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Where's my thread gone?

292 replies

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 10:31

I posted last night about how the vaccine centre I went to yesterday was not well ventilated, tea and coffee given in the waiting area after etc... Sharing of pens.

The thread was going ok, no rudeness or arguments on the thread, just people giving sensible comment. Some with similar experiences, some with better experiences.

Then this morning a thread pops up about 'beware the anti vaxers', dissing my thread and calling it fake.

Now my thread has gone???

Why are we only allowed to give one side of the story on Mumsnet? This is shocking. My post wasnt offensive or anything. All true. How are posters meant tom prove they r genuine?

OP posts:
PrivateHall · 19/01/2021 11:37

I donated blood recently and there were still refreshments. I didn't avail of them, I never do, no one forces you to.... They are there for in case someone feels a bit wobbly. I would imagine it is the same principle.

Interestingly, I have not read anyone complain about that anywhere, perhaps because it doesn't involve a vaccine.

Again, we do NOT offer refreshments at the vaccination centre that I work in, but I am responding to the posters who think they are there to offer a social outing.

BIWI · 19/01/2021 11:38


I suppose they'll delete this thread now too because people have dared to disagree with their moderation policy.

I doubt it. Hope has already come on here to comment, so MNHQ know that the thread is here. Technically they could delete it as a TAAT, but they're clearly leaving it to stand, so that the issues can be discussed.

PrivateHall · 19/01/2021 11:39


However there are a lot of people arriving nervous who have not eaten

Are people being told not to eat beforehand?

Hi, no, not in my trust. But perhaps we should be making a point of advising them to eat and hydrate before they come, I will definitely raise it with my manager. We haven't had this issue very much in my centre, but I saw other posters mention it on the other thread.
thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:40

I think it is OK to see a need for a sugar boost after giving a relatively large volume of blood away.

I am sure a vaccination centre would have medicine etc available if anyone felt faint. But fainting after a vaccine would not be due to hypoglycaemia and could largely be treated by waiting for the faintness to pass.

I think it is a lovely gesture by volunteers to give out refreshments, but I also think it is inappropriate and not contributing to keeping the site covid-safe, which is the most important thing.

Pimlicojo · 19/01/2021 11:44

Volunteers are not responsible, in my experience, for running the centres. They are allocated very specific tasks to do, such as ensuring people queueing maintain social distance, directing people, wiping down chairs etc. I don't think they would be the ones making the decision to offer tea and biscuits.

Brefugee · 19/01/2021 11:44

I think it would have been more helpful if MN had merely changed the title rather than have an attack of the vapours at the shocking title and just delete.
I always thought that having actual people moderating the threads was one of the advantages of MN over, say, Twitter which seems to use a "computer says no" and that's it.

FWIW: I would have liked to have known if the place my mum got her vaccination had been offering refreshments, sharing pens and so on, so that i could have asked her to take a pen, wrap up warm and maybe take a flask (knowing her a hip flask) and a biscuit.

GwendolineMarysLaces · 19/01/2021 11:44

OP, as a healthcare professional you should be mindful of the potential effects of a post like yours. A better course of action might have been to suggest changes to your place of work that might make the process safer, rather then frothing on a public forum. I'm not surprised it was flagged as fake news because there's been an awful lot of similar posts over the past few weeks and months which are clearly designed to provoke Covid and vaccine scepticism

NewspaperTaxis · 19/01/2021 11:45

I was posting on that thread around midnight, it was still going and nothing controversial on it. Some even were saying their vaccination centre was good and spaced out, and I said, well, can you tell us which ones to encourage people.
That said, I raised concerns about Surrey County Council's handling of it at Epsom Racecourse that was hearsay (from a trusted source who'd had it) and SCC I've found has a long reach. Jane Moore of The Sun did a largely positive piece on it at the weekend saying it was 'freezing' up there - well, with elderly folk having to queue outside for an hour if they don't come by car, that's not great.
Even so, that would have led to my posts being deleted, not an entire thread.
Seems to me the OP was doing their civic duty. Others were suggesting they mention these concerns to their MP.

lesnittinsel · 19/01/2021 11:46

Not a good call, IMO. A title change would have been better. I had already had concerns about the set up locally and actually found the thread reassuring overall. One because it was good to hear that many places weren't like that, and two because it being raised as a discussion topic makes it more lively more people will query things like the refreshments and so places might get safer.

NewspaperTaxis · 19/01/2021 11:49

I would also point out - again, should I really do this, I don't know - that Matt Hancock was busy promoting Epsom Racecourse's vaccination centre a few days ago and pictured chatting to nice elderly ladies. Turns out he's now self-isolating until Sunday, news breaks this morning.

This Govt - it's brilliant, isn't it?

LizFlowers · 19/01/2021 11:49


This is the deletion message

It just says 'Fake news'; it wasn't fake news!
2bazookas · 19/01/2021 11:50


There was a discussion on one of the stats threads the other day about refreshments being offered after vaccinations.

The thought was that if these centres are being manned by volunteers, etc. then they are probably just following similar processes to what they do when they man other things - offer everyone a cup of tea and a biscuit

Are you suggesting covid jab volunteers have not been trained in the required standards of public safety ? Shame on you.
thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:52


I would also point out - again, should I really do this, I don't know - that Matt Hancock was busy promoting Epsom Racecourse's vaccination centre a few days ago and pictured chatting to nice elderly ladies. Turns out he's now self-isolating until Sunday, news breaks this morning.

This Govt - it's brilliant, isn't it?

Matt Hancock was trying to show that we should not be driving for exercise in the countryside but that exercising inside your own town/city is totally safe. He was there for hours apparently before anyone would take a photo.
Totally backfired now he has to self-isolate after spending hours in a crowded outdoor place. He would have been far safer driving his kids to a less busy open space for exercise, as allowed by the guidance.
thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:54

Someone has started a thread about safe vaccination centres, with proper academic evidence that says 2 minutes observation is enough:

FuriousWithTheNHS · 19/01/2021 11:54

Shutting down opinion unless it’s genuine fake news is dangerous it just adds fuel to the fire.

There’s no rational debate on MN anymore if your thoughts/ideas/options don’t fit with the majority it often ends up in bullying.

So, so true. Basically, free speech is fucked. On MN and in most other public domains.

Sparklingbrook · 19/01/2021 11:55

TBF Matt Hancock is isolating because the app told him to. And I have big concerns about that app's accuracy.

Em777 · 19/01/2021 12:01

They deleted an older gentleman’s recounting of his experience last week too. It was written in an interesting style but the gist was the same, not enough care is being taken to protect people from infection at the vaccination centres.

It’s a local problem. It’s clear that some places are putting more effort into social distancing than others.

Sparklingbrook · 19/01/2021 12:02


They deleted an older gentleman’s recounting of his experience last week too. It was written in an interesting style but the gist was the same, not enough care is being taken to protect people from infection at the vaccination centres.

It’s a local problem. It’s clear that some places are putting more effort into social distancing than others.

That was a very very weird thread TBF. Quite creepy in fact, plus goady and quite offensive.
Em777 · 19/01/2021 12:08

It was an odd writing style for sure. But their concern felt real.

tvwatcher · 19/01/2021 12:09

I saw your post and there was nothing wrong with it!

Sparklingbrook · 19/01/2021 12:10


It was an odd writing style for sure. But their concern felt real.

They were repeatedly asked not to use certain words. I didn't buy it.
LetItGoGo · 19/01/2021 12:12

I thought it a useful thread.

It would encourage me to give feedback and not think I was just being OTT.


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Sorka · 19/01/2021 12:13

@mnhq if you didn’t like the title you should’ve just changed it. Deleting a thread on which people were posting genuine experiences is shocking censorship and an infringement of free speech.

Exactly the same thing happened in China with people’s honest experiences and voices being silenced. If people had been allowed to speak honestly maybe the world would be in a better place than it is now.

You may say it’s a different situation, I may censorship is a dangerous path to loss of free speech and all the other freedoms that go with it.

ithinkyouareveryrude · 19/01/2021 12:16

I appreciate Mumsnet may have add concerns but to merely dub the thread 'fake news' and delete it seems poor form.

This is a public forum where topics have a free reign of discussion - endless threads are left up that can be deemed as downright offensive (the I'm Muslim AMA springs to mind) but as soon as there is a thread that doesn't fit the agenda gets removed without explanation.

It isn't fake news. Call it inflammatory, call it scare mongering, call it whatever but don't call it fake news.

MargeProopsSpecs · 19/01/2021 12:17


BIWI - but it was a genuine concern. Having now seen what the centre was like I will advise my vulnerable mum to take her own pen, sit in her car after and not take the refreshments. I thought other posters.might also be warned a bit by seeing my thread and be able to advise their friends and relatives to do similar, or phone the centre first to find out how safe it is etc... I was also just shocked and wanted to see if other people have had similar experiences.

Thanks for the tips, Op.
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