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WWYD? I am NOT a stalker. I am just waiting for my train!

401 replies

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:00

So for three days a week I take a train to work. I stand on the platform and wait for the train and don’t really register anything or anyone. I vaguely stand behind a couple that also wait for the train because they stand in the place where the door stops, and it is just in my nature to form a queue.

Anyway this week I was gazing into space and noticed that the woman in front of me kept gesturing towards me. So I tuned in. “I just hate it”, she says to the man. “She always stands behind us.” "Arse, she’s got a point", I think. And I can see how it must be totally disconcerting, but I never really saw it as standing behind them, just as standing where the doors stop, and they usually get to the platform first.

So the following day I resolved to stand to the side of them rather than behind and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she had marched further down the platform with the man. Fair enough, I think. Problem solved – you don’t like it, then move. Wait for the train. I turn my head to see it as it pulls in and she is looking at me laughing, and then giving the man a triumphant laugh.

Now I am slightly torn. On the one hand I am thinking she needs to get a life / grip / perspective, is obviously very petty, and for three or four minutes in a morning I am quite happy to ignore the ridiculous behaviour and stand where I please. On the other hand I can actually see why it would be disconcerting to have a random standing behind you every day and I feel slightly aggrieved at being held out to be a stalker when I am barely able to function and just unthinkingly doing what I always do.

So what do I do? It’s a small station and a short train, only 4 carriages. I could wait further along to get on one of the other carriages but they are either ones with a toilet on (grim) or high risk in terms of getting / not getting a seat. But I can’t really be doing with this every morning. I just want a quiet life. Hopefully they will just continue to wait further down the platform but if they get there before me I suspect they will make a point of waiting in their usual space.

So what would you do? Apart from tell me to worry about something worth worrying about?

OP posts:
fuckwittery · 31/01/2014 17:37

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OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:37

Well exactly hackmum. That's exactly my point. I had barely even registered her! She does like to be noticed though. I had registered that!

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KepekCrumbs · 31/01/2014 17:38

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MuddlingMackem · 31/01/2014 17:39

Ah, but DidoTheDodo , are you a southerner, or do you just live there now? Wink

To be fair, DH is a northerner, but he's from the North West, not the North East, and he did find my tendency to strike up conversations at bus stops, etc, with total strangers rather unnerving. He's used to it now and does it himself I think. Grin

K8Middleton · 31/01/2014 17:39

Copy exactly what she's wearing and get your hair cut and coloured the same as hers.

That'll fuck her shit up.

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:39

fuckwittery I don't know who I am anymore. The pre-children me would have said exactly that, but the post-babies me just looks slightly hurt.

On the north / south divide issue, it might be interesting to note that we are in the south, and she is clearly from the north. I too over the years have made many friends on the commute. Including one or two who became boyfriends.

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PerpendicularVince · 31/01/2014 17:39

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magentastardust · 31/01/2014 17:40

I want you to get there first in front of them too , or I would really like for you to take a long a group of friends to also stand behind them and make a big queue that will really bug her!

GossamerHailfilter · 31/01/2014 17:41

Start talking into your sleeve in an over-the-top stage whisper

'I have the suspect in my sights'

PotsofGold · 31/01/2014 17:41

Stand nice and close to her. Start sniffing loudly, whilst leaning slightly towards her.

Then say 'That reminds me, I really must get our blocked drains sorted'.

Statusupdate · 31/01/2014 17:41

I think we should all come along and take up the whole area. And stare at them. Hard. We could be a stalking flash mob.

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:41

I can't copy her. She's blonde and willowy. I am dark haired and olive (ish) skinned. If I copied her hair it would have to be an eighties Five Star affair ("System Addict") and that would be nice for no-one. No-one I tell you.

OP posts:
threeleftfeet · 31/01/2014 17:43

Ooh yes, a mumsnet Flash mob. Brilliant! Grin

AlpacaPicnic · 31/01/2014 17:43

Stand behind her as normal. Start sniffing a lot, as if there is something nearby that smells - then move away...

Or start reading a newspaper with eyeholes cut out of it.

Take up sketching. Draw a picture of her and give it to her wordlessly. Maintain eye contact all... the... time...

Start a chatty conversation with her. Call her Wendy a lot. Refuse to be corrected!

She'll move away from you before the week is out!

OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:43

Perpendicular No! Surrey!

OP posts:
MuddlingMackem · 31/01/2014 17:43

Maybe she's from the same stand-offish bit of the North West my DH is apparently from then DidoTheDodo . Grin

Nice to read on threads like this that there are southerners who buck the commuter stereotype though. :)

patienceisvirtuous · 31/01/2014 17:44

Stand behind her, lean in then whisper 'don't worry, I won't push you' then laugh maniacally Shock

not really but she won't stand in front of you again

Banffy · 31/01/2014 17:44

Take a photo of her and get it transferred onto a t shirt. Act like you know nothing about it.

HyvaPaiva · 31/01/2014 17:44

Slowly wave your hand really close around her face while repeating 'I'm not touching yooooooou'. That'll do it.

insummeritrains · 31/01/2014 17:45

Stand behind them then when you get on the train go and sit on his knee.

K8Middleton · 31/01/2014 17:47

Oh just get one of those handbags with a photo on it then.

Of her face.

ScrambledSmegs · 31/01/2014 17:47

Here you are, OP. Print off, stick to cover of old book, 'read' on the platform.

Try not to get arrested Grin

WWYD? I am NOT a stalker. I am just waiting for my train!

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MissBeehiving · 31/01/2014 17:49

Great thread, great ideas Grin

HyvaPaiva · 31/01/2014 17:50

If you no longer want to stand behind her, standing beside her is definitely the best idea.

Wear this.

WWYD? I am NOT a stalker. I am just waiting for my train!
OooohHorlicks · 31/01/2014 17:50

patience I wish I had the balls to do that!!

I'd LOVE a flashmob!

Right, I have my plan. Will carry it out on Wednesday and update you all.

If I haven't been arrested.

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