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WWYD? I am NOT a stalker. I am just waiting for my train!

401 replies

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:00

So for three days a week I take a train to work. I stand on the platform and wait for the train and don’t really register anything or anyone. I vaguely stand behind a couple that also wait for the train because they stand in the place where the door stops, and it is just in my nature to form a queue.

Anyway this week I was gazing into space and noticed that the woman in front of me kept gesturing towards me. So I tuned in. “I just hate it”, she says to the man. “She always stands behind us.” "Arse, she’s got a point", I think. And I can see how it must be totally disconcerting, but I never really saw it as standing behind them, just as standing where the doors stop, and they usually get to the platform first.

So the following day I resolved to stand to the side of them rather than behind and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she had marched further down the platform with the man. Fair enough, I think. Problem solved – you don’t like it, then move. Wait for the train. I turn my head to see it as it pulls in and she is looking at me laughing, and then giving the man a triumphant laugh.

Now I am slightly torn. On the one hand I am thinking she needs to get a life / grip / perspective, is obviously very petty, and for three or four minutes in a morning I am quite happy to ignore the ridiculous behaviour and stand where I please. On the other hand I can actually see why it would be disconcerting to have a random standing behind you every day and I feel slightly aggrieved at being held out to be a stalker when I am barely able to function and just unthinkingly doing what I always do.

So what do I do? It’s a small station and a short train, only 4 carriages. I could wait further along to get on one of the other carriages but they are either ones with a toilet on (grim) or high risk in terms of getting / not getting a seat. But I can’t really be doing with this every morning. I just want a quiet life. Hopefully they will just continue to wait further down the platform but if they get there before me I suspect they will make a point of waiting in their usual space.

So what would you do? Apart from tell me to worry about something worth worrying about?

OP posts:
NoisyOyster · 21/06/2015 22:22

Grin means I had to read it all again Wink

PixieChops · 21/06/2015 17:37

Oh no sorry! It's because I was on my phone and have the app and wanted to read the rest of it but couldn't find it :/

NoisyOyster · 21/06/2015 07:49

Why would you bump this pixie?! Confused its in classics, preserved for ever more

The op came back and updated. Nicely rounded off thread

PixieChops · 21/06/2015 07:39


PedantMarina · 10/08/2014 13:07

So pleased to see your update!

We can all put away our t-shirts now. Until the next MNer who needs our help! >evil grin

Pancakeflipper · 16/07/2014 07:57

Oh I am glad to see an update.

Whenever I get a train I look round for you...

OooohHorlicks · 16/07/2014 07:53

I'm sorry! I've just seen that I left some of you waiting for an update. Sorry sorry. Well in the interests of tying this thread up I took your advice (no, not the one about wearing a mask) and stood firm. They now get on the train further down the platform!

I'm still slightly baffled as to what I did to make her feel so strongly about it but I'm glad she's taken her strop to the next carriage.

Unfortunately they stand right under the platform announcement screen and so I NEVER get to see when the train will be late as am too self conscious to turn and look at it!!

Ah well...

Anyway thank you everyone - this thread still makes me laugh on my down days! Smile

OP posts:
ThePearShapedToad · 27/05/2014 10:57

Yup, think we need an update for June op!

SauceForTheGander · 30/04/2014 10:22

It's Wednesday people!

BerylStreep · 29/04/2014 23:21


Do you think OP has been arrested for stalking?

MusicalEndorphins · 06/03/2014 09:38

Only have read as far as the "don't worry I won't push you" I am laughing my head off at these replies, oh what I would give to see any of these suggestions acted out. Can't choose a fav, they are all so funny but wearing a t shirt with her face on it is on the list! Must go read more. :D

Pimpf · 04/03/2014 19:16

Come on Horlicks, how much longer are we going to have to wait?!

enriquetheringbearinglizard · 04/03/2014 19:16

Well we had to wait out half term, which is understandable and changed working day schedules and all that, but we need our fix

PedantMarina · 04/03/2014 17:30

Oh, dare we hope, enrique, dare we hope... >sigh

enriquetheringbearinglizard · 04/03/2014 13:18

We all know what tomorrow is

biscuiteater · 26/02/2014 18:20

Disappointed to see no more updates :-(

PedantMarina · 25/02/2014 06:35

Dee-yam, forgot about half term.

Still, tomorrow is Wednesday again!

Pimpf · 20/02/2014 20:50

Alf term, I'm afraid were going to have to wait til next week Sad

PedantMarina · 20/02/2014 18:05


Wasn't yesterday Wednesday.

Yesterday MORNING?

OP, and what time do you call THIS, young lady? hmmmmm?

ChrisMooseAlbanians · 16/02/2014 10:39

I have cried with laughter reading this thread. This is why I love MN.

I personally think we should have had a MN flash mob stood all over both platforms just staring at hair flicker lady. That'll freak her out Wink

Go on. Tell us what station it is and we'll all turn up with the mumsnet scarf on!

Sundays suggestion is brilliant Grin

lad you got it sorted!

GoingGoingGoth · 15/02/2014 19:22

Am crying with laughter at the penguin on train thread.

This thread (and it's offshoots) is brilliant.

enriquetheringbearinglizard · 15/02/2014 18:17

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frugalfuzzpig · 15/02/2014 16:18

Ah I loved that penguin one. But it makes me jealous.


enriquetheringbearinglizard · 15/02/2014 11:36

I have another favourite thread if you liked the Pom Bears. Good for a treat to yourself in a quiet moment

And maybe Horlicks might like to recreate this MN train situation?


JRmumma · 15/02/2014 08:12

chaircat i know, i laughed for an hour after the 'pom bear anyone' moment. Literally couldn't breathe for a few minutes there and my throat hurt i laughed so hard.

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