I am quite happy to ignore the ridiculous behaviour and stand where I please. On the other hand I can actually see why it would be disconcerting to have a random standing behind you every day and I feel slightly aggrieved at being held out to be a stalker when I am barely able to function and just unthinkingly doing what I always do.

So what do I do? It’s a small station and a short train, only 4 carriages. I could wait further along to get on one of the other carriages but they are either ones with a toilet on (grim) or high risk in terms of getting / not getting a seat. But I can’t really be doing with this every morning. I just want a quiet life. Hopefully they will just continue to wait further down the platform but if they get there before me I suspect they will make a point of waiting in their usual space.

So what would you do? Apart from tell me to worry about something worth worrying about?

OP posts:
NinjaBunny · 31/01/2014 17:12

Start taking a tin of biscuits and offering her one?

And a Thermos of Ovaltine so she can dunk.


ineedanexcuse · 31/01/2014 17:13

Keep standing where it suits you.

As she obviously noticed you as a regular it would surely be normal to start a nodding acquaintance rather than getting uptight about your presence. She is the odd one here. Let her be odd in her own space.

Freak her out by pretending to be on the phone(put it on silent first though Wink ) speak very quietly but look at her all the way through the call, point and laugh sometimes. If you can speak any foreign language it will add to the occasion.

ScrambledSmegs · 31/01/2014 17:14

Ah, just saw your update.

Read a book/newspaper. That seems to tip the scales in favour of non-stalkerdom on my commute.

Probably doesn't work if your book of choice is 'Stalking for Dummies'.

MrsCakesPremonition · 31/01/2014 17:14

She is a first class loon with no idea how commuting works.

Everyone always stands opposite where the doors open.
Everyone always has their preferred spot on the platform.
Everyone always ignores everyone else.
It is incredibly bad form to admit that you have noticed any of the other commuters on the train.

Look at her pityingly. Then ignore her.

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:14

MrCabDriver Grin

I think it's just the injustice of being considered someone who is interested in them when the truth is I couldn't be less so!

You all have very valid points!

OP posts:
FruitSaladIsNotPudding · 31/01/2014 17:14

She's bonkers. Of course you don't look like a stalker.

Just stand where you always stand, and take a book so you can ignore them completely.

NymodigFruOla · 31/01/2014 17:14
LaurieFairyCake · 31/01/2014 17:16

You have to get a book that's says Stalking for Dummies on it - that's fucking genius Grin

KatoPotato · 31/01/2014 17:16

When I used to commute by train we were a merry band of regulars. We never acknowledged one another but it just became life to always stand at the same bit.

If one of us was missing I'd enjoy making up what they were up to instead. I remember one girl started bringing a man with her and I was so happy for her!

overmydeadbody · 31/01/2014 17:18

Horlicks you have to keep standing where you do, and carry out some of the suggestions here to wear strange outfits and sit next to them on the train.

What would I do?I would continue standing where I have always stood, and ignore them completely

NoelOfLorst · 31/01/2014 17:18

Stand where you normally stand, but have a fake phone conversation along the lines of

"they're in front of me again. Yes again. Yes I KNOW RIGHT?! Freaky. No idea. . I agree with you, yes weirdos..."

But be warned, if you do this make sure you're phone is on silent so if anyone happens to ring you at that moment, you don't look foolish. I once saw that happen to Chris Eubank in an airport a long time ago. The whole terminal seemed to spontaneously piss themselves laughing.

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:18

Seriously, are you all hell bent on removing any doubt of my stalker status?! You're supposed to be helping me!

Those of you who say it's normal commuter behaviour - that's exactly what I thought. It never occurred to me to do anything else! But then I am used to going from very busy stations and to be fair, when DH asked if anyone else on the platform did it I did have to think long and hard. And I still don't know the answer... Will have to check next week.

OP posts:
RevoltingPeasant · 31/01/2014 17:18

The mobile phone on silent idea is genius.

I have the target in sight... repeat, target in sight......

No, just chatting.


He's got a brown coat on. She's wearing a really hideous skirt, looks like Per Una.

Of course you'll recognise her, no one else is wearing a skirt like that.

Then 'hang up', pull out a newspaper and read ostentatiously.

MrsCakesPremonition · 31/01/2014 17:19

Love the hands.

Your other technique would be to hold a loud imaginary phone conversation about the weird woman that you share a train with. The sort of conversation that the whole carriage listens in to because it is potentially more exciting than commuting. Be sure to include the line "Well, of course, it's her partner I feel sorry for. Yes, hmm, exactly. It's not like he can say anything is it?"

BigW · 31/01/2014 17:19

She is nuts. I've stood in the same place (also where the doors open) for five years. I have seen the same people every day, also standing where the doors open. I am sure nobody thinks it's peculiar. IT'S WHERE THE DOORS OPEN!!!

I would continue to stand there, if she feels uncomfortable let her move.

Whatisaweekend · 31/01/2014 17:19

Horlicks is absolutely right.

I would be tempted to get there earlier so you are first to your preferred spot (ie the place where you used to stand behind them) thereby proving to the nutcase that its just where you like to stand ffs. Look at her in a "you are a psycho bitch" manner if they start laughing or some such bullshit again.

MrsCakesPremonition · 31/01/2014 17:20

Damn you speedy typers and your fiendish x-posts Grin.

RevoltingPeasant · 31/01/2014 17:20

xpost Noel Grin

threeleftfeet · 31/01/2014 17:20

"Start wearing a variety of disguises.
Balaclava, moustache, straw hat, superman outfit. The more implausible the better. They will no lover think you are a stalker, but a crazy stalker and will start using a different train entirely."

Love it Grin Grin

You so have to do this OooohHorlicks!

BigW · 31/01/2014 17:21

Revolting just finished the conversation off with fire at will

NoelOfLorst · 31/01/2014 17:21

Heh Grin

Chopstheduck · 31/01/2014 17:22

I would be sooo tempted to go stand behind them again!

It is normal commuter behaviour though, people tend to follow a routine! One guy on DH's commute drives dh nuts cos he is absolutely hellbent every evening on getting the same seat, rushes in the carriage in a mad panic for HIS seat. That's extreme, but most people seem to head at least for the same area of the train!


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BigW · 31/01/2014 17:22

finish poxy auto correcting phone

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 31/01/2014 17:22

I agree with Whatis

Get there early for a few days and if they stand behind you give them the evils or accidently step backwards on to her toe as the train pulls in.

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:23

Oh crap. What if I really am the only person on the platform to stand behind someone else. Then they really would have a point!

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