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C25K Encouragement Thread - Continued

500 replies

teaandbiscuitsforme · 06/05/2021 09:43

I'm in absolutely no way qualified to start this thread but I couldn't see another one!

So after nearly 2 weeks of not running with plantar fasciitis issues, I've just done W6R1! I thought I'd go back a bit a build up gradually but it was actually ok considering I haven't run in so long. I haven't lost it completely as actually felt a bit like a runner! 🥳 We'll see how my heels are later today...

And I got back home just before the hail hit!

Hope anybody else running this morning is enjoying the crazy weather!

OP posts:
emilyjeff · 13/05/2021 13:08

@LatinforTelly I have some 1000 mile socks which are quite thick and padded, very comfortable. May be worth a try?
I did the second run of my Garmin plan this morning. Found it hard getting out the door but then really enjoyed it. My run was just the right length for the specified 20 mins- that never normally happens!

RomanMum · 13/05/2021 16:27

Any tips for facing the dreaded W5R3?

redcandlelight · 13/05/2021 16:41


Any tips for facing the dreaded W5R3?

just get out and do it.
don't think too much about it.

just back from an hour run. 9k. it felt really good. but I'm looking forward to putting my feet up!
SerenadeOfTheSchoolRun · 13/05/2021 16:52

W5R3 is amazing. You will surprise yourself and feel so proud afterwards. My tip is to enjoy it - you can’t do that for the first time again.

I did C25K in 2017 and remember where I was when I did that one.

Cavagirl · 13/05/2021 17:27

@RomanMum someone on here advised me to think about it like 4x5 min runs which really helped.
Also get a good playlist and I found if you know the timings of each song you can think "only 2 more songs to go" rather than looking at your watch.
Good luck, you'll feel brilliant once you've done it!

Iampicklerick · 13/05/2021 21:37

I ran W5R3 crying with joy. I was so unbelievably pleased with myself. The feeling I got after that run has seen me through, I don’t think I’ll ever top that moment for the achievement I felt. Just do it, and all the way round imagine basking in your glory after.

BIWI · 14/05/2021 09:08

@RomanMum what you'll realise, when you've done that run, (because you will do it!), is that a lot of this running malarkey is all in the head!

ExConstance · 14/05/2021 14:15

Late to the party, can I join in? I'm 64 and I'll finish week 5 with a 20 minute run on Sunday if it is not too rainy. I did this 11 years ago and then gave up, it was very hard starting again week 1 run 1 left me feeling like I was going to cough up blood, and I was so hot and beetroot coloured when I finished. Now I'm not ( so far) minding the increased time I'm running and my knees, which were achey in a muscle related sort of way after the first few runs are fine now.
My aim is to be able to run 10k again, hopefully in the 59 minutes I managed all those years ago, but as I approach retirement I just want to be the best version of me that I can.

redcandlelight · 14/05/2021 15:16

welcome ex

well, hot and beetroot coloured after a run hasn't changed for me so far...

BIWI · 14/05/2021 16:12

There's nothing wrong with beetroot-coloured! Grin

BIWI · 14/05/2021 16:13

I did my first, proper, post-C25K 30 minute run yesterday. I say 'proper' because my first attempt ended after only 10 minutes because one of my knees was hurting too much, for some reason. A day's rest, and yesterday was fine.

So for now, just focussing on running for 30 minutes. I'm not bothering about times, just trying to run enough so that 30 minutes feels more comfortable.

randomsabreuse · 14/05/2021 16:41


That sounds like a great plan to me. The only reason I like to mix my runs up and have a "plan" is that I have no attention span...

I've learned that I don't really like running for the sake of it, but "improving times" does motivate me, as does going to different places.

Most of the battle with running is in the brain, finding out what makes you want to do it is most of the challenge...

BIWI · 14/05/2021 16:52

See, I don't really want to do it at all Grin

But I know I have to do something. I'm starting back at the gym tomorrow with my PT, so I'll have two sessions a week with him, then I'll add in one, possibly two, runs a week. I don't really mind about trying to increase my time, just committing to doing 30 minutes of cardio.

randomsabreuse · 14/05/2021 17:05


Sounds like a good reason for me. My motivation is split between keeping up with my crazy children, increasing stamina for walking up pretty hills without missing the scenery because I'm busy wanting to die and running enough to eat some nice things...

But I need other "internal to running" motivation as well as the reasons I run, so I need to have "running" goals too. My DH is totally different, he's naturally more athletic, less competitive and much less easily bored.

Mummyoply · 14/05/2021 17:53

I'm doing W7R1 tomorrow and starting to think about what to do when I've finished C25K. I really like being told when to run and when to stop 😄. All I have to do is focus on My breathing, pace and the view. Any tips on what to listen to after C25K?

EmilyDickinson · 14/05/2021 19:09

Mummyoply after I graduated C25K I did a few more runs increasing the time until I could actually run 5k. I got bored with doing the same 5k run so after a while I started C210K using an app from the same company. Thrillingly I’ve been able to start C210K at week 9 (as weeks 1-8 take you from couch to 5k, which I’ve already done). I’m about to complete my second week (week 11 on the app) at at the moment it’s 5 minute warm up 3 x 17 minutes with 1 minute in between and then a 5 minute cool down. It’s giving me the same structure and motivation that C25K did and I’m really chuffed to be doing longer runs and, whilst finding it challenging, I’m managing so far.

redcandlelight · 14/05/2021 19:25

I have a couple of routes I know well for the shorter midweek run, but on weekends I have 'free' run of our area, slowly expanding. am currently at 1 hour/9k.
for dark winter runs I havd a local sports park which is well lit.

I like a few bbc podcasts: crowd science, rutherford&fry, gqt, in our time

Mummyoply · 14/05/2021 20:00

Thanks @EmilyDickinson I didn't know about this app - I'm quite tempted!

Thanks @randomsabreuse I guess I can just run! I still Don't think of myself as a running and think I need to be told what to do but I guess I can do as I's like a whole new world! Grin

Mummyoply · 14/05/2021 20:01

Sorry that should have been for @redcandlelight

redcandlelight · 14/05/2021 20:04

often when I'm
running I'm just astounded that I can run and happy as a larry about that Grin

emilyjeff · 15/05/2021 17:13

Been for my 'long easy run' this afternoon following garmin plan. Wasn't actually that long but quite enjoyed it- ran at a village a few miles from me where I've never been before.
Noticed the plan includes 2 runs at the weekend but I'll be skipping tomorrow. Think 3x a week is plenty for me!

RomanMum · 15/05/2021 19:21

Thanks all for the advice and support o wise MN running crew.

Update: I went for it! Ok, I walked for a short while five times so technically not finished the 'run' yet. But I'm the queen of repeating (e.g. 6 x W5R2) and it normally takes a couple of runs to get to grips with a new 'week'. It's all progress and something I wouldn't have dreamed of when I started C25K.


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Cavagirl · 16/05/2021 12:08

Well done Roman ! What was it that made you stop and walk? Legs, lungs, willpower?

I think I've inadvertently started 5k to 10k today! I got a bit fed up with feeling like I should be getting faster each time on my 5k so just had a bit of a potter on my usual route and while I wasn't feeling speedy I did think I could probably carry on a bit longer, so did 6.5k and quite enjoyed it really, without putting myself under pressure for time. Got back about 30 seconds before it started to bucket down so lucky I didn't go any further!
Enjoy everyone out today!

Bumpinthenight · 16/05/2021 13:46

Completed W5R3 this morning. So proud of myself. I couldn't do W1R1 so to run (slowest pace ever!) for 20 minutes feels amazing. Walked 18 km yesterday so my feet and legs are shattered!

You really do have to trust that the plan works. It really does!

randomsabreuse · 16/05/2021 13:54

I'm just back from 10 miles in 2 hours. Had to stop to cross a couple of roads and walked up an evil hill (was very steep and rough) at around mile 8 after choosing to explore rather than stay on the nice flat railway path... Caught up my overall pace down the hill though so will use that tactic on my planned half marathon which has a big hill at a similar point. I know I will need some fuel (energy gel plus caffeine chew) by that point and water if it's hot so doing that while walking up the hill will be quite an efficient use of time!

Was pleased I could run today as I had my first horse riding lesson since before the pandemic yesterday!

Not sure what I'm doing next week as I've got my Covid jab on Wednesday so will have to see how I feel.

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