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Clomid thread 2019

999 replies

Bear88 · 02/03/2019 20:30

Hi all,

Am about to start my Clomid journey and reading through the 2018 Clomid thread this is what I'm looking for. It's extremely difficult to talk about the issues with people who don't actually understand them so if anyone wants to join in the more the merrier!

I'm 30
TTC #1
Cycle #?? Been trying for 5 years
Have mild Prolactinoma
Taking daily 1mg Bromocriptine for tumour
Just been given 3 months of Clomid
Am also slightly overweight but have never ovulated.


OP posts:
Jemstar33 · 25/06/2019 16:55

Samantha92, When did you take your last tablet? Have you tested both morning and afternoon. There’s still hope 🤞🏽

Samatha92 · 25/06/2019 17:18

Hi this is my chart my CD 6 was when I last took clomid

Clomid thread 2019
Samatha92 · 25/06/2019 17:21

I have just took one there and I have two lines !! Not a positive Ovulation yet but something I suppose! CD 15 just now

Clomid thread 2019
AmyMaria2 · 25/06/2019 20:17

Had my follicle tracking scan today, left ovary has a 18mm and right ovary is a 10mm,

Last time left was 15mm and right was 9mm so slight improvements, they've said that if I ovulate from my left ovary then it's a good size to conceive this month, got my 21 blood test to go but basically been told I've ovulated from the scan, I'm day 14 today, so think I probably ovulated day 13.

Fingers crossed for everyone this month x

Pinktruffle · 25/06/2019 20:54

@jemstar33 I'm 36, history of PCOS, no children, one natural pregnancy which sadly ended in miscarriage at 11 weeks. After that I was put on Letrozole -my trust rarely prescribe Chlomid anymore apparently - I've been offered no monitoring other than the blood test I got the results for today and I'm going to pay privately for ultrasound scans.

I'm on month for of Letrozole, was put on the highest dose last month of 7.5mg, my specialist said if it's not worked by August/September than it's a IVF referral.

@doomkitttycleo so sorry to hear that. The NHS are so frustrating, they just dont seem to do the logical tests or take logical steps. Could you ask your GP about the progesterone levels? Would they be more help?

doomkittycleo · 25/06/2019 21:11

@Pinktruffle, no when I went to the GP to get my results I asked what the results mean (it was a locum) and her response was “I’m sorry I don’t know”.

The next available GP appointment isn’t for almost a month as well 😞.

Marmite83 · 25/06/2019 21:17

@doomkittycleo that's madness! Could you ask for a telephone call from a gp so you can ask for an AMH test?

Jemstar33 · 25/06/2019 21:20

That’s great, see the worry in us takes over but you’re likely to get your positive over the next few days hopefully! I read it can happen between cycle day 7 and 10 so you’re on the right track!

@pinktruffle I’ve not heard of Letrozole I’ll have a google. You can but clomid online, not sure if that’s something you’d consider. But I’m not being monitored with mine so I could have done the same.

@doomkitttycleo so frustrated for you! What a joke!

Amymaria2 sending you lots of luck


Pinktruffle · 25/06/2019 21:25

@jemstar33 I would never purchase medication online, you never know what you are getting. I'm quite happy with Letrozole, it has a higher rate of conception that Chlomid and doesn't thin the lining like Chlomid can so I'll just continue and see what happeneds

Jemstar33 · 25/06/2019 21:26

@samantha92 Sorry I didn’t mean cycle day I meant days after you have taken the last pill

Pinktruffle · 25/06/2019 21:26

@doomkittycleo that's a joke, how frustrating. Is there anyone else that could help yo to interpret the results?

Jemstar33 · 25/06/2019 21:34

Yes I agree, it’s very risky.

So sorry about your miscarriage. It must be heartbreaking.

Sending you lots of luck xx

Pinktruffle · 25/06/2019 21:38

Thank you, the best of luck to you too @jemstar33

doomkittycleo · 25/06/2019 21:38

@Pinktruffle well I’m taking all my results to the private consultation on Friday, so I’m expecting he’ll be able to interpret everything for me.

Samatha92 · 25/06/2019 22:49

@Jemstar33 it’s 9 day since I took my last pill x

RoxyP · 26/06/2019 07:40

Stupidly took a pregnancy test 9dpo BFN I'm not sure what I was expecting after 19 months, I think I'm going crazy, I don't even have any symptoms, here's to another month of letrozole, sorry for the depressing message I'm at an all time low ☹️

Dinosauraddict · 26/06/2019 07:48

Welcome @RoxyP and @Jemstar33.

@Pinktruffle - I've been AWOL for a couple days, so sorry the start of AF hit you so hard again.

I'm in the TWW now which is excruciating, but not currently getting my hopes up. Had a bad week anyway (house we were buying fell through, short staffed at work), and I think I'm just a bit of a stressed wreck atm!

Jemstar33 · 26/06/2019 08:06

@Dinosauraddict sounds like you’re going through it at the moment. Sometimes life just gets in the way, it’s so frustrating.

Hoping you have some good news soon.

Pinktruffle · 26/06/2019 08:34

I have a scenario I want to pass by you guys, it's not about TTC so to speak but is affected by it.

I've been offered an interview at a school which is 30 mins more than my current commute. The job is a job I've always wanted but they pay isn't massively better and in part will be negated by commuting costs, however the big thing is that I know I'm TTC and that an IVF referral may be imminent, obviously I will need time off work and working in a school we get no annual leave. Also, telling the headteacher here is likely to piss him off. Do I go for the interview or not? I dont want to put my life on hold for something that may not happen but at the same time, I dont want to put myself in a situation which could end up being detrimental because I'm TTC.

Dinosauraddict · 26/06/2019 08:42

@Pinktruffle - I am torn on this, and have a similar issue and am torn with myself too. Some days I think screw it, TTC can't rule my entire life, and might never be successful anyway, so focus on the career and take the job you want. Other days I'm more conservative and hence haven't applied for the promotion I know I'm ready for. Doesn't help you. But know you're not alone and there's no easy answer...

Jemstar33 · 26/06/2019 09:03

@PinktruffleI would go for the interview and then think about next steps when you find out you’ve been successful (which you will be)

Then write down the pros and cons for each role. The commute could be a huge factor, especially if you return to work after having a baby and need to think about childcare.

But see if you’re successful first, you may have heard RE your ivf referral by the time you get the results of the interview.

Marmite83 · 26/06/2019 09:18

@Dinosauraddict I'm sorry to hear about the house, I had the same thing happen last year and it can feel devastating. Stick with it though, it took 15 months in total but we got a house we love in the end (We love it more than the one that fell through).

@Pinktruffle, I agree with @Jemstar33, I'd go for the interview and then decide what to do if you get offered the job. Hopefully you could do your initial appts and first (and hopefully only) cycle in the summer holidays. Some clinics offer early evening and weekend appts too. They're used to having to help people work around work schedules.


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Pinktruffle · 26/06/2019 09:34

My referral for IVF wont happen until Septmeber, the specialist wants me to carry on with the Letrozole until at least August and then refer. It's such a difficult decision. Two weeks ago I decided to stop looking for other jobs and I didnt think I would get an interview for this one but I did.

I forgot to add, DH's job is up in the air at the moment too as his company is going through a restructure. My current job is a 5 minute commute from home so brilliant if we were to have a baby

Jesskir89 · 26/06/2019 09:54

Hi girls, not been on for a while, hope everyone's doing ok. I'm currently on CD 11 of my 5th cycle 100mg I've only got 1 maybe 2 at a push left after this one then IVF referral in September. Trying to be optimistic but it's hard. Regarding new jobs ladies you have to do what's right for you at the time. They can't sack you for having days off for medical reasons though:)

Pinktruffle · 26/06/2019 10:34

Would that be the case for a probationary period too thought?

I think you guys are right, I need to go for the interview and weigh things up afterwards. I might hate the school as soon as I step in it, I might love it and feel it's the place for me

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