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Mental health

I've fucked my life up. Can't bring myself to start dealing with it.

130 replies

Flowersandcats · 23/01/2017 11:33

Sorry if this OP is a bit all over the place. My biggest issue is that I am not acknowledging what is happening so it is difficult to put it into words.

I am an alcoholic and I have MH issues. Over the last few years my life has been falling apart. I haven't worked in months. I am thousands of pounds in debt. Massively behind with my mortgage. I owe money to everyone. I have borrowed money from my parents. I lie. I lie about everything. To the point that I feel like I'm not sure what's true any more.

I haven't opened any post in weeks. It's an external mail box, I haven't even looked in there since the new year. There are probably court summons in there.

I can't face dealing with it. Like if I don't acknowledge it then none of this is happening.

I bought a whole bunch of painkillers recently. Bought from five different shops so that I could get round the "one box only" thing. I don't plan to take them right now but they're here in the house.

I'm not doing anything to address anything. I had a counsellor but I haven't been for the last 2 weeks. Couldn't face leaving the house. Although she did suggest that I may have Dissociative Identity Disorder.

I fantasise about being imprisoned or hospitalised so that all power and control will be removed from me and I won't have to have to make any decisions any more. (I appreciate that this isn't how it works.)

Most people don't know. I was out with friends on Saturday (not drinking). I am sure that they would have thought everything is fine.

I don't know what I want from this post. I posted a few months ago under a different username and I haven't done anything to deal with it since. Things are worse.

OP posts:
Sugarpiehoneyeye · 30/01/2017 20:23

They sound yummy, must go to Lidl tomorrow 😄
You are an inspiration OP, your posts will give hope to many.

dowhatnow · 30/01/2017 20:31

They are very positive last posts and are very inspirational for those facing similar situations. Love the gherkins instead of alcohol. You need to make that a nationwide campaign.

Suzytwoshoes · 30/01/2017 20:32

I've just rtft Flowers

Well done you! Flowers I'm so impressed by how far you have come in a short space of time.
Have you been back to the GP and hopefully thrown the paracetamol away?

ConfessorKahlan · 30/01/2017 20:47

You have been so brave in starting to face all your problems. Well done. You really should consider contacting StepChange. They have helped us brilliantly. They contacted all of our creditors and arranged massively reduced payments and stopped the interest. We no longer have to deal with creditors at all. We just pay the monthly amount to StepChange and they handle the whole thing. Been paying off our debt for 8 years now and only two more years to go. It feels great to not be afraid of the postsman, phone calls or bailiffs at the door.

mainlywingingit · 30/01/2017 21:25

Just a well Done from here -
Next You can beat the booze!! Smile

HelenaGWells · 30/01/2017 21:27

I've just read this and wanted to say that you are doing amazingly. You have totally got this. Some days it might not seen like it but you can do this. Keep it up, you are a star.

ImperialBlether · 30/01/2017 21:31

Well done! You've done so well. I bet you feel a lot calmer now, don't you?

Flowersandcats · 30/01/2017 21:48

Thank you everyone for your responses. I don't think I'm amazing. I think I shouldn't have been such a twat to get into this fucking stupid situation in the first place.

I also know that if it was anyone else on the planet but me, I'd be a great deal more understanding.

@ImperialBlether - yes, I do. Just a week ago, I could literally feel my heart thudding underneath my t-shirt most of the time. I was in a constant state of low-level anxiety. I had convinced myself that bailiffs/police/whatever were moments away from turning up on my door and telling me I had 30 minutes to get my shit together and fuck off.

I panicked every time a van drew up outside.

Am definitely feeling more in control of the situation now.

OP posts:
ImperialBlether · 30/01/2017 21:57

I've just had my first notification with the @ symbol!

Yes, your imagination can go far further than reality. Please, please keep going back to the CAB and let them do whatever they can to help. You've leapt over this massive hurdle now - you've been fantastic.

Flowersandcats · 30/01/2017 22:00

Have you been back to the GP and hopefully thrown the paracetamol away?

@Suzytwoshoes, the GP appointment that I missed last week was rescheduled for this Wednesday. Supportive Friend is taking me again. It's at 12 so not during rush hour this time but we're still going to give ourselves loads of time to get there.

I haven't thrown the 100+ paracetamol away. It's still hidden in my bedroom. Yesterday, SF asked for a paracetamol for his toothache. I checked the medicine box in the kitchen and only had some ibuprofen and aspirin. I asked "Does it have to be paracetamol because, you know, I have some hidden. I can go and get you some."

He said it was OK and ibuprofen would be fine so it was left at that.

OP posts:
Flowersandcats · 30/01/2017 22:03

I've just had my first notification with the @ symbol!

Heh. I've just done it to Suzytwoshoes too. I'll try not to do it too often. I imagine it could get pretty annoying. Smile

OP posts:
Suzytwoshoes · 30/01/2017 22:04

I'm glad your SF is there for you! He sound great!

Hope you get on ok on Wednesday Flowers Flowers

ImperialBlether · 30/01/2017 22:05

It was like a summons!

Suzytwoshoes · 30/01/2017 22:05

That was my first too! I felt quite important! Thank you! Grin

Flowersandcats · 30/01/2017 22:26

I'm glad your SF is there for you! He sound great!

He really, really is. And not just because he bought me a massive jar of massive gherkins from Lidl. Not even because he bought me a new pair of shoelaces for my Doc Martens while I was having my CAB meeting and then re-laced my boots while I was spending an hour or so completing the JSA online application.

He's just lovely. And he hasn't bustled in and taken over. He hasn't opened any of the post or made any of the phone calls. Just been around to support me while I'm doing it.

He has lent me money, though. Which I feel bad about. He's paid my mobile phone bill and my BT broadband bill. I need both those things to work if I am going to get my shit sorted out. I will pay him back.

He said, earlier today, that I should consider repaying my debts to him as the lowest priority. I pointed out that my loan and credit card debts are going to take at least a decade to sort out. I wasn't planning to wait until I had paid of my Barclaycard debt in full before reimbursing him.

So yeah, I think we reached an agreement that I'll repay him when I have an income of any sort and my home isn't at risk.

OP posts:
Flowersandcats · 30/01/2017 22:29

Oh, and SF got involved after I sent him a link to this thread. Having written it out once in the OP, I couldn't bring myself to explain myself a second time.

But he's now promised that he isn't going to read it. Which is handy because I might want to talk about him.

OP posts:
Suzytwoshoes · 31/01/2017 10:10

Haha! He sounds brilliant, just the sort of person you need in your corner.

Hope you have a good day today!

MusicIsMedicine · 02/02/2017 03:14

I went through this after a terrible few years. The debt and other stuff is fixable with a plan and time. But your physical and mental health recovery must come first. Don't overload yourself or it will become overwhelming. Do only one task a day and accept recovery is a process. Please pm me for more help.

wheezles · 02/02/2017 12:05

How are you feeling today? :)

Flowersandcats · 08/02/2017 00:18

Hello. Just popping in to update.

Things are still plodding on. I am checking my letterbox every day and dealing with things as they come up.

I have my second appointment with CAB next Monday (13th). Have told my main creditors this and they are waiting to hear from me after my appointment.

I had previously been driving my car even though it wasn't taxed, insured or MOT'd. I knew it was a criminal offence, obviously. But, you know, I was making a lot of stupidly poor life decisions back then. Have now paid the £97 fine to DVLA and declared my car SORN. Once I have some money, I will sort the car situation out. (Am not currently using the car, obvs.)

I have applied for Jobseeker's Allowance (and asked for it to be backdated to when my contract with my previous employer ended).

Contacted my previous employer regarding two days work that I worked and didn't invoice them for back in November. That's £300 before tax.

Saw the GP last week. I have been taking my AD medication every day since I started this thread.

I've had a couple of wobbles. I was in a bad place a couple of days ago. I wasn't planning to see Supportive Friend last weekend but I sent him a bunch of texts on Saturday morning which had him hurtling down the A3 in order to give me a cuddle.

I know I'm in a much better place than I was two weeks ago. (I have just re-read my original post to remind myself how bad things were.)

It's a long process. Supportive friend is still being awesome. Both my cats absolutely love him now.

OP posts:
Ginger4justice · 08/02/2017 20:22

That's amazing. I've been following since your OP and I'm so impressed how much you've done. Starting sorting things is the hardest bit.

dowhatnow · 10/02/2017 12:29

Well done op. You've come so far since that first post. You should be so proud of yourself. There will be wobbles but don't lose heart and yes keep re-reading this thread and remind yourself how things can change for the better,


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StartledByHisFurryShorts · 15/02/2017 16:28

I saw the CAB for the second time last Monday (13th). There's obviously no magic wand in terms of the debt but it has established that my main priorities are (a) ensuring I get some kind of income whether it's from JSA/Housing Benefit or from (preferably) getting a job and (b) keeping my creditors updated, informed and - hopefully - reassured that I'm sorting my shit out.

That second one is the most difficult. It's hard to make those phone calls. To pro-actively phone people and explain that I have a debt problem and I'm doing x, x and x to address it and can they put a hold on my account so that I can come back to them within the next few weeks with a reasonable proposal?

They have all been accommodating so far. CAB chap (and many of you Mumsnetters who responded on this thread) emphasised that the thing creditors really don't like is people going quiet on them. It's so true! They have procedures. I am, it seems, not the first person in the world to have got myself in this position.

It's a long way from being sorted but I'm not terrified from minute to minute that someone is going to turn up at my door and tell me to leave. I was before.

And, happily, when I do get over my initial fear of phoning Mortgage company/Landlords/banks etc and actually ring them, I seem to switch into "professional" mode. I have had plenty of admin/customer service officey-type jobs. Supportive Friend (who is still providing a lot of both physical and virtual hand-holding) said that I sound very together when I'm making the calls. And he's seen what a blubbery wreck I am beforehand.

SF has also taken away (at my request) the multiple packs of paracetamol. I was sorting out my bedroom and stacked the boxes of paracetamol in the kitchen ready for SF's next visit. I then had a panic attack and he came round shortly afterwards and I gave them to him. (Well, I kept a box of 16 for the medicine cupboard but he took away, I think, 96.)

And that was a loooong post. I'm partly using this thread as a diary now but I did also want to let anyone who responded and supported me before know how things are going.

StartledByHisFurryShorts · 15/02/2017 16:37

Oh and I posted that all under the wrong name, I've realised. D'oh! I am OP's Other Identity. It's still me.

Hidingtonothing · 15/02/2017 16:53

Only just found this thread OP but wow, you're amazing. It's all too easy to get into a mess but bloody hard to dig yourself out and you're doing it, bit by bit you're sorting it and I think that's incredible.

Keep going, don't let the bad days negate what you've achieved because you're still miles further forward than you were. It's ok to have days where you don't feel like you're getting anywhere because, actually, you are. It was never going to be a quick process, just keep inching forward, that's still better than being stuck where you were.

I know it might not feel like it at times but you are incredibly strong, you're dragging yourself out of the shit by your fingernails and that takes serious guts. You will look back on this when it's over and (hopefully) realise just how brave you are and how far you've come. I have nothing but admiration for you OP, I wish you peace and happiness for the future FlowersStar

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