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Mental health

Sertraline buddy required!!!

869 replies

Vml12345 · 02/11/2019 19:07

Iā€™m in day 2 of taking sertraline and could really do with some support as feel horrible šŸ˜•

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pasmisurvey1 · 06/06/2020 14:57

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SeaShell33 · 11/06/2020 06:24

Hello Thanks
Haven't posted on here for a while.

Six months ago my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer which she has almost completed chemotherapy for.
I had a breakdown and went back on Sertraline. I spent 4 weeks in insomnia hell before 3 nights of Zopiclone got me back on track sleeping and my anxiety and mood improved.
Last week I started CBT and the anxiety and now insomnia is back. I had two hours sleep last night. Iā€™m terrified of going through the insomnia again.
Since Sunday Iā€™ve had to really battle with my anxiety and mood pulling on every positive thought and pushing out the negative.
I feel so depressed after having over 4 months of low manageable anxiety and many days of no anxiety and now feel like Iā€™m back to square one.
Any advice on anxiety around being able to sleep?
Or anyone had a setback in their antidepressants a few months in?
Thank you

Eilidh2203 · 11/06/2020 07:04

Hi, so sorry to hear this. Thatā€™s awful youā€™re going through this. The journey will sertraline is definitely two steps forward and one step back, and Iā€™ve had a few set back over the seven months Iā€™ve been on it, so much so that I was on the verge of coming off it a few times but read so many reviews saying to persevere as this is normal. I would go back to your GP. Either a small dose of diazepam or more Zopiclone? My GP is a young girl who is happy to prescribe these things if it keeps you on them and gets you through the worst bits. Or what about Nytol? My 20 yr old daughter started to take one at night because she was so anxious about the virus, and it really helped her sleep. But go back to your GP, theyā€™re there to help. And I hope your mumā€™s ok and hope you find an answer. Speak soon xx

Eilidh2203 · 11/06/2020 07:05

Sorry, meant to also ask what dose youā€™re on? Could be that you need titrated up? Xx

Eilidh2203 · 11/06/2020 07:15

Sorry, just realised I hadnā€™t responded to this. My side effects were there on and off for the first maybe 3 weeks? There were days I was fine and days I felt awful. Then each tune I was titrated up (I went to 100 then 150) I had a few days of side effects again, but nothing at all now for months which is a great relief! How are you now?

Umbongo1 · 11/06/2020 07:56

Eilidh I'm on day 8 and my panic is still really bad and I'm just so tired. Is this normal?

user1482139131 · 11/06/2020 21:51

How is everyone? Itā€™s starting to work for me now, think itā€™s 4 weeks tomorrow. Side effects have settled and anxiety starting to calm. Wish Iā€™d taken these months ago. Iā€™m calmer, am able to deal with my (soon to be) ex husbandā€™s nonsense, can drive again (hadnā€™t wanted to drive with feeling dizzy). Def a bit more me. Hope everyone good, anyone just starting out would def recommend persevering the first couple of weeks.

Desperate30 · 11/06/2020 21:56

Hi everyone
Iā€™m 3 weeks in. Still getting anxiety but not as bad as the first week. I just want to feel better and I do have times when Iā€™m not anxious but these donā€™t last. Iā€™m also having CBT which I think is helping. Iā€™m hoping week 4 is a turning point!

NameChange84 · 11/06/2020 22:27

Iā€™m in a bad way. Iā€™ve been on Sertraline for 6 months and although the first month was rough it got loads better until last month when I was given Dr Reddyā€™s brand for the first time and it made me feel much worse, going full nights with no sleep, feeling really low again like there was no benefit. The nurse said, given that Iā€™d been doing so well it was probably a brand problem that I was sensitive to due to a filler and she said to tell the pharmacist not to give me Dr Reddyā€™s again. Then I got given yet another new brand, Crescent, and Iā€™ve been having the most horrendous headaches, dizziness, mouth blisters, spots on my face and body, even my calves, unable to function at all, more depressed than before I was on Sertaline, very very dark moods, fear, feeling thereā€™s no point to life. Itā€™s totally robbed me of my health physically and mentally.

I wasnā€™t allowed an appointment with the GP or the Nurse but spoke to a lovely pharmacist who says this does genuinely happen sometimes with brand changes and to stop taking the Crescent one immediately and tell the dispensing pharmacist never to give me it. He also said for me to take it at night for a change so I did last night (my last crescent one) and I woke up in the night with an awful headache, fear and oddly paranoia and was unable to sleep.

Iā€™ve now been given Aurobindo. I just hope Iā€™m ok on that. I canā€™t believe how awful these generics have made me feel.

user1482139131 · 11/06/2020 22:39

@Desperate30 Iā€™ve had 9 CBT sessions Only 2 left, itā€™s really good, hope it works for u too. itā€™s become a part of my everyday thought processing. @NameChange84 can u get a phone chat with ur GP? Itā€™s awful for u after doing so well and now this setback. Really hope u feel more yourself soon x

SeaShell33 · 14/06/2020 15:56

Hi! I'm also having CBT and after the first session I felt worse but better after the second session.
Good to hear positive stories about CBT!
That's so scary about the brand differences!
I'm still up and down with anxiety. Mostly I'm anxious about being anxious and not being able to sleep.
I keep telling myself that I should be happy for the life I've got.
So frustrating that just over a week ago I was loving life.
Hope I can get back to that or at least a quiet mind.
Thinking of you all on here and hope your Sertraline journeys work out ā¤ļø

user1482139131 · 30/06/2020 16:21

Hi all, on week 6 (or 7, not sure). Had been going well but last few weeks have had the most severe watery stools (sorry TMI). Spoke to GP and she's given me imodium, and to call at the end of the week if its still an issue :( really worried I'll have to come off sertraline and start all over again with another drug. Could cry. Has anyone else had this issue? How long until it resolved?

Vml12345 · 30/06/2020 20:28

I had to stop sertraline because of awful diarrhoea! I was fine for the first month and then it started and didnā€™t stop until I stopped the sertraline. May be worth considering an alternative? Imodium helped but the diarrhoea wAs really bad x

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user1482139131 · 06/07/2020 16:30

@Vml12345 spoke to my GP today, this is the end of my sertraline journey :( He's advised I come off sertraline gradually (I'm on 75mg) and start citalopram. Can I ask what you tried after sertraline & did you have any side effects coming off and starting a new medicine. Thanks to everyone on this thread for the advice and kind words over the last few weeks. I'm feeling disappointed as it has been working for my anxiety but the tummy probs have been horrific.

Lottie124 · 06/07/2020 16:50

Hi.. Iā€™ve stopped citalopram and started sertraline! I had the worst time! The doc advised me to stop citalopram 20mg as it stopped working! And start sertraline 50mg. The first week was awful couldnā€™t get out of bed! Itā€™s slowly got better Iā€™m now on week 4! You may not be as bad as you not been on the sertraline long? C

peaceanddove · 06/07/2020 18:09

Hi. I have been on Sertraline for about the last four years, and was prescribed it for severe PMDD which was just getting worse and worse thanks to the peri menopause. Overall it has worked like a charm, and I could honestly feel the benefits of it within the first week. I remember suddenly feeling very Zen after months and months of Hell which only lifted for a few days every month. I desperately wish that I had been prescribed it 10 years when my PMS got beyond a joke. As others have said, it was very much one step forward, two steps back at first, and each time I took a step back I was convinced it had stopped working.

But overall Sertraline has made my life so much better. I am much more balanced, very little phases me, I always feel positive and upbeat. Back before taking it, I only used to feel at my best around the time I ovulated, when I'd feel fantastic for about a week. But Sertraline makes me feel at my best all of the time. Well, except for the fact I do still occasionally have a nasty dip, where my mood really sinks very low and it's impossible to smile, coupled with anxiety. These dips always roughly coincide with my period starting so I know it's my flipping hormones trying to cause problems again. But it usually only lasts about a week or so. I'm having such a dip right now, the first since the start of the year, and probably not helped by my not taking my tablet for two nights at the end of last week thanks to a pharmacy error. And, quell surprise it looks like my period is starting!

If I'm honest, I would happily take Sertraline for the rest of my life if it continues to make me feel so good for 98% of the time. And while I still have periods I think it only wise to continue on it anyway, as my hormones can have such a devastating effect on my mood.

chocolatespiders · 06/07/2020 23:16

Interesting to read about the upset tummy.
I am on 100mg sertraline and have been fine but last week I had terrible diarrhoea and I had not connected the two as I have been okay on it. I was actually worried about this sudden change as didn't have tummy cramps just the runs.

user1482139131 · 07/07/2020 00:30

@chocolatespiders had no issues the first month whatsoever. No real cramps now just an urgent need to go and diarrhoea for the last few wks. Iā€™ve found sertaline really good apart from this side effect. GP thinks if it hasnā€™t gone away after this long then itā€™s unlikely. If anything changes Iā€™ll update. Am doing another week on sertaline to see if anything changes, šŸ¤žšŸ»

Jh84 · 27/10/2020 15:49

I'm on day 4 of 50mg dose of, Sertraline. Haven't been on antidepressants for many years, tried most of them didn't work for me. I struggle with anxiety, depression, ocd and now ptsd, triggered by my Mother's passing,due to childhood neglect and abuse

Elmer83 · 28/10/2020 10:44

Hi all - hope I can join this thread too! Iā€™m on 50g and on day 8. I felt awful after taking it for 6 days but yesterday and today I donā€™t feel so bad. However the nausea, zoned out and shakiness has been replaced with the runs šŸ™ˆ Hoping that doesnā€™t last. I felt incredibly calm up until last night when intrusive thoughts starting to come back. Is this normal!?

salty78 · 30/10/2020 09:43

My GP has just prescribed these and I'm grateful I found this thread as there is so much useful information and advice. I'm struggling at work at the moment and not sure whether to self certify for next week just to get me through the initial stages. I already suffer stomach problems because of the anxiety and am concerned they will just become uncontrollable and I won't be at home to deal with them. I also have a gruelling online job interview on Tuesday for a job I really want which would get me out of a miserable work situation. As desperate as I am to start the medication I'm worried it will make me even less able to think than I am now.

Vml12345 · 15/11/2020 09:09

Itā€™s a year since I posted this website and Iā€™m in no better place. The sertraline didnā€™t work for me due to bad diarrhoea and I was too scared to try an alternative. The GP wanted me to try fluoxetine but I declined. Iā€™m now in the midst of a really bad period of OCD and anxiety which is relentless. Any positive stories of ADs would be welcome as Iā€™m thinking of giving it another go xx

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mrshonda · 15/11/2020 10:24

The first few days of sertraline can be tough. I experienced a weird 'vibrating' feeling, as though my whole body was trembling slightly, feeling a bit dizzy and out of sorts. It resolved itself within a week. Keep going OP, it will feel better soon.

mrshonda · 15/11/2020 10:26

ooops sorry, X post. Sorry the sertraline didn't work for you.

Funnyfishface · 15/11/2020 23:02

Hi op

I am suffering with ocd and anxiety and have been prescribed escitalopram. I havenā€™t started them for fear of the side effects.

I have been off medication for four years. Previously citalopram and sertraline. Neither stopped the anxiety completely but I do think they helped. Maybe I wasnā€™t on high enough dosage.

I am struggling too - sorry nothing to add or help but just know that you are not alone

I am looking at my prescription and thinking I should start them this week. I donā€™t want to continue feeling this way. Itā€™s exhausting and no way to live

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