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Mental health

Sertraline buddy required!!!

869 replies

Vml12345 · 02/11/2019 19:07

Iā€™m in day 2 of taking sertraline and could really do with some support as feel horrible šŸ˜•

OP posts:
Penguinwaddle123 · 06/11/2019 20:28

@Vml12345 I've done ok today thanks, how did you get on at work? Hope it went ok.

@Hairydogmummy how are you feeling now?

@PuzzledObserver did you find the jump from 25 to 50 the following week gave you more/worse side effects? My main worry about increasing to 50 next week!

PuzzledObserver · 06/11/2019 20:56

@Penguinwaddle123 - the initial side effects on 25 were just headache and dry mouth, but they had already worn off by the time I went up to 50. The headache came back when I went up, and added free floating anxiety. But again it was mild, and wore off within a week.

Since going up to 100, Iā€™ve been sleeping more, having some nausea, and a little anxiety. Already starting to subside (been on 100 for 9 days).

If Iā€™ve learned anything from reading different peopleā€™s experiences on sertraline itā€™s that side effects vary from person to person, but if you can hang on, they DO go away, and almost everyone is glad they stuck it out because they feel so much better once they kick in.

Hairydogmummy · 06/11/2019 21:58

@Penguinwaddle123 not too bad thank you...some very weird thoughts and constant tummy turning over which is giving me pain in my upper back...I know that sounds odd...
@PuzzledObserver did you go up to 100 cos the 50 wasn't working?

2littleChicks · 06/11/2019 22:04

Sorry but naming a thread looking for antidepressant pals really comes across (to me) like you're trivialising the need for this. I'm not a snowflake - I've done Sertraline numerous times on the uppermost limit and yeah it can be hell. And yeah I would have loved someone to talk to about how it made me want to kill myself before turning the corner - but women are struggling here. As I'm sure you are - but it's not a trend.

RegretnaGreen · 06/11/2019 23:33

2littlechicks Please don't have a go at a MNetter that is suffering from depression! Apart from the fact you are wrong, she is looking for support and to know if what she is experiencing is normal. Just because you don't like the semantics of her wording, maybe she is trying to get some normality in her life by choosing those words? She is not in any way in the wrong but having a pop at this point in her life is low.

PeninsulaPanic · 07/11/2019 04:40

OP, you absolutely did the right thing in reaching out for support and companionship by creating this thread. I've found it helpful and clearly others have too. And I'm aware that you used the word 'buddy' which has the connotation of 'someone in a similar boat to have your back and manage the journey with'. Nothing wrong with needing that. Medication for mental health difficulties can often exacerbate the pain and anxiety of the illness, at least in the short term adjustment period, and dialogue with others who've been prescribed it can be a comfort. I'm just increasing my dose after 9 weeks at 50mg and it has set me back somewhat. But I don't feel that sharing that with you and hoping for the response of your experience (to help me identify with the uncertainty and vulnerability around the experience) is trivialising our plight.

Anyhow, you must be almost into week 2. Hope you're coping okay Flowers

@2littleChicks, not having a go but I thought it was important to challenge your post because you do assume something about OP which comes across as critical and unkind. I'm sorry you've had such an intense and difficult history with Sertraline and I hope you might find this thread useful in some way Brew

TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 07/11/2019 06:00

OP, I echo what the 2 posters above have said. You did the right thing creating the thread and Iā€™m very grateful to have some ā€œbuddiesā€ who are on the same journey as me.

Vml12345 · 07/11/2019 07:35

Thank you everyone! I am basically looking for support as I was terrified of taking sertraline for the first time and was just looking for others in the same position so I could feel more secure! Isnā€™t that what these mental health forums are about? Why would I trivialise something g I have found so difficult. @2littleChicks.. you know nothing about me or my position so I feel quite sad that youā€™ve felt the need to criticise my wording for this thread! Disappointing as does it really matter!! Anyway! Day 7 today and on the train to work.. I donā€™t think I would have lasted this long if it wasnā€™t for the support from MN ā€œbuddiesā€ so thank you all xxxxxxx

OP posts:
Squashbuckle · 07/11/2019 07:43

OP, I'm starting sertraline today and I'm terrified of the side effects so was so pleased to see your thread!
I've been reading through everyone's experiences and it has really helped knowing there are others out there going through the same thing. My DH was quite against me taking medication until I spent yet another evening in tears and panicking so this thread has been a great source of support.

2littleChicks · 07/11/2019 07:43

@Vml12345 I'm sorry you're going through it and I'm glad you're finding support. It was in no way meant to offend and trust me I know how awful this is. Just the wording was so off to me, like it's a trendy fashion Instagram my latte kind of thing. And believe me I know it's not. I hope they work for you I really do.

Vml12345 · 07/11/2019 07:51

@2littleChicks I didnā€™t even think about what I was putting as Iā€™ve never used anything like this before! Iā€™m 44 and am certainly not trendy or into instagram!

Anyway no offence taken and also hope it works as Iā€™ve been having a nightmare since my little boy was born 4 years ago and I just want to be a better wife and mummy to my two little humans xxxx

OP posts:
PuzzledObserver · 07/11/2019 08:22

@Hairydogmummy - the 50 was working, but anxiety was still interfering with my functioning (though not as much). After talking it over with my GP, we agreed to try the higher dose and see if I got even more relief. If it doesnā€™t make any difference, I can always go back to 50. Iā€™m also starting CBT this week.

When I started on it, my GP warned me about feeling worse before better and that if I had any thoughts of harming myself I should either contact the surgery or go to A&E. I told my husband that. Then I phoned a friend who I knew had been on meds in the past. She offered that I could ring her any time, and I asked if she would drop me a text every day just to check in (we wouldnā€™t normally text that often). So she did that for a couple of weeks - it was sort of a safety net, I guess.

Iā€™m grateful that the side effects I experienced were mild, but also that I had that backup there just in case.

RegretnaGreen · 07/11/2019 08:31

Since I posted I have thought a bit more about the signs and symptoms I had when I started. I started on 50mg. Within three days I could no longer cry. Even things that would have set me off prior to me gettin ill did not make me cry. This was a relief though as I was crying constantly. I had the empathy and sad feeling but no tears.

My libido has gone entirely. I have no ability (or desire) to orgasm.

The first ten days I had no appetite and in fact I didn't even want to drink tea coffee or water. I just wanted to stay in bed the whole time. I did drink water but I barely ate a thing. That passed but my appetite is till suppressed.

I have always had bad dreams right from being a kid but they were more frequent and more vivid. I have my normal dream sequences now. I have episodes where I wake up and can hear DH snoring and the owls in the wood but I am also still having the dream I was having before having woken. The sounds and visuals of the dream overlaying the reality of looking at the ceiling and the figures on the clock radio. This was scary at first but I have got used to it now.

After two weeks the Doc wanted me to go up to 100mg but as soon as I did I started with what can only be described as psychic events. I am more scientific than woo but these had me going back to 50mg and staying there. I was so improved on 50mg and have always been very sensitive to drugs anyway that I decided to stay at 50 for now.
These events consisted of the fact that a few split seconds before an occurrence, I saw it in my minds eye but it wasn't far ahead enough for me to do anything about it IYSWIM. I was walking in front of DH going down some steps and I knew he would trip on the bottom one. I turned around to voice this just as he did exactly this. This sort of thing happened half a dozen times before I knocked the dose back.

My anxiety was terrible in the mornings. I would be shaking like a jelly all morning but by the evening I felt almost well. I was becoming triggered by even leaving the house though so I had to go to the Doc.

I was having menopause sweats which were part of what was driving me mad. I was still getting hot flushes but instead of them feeling like they were emanating from my bones, like menopausal flushes do, they were much lessened, and felt more like just being overheated on a hot day which is much more manageable.

I have a much less polarised reaction to things that stress me. I can be more sanguine about stuff. This was how I used to be before I got ill. Sertraline has sort of normalised me. I wish I had gone on it a year before as the year I delayed has affected me badly. I suspect my hippocampus has shrunken as a result of the stress. I am more forgetful, I have to make lists and diaries to remember things. I definitely function less well. I was ten times worse priot to taking the Sertraline though.
I think this thread is a good idea as it is a great resource for others like yourself OP

Vml12345 · 07/11/2019 09:28

Day 7 and Iā€™m feeling ok at the moment. I seem to keep gabbling whenever I talk and feel a bit overactive! Is that normal x

OP posts:
TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 07/11/2019 09:48

Day 4 for me and my anxiety today is crippling šŸ˜¢

RegretnaGreen · 07/11/2019 10:49

Gabbling is normal. I started at the end of July and I had forgotten the gabbling and thoughts that come at you a million miles an hour. It gets better OP.

Have you identified what has put you here OP? I found by making a record in my draft emails and a diary, I was able to see in black and white what I have gone through. It helps in a 'Holy shit! No wonder you are barking mad kiddo!' sort of way. Adding to the diary helps me to rationalise events, see patterns and understand my own workings a lot better. It has also helped me see that I have to care for myself a lot better than I have been doing. I had been bending over backwards for others when no-one was looking out for me.

jellybeanpeach · 07/11/2019 11:19

I am day 2 as well. Took me a week to build up the courage to take it as fear of the side effects.
Feeling incredible chills, sleepiness and sick.
I was told the side effects should wear off in a couple of weeks.

Vml12345 · 07/11/2019 11:33

I suffer extreme anxiety and health anxiety and ocd and itā€™s been getting worse since I had my last child 4 years ago! I had tried CBT but couldnā€™t do what I needed to because the anxiety so I decided I had to do something else drive my family away. I hated the idea of ADs but it was my last resort!!! Here I am looking for reassurance during these first few weeks as itā€™s been horrible

OP posts:
TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 07/11/2019 13:21

I really hope this works for you VML šŸ¤žšŸ¼

TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 07/11/2019 13:55

Regretna I have been getting some weird dejavu type feelings. Iā€™m getting ā€œflash backsā€ to things that somehow feel like they are in my memory but havenā€™t happened (yet anyway). It feels like they are from in the future. Itā€™s very weird and very hard to explain.

IdClimbHimLikeATree · 07/11/2019 14:20

I've just come onto the MH board to see if there was anything about Sertraline as my GP prescribed it for me this week. I've taken two doses so far and I know that she (and the pharmacist) said I might feel worse before I feel better but bloody hell! I'm having a a really bad anxiety spiral, it's horrible. Is this even possible after only two doses?!

I'm taking it for health anxiety and it's a reeeeeally horrible day today for it.

Like with you Vml they were also a last resort for me.

But honestly, I was so relieved to see this thread and see that other people have the same effect. Not looking forward to the next few weeks though Sad

RegretnaGreen · 07/11/2019 14:23

Try SleepingWithABrokenHeart weird isn't it? I could tell when the phone would ring before it rang. I could tell DH would spill his beer just a few seconds before it happened. Makes you wonder about the nature of time and space.
DH kept asking me about lottery ticket numbers Grin Grin


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Vml12345 · 07/11/2019 14:42


Day 2 was the worst for me so stick with it it really does get better! Iā€™m on day 7 and feel not too bad today(touch wood) are you taking 50? X

OP posts:
IdClimbHimLikeATree · 07/11/2019 15:08

@Vml12345 Thank you. Yeah 50 at the moment. It's very quiet at work which isn't helping my thought process! I feel really jittery and unsettled, but honestly so sick of fighting the battle without any weapons so I'm determined to stick with it. Glad it's getting better for you Brew

Hairydogmummy · 07/11/2019 15:50

I've been to work today! Pleased I managed it. Day 3 and I just feel tired and floaty and not quite with it. Less anxious at the moment I think? Hard to tell as I'm testing myself in my head... My anxiety used to be mainly health anxiety, it was chronic and I would constantly assess and reassess my symptoms. Now I seem to do this with my thoughts. Crazy world of anxiety!!

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