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C25K Encouragement Thread - Continued

500 replies

teaandbiscuitsforme · 06/05/2021 09:43

I'm in absolutely no way qualified to start this thread but I couldn't see another one!

So after nearly 2 weeks of not running with plantar fasciitis issues, I've just done W6R1! I thought I'd go back a bit a build up gradually but it was actually ok considering I haven't run in so long. I haven't lost it completely as actually felt a bit like a runner! 🥳 We'll see how my heels are later today...

And I got back home just before the hail hit!

Hope anybody else running this morning is enjoying the crazy weather!

OP posts:
redcandlelight · 09/05/2021 16:13


I was thinking of starting the c25k but i'm not a good runner plus I need to build up the strength of my legs as it's been a while since i done any exercise. How did people like me manage and did it help you lose weight aling with eating more healthy.

that's where c25k comes in. it's slow and gentle enough for total beginners.

wrt weight. I didn't lose any, but didn't change my eating habits. running uses surprisingly few calories.
Iluvfriends · 09/05/2021 16:19

redcandlelight.....did you feel healthier, did it improve your fitness.
I plan to do some cycling and change my diet as i need to lose some weight, i just cant get motivated.

EmilyDickinson · 09/05/2021 16:28

Iluvfriends just go for it. C25k is designed to start from zero. It’s mostly walking rather than running to start with and increases the amount of running time very gradually. If you find that you can’t complete a session or that you start walking when you should be running then just repeat the session each time you go out until you can do it. The first time I did it I repeated a few, but it really does get you there. If you start now you’ll be amazed where you are by July.

BIWI · 09/05/2021 17:41

I've no idea if I'm a good runner or not! But then I guess that depends how you're defining 'good' @Iluvfriends. I'd say I'm a good runner now, because I can run for 30 minutes without stopping - which I certainly couldn't 9 or 10 weeks ago when I started the C25K.

It's a really good programme and definitely builds up your stamina and - probably - your strength.

redcandlelight · 09/05/2021 17:52

I'm a good runner because I can run.

as biwi says, I can run for more than 30min without stopping minus traffic lights and I enjoy it.

Iluvfriends · 09/05/2021 18:33

Thanks everyone i'm going to give it a go. I say i'm not a good runner as i can barely run a few steps before getting out of breath . I do have asthma but it's down to lack of fitness as a year ago i was cycling 40+ miles.

Iampicklerick · 09/05/2021 19:32

Hope everyone is ok! The weather has been so hit and miss, its been hard to keep motivated.

I did w9 r2 today and managed to keep my HR under 161 for the entire thing. So zone 4. Felt v slow but it was a hot day too, fair enough. Spoke to my friend with the same watch (vivoactive3) and although there is just 2 months between us age wise, her HR % are different so on her watch I’d be classed as having done the whole thing in zone 3.

60 second sprint at the end took my HR to 194 and I heaved so suffice to say, I think that’s my real max and the watch is just settling in.

I am also sun burnt to fuck with several criss cross lines over my back so looking for sports bras without cross back recommendations please Grin

emilyjeff · 09/05/2021 21:24

Evening ladies, I'm feeling much better today thanks. Managed a short walk this morning and a nice ride out on my horse this afternoon. Quite tired now though.
Yes strange weather really warm and humid here today but not particularly sunny. Total contrast to yesterday!
I'm planning to resume running on Tues morning, think I should be 100% by then. Do feel like I've lost motivation a bit tho. Partly cos I've got out of the routine but also cos I got to 10k, need another goal to aim for now 🤔

Cavagirl · 10/05/2021 10:05

Found you all!!
Sorry you've been feeling rough emilyjeff
I've been slack and only 1 run last week. Going out after work today and hoping it's not too much of a shock to the system!

randomsabreuse · 10/05/2021 10:16

In my usual messy week as DH was on call at the weekend limiting me to close to home stuff. Handily my Friday run was strides (10 min warm up then 20s "sprinting" with 40s recovery * 12) so that was ok. Had to bump planned long run to tonight, fortunately it isn't too long, just an hour easy followed by a fast finish.

I've also started trying out my local running club - went on a road (actually canal path) route on Thursday and am trying a track tomorrow, so completely off kilter on my Garmin plan!

I do like the convenience of the Garmin plan having all my workouts pre programmed with time and pace intervals after programming my strides session manually (note to self can't move a session to the following week after you should have done the next one)!

Trying to find time for a swim (cross training/crazy triathlon ambitions!) but sessions are still at a premium due to restrictions!


Totally get the need for a plan. Do you want to target a race or a time? If you're in England parkrun is back in June, probably (so jealous!). I really struggle with motivation if I don't have a definite aim, think I left it 3 days after reaching my 5k goal before setting up my new plan.

I already know that my next plan will be to improve my 10k time, then back to a Half for a "real" race!! Hopefully...

Lockdown and lack of races has been good for staying focussed on one goal, but not good for long term planning as my priority will definitely be fencing once that starts again, although I will be fitting in some races they are lower priority for me...

In normal times the fencing calendar is set a year in advance for priority events so I can enter runs when they open. Very frustrating!

I think a good runner is one who can run regularly without getting injured and is happy with their running. I'm getting there but would like to stop the emotional eating habit and lose weight to reduce impact.

emilyjeff · 10/05/2021 11:21

Hey welcome back @cava and @random!
Yes I think my next aim might have to be working on improving my times for 5k and 10k. I know I don't really don't want to go much further distance wise. Just want to keep running really! Ideally 3x a week and keep mixing it up so I don't get bored. I do have garmin so could look at their plans, or are they all distance based?

randomsabreuse · 10/05/2021 11:31

Garmin Connect has time targets available from 5k up to half marathon. Tops out at 7 minute miles race pace, so not a problem for me!

My sub 30 5k plan had a good mix of steady and faster runs, I assume that the others are similar but with different target speeds!

emilyjeff · 10/05/2021 19:35

Thanks @random. So I've set up a garmin plan to achieve a 27min 5k (my previous pb is 26:55 so would be well pleased to get back to that sort of speed) The first run for tomorrow says benchmark- 2 min warm up, 5 min running strong whatever that means- race kind of pace I'm guessing? Then 2 min cool down. Don't really want to do such a short run so I may do that and then continue another couple of miles at easy pace

randomsabreuse · 10/05/2021 21:15

It does that benchmark for all the plans - including the half marathon one I'm on. I took it as being near flat out pace for the 5 minutes, so not a sprint! I think it sets up your target paces from it, or at least decides if they are realistic! I carried on after my first one, you need to make it resume after the cool down time has expired as it auto pauses at the end of the workout time. Or start a new workout, either seems to work...

randomsabreuse · 10/05/2021 21:22

I'm back from my weekly long run. Bloody hate progression runs, even though I naturally speed up at the end of a run I find it easier to do instinctively rather than as dictated by "the plan"! Also not crazy on dinner time runs as I feel like I am running out of energy, I've got out of the habit thanks to lockdown and no running clubs! Managed to drag myself around at the required paces but was very glad for roads being busy when I needed to cross!! Also managed to finesse my route to avoid doing the fast bits up any hills by diverting to the canal tow path for the fast bit as it was still early and busy enough to feel safe. Much better than trying to get a "challenging" pace up my local hill which is a really awkward angle!

redcandlelight · 10/05/2021 21:29

traffic lights are a funny thing.
I have one about a mile from home.
it's never right :o either I want it to be green to not lose rythm. or I want it to be red (mainly on the way home) to get my breath back.
I realised Ihaven't seen my 'friend' for a few weeks. I hope she is ok!

emilyjeff · 11/05/2021 19:43

Evening. I did my benchmark run this morning, then continued on for another 2km. Quite enjoyed it, next one on the plan is 20 min easy run with an optional additional 10 mins. Only slightly annoying thing was whilst running I could only see a countdown timer not my usual distance/ pace/ time etc. Hoping this is different on the next one or do I need to change my settings?

randomsabreuse · 11/05/2021 22:05

You can usually flip through the screens on your watch with the bottom left button.

If a run has a target pace it gets displayed at the top of my watch face.

I was "off plan" again today, went to the running club track session as part of my trial if I like the club. It's on a proper track and wow it feels like floating running on the track, it's springy but not soft. Loved the track. Think it made me faster too! Will be joining if they'll have me, at least for a while...

RichardMarxisinnocent · 12/05/2021 20:55

I did W3R2 today. I did run 1 Saturday morning and was really pleased to be able to run 3 minutes without totally collapsing in a heap. However on Saturday evening the sides of my heel felt a bit odd/sore. I didn't feel anything wrong during the run, but I did do a half hour walk, plus probably about 20 minutes walking to and round the supermarket during the day, so not sure if maybe I over stressed my heel. I do have a muscle imbalance in my calves so also wondering if that leg (the stronger one) is taking more of the stress of running. I've been icing, elevating and stretching it as per internet advice.

It felt ok this morning so I did run 2. I had read in a few places that as long as it doesn't hurt a lot while running it's ok to run. It did feel a little sore, but not what I'd really describe as painful. Stretched, iced and elevated afterwards. It's more sore tonight than it was last night so trying to decide whether to pause the couch to 5k for a week or so so that whatever is wrong can properly recover. Or if it keeps being not too painful to run do I carry on. At the moment I am thinking I'll see how it feels tomorrow and Friday before deciding. I'm also going to try to see if longer term I can sort out the muscle imbalance.

redcandlelight · 12/05/2021 21:26

random one sports park here has a track. it's a dream to run on. shame that doings round after round is rather boring...
next best thing is running on forest paths.

richard it's ok to rest for a bit and pick up with the programme later. slight (muscle) pain can be ignored but if it doesn't go away quickly or gets worse it's better to rest and try again a few days later.

RichardMarxisinnocent · 12/05/2021 21:39


random one sports park here has a track. it's a dream to run on. shame that doings round after round is rather boring...
next best thing is running on forest paths.

richard it's ok to rest for a bit and pick up with the programme later. slight (muscle) pain can be ignored but if it doesn't go away quickly or gets worse it's better to rest and try again a few days later.

Thank you. I'll keep up with ice, elevation and stretching, then I think if all feels ok I'll try run 3 on Friday or Saturday. If that results in the same soreness I had earlier this evening, I'll probably take a few more day's rest.
LatinforTelly · 13/05/2021 10:43

Hi, I am plodding on with a 30 minute run 3 times a week if possible, having just finished the c25k. I've had various niggly foot pains since I started stepping up the run times (probably about week5?). I did splash out on new brooks hybrid trainers (from a proper running shop) as I have very wide feet and run mostly on trails, but the ball of my left foot is now sore.

I am going to try lacing just the left foot the way it's suggested for wide feet, but can anyone recommend either padded socks or some sort of gel pad to try? I had a look on amazon but none of them have very high ratings and the reviews talk about them not staying in place whilst walking so god knows what they would be like running. The pain is only just noticeable when I'm not running but I don't want it to get worse! Many thanks for any help or suggestions!


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redcandlelight · 13/05/2021 10:54

no suggestions for inserts.
can you consult a physio about the cause of the issue?
are the shoes too wide for you, is the ball of the foot slipping?

LatinforTelly · 13/05/2021 12:33

Thanks redcandlelight. Dont think too wide as previous aasics much narrower which caused different issues but both feet sore! Think my left foot is wider than right so sort of makes sense it is hurting. Yes I will go to physio if it gets worse. Didn't have all these probs when running 20 years ago!

redcandlelight · 13/05/2021 12:43

I find shoes have much improved compared to 20 years ago!
I had to wear men's styles with orthotics (wide feet, high arch, over pronate) and they were heavy.

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