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Feminism: chat

"likes it rough'

212 replies

Fluffymule · 21/06/2021 16:22

I'm not sure which board this sits on today, but this is the one I have bookmarked so I'll go with it.

ITVs Love Island is back and this years participants have been announced across the tabloids and social media.

Leaving aside the wider issue of this type of reality show and it's messaging about young women, I saw something that really made me stop in my tracks when I saw it.

It's an article dedicated to one of the girls, prominently displayed on the newspaper website with the headline ' Love Island's Shannon Singh has sex 8 times a day and 'likes it rough'. Accompanied by two large photos of her posing in underwear.

Am I alone in finding this irresponsible? Shannon is, of course, totally free to do, say and wear whatever she wants. I've no issue with that, or her. My discomfort is the media yet again casually reinforcing careless and dangerous language around women.

Surely when women have lost their lives to men using the 'she wanted it rough' defence, casual normalisation like this is irresponsible?

"likes it rough'
OP posts:
SirSamuelVimes · 21/06/2021 16:24

Wrong topic. This is sex: noun not sex: verb.

Gee, @mnhq, it's almost as though this new ghetto you have created for those nasty feminists is deliberately confusing.

WoolOfBat · 21/06/2021 16:25

I think this is an awful sexualisation of a young girl. The fact that she states that she likes it rough given all sexual violence and harassment is beyond disgusting.

WoolOfBat · 21/06/2021 16:28

SirSamuel, but this is a debate about sex, ie the sexualisation of a young girl. And the girl seems to identify as a girl (I am terribly sorry if I have used the wrong pronouns), so maybe it is the right topic?

littlbrowndog · 21/06/2021 16:29

What does even likes it rough mean. ?

It’s just horrid and so irresponsible for papers to be using that sort of language

ArabellaScott · 21/06/2021 16:30

Has this been moved? Are threads just going to ping back and forth now?

Hawkins001 · 21/06/2021 16:32

It's certainly puzzling language

SirSamuelVimes · 21/06/2021 16:33

Yes had this moved?? When I originally posted this was in the sec and gender topic (I e. The new dark corner where Mumsnet have shoved feminists who don't think a person with a penis is a woman). Now it's coming up as in feminist chat.

Who moved it? Who decided?

Fluffymule · 21/06/2021 16:35

The language is so disturbing.

Messaging to men that its normal, hot young girls really want you to be rough. Go ahead.

Messaging to young women, many who aspire to the exposure and opportunities being a 'Love Islander' can bring, this is what you need to say/do/accept to be like her.

OP posts:
purpleboy · 21/06/2021 16:35

This is just so typical of current journalism, no though for the effect of the article. It's not good at all.

Also what's with the switching of topics? I though mnhq said they wouldn't be doing that?

OldCrone · 21/06/2021 16:35

This thread is listed in both 'sex and gender' and 'feminism chat' at the moment.

SengaMac · 21/06/2021 16:36


Wrong topic. This is sex: noun not sex: verb.

Gee, *@mnhq*, it's almost as though this new ghetto you have created for those nasty feminists is deliberately confusing.

Is there a secret feminist board somewhere now?
Datun · 21/06/2021 16:39


I think this is an awful sexualisation of a young girl. The fact that she states that she likes it rough given all sexual violence and harassment is beyond disgusting.

I completely agree. It's basically telling any man that reads it that all the pornography he reads is an accurate depiction of women. Eight times a fucking day? 56 times a week? Absolute bollocks.
AfternoonToffee · 21/06/2021 16:40

Is there a secret feminist board somewhere now?

Yep, stickers, badges and ribbons allowed.

littlbrowndog · 21/06/2021 16:43

How would you even get time to do your work if you were having sex 8 times a day

Or even go to the shops

This must be something a man made up

warmandtoasty2day · 21/06/2021 16:58

8 times a day ? same partner ? does anyone believe this shite let alone watch it ?

Feelinghothothottoday · 21/06/2021 16:59

The message that is giving out to girls, boys and adults is terrible. Hey ho she likes it rough queue here boys for rough times. Is nothing secret? Blokes will be queuing up to date her and be rough. So sad.

Datun · 21/06/2021 17:03


The message that is giving out to girls, boys and adults is terrible. Hey ho she likes it rough queue here boys for rough times. Is nothing secret? Blokes will be queuing up to date her and be rough. So sad.

Yes, they're marketing her. Ugh.
littlbrowndog · 21/06/2021 17:05


Horrid marketing. And degrading.

TheQueef · 21/06/2021 17:07

It's yet another example of extreme sex being shoe horned in.

ArabellaScott · 21/06/2021 17:09


This thread is listed in both 'sex and gender' and 'feminism chat' at the moment.

Oh, that could work.

If MN just list all threads under both headings, this might all be just fine.
Zerorightanswers · 21/06/2021 17:10

I agree OP. So many young girls watch Love Island (rightly or wrongly)

Lotsolove · 21/06/2021 17:19

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TheWeeDonkey · 21/06/2021 17:20

The sad thing is by the time this poor girl realises how much she's being exploited and commodified the damage will already be done.

I was listening to the FDS podcast and one f the hosts was talking about how she was a sugar baby during college and how at the time it was great having all these treats and money, but how many years of therapy she had to have after to come to terms with the trauma she experienced. It was really quite difficult to listen to as you could hear rhe pain in her voice as she discussed it.

So sad what we do and what we allow to be done to us to try to feel accepted.

TheWeeDonkey · 21/06/2021 17:26

Actually the more I think about it the more it disgusts me. With its track record I don't know how Love Island is still broadcast let alone degrading this woman this way, she's like a lamb to the slaughter, for what?

MrsOvertonsWindow · 21/06/2021 17:28


How would you even get time to do your work if you were having sex 8 times a day

Or even go to the shops

This must be something a man made up

This made me laugh. And then I realised that it's not funny at all (not criticising littl btw).

It's a grim article with a grim message. Bleurgh.
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