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Neat and clean in 2017 - it's the January Flylady thread

972 replies

CotswoldStrife · 30/12/2016 23:42


Welcome to the January Flylady thread, where we try and maintain our nests in good order by following the Flylady method. We'll post links each day to the Flylady website for the babysteps, daily focus and extra missions in the current zone. The habit of the month is shining your sink (or whatever other place in your home motivates you).

If you are just starting, Flylady recommends decluttering the weekly zone before doing the detailed cleaning and not to do too much at once!

All are welcome, so feel free to join us anytime.

OP posts:
TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 29/01/2017 14:58

Oh dear, hope everyone ill feels better soon. I'm still here, will be back for Feb thread if not before.

foxessocks · 29/01/2017 17:50

Ds is snotty as well! Lots of it about.

Ta das
Daily routine all done
Bathroom cleaned (was covered in new towel fluff!)
Kitchen bin emptied
Dressing table dusted
DD dinner made

To do
Eat dinner and try not to snack this evening!

Stilllivinginazoo · 29/01/2017 19:21

Lil zoo is snotting,chesty coughing too
Not done much here.wash machine is play up.sounds like rocket launcher's now clunking.horrid feeling this is itSad
Its been at chez zoo 5years,work at least twice a day most days,so did well(sighs)
I was go tidy up front room then sneak peeked and spotted its next weeks zone,so thought i d wait til tomorrow

CotswoldStrife · 29/01/2017 22:01

Will post links, DH now going down with the lurgy! I'm hoping that an early night and a strong hot toddy will help my sleep!

OP posts:
CotswoldStrife · 29/01/2017 22:02

The daily summary for Monday (also available on the Flylady website at flight plan which should update automatically each day.


Baby-step no 30 - look ahead on your calendar for upcoming birthdays

We are in Zone 5 this week: the living room

Spend 15 mins decluttering in Zone 5.

When you have finished decluttering, the detailed cleaning list (if you are at that stage) for Zone 5 is here

Mission for Monday clear off those hotspots!

The daily focus for Monday is: weekly home blessing hour

The monthly habit for January is shine your sink

daily reminders

OP posts:
Cagliostro · 29/01/2017 23:18

Hi all. I've had an unproductive day really. Bit of laundry, got myself back onto online survey sites, planned the Caglets' morning tomorrow (I've actually written them a list of what they have to do before they go swimming, including writing out their maths - pleased to report I now know all my Roman numerals better than I ever did before!). And spent far too much time on ebay browsing for cheap board games. Oops.

Must move the laundry on a stage before bed, get the Caglets' bags ready for them to fill with swim stuff, and I'm going to do another session on my pedals (graded exercise kind of thing, taking it very gently, but it does seem to help on the days I don't leave the house as I risk seizing up altogether if I don't move enough).

Sending non-snotty vibes to all, sorry there's such a lot of it going round!

PurpleDaisies · 29/01/2017 23:20

I've had a nice day of church, coffee, more church stuff, McDonald's then tv. Not exactly the world's most productive but it's definitely been a good day off.

Back in the game tomorrow. Sending germ fighting vibes to all that need them.

Afreshstartplease · 30/01/2017 07:37

Morning all!

I think I've slept funny, my back is really sore all across the top Sad

zoo I hope your washing machine survives, I hate it when things like that break

Baby looking less snotty today thankfully

Ta Da

Dryer on

Stilllivinginazoo · 30/01/2017 09:21

As lil zoo chesty cough/snotty my 5am start is currently at 430Sad
Fed cats
Sorted 2BRC from under stairs whilst glazing over at my lil pony chat (in my defence it started before 5am)
Recycling out
Fed zoolets
Pack ups made
Wipe bath and sink
Wash windows
Wipe will
Wipe radiator
Clean floor
Girls room-
I polish(with help from lil zoo)
Help her make both beds(dd2 had left at this point)
Drag out any discarded laundry to landing
Wash floor
Looked at D's room and said "you can sort that later,no Minecraft ing til its done (cue scowl anduttering under breath)
Hoover hall,stairs and landing
School run
Now eating breakfast in peace before I start on the front room!!

Debating what to wash.think something that dries easy in case it packs up and leaves me with dripping clothes!

Stilllivinginazoo · 30/01/2017 09:22

You know I mean sill,not will!and wash as in washing could be a very long day.....

foxessocks · 30/01/2017 09:45

zoo good idea re washing although you might be lucky , ours is still going despite us being convinced it was packing up a few months back!

Ta das
Done some of daily routine, dishwasher, washing out of machine, living room toys tidied up.
Started clearing hot spot of dining table (which is in living room)

To do
Finish clearing hot spot
Finish daily routine - waahing, bathroom swish and swipe, bedroom rescues
Declutter in living room - start with DD toy kitchen!
Wrap a birthday present and write card.
Hoover upstairs
Polish mirrors
Have tea and the chocolate bar I bought from the shop after dropping DD from nursery Blush got it because I needed to break a £20 note...Only reason obviously

Afreshstartplease · 30/01/2017 10:37

Just back from school run and errands

Cup of tea while feed baby then will crack on

I know we are on living room and mine does need doing but kitchen much worse so gonna have start there I think

Cagliostro · 30/01/2017 10:48

Oh of course, chocolate is the only sensible way to break a twenty! :)

Surprisingly productive morning considering I haven't left my bed (I don't mean productive in the filthy way... Blush :o) - I've phoned the GP twice, to check various things for my PIP form, which is now FINISHED!!! Shock We've also both spoken to the council about the housing form, looks like I'll need a GP letter (the problem is I don't have any recent evidence from specialists etc - I don't SEE any anymore, precisely because the conditions I have are not curable so there's no point - one of them discharged me on diagnosis FFS). Anyway I feel a little lighter.

The list worked really well for the Caglets - they got their household AND home ed stuff done relatively quickly and painlessly. Obviously the incentive of swimming helped, but it was interesting to see them respond to small clear instructions written down. One of my friends, who also has kids with ASD, uses a visual reminder thing for stuff like teeth, dirty laundry in the basket etc. Tempted to try making one and it's an excuse to use the laminator :).

They've left now so I have the house to myself. I have laundry to get on with but I'm going to nip to town later, I don't want another day stuck at home!

foxessocks · 30/01/2017 11:21

Sounds frustrating about the GP note cag

Just a quick one before I pick up dd from nursery
Ta das
Daily routine finished
Nappy bin emptied
Bathroom bin emptied
Mirrors polished
Decluttered some of dds toys (well, nothing got rid of but stuff put back in the right places so not as much stuff in the living room!)
Sorted out some more photos for the album
Finished clearing hotspot in living room

To do
Wrap birthday present and write card
Hoover upstairs
Make lunch for us all when dd gets back

Cagliostro · 30/01/2017 11:47

Right I should actually get UP now! I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm hungry. And I really must put a wash on.

Afreshstartplease · 30/01/2017 11:52

Ta Da

Dryer emptied
Washer and dryer reloaded
Two worktops clear and clean
50% pots washed

Urgh I feel like I've done alot more than that ....

Stilllivinginazoo · 30/01/2017 11:53

Well washing machines limping along,but getting louder and rattlier.its def about to pass over to WM heavenSad

I've been deep cleaning front room.start by door ive-
Pulled out sofa and cleaned under/behind cat the radiator, wipe baseboards.
Cleaned windows
Tidy computer table around it.cleaned screen and keyboard
TV unit cleaned TV screen cleaned.DVDs that live there tidied away
Round to fireplace-electric fire looks like logs so took logs off n scrub old tooth brush and polish.wipe fireplace.clear and polish coffee table
Just reached 3rd wall-dvd/games cupboard/bookcase and other sofa. They're up next once I've eaten,then its dining table and bookcase and I'm back to starting point!!

Cagliostro · 30/01/2017 13:23

Oh no Zoo :( the rattling sound makes me wonder if something's got caught inside? Back in my constant-BFing days DH had to dismantle the washing machine for this reason, and found a shredded washable breast pad in there! Blush

First wash is on, second wash is sorted in a basket so the Caglets can do it later. They are getting good at remembering all the right buttons and liquids etc.

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 30/01/2017 14:18

Nearly finished assignment Smile. Few bits to do tonight - need DH's help with a computer thing. School run etc now. Back later barring any computer disasters and will catch up with thread.

Cagliostro · 30/01/2017 14:56

Awesome stressy well done!

foxessocks · 30/01/2017 16:00

Ta das
Dh hoovered whole house
Birthday card posted.
Dishwasher emptied again
More washing hung up and more put on

ScuttlbuttHarpy · 30/01/2017 16:10

Ohhh what a day

This morning ds2 decided he was going to wake up in a stinker of a mood and argue with me up to the point of him deciding he was going to move out and in with another family. He ended up with 2 tech bans, and a grounding. 1500 points worth of chores. And a shouty mother who lost her shit.

After the drama, explained to ds2 that it hurt my feelings every time he said he would move out, especially after I do my best to make sure they get treats etc. And apologised to him for losing my shit, obv shit was replaced with temper.

He is now working away to get tech bans lifted.

As for work, first day went well, was made aware of the fact that its very thirsty work, also very sweaty and energetic...looking forward to seeing the pounds drop off. I've invested in slimfast shakes as a meal replacement, I know they're full of sugar and carbs but I will be able to get them down quick between houses. And then burn them off. The other girls seem to live off red bull. I'm not an energy drink fan. Also they literally use like 4 products, toilet cleaner, flash clean and shine (green one as a multipurpose) polish and kitchen towels. Loads of kitchen towels. We must have eaten through 3 rolls on four houses.

Must dash ds2 wants a ticklist of jobs to do.


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Stilllivinginazoo · 30/01/2017 19:06

scuttl a scream match with dcs not at great start to the day dd2 and I are renowned for it
Well done on the job!!(and great to hear D's is slaving to get back into your good books!!)
Well done stressy on the assignment too

I finished front room
Washed all lower floors
Pick up lil zoo and D's
Help him muck out his room after snack-carriwr bag paper recycling,another of books he agreed get rid of(my first dino encyclopedua!?he has lots these type books in way more age appropriate text!bless.I also guilty book hoarding. It runs in my family us my excuseGrin)
Lil ones fed,fishes washed etc
Just put them up to read
Time fir my tea
Have a good evening everyone!

Sweepingchange · 30/01/2017 19:22

Hey all!

Just chuntering through briefly - prepping for meetings with plumbers/planners/builders/architects etc - before chuntering away again. Flying absolutely minimal. My Washmore is starting to grow ... .

Had fab weekend on my own scrubbing out a delapidated greenhouse! Never had one before; looking forward to planting seeds!

DD in much better frame of mind having spent the weekend cross country skiing with friends.

Dh is finally back but is suffering with another cold but won't of course slow down despite my protestations and is driving off for a couple of days again tomorrow.

Cotswold and Zoo and /or DC - and anyone else who is feeling poorly - I hope you feel much better soon.

Scuttl sympathies over combative DC - I get v shouty on occasion - and it is all v draining Flowers. Congrats on first day of new job successfully completed!

Amazing list Zoo! Grin and hear hear to your comment way down thread about all being OK if everyone is fed and has clean pants!Grin

Cag love the puss in Boots! Good luck with gp assessment/ housing admin etc.

Big waves to Purple Foxes Afreshstart Toostressy Whoknows Knitting Foolandfitz and everyone else I've missed (can't scroll down any further!)

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 30/01/2017 21:34

Hello all, SC, cross country skiing sounds amazing!

Ta da:-
Assignment very nearly finished Smile Star. Just have to check one thing which unfortunately I can't do tonight as have to email tutor but I think it is done - need to wait for tutor's email though - Smile

Feel so relieved. Although I have (quite rightly) had the edge taken off it as a friend's DP has had some terrible health news.

Trying to think I can still be relieved though that it is done and I won't be spending my life in front of a computer and can rejoin the world of the living. Feel as if I have slept though January and am very ready to get back to flying... tomorrow. Thanks to all for your encouragement with it Flowers.

To do:-
Watch half an hour of rubbish telly - have missed it terribly!
Sleep for a week, or at least 6 hours.

Chase tutor email
Catch up with thread
Figure out how to do a Flylady thread!
Start new thread

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