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Clomid thread 2019

999 replies

Bear88 · 02/03/2019 20:30

Hi all,

Am about to start my Clomid journey and reading through the 2018 Clomid thread this is what I'm looking for. It's extremely difficult to talk about the issues with people who don't actually understand them so if anyone wants to join in the more the merrier!

I'm 30
TTC #1
Cycle #?? Been trying for 5 years
Have mild Prolactinoma
Taking daily 1mg Bromocriptine for tumour
Just been given 3 months of Clomid
Am also slightly overweight but have never ovulated.


OP posts:
Marmite83 · 28/06/2019 10:37

Good luck @doomkittycleo, hope it goes well. Let us know how you get on.

Some good news for me this morning, I got a solid smiley so as long as we dtd this evening we should hopefully be in with a chance this cycle. I hate that we can't do it for a few days after today and also worried that two and a half days won't be long enough for a good semen sample on Monday (they said 3-4 days) but fingers crossed it will be ok. I'd feel much worse if the opk hadn't been positive this morning.

Jemstar33 · 28/06/2019 10:16

@doomkittycleo good luck to you 🤞🏽 🙏🏼

Jesskir89 · 28/06/2019 10:12

Good luck! Thank you @Marmite83 and @jemstar33 your messages helped a lot. Just need to give my head a wobble. I hope your specimen is good this time round everything crossed for you

doomkittycleo · 28/06/2019 08:46

I’m on my way to my first private consultation. Wish me luck!

Jemstar33 · 28/06/2019 08:20

CD 11 for me today. Opks but confusing, yesterday am second line was pretty dark but it was lighter last night and this morning. I’m not sure what that means but I’ll continue doing them

Clomid thread 2019
Jemstar33 · 28/06/2019 08:16

Morning ladies! Friday at last!!!

@Jesskir89 @marmite83 this situation would test anybody and it’s better to bicker than hold it all in 😄
It’s tough.
I’ve been with DP for 5 years and I wanted to try for a baby after two years. He wanted to wait a year and then when the year came he wanted to wait some more. This really tested us, I knew getting pregnant wasn’t going to be easy because of endo and cysts but I didn’t want him to make the biggest decision of his life without being fully committed. Anyway we started TTC 18 months ago and sometimes I feel resentful towards him for ‘making me wait’ I know how ridiculous that sounds 😄
Also when he had to go for tests he kept delaying the docs appointment too which made us argue (or rather me bite his head off) Turns out he was scared and worried that the problem was with him and he didn’t want to feel like he was letting me down, he knows how much I want to be a mum.
The key is communication. As long as you can talk about it you’ll get through it. X

Marmite83 · 27/06/2019 23:47

Hi @Jesskir89, I'm not quite where you are. We're coming towards 2 years ttc and on round 4 of Clomid but we have started the IVF process. We have an appt for Monday for a new semen analysis as the most recent one wasn't good. They said to abstain for 3-4 days but I'm due to ovulate any day now, typical! Think we're going to dtd tomorrow evening and then nothing until after the test on Monday. Hopefully 2 1/2 days will be long enough, I'm really worried the results will be bad and everything will be delayed. Really hoping I ovulate tomorrow otherwise this whole cycle will be wasted ☹

Our relationship is definitely being tested! We bicker quite a lot. My husband has been working long days too which isn't helping his mood. So sick of dtd but we both know we need to. Not exactly romantic but we just have to keep hoping this is our cycle. Hang in there!

Jesskir89 · 27/06/2019 23:30

Hi girls, sorry it's late. I'm having a really hard time atm as I know we all are but I'm currently 2.5 years TTC and almost I'm cycle 6 of chlomid. I only have 2 months left to catch then IVF. Is anyone else at a similar stage and if so how are you finding it on your relationship?

doomkittycleo · 27/06/2019 08:35

@AmyMaria2, I was gonna say the same as @Jemstar33. If they said you’re gonna ovulate in the next 24 hours, your positive could have been up to 2 days ago.

By the time you ovulate the surge has usually been and gone.

Jemstar33 · 27/06/2019 08:07

@AmyMaria2 just reading your message again, you had your scan on Tuesday you tested Thursday so it’s possible you missed the surge on the opk?

Jemstar33 · 27/06/2019 06:28

@AmyMaria2 they do look negative to me but I wouldn’t be too worried about it. I read that opks aren’t that accurate on clomid.

I would listen to your nurse and getting BD’ing. The scan will be way more accurate.

Would maybe try opk again this morning, more for curiosity though.

AmyMaria2 · 27/06/2019 00:41

Hey a long question, sorry it's late I was just curious and couldn't sleep! Had my 14 day follicle scan Tuesday morning (8am) and it showed good measurements and my fertility nurse said she could tell from my scan I was going to ovulate in the next 24hours.. and advised us to baby dance.
I don't usually use opks as I've been told it's hit and miss with them if you have pcos, however I have got loads of them around and did one tonight that showed nothing as far as I'm aware, I did a second one and I think they're both the same resultConfused if I've been told I have probably ovulated why do my tests look like this? (Will attach pic) can you girls please confirm these are both negative opks, as I really don't know to much about them.
Just confused as to why I've been told I've ovulated, when these show I haven't ???

Clomid thread 2019
AmyMaria2 · 26/06/2019 22:50

@Pinktruffle good luck if you go for your interview, I hope you figure out what's best to do x

@Jemstar33 I always feel I wee more when I'm on clomid, was starting to think it's coincidence but my nurse who scans me each month says she's heard a few people say the same lol x

Dinosauraddict · 26/06/2019 22:04

@Pinktruffle - I hope they're supportive and won't have any problems with it!

@Zara84 - sorry you've been feeling rubbish with it all.

@Jemstar33 - I am super thirsty on clomid, so can understand why you may need to pee more!

Jesskir89 · 26/06/2019 21:32

it's a real grey area though, were going through it with a girl atm on my team she's only worked 1 month in 6! Lol but yes it is easier to is there's less than 2 years service. @jemstar33 I've not noticed more but I have a weak bladder anyway.

Jemstar33 · 26/06/2019 20:56

Did anyone get the urge to pee a lot on clomid? My bladder always feels full at the moment.

I’m cycle day 9 now, did opk this morning very faint second line. I’ll be testing morning and evening over the next few weeks.

Another question I had is when to BD. I saw some posts around waiting 5 days etc. Is every other day too much, or should it be ok if DP sperm checks all came back ok?

Already feeling a bit negative about this cycle. I’ve been working 12 hour days and stressed as hell, just don’t think my body has a chance with how much pressure I put myself under. If it’s not work it’s worrying why I’m not getting pregnant. Such a vicious cycle.

Zara84 · 26/06/2019 20:42

Dinosaur addict - ugh I know I thought Clomid was the answer to everything Confused But today feeling really low I have been cramping for a few days now and feel af coming on soon... really gutted :(

Pinktruffle · 26/06/2019 14:29

Thanks @Dinosauraddict, I thought that was the case. I didnt know if maybe I would be better being honest with them if I'm offered the job and tell them that I'm on the waiting list for IVF and will that be an issue? If so then I may not be the right person for the job.

Baby is definitely more important than any job and is my number one priority

Dinosauraddict · 26/06/2019 13:33

Has clomid made everyone's cycles shorter? Am cycle 1 on clomid and my AF was shorter (4 days not 6), but currently on day 22 and nothing. I also know I didn't ovulate until cd19, so would expect a fairly long cycle based on that? It's all so confusing!

Dinosauraddict · 26/06/2019 13:31

@Pinktruffle, be careful because unfortunately @Jesskir89 isn't quite right, they can actually sack you for taking time off for medical appointments if they follow the correct process and can show you're not providing full and effective service. It often comes down to the flexibility/culture of your organisation, your relationship with your manager, and your general performance - as in, do they want an excuse to get rid of you, or would they beg you to stay and would never bring action against you. Particularly difficult if you're on probation period or have less than 2 years service...

Jesskir89 · 26/06/2019 12:37

Hi yes I've had 2 short cycles at day 26 while on chlomid

doomkittycleo · 26/06/2019 12:11

@Zara84 my last af came on CD20 and this cycle looks like it’s CD23 so it’s highly possible for clomid to make your cycles much shorter.


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Pinktruffle · 26/06/2019 12:08

I was put on the tablets to try and speed up my cycle as naturally its 33 - 36 days so its not unheard of for it to make your period come early.

I do experience pre-period cramps as well so you may just have those and you period will arrive on day 28

Zara84 · 26/06/2019 11:37

Hi ladies just some thoughts... I’ve been having a lot of cramping (normally get same a day or so before af arrives) but af isn’t due until 3rd July... I am on CD25 now... has anyone ever heard of Clomid causing earlier af?

Pinktruffle · 26/06/2019 10:34

Would that be the case for a probationary period too thought?

I think you guys are right, I need to go for the interview and weigh things up afterwards. I might hate the school as soon as I step in it, I might love it and feel it's the place for me

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