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Help me leave my abusive husband

543 replies

sad9999 · 27/05/2018 17:38

Fed up if being called a fat cow fed up him controlling the money and fed up of his refusals to help and up of him encouraging the kids to swear at me and call me a fucking ciunt. He undermines me constantly the kids side they won't leave withme. How can I leave them.

OP posts:
sad9999 · 29/05/2018 11:10

He continues to moan and swear

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Sweetandkind · 29/05/2018 13:01

Lisa romano's videos on toxic relationships are good.
Especially if you have codependent behaviours like me!

smartiecake · 29/05/2018 13:54

Moan and swear over what? Can you get away from him?

HonkyWonkWoman · 29/05/2018 14:38

you won't be able to retain or use documents obtained by such means
*MrsBertBibby, are you sure about this?
I said to photocopy all the documents, not retain them!
The only thing that she will have done wrong, is break open a box.
She can then hand the photocopied documents to her Solicitor, who will then have some knowledge of his wealth. The Solicitor can then decide if the documents can be used in a court of law but will more likely ask HIM for copies of his Bank Accounts and a court will back them up in this. If he tried to hide accounts, the Solicitor will then know if them.
OP this has been advised before, when a husband had all documents locked away.
I would just do it!

MrsBertBibby · 29/05/2018 14:54

Yes I am sure. Any solicitor handed copies of illegally obtained documents including copies should immediately send them to the owner's solicitor with a full explanation. And confirmation no copies have been keot.

I know Mumsnet lore is that you rifle the man's filing cabinets and copy everything but it is wrong.

sad9999 · 29/05/2018 15:09

Thank you. If they had my name on them can i copy them ?

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MrsBertBibby · 29/05/2018 19:14

If they relate to assets in your name, then it is hard to see why you shouldn't retain copies, although that doesn't justify the safe breaking. But that doesn't include documents that merely mention you as (say) a life insured on a policy in his name.

Just because he is your husband doesn't mean the ordinary law does not apply.

HonkyWonkWoman · 29/05/2018 20:23

I stand corrected! It does appear to be frowned on but after saying that I would say that him holding documents pertaining to you under lock and key, would be quite illegal also.
If you do go to see a Solicitor, make sure that you tell him about the £500k pay off bribe he offered.
Also mention that you are pretty sure that he will try to hide assets.
See a Solicitor before you make any move whatsoever.

sad9999 · 29/05/2018 21:36

Things have escalated and I have walked out. DD told me to f off and I told her i was not being spoken to lkike that and he told her to ring the police. I walked out. I am a mess

OP posts:
smartiecake · 29/05/2018 21:46

OP where are you? Have you anywhere to go or can you go to your sisters?

smartiecake · 29/05/2018 21:47

Have you got anyof your stuff? Can you stay away tonight and go back tomorrow and get your stuff? Maybe its time for you to leave them to it and start the process to get away

sad9999 · 29/05/2018 21:47

hiding in my car worried about being accused of abandoning you

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sad9999 · 29/05/2018 21:49

no stuff

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strawberryblondebint · 29/05/2018 21:51

Where are you. Maybe there's a mumsnetter near that can help you.

smartiecake · 29/05/2018 21:54

You would not be accused of abandoning the kids. They are teenagers - old enough to be home without an adult and i assume their father will be at home overnight. If any of them say that to you ignore them. They are all abusive and it sounds a completely toxic household. You had to leave. They gave you no choice. How far away is your sister? Do you have a friend nearby?

Nagsnovalballs · 29/05/2018 21:55

First thing in the morning, contact your work HR or finance dept and get your wage stopped. Are you paid 1st of the month? You might be able to block it. Then get to a bank he doesn’t bank with and set up a basic account and immediately contact work with the new details.

Fight for your money and then your freedom will come. Your children will follow one day, but not yet.

Iflyaway · 29/05/2018 21:57

pay my wages into an account he controls

Go to the bank and open your own account. Then go to HRM and change the account nr. to your own to have the wages paid into.

It's the first most important step.

Nagsnovalballs · 29/05/2018 21:57

Also your kids are teens - not abandoning them. You are leaving them with their other parent. Stop doing anything for them: no after school activities or school runs, no cooking or washing. It’s dad they want, so dad can look after their wants. They’ll soon realise everything you do for them.

smartiecake · 29/05/2018 21:58

Do you have any cash?

Iflyaway · 29/05/2018 21:58

Nags - great minds and all that....

sad9999 · 29/05/2018 22:08

aparently i wont be able to get into the house

OP posts:
myidentitymycrisis · 29/05/2018 22:16

sad sorry and well done also even though you had no choice.
can you speak to your d sis? drive there?
if you need to get in can you wait till he goes to work tomorrow to get your docs. (passport, marriage cert etc)


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myidentitymycrisis · 29/05/2018 22:16

what a bastard

cestlavielife · 29/05/2018 22:27

Drive to your sister or local hotel.

In the morning talk to hr and see a solicitor.
Don't go back.

This is the beginning of your new life.
Well done.

The kids are teens they will be fine.

Nagsnovalballs · 29/05/2018 22:33

Indeed, ifly!

Also, op, worst case scenario for tonight, if you don’t have a friend to call On and you have no money, Park in a safe place and sleep in your car. I’ve done it and it isn’t fun but don’t feel you have no options at all. Hostels and Airbnb can do cheap rates too, especially in shared rooms. Again, not ideal, but you can sort your pay situation within a few days so it is only very temporary.

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