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Mental health

Sertraline buddy required!!!

869 replies

Vml12345 · 02/11/2019 19:07

Iā€™m in day 2 of taking sertraline and could really do with some support as feel horrible šŸ˜•

OP posts:
KellyMarieTunstall2 · 08/11/2019 14:30

Hello everyone
I'm on week 5 of sertraline. I was very worried about taking it but since my DD was born almost 2 years ago I've been anxious, depressed and angry every day, like permenant pmt. My gp suggested it and I reluctantly decided to try it.
During the first 2 weeks I felt very odd, out of body, not present sort of feeling, anxious and slow. Then i felt better during week 3, and week 4 even better and now on week 5 I feel calmer, happier, settled, rational, the only side effect that I notice is my jaw is tight. I'm sleeping well, my appetite is the same and libido about the same. I wish with hindsight I'd taken this last year.
If you are struggling, wait it out for at least a month.

IdClimbHimLikeATree · 08/11/2019 14:53

My jaw is as clenched as anything, honestly, it's giving me a headache! And feeling very jittery and fidgety. And I think yeah I do feel a bit out of body as well actually.

What I will say though is I had a mad dream about making an illusion cake for Bob Dylan (it was a cake that looked like a burger and chips Grin) and telling John Lennon how mad it was that I'd made a cake for Bob Dylan. He cut into it and had a slice as well. So y'know. That was enjoyable after not dreaming for months!

Vml12345 · 08/11/2019 15:15

Quick question. I love a glass of wine to relax on a weekend. Has anyone dared drink alcohol whilst on sertraline? Xx

OP posts:
TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 08/11/2019 18:14

VML I havenā€™t tried it yet either. The advice online seems to be to avoid alcohol but Iā€™m not sure if youā€™d be okay with one glass?

Vml12345 · 08/11/2019 18:32

My gp said it would be fine but Iā€™m still not sure! X

OP posts:
Hairydogmummy · 08/11/2019 18:33

Day 4 for me and no side effects today thank goodness I know I'm really lucky. I did already have a lot of physical symptoms of anxiety though so some stuff i wouldn't know if it was side effects. Like jaw clenching. Been doing it years. Makes the side of my face feel weird so thought was having a stroke until I worked it out! I'm still very anxious though at times. Overall I'm calmer though but that could be circumstantial as I've had a lot of support. Still getting intrusive thoughts. I'm planning a glass of wine tonight @Vml12345 so shall we both do it and see how we get on? I think people have said it's okay on the other Sertraline thread? Just maybe need less wine to have an effect?

Vml12345 · 08/11/2019 18:45

@Hairydogmummy.. good idea! Iā€™m having a glass tonight as been feeling ok today. Had very little nausea and have managed to eat almost normally! Still a bit weird when blood levels peak which is 5-8 hours after taking the tablet but I know thatā€™s what it is! Glad your doing well Smile

OP posts:
MonnaLIza · 08/11/2019 18:46

I had a couple of glasses of white wine the other week and woke up the next day feeling really spaced out. I hardly drink though, I guess if you are used to have a glass every evening may be different. Just try one and see how you get on.

cushioncovers · 08/11/2019 18:49

It's not A quick fix but it works. It saved me from doing something stupid. Takes a few weeks to kick in properly and find the right dose for you. Keep going. Thanks

Hairydogmummy · 08/11/2019 19:59

@vml. I def agree about the 8 hours. I take it in morning and then early evening I'm more anxious. Maybe levels sort of stabilise the longer you take it. Good that you're feeling better today.

Penguinwaddle123 · 08/11/2019 20:06

@Vml12345 I had a glass and a half last night, absolutely fine. Go for it šŸ˜Š

Hairydogmummy · 08/11/2019 20:07

Just catching up with other posts @jellybeanpeach how are you feeling now? What time of day are you taking it? I think if it's stopping you sleeping you should take in the morning? But then I've heard the opposite too!

Vml12345 · 08/11/2019 20:15

Thank you @Penguinwaddle123 xx how are you doing now? Xx

OP posts:
Cantfindmyway · 08/11/2019 21:22

I've had a couple of drinks this evening and feel fine on it šŸ„°
Only on day 3 mind you. But compared to others I don't really feel I've had many side effects so far other than zero appetite and šŸ’©šŸ’© first day. As someone has said above though, my depression symptoms were so severe I think I woudlnt notice the stuff the tablets cause as already feeling most of those things anyway šŸ„ŗ xx

Penguinwaddle123 · 08/11/2019 21:35

@Vml12345 feel ok now thanks, most side effects arent really there any more. Sleep is not great still and getting very vivid dreams. Feels good to have got through the first week though!

TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 09/11/2019 07:20

Hope everyone is doing okay today. Another day closer to the side effects wearing off and to seeing the benefits ā˜ŗļø Hope the wine went down well last night.

jellybeanpeach · 09/11/2019 07:25

Thank you for all your support.
@Hairydogmummy I take it with dinner. I did not know about the peak time. It now make sense.
The anxiety is really bad for me right now. I know it takes time but just really difficult as I am all on my own with two school age children and no family close by. I think in a way I'd rather the worst time is in the middle of the night so the kids won't be affected.
Just hope these side effects fades soon.

Wonkydonkey44 · 09/11/2019 07:30

My miraculous recovery seems to be sliding away , my anxiety in there in the back of my mind again and my dizziness has returned . Nearly the end for week 4 for me worrying now itā€™s not going to work Confused

TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 09/11/2019 07:49

jellybean Iā€™m doing the same, taking it at 6pm and trying to get the worst of the side effects out of the way in the night. Iā€™m feeling awful when I wake up though and up until maybe 3pm, where I start to feel better.

Oh no Wonky Donā€™t get disheartened... it could just be a bad day youā€™re having. I hope youā€™re feeling better soon.

Something pretty weird happened to me last night. I had a moment where I could think about the things that usually cause me to feel horrendous pain and I felt fine. I didnā€™t feel upset, scared, worried. Iā€™m wondering if this is the first glimpse Iā€™ve had of what this medicine can do. Unfortunately I felt that way only for around half an hour but Iā€™m hoping and praying itā€™s a sign of things to come šŸ™šŸ¼

NK1cf53daaX127805d4fd5 · 09/11/2019 09:55

Hi all. Week 5 here. Can't say I feel any better but don't feel any worse either. Am back to the doctor next Tuesday. The only side effect I feel is extreme tiredness.

Hairydogmummy · 09/11/2019 10:45

@jellybeanpeach you may find that you're better off having slept tho...might be worth a try. @Wonkydonkey44 it's probably just a bad day. I'm sure people who've been on it a while will say that happens? Sometimes thinking we're better can make us feel worse if something tiny happens, we start to panic that we're going backwards and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

I'm feeling terrible this morning. Few things have triggered me and I feel like I'm back to square 1 but only day 5 but I guess it's not working yet. Don't think it's a side effect as feeling like this before anyway?

jellybeanpeach · 09/11/2019 10:52

@TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart This morning I woke up at 3am and could not fall back to sleep. Then the worst four hours of my day. It started to get better after I dragged myself out of bed. Not sure it was because of the necessity of behaving normal in front of the children or meds wearing off.
This thread is my rope of hope seeing others do get to see the result.


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TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 09/11/2019 11:12

jellybean are you going to stick with taking it at night do you think? Iā€™ve found its made me tired so Iā€™ve slept okay each night until last night when I woke a few times. Iā€™m not sure if that was because of the medicine or not. This thread is also whatā€™s keeping me going! We are all in this together Flowers

Hairydogmummy · 09/11/2019 11:25

This is odd...but I feel calmer now a couple of hours after taking tablet. Took it an hour later this morning and the panic was when it would have been lowest in my system; I'd literally just taken it. I don't know if I'm just overthinking it.

TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 09/11/2019 12:11

hairydog maybe you are starting to see the benefits. What day are you on now?

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