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Mental health

Sertraline buddy required!!!

869 replies

Vml12345 · 02/11/2019 19:07

Iā€™m in day 2 of taking sertraline and could really do with some support as feel horrible šŸ˜•

OP posts:
IScreamForIceCreams · 12/12/2019 17:50

It will pass, deep breaths, try to get fresh air. Is there someone you can call?

ClaraMumsnet · 12/12/2019 18:00

Hi @Fsmith17,

We hope you don't mind, but we thought you might find our Mental Health resources helpful. You can also go to the Samaritans website or email them on [email protected]. Support from other Mumsnetters is great and we really hope you will be able to take some comfort from your fellow posters, but as other MNers will tell you, it's really a good idea to seek RL help and support as well.


Hairydogmummy · 12/12/2019 18:44

@Fsmith17 you'll be okay. It will pass. Try to get someone to come over if you're alone. Download the Calm app on your phone. There's emergency panic exercises on there. I'd also tell your GP you're experiencing panic attacks on this dose.

TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 12/12/2019 18:46

@Fsmith17 we have all been where you are and are here for you Flowers you wonā€™t feel this way forever. Try not to think too far ahead. Take this moment by moment. It will pass ā¤ļø

Vml12345 · 12/12/2019 18:53

@Fsmith17 it will pass. Try and focus on your breathing and do something to occupy your mind! I alway try and play a game on my phone to distract me! Hope youā€™re feeling a little better xxxxx

OP posts:
Fsmith17 · 12/12/2019 18:56

Thank you everyone. My husbands home and Iā€™ve had to take a diazapam (I was prescribed them in September when I had my break down). I was on the verge of calling the mental health team. Havnt had a diazapam since October but I felt at breaking point. Iā€™m mellowing down now but just waiting for the next one. I canā€™t believe this had happened again and feel so discouraged. 12 weeks on medication, 4 weeks on 100mg. Iā€™ve had a period of being really well- 3 weeks and then a week of bubbling anxiety which erupted today. All my old thoughts are back: waiting for another attack, fearing the night, fearing tommorow, not coping, having to cancel a visit to my brother this weekend, feeling a failure, feeling guilty for my husband and my poor daughter. Literally three months ago I was a normal person, and now I donā€™t even recognise myself. WHY has this happened. Iā€™m absolutely devastated and feel powerless

Vml12345 · 12/12/2019 18:56

@IScreamForIceCreams I was wondering whether you have had tummy issues with sertraline? Iā€™m seven weeks tomorrow and started getting tummy cramps and loose stools! I know sertraline can affect the gut but thought this was during first few weeks? Anyone else had issues xxxx

OP posts:
Fsmith17 · 12/12/2019 19:10

@Hairydogmummy I shall go to the GP tommorow, šŸ’Æ. I have downloaded the app too, thank you.

@TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart you really reassured me, thank you. Itā€™s the worst place to be in. Itā€™s so scary.

What games do you play VMl? Xx

Vml12345 · 12/12/2019 19:24

Pandapop!! Find it distracts me if Iā€™m feeling very anxious xx

OP posts:
IdiotInDisguise · 12/12/2019 20:39

Sorry to hear you are struggling, what a strange journey this is.

May I ask you all a question about anxiety? Do you know what the anxiety is about? I am feeling better but I found myself shaking and feeling extremely anxious before a meeting today... problem is, I couldnā€™t put my finger on what could make me feel anxious, as I normally chair that meeting and I didnā€™t have any concerns at all. It is just as if my body is playing nasty that my mind is refusing to play... sigh*

IdiotInDisguise · 12/12/2019 20:39

... nasty tricks that my mind is refusing to play.

Fsmith17 · 12/12/2019 21:38

Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t help as am the same. I returned to work yesterday and felt quite comfortable supported and in control but I still was shaking and felt fearful. It has no rhyme and reason. I have noticed I fear fear though. So I need to do some work around that- as any sensation for me (even usual nerves or rushing etc) could maybe be triggering it. I donā€™t know, itā€™s a wild guess. But I know I am anxious about being anxious and where I was

Hairydogmummy · 12/12/2019 23:49

Me too. I used to be anxious about my health and physical symptoms now I'm anxious about my anxious thoughts, being anxious and not getting better from anxiety. I often feel anxious for no reason at all and I definitely couldn't pin down anything in particular that's been the cause of this acute episode of anxiety apart from the fact my anxiety had got to the point of having terrible intrusive thoughts which fuelled further anxiety.

IdiotInDisguise · 13/12/2019 05:14

Thank you for replying to my post. I had post natal depression which was much worse than what I am experiencing at the moment, at that time, I realised that the only thing I needed to do was to wait until the bad moment passed but this time is different... May not have as much anxiety but I am covered with eczema (never had it before) which is getting worse despite the fact I am feeling better.

Fear fear...

Mumma1984 · 13/12/2019 06:24

I get loads of physical symptoms like a surge every few years even tho I'm no more anxious that I always am, I'm always anxious in some way. But the physical surge can come out of nowhere and is awful :(

I always wonder if it's a build up

IScreamForIceCreams · 13/12/2019 08:55

@Vml12345 ah yeah, tummy rumbles galore! Happy to report that those stinky days will pass too! As will all other lovely side effects!

Vml12345 · 13/12/2019 15:03

@Hairydogmummy how you doing on 100. Iā€™m back to GP later as having problems with my tummy and really not feeling great. Wondering whether to try another AD as surely at 7 weeks I should be feeling something? X

OP posts:
Fsmith17 · 13/12/2019 15:27

Vml. I had my break through not far from where you were. So if you can, give it another week and review. Youā€™ve got this.....

Doctor hasnā€™t touched my dose today (100) and said it is a blip, just given me some diazapam if it gets really bad. Not sure about the tummy troubles- I have that when I am anxious so could it be that?

Hairydogmummy · 13/12/2019 15:45

@Vml12345 I'm feeling much better today thanks. I honestly don't think the 50 was ever going to cut it for me. How bad are the tummy issues? You may find if you take 100 it gets worse temporarily but maybe better in the long run to deal with the anxiety as a huge amount of people get IBS symptoms with anxiety. I think I've read on the other thread that some people put up with bad stomach if it solves anxiety but depends how bad it is for you and if you can put up with it. I guess I've had IBS for so long it doesn't bother me. See what the GP says I guess!

irrationalrainbow · 13/12/2019 17:54

I upped to 200mg 2 days ago from.150mg and I'm feeling anxiety again is this normal?

Vml12345 · 13/12/2019 17:55

@Hairydogmummy thank you. I can put up with the tummy issues so king as I know itā€™s nothing nasty. GP said to keep going and up to 100 after Christmas! 50 just doesnā€™t seem to be doing anything. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re feeling better today x

OP posts:
IScreamForIceCreams · 13/12/2019 18:26

Scared of being scared, the fear of the fear. It sounds so familiar. Try to rationalise it. What is the worse that will happen? Will it pass (yes, it always does), will I die of fear (nope), will I end up screaming and banging my head against the wall (not likely), will I pass out in the street (not likely). So...why am I scared of being scared. And if I do get what? Will anyone think less of me (no), am I a failure (no), will it always be like this (no), will I be curled up in a ball under the bed (no, I won't fit!).


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irrationalrainbow · 14/12/2019 11:21

Hi everyone hope everyone is well my anxiety is not just as bad today though I know this can change. I need to be able to concentrate and look forward to Christmas but my head is so cloudy at the minute usually only focusing on my fears. Day 3 of sertraline 200mg and I can't wait to completely kick anxietys ass.

TrySleepingWithABrokenHeart · 15/12/2019 11:30

Hi everyone, how are you all getting on?

I havenā€™t been doing so well unfortunately. I had an appointment with the mental health team yesterday (IAPT). I was so relieved the wait was over and was hoping it would be the first step in my treatment plan. Unfortunately, I was told they canā€™t help me. They only offer CBT which they said would be unsuitable for me as I have some trauma that needs to be worked through in counselling first off. That felt like such a blow and I cried all morning. It felt awful to open up to this lady, to tell her all of the darkest things Iā€™ve been through, to literally pour my heart out and then to be told they wonā€™t help me.

Anyway, yesterday I posted on AIBU about it in the hopes of getting some good responses. Money is tight and people have given me lots of suggestions on there so Iā€™m going to try to stay as positive as I can.

My GP has also suggested that I possibly up my dose to 100mg but is leaving the decision up to me on that.

I hope you are all doing well ā˜ŗļø

IdiotInDisguise · 15/12/2019 11:35

Had a session of acupuncture on Friday, first time ever. Do not have great faith in these things but Iā€™m desperate... I cannot believe how well I have slept over the last couple of days, I am still waking up in the middle of the night but have been able to doze off straight away rather than being awake worrying about things I shouldnā€™t worry until everyone is up.

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