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Beachbody thread 4 (P90X, Insanity, T25 etc)

999 replies

RoastieToastieReastie · 13/06/2016 12:44

I hope you can find me! I went to post in the old thread but it had reached its limit.

Here's to an energetic, fit, healthy, and strong summer ahead.

OP posts:
Boobz · 21/06/2016 21:18

OK this is how much of a loser I am, I just went to check what I heard then on my Cardio circuits vid and it WAS definitely Ariel.... but I now realise he was talking to the red head, not the blonde, so it's just the same Ariel in Max Cardio Conditioning... oops.

I also found that discussion board Roastie this morning when I googled "how many Ariels are there in Insanity"... SUCH a loser (but I'm not the only one it seems ha ha).

Boobz · 21/06/2016 21:19

Can anyone tell me whether to choose the house in Brixton or the house in Vauxhall? I just can't decide.

Purpleraindeer · 21/06/2016 21:41

Wow! Biceps curls with 8kg Katie?! I tried that once and managed 1!
Am also v impressed with 30kg squats Eleanor.
All the comments here about weights used made me think I need to up mine a bit - I'm pretty weak in my arms. Am a bit hampered with my 8kg weights as I have v small hands and find them hard to grip. Yes - that is the most pathetic excuse ever.

Thanks for the nice comments on my fit test. I was feeling pretty good about my fitness and then I did another 21 day fix extreme. Was cardio so felt pretty confident but Autumn kicked my ass again - weights and cardio together was killer! After all the insanity I'm cardio fit but not good with weights anymore. I love that about exercising - there's always a new challenge!

Only - I hear you on those stupid plank balance things in dirty 30. I could barely keep balanced let alone do the moves with the weights. Had the same experience tonight with skaters using weights. The momentum of my weights sent me flying across the room!

Purpleraindeer · 21/06/2016 21:47

Cross posted. I love that there is an insanity discussion board. Am not surprised no one likes akeel (sp?) and tania. They are teachers pets. I like the enthusiastic lady with the cap in max interval circuits. Am finding Autumn (21 day fix) a bit too peppy for my taste and the cast are a bit perfect. I like the insanity cast who all look like they're hanging on by their fingernails.

EleanorAbernathy · 21/06/2016 23:42

Boobz move to Vauxhall! Disclaimer - I have absolutely no knowledge of either area but I read your other thread - I prefer the Vauxhall house and the area sounds just a little bit nicer.

Has anyone here tried Hammer and Chisel yet? I'm having wobbles again as I do love weights! I'd need a new bench if the Amazon reviews are to be believed though as with DP's one I'd LITERALLY have a wobble if I tried to jump on and off it!

Purpleraindeer · 22/06/2016 07:26

Hammer and chisel is on the secret site Eleanor so you could give it a try there? I was going to give it a go next week.

Boobz - I'd go Vauxhall not Kennington. I like that area more. (Disclaimer - I moved out of London 8yrs ago so things might be different now...) am I the only one who looked at those houses and marvelled at how tidy they were. How did they do that? We achieve that level of tidiness in individual rooms but never all at the same time!

yumyumpoppycat · 22/06/2016 07:55

Roastie enjoy the cable! I did the cardio workout yest, its 45 minutes, a lot faster than the resistance ones and includes weights (they mainly use light ones 3-5lbs) my weights were too heavy this time and I kept going without Blush Bit dissapointed as I think there is only 1 cardio workout that is repeated throughout the 4 months?

Comparing casts, the Chalean cast all have fixed grins but chalean herself is ok, a bit nashville but I think she genuinely loves working out. There was a woman called tony on the intervals/cardio workout who has had 7 children first a singleton then twins then quads Shock she defo shouldnt try for another will prob be octuplets.

Eleanor I have been put off hammer and chisel for same reason, we firmly have no space for a bench or bar weight thing (name escapes me) will be interested to hear if you like it.

Purple my friend is selling her flat and the effort of keeping it show ready was driving her loopy, so naturally relaxed when they had an offer, sellers might be in for a shock when they get the keys.

Boobz does either of the houses give you a good feeling? I really liked the look of vauxhall one too but things can be really different in real life. We saw 50 houses before buying ours but we were renting a flat so no time pressures. It prob was my favourite but dp ruled out lots of houses from the viewing stage for boring reasons which prob helped.

onlywhenyouleave · 22/06/2016 09:07

Eleanor I have had a quick look at Hammer and Chisel as I much prefer weights than cardio but it seemed too hardcore for me and I don't have half the equipment required (plus, the bloke it just far too pumped for my liking Wink)

Yum I have done a few of the Chalean Extreme and I did quite enjoy them but I was Shock at that lady who has 7 children - she looked far too slim, toned and perky Grin where does she find the energy and time to workout to get a figure like that?? I would like to pick these workouts up again at some point but it would require getting up at 5am (rather than 5.15am) to fit them in and not sure I want to do that (yes, I know it is only 15 minutes but it seems a very important 15 minutes to remain in bed Grin)

Anyway, I have my 30-minute schedule set in stone until my holidays in August so will cross the bridge of what I then do when I get back as I will need a new challenge. I have been discussing Insanity Max30 with DH as an option as clearly it fits with my workout time but have watched a couple on the secret site and it scares the sh*t out of me - I suspect I would spend most of the time modifying with Scott Wink Blush plus, am I right in thinking there are no weights involved in the workouts?

Boobz · 22/06/2016 09:32

Going against the tide here, we have offered on the Brixton house! I definitely had a better vibe about the Brixton house, but was pulled towards Vauxhall just because of location... proximity to kids' school and our works etc... but in the end I just think Brixton is more lively and where it's at, and the kids can get a seat on the tube at the end of the line, and it's so much closer to the tube.... a 5 min walk vs 10 - 12 mins walk from the house in Vauxhall to the actual Vauxhall tube...

And it's closer to all our friends, and it;s the best street in Brixton to live on and will really appreciate in value.

Having said that DH is still going to see both houses next week so he may want us to pull out if he loves the Vauxhall house/location..... but I get the feeling he will also fall down on the Brixton side...

Argh - decisions decisions! Now need to see if the offer is accepted! I have a feeling it will be...

Did Max Interval Plyo today. I can now see my upper arm muscles in the mirror when working out - all those press ups and chin ups! Weight down to 55.9kg today back in the 55s after the annoyingness of doing Goliaz/marathon training and putting ON weight.... still aiming for 51 - 52 by 21st July. You will all have to shout at me to be strong whilst I am in France - this 800 Kcal thing is really working for me at the moment.

Love Insanity - always gets you results.

yumyumpoppycat · 22/06/2016 17:00

Congrats Boobz, finges crossed for offer being accepted, sounds v exciting.

Only Grin 15 minutes counts for about an hour at that time of the morning, and yes tony is way too perky for someone who has had 4babies in her tum all at the same time.

I didnt get far with insanity max 30 tbh it is one I need to return to but there were no weights involved in the ones I tried, actually I have been meaning to ask purple how the two insanity versions compare?

Did chalean burn 2 and any notions of heavier weights are pretty much gone Wink to be fair though I should be increasing as I progress through the program.

yumyumpoppycat · 22/06/2016 17:04

Boobz I also meant to say I am v impressed that you are doing the 800 while exercising! I am finding I am ravenous at the mo, aiming for 2 x 800 days on rest days, havent calorie counted really this week but plan was 1400 on exercise days.

Boobz · 22/06/2016 18:28

I am on a mission Yum!

EleanorAbernathy · 22/06/2016 20:03

Finally got around to a 5k run today - I WILL get back up to 10k at some point! And T25 Upper Focus - I was a bit disappointed with Shaun T's weights again, so may have to do NMTZ tomorrow so I can have a proper resistance workout.

only there aren't any weights in Max:30, but then I've never managed to get past the 1st month, I think I got unlucky and was either ill or coming down with something every time I tried it so it has bad associations!

Can someone PM me the details for the secret site please? I think I need to have a look at Hammer and Chisel!

onlywhenyouleave · 22/06/2016 20:42

Eleanor have PM'd you Smile

Purpleraindeer · 22/06/2016 21:49

Only - no weights in max 30. If you want weights and 30mins maybe p90x3. Or 21 day fix extreme given that you're doing fix now? I agree re getting up 15min earlier.

I love max30! I think I might be the only one on here who does tho!

I have decided I really don't enjoy this cardio with weights thing. Did another 21 day fix tonight - plyo one. I do see it's good for you tho - am actually quite sore already. Rest day tomorrow then thought I might try piyo. Any recommendations? Or Chalene extreme?

onlywhenyouleave · 22/06/2016 22:28

purple I don't think insanity max30 is for me. Will explore p90x...

If you don't like cardio with weights, maybe try the basic 21 day fix plyo workout - no weights involved but still a good cardio workout (although I appreciate what I find really hard is probably a walk in the park for you Blush)

caitlinohara · 22/06/2016 22:31

Just checking in... Eleanor Katie has done Hammer & Chisel, I keep wobbling about it as well but I think I'm heading for P90X3 Mass in the autumn. Have decided against Body Beast for now, Sagi is just too annoying!

Still plugging away.. Week 9 of P90X now! The thing is, I'm really not sure it's getting any easier! I still like it though.

Will post properly tomorrow when I have read everyone's updates! Smile

yumyumpoppycat · 22/06/2016 22:44

Purple try Chalean extreme Burn 2 (38 mins start to finish) if you fancy some heavier weights without cardio, I was really sweating by the end.
5 mins before the end Chalean says: 'that's it for weights'
me - thank goodness
Chalean: 'now for some push ups'
me - nooooooooooooooooooooooo

Eleanor while you are on the secret site look for T25 Gamma, I think the weights might be better on that, have only done each one once and some (speed 3.0 defo) don't have weights but worth a look.

Caitlin I liked p90x3 but I don't mind tony's cheesiness. I liked the variety too (not done all those workouts either tbf though)

yumyumpoppycat · 22/06/2016 22:47

P.s Sorry I forgot, Purple, how would you say insanity and insanity max 30 compare in terms of results and difficulty?

yumyumpoppycat · 22/06/2016 22:50

P.P.S Roastie hope your dd is feeling better

EleanorAbernathy · 22/06/2016 23:11

Thanks only - I need one of those cables now that attach me to the telly! Grin
I'm going to watch a couple of Hammer and Chisels to see if it looks like I can do it with what I have, I'll either want to buy it or it'll put me right off and I can stop wobbling at least then.

poppy I actually have Gamma, might move onto it sooner than I thought! I like the Beta cardio ones, more fast paced than Alpha - I also like Lower Focus and TBC so might just rearrange T25 with all the best bits, and throw in the odd run and NMTZ!

Boobz · 23/06/2016 06:25

Writing it here now so I do it (have got a mini hangover) - Max Interval Sports Training and Ab Ripper X...


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lavenderhoney · 23/06/2016 07:23

I haven't posted so feel a bit remiss but everyone is doing very well:)

Callenetics - I can't remember who asked and I daren't scroll as my iPad doesn't like it - I have a ten year one and a video I downloaded from iTunes. The video is long and very old -fashioned - lots of full make up and leotards:) I do the book and I do it over the day, so whilst I'm waiting for the kettle I might do arm excercises etc. I do the tummy ones after insanity max.

I have a gamma abs DVD somewhere and I might try it later on, although today is supposed to be a recovery day. I have a 5 mile run coming up this morning and I've just done 45 mins Pilates so I feel quite virtuous:)

Purpleraindeer · 23/06/2016 07:42

Haha poppy. I feel like that a lot - mostly when they say 'and rest.....and now the bonus move'.

I think max30 is a v efficient way to get a hard workout in a short time. There are no easier ones, unlike insanity (well the mth 2 ones I've done anyway where core cardio and balance is definitely a soft option). They also are much better on upper body than insanity which pretty much focusses on legs and abs.

But having said that the 2 hardest insanities, plyo and max interval circuits are much harder than any of the max30s. They're less intense and a bit slower but they're longer so you work harder overall. It's also easier to get the most out of insanity because you're supposed to keep pace with Shaun t so you know you just need to hang on and keep going, whereas max30 is designed around pushing as hard as you can in every move and it's quite hard mentally to not slack off a bit when you get tired. There are a lot of breaks in insanity (which you need!) but it means the workouts are frustratingly long. I couldn't justify doing hour long work outs 5dpw on a long term basis as it really limited time for other things.

Overall I think insanity is amazing for getting you to an awesome level of cardio fitness, max30 is great for maintaining and being more time efficient.

Woke up aching today. Bloody weights. I'm just not suited to them - give me burpees and power jumps any day.

Good luck with the workout boobz. The hangover will be gone by the end of it!

Boobz · 23/06/2016 09:19

Interesting to hear your take on Insanity vs Max 30 Purple. I only did 3 or so Max 30 work outs that time when I went onto the secret site, but definitely felt that I worked a lot harder with Insanity overall (even the month 1 insanitys to be honest). Yes there are breaks but like you said you need them! Yes the time commitment is a pain, but then I think to get amazing results, you do need to commit. Max Int Circuits and Plyo and Man Interval Sports training make me sweat like nothing else. I also think if you do Max Interval Plyo, you defintiely ARE working arms/upper body as it's basically push up move after push up move, but the others are more leg orientated.

I think Ab Ripper X is better than the Insanity abs work outs - harder AND shorter so an all round winner.

If time is no problem, then I think P90X gets the best results.

But then I think it's all about what suits you better as a person anyway, in terms of getting results. For example my DH is getting amazing results with Goliaz (basically Cross Fit) but I hated it and therefore didn't work as hard, and thus my results were crap.

If time were no object, in a perfect world, I would do a hybrid of P90X, Insanity Month 2s, marathon training and a few Barry's Bootcamps thrown in for good measure, with Bikram Yoga 3 x a week. But then you'd basically become a fitness god without having any time for children/work/friends etc. That's what I was able to do in Kenya post having my 3rd kid when I wasn't working, but it's not sustainable as I have to earn money to pay for the mortgage!

Max Interval Sports and Ab Ripper done. Am within touching distance of 54.something kg as well - am starting to get back into all my thin clothes just in time for holidays. Am stuck on 4 chin ups (and the last one I almost have to ROAR through to get up) though - want to get to 5 by the end of June!

Hoping I can instruct solicitors on house today - just waiting for confirmation our buyer can complete by September to ensure our onward purchase accepts our offer too! Argh!

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