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Beachbody thread 4 (P90X, Insanity, T25 etc)

999 replies

RoastieToastieReastie · 13/06/2016 12:44

I hope you can find me! I went to post in the old thread but it had reached its limit.

Here's to an energetic, fit, healthy, and strong summer ahead.

OP posts:
Purpleraindeer · 16/06/2016 21:42

Oops - I knew I'd forget something - p90x3 focusses a lot more on weights than t25. It felt more hardcore to me too - there are a lot of workouts that you really build strength. I liked it, lots of others didn't tho. Cardio is no way as good (or hard) as Shaun t so be prepared for that.

MinnieF1 · 16/06/2016 22:01

Thanks so much for all your replies - I'm so glad I have found this thread! I did the plyometric cardio circuits tonight. I coped okish considering how unfit I am! I think I might do it again tomorrow before I move on to the other DVDs. I struggled with one of the sets of circuits where there was a lot of floor based moves.

I am not following the diet plan set out, but I am more mindful of what I am eating (especially when it comes to carbs).

Jacksterbear · 17/06/2016 11:24

Wow busy busy on here!

I'm Grin st the thought that some of us might secretly be nuns! And Shock at the sanpro leakage stories (that is the kind of thing I have bad dreams about quite frequently although - touch wood - it's never actually happened to me).

Houses look amazing boobz. I used to live not far from those areas of London (Clapham) although j originally grew up in the NW of London.

Body combat at gym Wed, rest day yesterday, and am open to suggestions for random workout for me to try on secret site later today... Any ideas? Is any of p90x on there?

Re supermans, yy caitlin, JM does them in RI30 L4, I think. I can only do the ones in t25 gamma with 1kgs.

Well done minnie and good work all.

Boobz · 17/06/2016 11:39

Gosh yes busy on here. Am struggling to keep up with the thread as well as maintaining my other property threads I have going, so apologies for not name checking. Sounds like everyone is really in the midst of getting Beach Body ready (which I think I can say without offening anyone, as we are the Beach Body crew!)

So even though I promised myself I wouldn't weigh until Sunday, I have been SUPER strict all this week so thought I would step on for motivation. And it's working! Have lost 2.2kg since my bad weigh in which is great. Am back in the 56s again, few! I still have about 4kg to go before my fesitval I want to be super skinny for at the end of July, so about a month to lose 4kg - a kg a week. I have done it before but need to be strong through a 10 day holiday in France with friends... cheese, charcuterie (sp?), wine etc, is not going to help, is it?!

Didn't do Insanity yesterday as couldn't squeeze it in before my first valuation my house, but did Max Int Plyo this morning (should really be called Max Interval Push ups though - my arms are killing now)... and will do Ab Ripper X before bed.

House viewings went well! I fell in love with the Vauxhall house but am so torn on buying in an area I don't know vs buying in Brixton which I love as a little town type feel... DH is going next week to check them both out (Brixton and Vauxhall houses) and hopefully we will be getting a sniff of an offer on our place then, subject to not leaving the EU!

Keep on keeping on people. I will have a 6 pack before the end of July, it is my mission!

onlywhenyouleave · 17/06/2016 13:21

So glad it is not just me with the supermans and weights then - whoever described it as feeling like their hands are nailed to the floor has summed it up perfectly Grin

Jackster have you tried any of the 21-day fix workouts? I am a total convert and can recommend some good ones (depending on what kind of workout you want). There are also the 21-day fix extreme which are (obviously) much harder and I haven't ventured into those yet Wink I know you probably won't want another combat workout but I also found my absolute, absolute favourite combat workout on there this morning. It is body combat 39 which was my first ever combat class and it is still my fave. Starts off with a bit of Chesney Hawkes which is the best ever way to start a class off Grin Am going to do that tomorrow - cannot wait!

Boobz well done on the weight loss. If anyone can get a 6-pack, the it will be you. You are one of the most determined people I know!

Hi to everyone else Smile

Well, following on from my 'munchy' day yesterday, I spent most of the evening going to the toilet - I could not stop weeing! It has carried on this morning aswell - I am desperately hoping that this is the 'whoosh' effect and my fat cells are all depositing their excess water that they have been storing into my bladder Wink

Happy Friday Smile

Boobz · 17/06/2016 14:32

Ha only - the last time I had a 6 pack was pre cancer - seems like a lifetime ago!

Jacksterbear · 17/06/2016 15:21

Thanks for the combat recommendation only - just done it! I recognised quite a few of the tracks as they (along with "pirates of the Caribbean") are the ones most often requested when our instructor asks for requests! Particularly Jonny B Goode and the Muay Thai one with the triple elbow in time to the whistle. Lots of brilliant cheesy tracks (loved the Chesney warm-up)! Also up for trying 21 day fix so hit me with your recommendations. Smile

onlywhenyouleave · 17/06/2016 15:40

Oh yes, the Pirates of the Caribbean track is awesome - one of the best ever!! If you look at this website, it gives you details of the music for all the releases all lists from the beginning

Glad you enjoyed 39 - there is something about the music in that one that just makes it so much more enjoyable than some of the others.

Ok, 21-day fix - where to start! I'll ignore yoga as I know most of us don't like it and I don't think it is a particularly good yoga workout (too many sunsalutations and downward dogs for my liking).

They are all 30 minutes long and the general format is 1 minute per exercise, a short break (15-20 secs), 1 minute for a different exercise, a short break and then repeat that once and that is the end of the round. You then move onto 2 different exercises which are repeated twice and so on (usually 4-5 rounds per workout). She likes using weights in her workouts aswell (even the cardio-type ones).

There are ones specifically for upper, lower body and abs if you wanted to target specific areas but the more all-round ones are Dirty Thirty and Total Body Cardio (which actually isn't quite as cardio as the title suggests). I would recommend Dirty Thirty as a starter though - it is my favourite. Plyo fix is also great (this differs slightly as you only do each round for 30 seconds and then have a 30-second break) and all the exercises are cardio-based using bodyweight only so is very much like a traditional HIIT workout. Try those 2 and see what you think Smile

They are much more sedate than Insanity/T25 but still very effective - particularly if you ensure you use heavy weights.

onlywhenyouleave · 17/06/2016 15:41

Oh yes, Autumn is also very lovely and encouraging and explains technique very well Smile She loves sumo squats though - I think they pretty much appear in every workout Wink

RoastieToastieReastie · 17/06/2016 16:17

I can't find combat on the secret site . What's it called? I've been whizzing through all the videos and can't find it.

Day off workout today but starting month two p90x. Busy week this week and busy week end ahead with a family thing which takes all week end.

OP posts:
yumyumpoppycat · 17/06/2016 16:56

I had a look for it too! I think there are two secret sites, one you need a login for so I haven't signed up to that.

I am having a rest day to day and curiously I feel like I shoud be doing a stretch workout Shock

As you were!

{adjusts habit}

EleanorAbernathy · 17/06/2016 18:09

Hello all - I'm still in the zone and just nailed Speed 2:0! That was DEFINITELY a step up from Speed 1:0, non-stop cardio all the way through with no stretchy bits as breaks to get your breath back! I burned 206 calories - and I averaged around 160 in all the Alpha workouts.

Well done on the weight loss Boobz - I've had to accept I will never have a six pack but might be able to get my half-an-ab back if I keep going.

Talking about abs has reminded me - there was a bit in Core Cardio yesterday when Shaun T was talking about keeping your core tight and he lifted his t-shirt up and flashed his abs - and I actually gasped, you couls grate cheese on those things! Grin

Minnie the Dumbbells and Diapers blog helped me when I was doing Insanity - I'd read her report before doing a new DVD to give me an idea what to expect.

RoastieToastieReastie · 17/06/2016 18:31

This talk of six packs reminded me last night DD felt my tummy and asked why my tummy was so squishy and kept grabbing the excess skin rolls

OP posts:
onlywhenyouleave · 17/06/2016 19:37

I didn't realise there were 2 secret sites! On the one that you need to register, if you search for body combat 39 in the video section of the insanity community, it brings it up. If you just put in body combat, you get more choice obviously. To get the official Beachbody combat workouts, you need to put Les Mills in.

Eleanor yes, speed 2.0 is a real shock after the stretchiness of speed 1.0 Grin it is fun though and I always find the time goes quick.

Yay, somebody finally noticed my weight loss today Smile it was my hairdresser so, to be fair, I only see her every 7-8 weeks. She said it was really noticeable Smile she said that she'd heard that it takes a month for your body to notice, 2 months for you to notice the difference and 3 months for others to notice the difference...

lavenderhoney · 17/06/2016 19:43

I feel quite nun like:) I certainly have the celibate lifestyle.

Out for dinner tonight so this is my rest day. Tomorrow I'm fitting in running with DC activities and tomorrow night back to whatever insanity max I'm supposed to be on. Unless I leave early :)

Rather excitingly I've lost a bit of weight but I'm looking a bit toned- sitting down not so much. Still got a tummy which flops alarmingly but that is my cs overhang which will go. ( crosses fingers) it's going bit by bit.

Purpleraindeer · 17/06/2016 20:56

Great work on the weight loss only and lavender! Star

Well done Minnie for getting it done. Hope you're not too achy tomorrow.

Am super excited as I finally worked out how to access the videos in the insanity community on the secret site. There's soooo much there. I can't wait to get started Couldn't find the body combat ones tho?

Rest day then Max plyo tomorrow. I agree - press up hell boobz.

Have a good evening all

RoastieToastieReastie · 17/06/2016 21:14

I logged in and found over 700 videos, searched with the search facility AND went through ALL of them but still couldn't find the body combat 39 (I've got the les mills ones). What am I doing wrong?!

Yay yay to the weight loss/toning. No weight loss here but did fat and muscle percentage and lost just over a percent of fat and put on some muscle.

OP posts:
onlywhenyouleave · 17/06/2016 22:19

Are we all talking about the secret site that is a foreign version of a social media site?? Does your insanity community have a cover photo with Shaun T, Autumn, Charlene, Tony and someone else on a white background and foreign writing?

onlywhenyouleave · 17/06/2016 22:28

Actually it is just Shaun T and Autumn...

RoastieToastieReastie · 18/06/2016 07:28


OP posts:
Boobz · 18/06/2016 08:01

Just 4 x chin ups. Linda Hamilton eat your heart out.

About to do Max Interval Sports and Ab Ripper X.


Boobz · 18/06/2016 08:02

just DID 4 x chin ups I mean.

So excited I can't type properly, obviously!


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KatieKaboom · 18/06/2016 08:57

Boobz you're a beast.

Reeking from cold and damp in England. Haven't tried out Asylum yet as don't have the space here. Going to do Les Mills Pump (have a barbell here! ) and probably some relatively light JM cardio as it's too gloomy to run.

KatieKaboom · 18/06/2016 08:58

Reeling not reeking. Grin

Purpleraindeer · 18/06/2016 11:13

Well done boobz! Chin ups feel so hard core don't they? Am not sure I can do that many since I stopped doing p90x3. Maybe will try tomorrow...

Great on the fat loss roastie! 1% is a lot.

Last go at max plyo this am and I nailed it Grin managed all the sideways press ups and the balance press ups for the first time. Am feeling it in my shoulders and abs now. Will do the fit test tomorrow. The aim is to beat Tania on everything. I think she may have the edge on me in the jack push ups but I reckon I can beat her in everything else. Competitive much??

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