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Where's my thread gone?

292 replies

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 10:31

I posted last night about how the vaccine centre I went to yesterday was not well ventilated, tea and coffee given in the waiting area after etc... Sharing of pens.

The thread was going ok, no rudeness or arguments on the thread, just people giving sensible comment. Some with similar experiences, some with better experiences.

Then this morning a thread pops up about 'beware the anti vaxers', dissing my thread and calling it fake.

Now my thread has gone???

Why are we only allowed to give one side of the story on Mumsnet? This is shocking. My post wasnt offensive or anything. All true. How are posters meant tom prove they r genuine?

OP posts:
covetingthepreciousthings · 19/01/2021 10:49

MNHQ, like other social media platforms, have a duty to take down anti-vaxx stuff.

How is it anti-vaxx for people to raise concerns about there being refreshments at Covid vaccine centres meaning people will have to lower or take off their masks Confused

SinisterBumFacedCat · 19/01/2021 10:52

Your name makes it a bit obvious OP.

BIWI · 19/01/2021 10:52

Sorry @covetingthepreciousthings that was lazy expression by me. I was using 'anti-vaxx' to cover fake news as well. My apologies.

In the case, the OP should have known better - posting as she did only serves to exacerbate any concerns about the vaccine and the vaccine process.

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 10:53

Slidingdrawyers - thanks for your post. Yes I will be raising it through appropriate channels. I'm not feeling well today, so off work, but will raise when I am back to work.

OP posts:
covetingthepreciousthings · 19/01/2021 10:53

I was using 'anti-vaxx' to cover fake news as well. My apologies.

But refreshments being offered at some vaccine centres isn't 'fake news'. You might not believe it, but that doesn't make it fake.

FlibbertyGiblets · 19/01/2021 10:53

OP have you taken your concerns about conditions at the hospital c19 vaccination clinic to the management/PALS?

Madhairday · 19/01/2021 10:54

It wasn't an anti vaxx thread though. It was a poster sharing experience which others shared, a poster having a vaccine, so the opposite of anti vaxx. If these things are going on it should be called out and known about. I don't see that as fake news.

Now if @MNHQ would take down the swathes of covid/lockdown denying posts which really do spread misinformation that would actually be helpful...

FlibbertyGiblets · 19/01/2021 10:54

Ah sorry you're feeling unwell today. Take care.

thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 10:54

I think it is OK to query whether indoor vaccination centres are as safe as they could be without being accused of being antivax. Mumsnet have shamefully allowed proper outright antivax threads for years. Earlier this year I asked for a Covid antvax thread to be pulled and Mumsnet HQ refused.

The OPs original thread was not even antivax. It highlighted the need for better ventilated vaccination sites. Other countries have open-sided vaccination marques and the UK has them for Covid test sites, so why not for vaccination sites?

ifonly4 · 19/01/2021 10:55

I know we have to wait 15 mins after, but I wouldn't fancy touching anything in a vaccination centre. My vaccination is in a training facility at the back of the hospital and points out to come warmly dressed as you'll be outside for a reasonable amount of time. Given that they ask you to arrive no more than 5 mins before (and they have eight appointments scheduled every 10 mins so can't risk getting behind), I'm thinking waiting will be outside (which suits me even though it'll be dark).

Sparklingbrook · 19/01/2021 10:55

I was too late to read it but the thread title made it sound like 'don't go to a vaccine centre you'll catch something' whether it was intentional or not.

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 10:55

BIWI - but it was a genuine concern. Having now seen what the centre was like I will advise my vulnerable mum to take her own pen, sit in her car after and not take the refreshments. I thought other posters.might also be warned a bit by seeing my thread and be able to advise their friends and relatives to do similar, or phone the centre first to find out how safe it is etc... I was also just shocked and wanted to see if other people have had similar experiences.

OP posts:
pinkpip100 · 19/01/2021 10:55


Sorry *@covetingthepreciousthings* that was lazy expression by me. I was using 'anti-vaxx' to cover fake news as well. My apologies.

In the case, the OP should have known better - posting as she did only serves to exacerbate any concerns about the vaccine and the vaccine process.

But if there are concerns over the vaccine process (as opposed to the vaccine itself) then surely they do need to be raised?
That's not being anti-vax or spreading fake news.
Ch3rish · 19/01/2021 10:56


You actually expect us to believe they were serving refreshments at a vaccine centre?

That's totally believable, if you give blood they still have the tea and biscuits, I imagine the theory behind it is the same

Obviously they should be SD but I don't see whyit would be odd to have them
MandosHatHair · 19/01/2021 10:57

I have noticed MNHQ becoming quite heavy handed with thread deletions recently.

Pimlicojo · 19/01/2021 10:58

I thought it was an interesting thread with lots of different experiences, but the title of the thread was misleading and unacceptable.

titchy · 19/01/2021 10:58

But if there are concerns over the vaccine process (as opposed to the vaccine itself) then surely they do need to be raised?

And do you think social media is the right place for concerns to be raised? Or do you think PALS, who can actually do something, would be a little more useful?

SirVixofVixHall · 19/01/2021 11:01

I have been worried by the images of vaccination centres on the BBC news, too many people in one space. Very vulnerable people too. Protection is only partial from the first dose and takes three weeks or more from that first dose to establish, so risking Covid spread by having elderly people in a room together seems insane. Why are they not having people wait in their cars and come in one at a time, into a space with windows open, masks worn at all times etc ?
Tea making facilities are incredibly stupid.

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 11:01

I thought it was an interesting thread with lots of different experiences, but the title of the thread was misleading and unacceptable.

If people.didnt like the title, could Mumsnet not just have amended the title rather than delete the whole thread? (I didn't think it was that bad though! But if it was, fair enough, Mumsnet just could've changed it?)

OP posts:
drinkingwineoutofamug · 19/01/2021 11:03

I got a bottle of water after my jab. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Done in largest room in trust.
Agree about the pen and clip board.
No queue though. Jabs are staggered and by appointment only.
3 chairs spaced well apart.
Chairs at back of room again well spaced. Everyone wearing masks.
I expect it different trust to trust. I'm NW

InterfectoremVulpes · 19/01/2021 11:03

There was a discussion on one of the stats threads the other day about refreshments being offered after vaccinations.

The thought was that if these centres are being manned by volunteers, etc. then they are probably just following similar processes to what they do when they man other things - offer everyone a cup of tea and a biscuit

PrivateHall · 19/01/2021 11:05

It was incredibly unprofessional of you to post it op. I don't know what your role is in the NHS, but if you are a registrant with say the NMC, you were absolutely breaking your code of practice. I am sure other HCP's have similar codes. You should have escalated concerns internally, not taken to an internet forum. You did nothing to protect the public, quite the opposite as posters were replying saying that from reading your thread, they now might advise elderly relatives not to attend for their vaccine. This is no way contributing to public health, which all NHS staff should be doing.

If you have genuine concerns, you will know there are procedures to escalate them, in a professional manner.


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Akire · 19/01/2021 11:06

It’s important people have a choice. For me sitting in a space having tea and biscuits with no masks just doesn’t feel safe to me same as Costa wasn’t either. If you have low BP and really need it then maybe the medical need outweighs the risks for you. I’d rather choose a centre that didn’t make
Me sit next to someone with mask off after a year in isolation. Maybe I’m being to careful but that’s my choice.

pinkpip100 · 19/01/2021 11:06


But if there are concerns over the vaccine process (as opposed to the vaccine itself) then surely they do need to be raised?

And do you think social media is the right place for concerns to be raised? Or do you think PALS, who can actually do something, would be a little more useful?

But concerns about safety/processes are raised on here all the time - just look at multiple threads about safety in schools etc. Yes, it also should be followed up via official channels - but I can't see why the OPs experience can't be shared on here. As someone else said - at least I can advise my Mum to take her own pen and not use the tea making facilities before she goes.
WankPuffins · 19/01/2021 11:07

I have noticed MNHQ becoming quite heavy handed with thread deletions recently.

I've had such support from posters here over the years and especially over the past few months.
I guess it's off I fuck then, because it a few things haven't sat right with me and I think this is the straw really (not that anyone cares Grin)

But I guess that's the problem with forums, social media etc. It's easy for things to be shut down.

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