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Beachbody thread 4 (P90X, Insanity, T25 etc)

999 replies

RoastieToastieReastie · 13/06/2016 12:44

I hope you can find me! I went to post in the old thread but it had reached its limit.

Here's to an energetic, fit, healthy, and strong summer ahead.

OP posts:
EleanorAbernathy · 23/06/2016 13:01

Just watched a couple of Hammer and Chisels (a Hammer one and a Chisel one) and have decided - I'm probably going to buy it as I like having the actual DVDs. Although I only watched it and didn't actually do it!

Sagi is a bit annoying and Autumn appears to be doing really well not to chuck a dumbbell at him - and they present it like something off the teleshopping channels - but the moves look effective, and I think the only bit of equipment I'd need is a medicine ball.

Now to do NMTZ as I feel lazy after watching that! Grin

onlywhenyouleave · 23/06/2016 15:20

Eleanor I do a lot of 'watching' workout videos Blush. Always seems so easy aswell when I am sat on my backside watching Grin

Well I did the 21-day fix Total body Cardio this morning (not to be confused with the T25 TBC which is the one of the hardest workouts ever!) It must be something in the name as it is definitely the hardest one of the 21-day fix workouts - Purple I agree with you, something about mixing weights with cardio exercises is a killer! Autumn's favourite saying is 'you can do anything for 60 seconds' which, in this workout, usually involves me swearing at the telly shouting 'no I bloody can't' Grin

RoastieToastieReastie · 23/06/2016 20:44

Just popped on for a quick hello. DD still off school ill so no yoga yesterday (but did manage combat core, which is such a small workout it doesn't really count, but better than nothing) and today I did p90x legs and ab ripper. Rest day tomorrow (even though I should really get another cheeky workout in) and DD likely off school again. Got a bit of a workout yesterday though as bought a chair for the bedroom and wanted to get it in position before dh came home as a surprise. Was lugging it up the stairs and it got stuck on our narrow stair way so lots of heaving and Ho-ing to get it unstuck and was really sweating by the end Blush .

Sorry no name checking but will be back properly, just everything off kilter with DD being ill.

OP posts:
yumyumpoppycat · 23/06/2016 22:30

Thanks for the insanity feedback , it does make me want to try insanity to see if I get the results too....Insanity the original is a bit of a bucket list workout on this thread along with running a marathon! I prob wont complete either to be fair. I like the sound of some of the workouts being comparatively easier as a week of full on hardcore is draining, Possibly one option would be to do a couple of full insanity workouts a week, a couple of insanity max30 with a bit of p90x and p90x3 thrown in...not sure I have the brain power to wokout that hybrid though.

Your time in kenya sounds idyllic boobz! Exercising for more than 30 mins does feel indulgent when you have kids, but I guess we are saving time by not going to a gym.

Eleanor so fun you are ordering hammer and chisel, I am really pleased I got the chalean dvds, it feels more official than watching them online and I like having the plan and reading all the bumph etc.

Only I have the opposite reaction and find the dvds are easier than they look, probably this means I am not doing any of it properly!

Roastie well done on fitting some workouts in, glad you got the chair sorted, for me in that situation the sweat would be partly from panic that it was going to stay stuck. Poor little roastie, sounds like she wont be back at school this week then, fingers crossed she is well after a nice weekend at home.

onlywhenyouleave · 24/06/2016 13:20

Ok, quick drop and run post as I need to be somewhere else but can I just ask - does anyone get DOMS after a T25 workout? I have noticed that I don't (and don't think I ever have) yet a lot of the 21-day fix workouts seem to result in DOMS (even after the 2nd or 3rd time I do them) Hmm

Is it that T25 just doesn't work muscles as hard? Is Autumn working different muscles that I am not used to?

Today, I am struggling to sit down after Total Body Cardio yesterday which I think I have compounded this morning by doing the Barre Legs workout Grin

Purpleraindeer · 24/06/2016 21:24

Only - I had DOMS all week after 21 day fix. I thought it was doing cardio with weights which did it for me.

Poppy/boobz - your posts made me think of doing a max30/insanity/p90x hybrid too. Hmm...

Did max30 swear intervals tonight. Was like coming back to an old friend. I did miss the long insanity style stretch at the end. I've changed! Might try insanity pure cardio tomorrow

Purpleraindeer · 24/06/2016 21:25

Err 'sweat intervals'! Although swear intervals also describes it well! Grin

KatieKaboom · 24/06/2016 21:31

Grin at Swear Intervals. Sums it up nicely!

yumyumpoppycat · 25/06/2016 21:18

It would be the Uberworkout purple.

Stuff got in the way today so working out tomorrow. PS roastie the two chalean extreme workouts that are cardio involve light weights but there is a bonus fat blaster from turbo jam without weights.

Only I honestly cant remember DOMS with t25, maybe its like giving birth, but last time i tried lower leg one I think my calves were achy. My thighs are pretty achy from chalean but arms not so much which is weird.

EleanorAbernathy · 25/06/2016 22:11

I only got very mild DOMS with Upper Focus, but so mild I had to do NMTZ the day after as I wanted proper DOMS! Grin

A few of the workouts make my abs a bit tender though - Shaun T knows how to work the core.

I am feeling very guilty posting in here tonight - have the house to myself for the night so I took full advantage and instead of working out I ordered pizza and am having a Criminal Minds marathon blush

EleanorAbernathy · 25/06/2016 22:11

or even Blush

yumyumpoppycat · 26/06/2016 00:15

Eleanor that is the only thing to do in that situation! I made the mistake of buying tiger bread 'for the children', just couldn't resist eating some half the loaf

Purpleraindeer · 26/06/2016 06:55

How comforting that no one else worked out yesterday either. I just felt knackered, so I sat on the sofa and had a takeaway instead. Blush
I did do a lot of floor sweeping and mopping tho so maybe that worked my core....?

onlywhenyouleave · 26/06/2016 07:59

Just to join in, I didn't work out yesterday either Grin life got in the way!

This morning, I need to do a full combat and t25 stretch which means I need to negotiate with ds2 to get the telly for 90 minutes which could be difficult Hmm

RoastieToastieReastie · 26/06/2016 08:05

Just to buck the trend, I did workout yesterday! P90x triceps/shoulders/back and ab ripper. Today is cardio day but I think I'm coming down with dds bug :( I'm going to try Cize as it looks a bit easier physically ran my normal cardio (although looks like my brain will get a workout remembering the moves). I spent all yesterday removing wallpaper from my room ready for it being decorated. That counts as a bonus workout surely?!

Thanks yumy for the Charleen info

Katie Grin to swear intervals

OP posts:
RoastieToastieReastie · 26/06/2016 10:09

Just done Cize in the pocket workout. Was it jack who has done Cize? I can't work out if I love it or if it isn't enough of a workout. The bulk of the workout itself felt slow in terms on heart rate and hard work (definitely more of a dance workout than hard core workout) but I picked it up ok. The last track is where you 'Cize it up' and do the moves to a dance track with no reminders from Shaun t on what moves to do. I really liked this and did it at least six times! By the end I really felt I'd got the moves but it was a pain that you did the sequence and then breaked for about twenty seconds before doing it again, I'd like one when you just keep going and going non stop for the entire track to really feel more of a challenge. It didn't feel like a workout at all as I enjoyed it too much and it felt like it wouldn't count as a workout as didn't feel hard enough, but then my average heart rate was 135 with Max 162, which isn't hard core results but it's not bad considering how easy it felt (maybe I worked harder than I thought because I enjoyed it?). I hope there are some harder workouts on there as I'd really like that as an occasional dip in cardio workout. Despite not feeling like I've done any work I am dripping in sweat. I don't feel like I've worked my body properly in the same way that burpees and push ups do though so maybe it's a it lightweight.

OP posts:
yumyumpoppycat · 26/06/2016 12:33

Roastie it sounds like a good workout for when a lighter more fun one is needed so quite a good one to have in the mix even if not going togive insanity style results!

How did tv negotiations go Only (sounds familiar) Grin

onlywhenyouleave · 26/06/2016 13:39

roastie I use my weekly combat workouts as my 'fun, lightweight' workout. They aren't that challenging and don't get my heart rate up but I LOVE them Grin

Yum negotiations were good with a bit if bribery, some dedicated game playing time beforehand and a film DVD thrown in Wink

However, I think I left it too late in the morning (considering i was fasting till lunchtime) and I was so hungry and I just could not move my legs and arms in a coherent fashion - it was like I was moving in treacle! So I paused it, had some popcorn and a small biscuit, then carried on and it was fine Hmm

EleanorAbernathy · 26/06/2016 15:26

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't work out yesterday!

I have just made up for it and hopefully for the pizza too, with a 7.6 mile walk followed by Beta Core Cardio. Knackered now and very sweaty!

Purpleraindeer · 26/06/2016 18:47

I've been feeling super lethargic for the last 2 days and really haven't felt like working out. Not sure why as I've had full nights sleep for the past few nights (ds seems to be sleeping thru again - finally!). Anyway, really couldn't be bothered to work out but then checked on here earlier today and all your efforts made me thing I'd better just get it done so I did insanity pure cardio. Wowee - that is intense! Feel a lot less lethargic now....

Hope you're feeling ok now roastie. You've confirmed what I thought re cize. I like the idea of it, but know I'd be annoyed if I then didn't feel id worked hard and made best use of my 30mins.

Hi to everyone else! Smile

yumyumpoppycat · 26/06/2016 21:58

Only, your dc drive a hard bargain Grin I have to start reading hunger games now as ds wants to read it gah.

like Purple I was inspired by all the hardwork on here and I have been weirdly proactive this afternoon and even cut the lawn after working out! I did the chalean burn it off cardio workout which was quite a good intensity, sweaty but not collapsing,ony one set of burpees which is just the right amount if you ask me.

Boobz · 27/06/2016 07:24

I didn't work out yesterday either as was flying to the UK (am here for 4 days until France holiday) but have just managed to book a spot at Barry's Bootcamp for my lunchtime today - hopefully that will make up for it a bit!


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RoastieToastieReastie · 27/06/2016 12:14

Morning, well, in good news dds sports day was cancelled due to bad weather which meant I had time to go home and do p90x back and biceps. In bad news I decided I couldn't face ab ripper X again and thought I'd do hc22 core after in place of ab ripper but the DVD skipped in the middle so it was a very shortened core workout.

Boobz hope you're safely on British soil. Has your dh seen the two houses yet? What did he think?

I really enjoyed reading the hunger games.

Eleanor well done in the activity.

Purple hope you're feeling less lethargic today.

OP posts:
Purpleraindeer · 27/06/2016 21:00

Good work on the double roastie!
Hope Barry's was its normal hardcore self boobz.
Have got a horrible cough Sad. Prob was why I felt a bit crap over the weekend. Didn't feel like doing anything where I'd get too out of breath so did p90x3 challenge (the push up/pull up one) insanity has made me great at push ups but crap at pull ups. Then did the 10min max30 ab work out. I've never actually done that one, or at least never actually got beyond minute 3 before turning it off. Blush. Am a bit worried about tomorrow - my arms and abs are already sore!

Have a good evening all!

RoastieToastieReastie · 28/06/2016 09:42

Insanity max cardio challenge this morning. Haven't really don't insanity max and haven't done insanity for ages so was a bit of a shock to the system! Very hard and modified in places and now dripping in sweat but really feel like I've had a good workout despite being only 30 minutes.

Purple I hope you feel better soon. At least you know there was a reason for feeling how you did at the week end.

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