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Where's my thread gone?

292 replies

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 10:31

I posted last night about how the vaccine centre I went to yesterday was not well ventilated, tea and coffee given in the waiting area after etc... Sharing of pens.

The thread was going ok, no rudeness or arguments on the thread, just people giving sensible comment. Some with similar experiences, some with better experiences.

Then this morning a thread pops up about 'beware the anti vaxers', dissing my thread and calling it fake.

Now my thread has gone???

Why are we only allowed to give one side of the story on Mumsnet? This is shocking. My post wasnt offensive or anything. All true. How are posters meant tom prove they r genuine?

OP posts:
HelloMissus · 19/01/2021 11:24

An NHS order has concerns about safety in a vaccination centre - do they take it up through PALS or even mention it to those working at he centre?

No they quickly join Mumsnet and start a thread about it with a title saying that centres (plural and generally) are unsafe.

BIWI · 19/01/2021 11:24


I was using 'anti-vaxx' to cover fake news as well. My apologies.

But refreshments being offered at some vaccine centres isn't 'fake news'. You might not believe it, but that doesn't make it fake.

Well clearly MNHQ thought it was fake news - that was what they said!
BoreOfWhabylon · 19/01/2021 11:25

If OP is an NHS employee - especially if she is on a professional register - then she should have known better than to post a thread with that title. It absolutely is scaremongering and many will give it extra credence because of the claim that an NHS worker posted it.

MNHQ did the right thing in my opinion. Remember they are also WFH and I imagine they are flat out with all the reports (I'm willing to bet they have increased). I doubt they will have time or inclination to forensically investigate every poster if the thread title is blatantly scaremongering.

Robbybobtail · 19/01/2021 11:25

I was shocked too. It seems anyone who voices any concerns at all with the vaccine or the administering of it is just wiped off.

With everything that is going on in America atm (I.e.censorship of any right-wing views/YouTube etc blocking any videos that deviate from the “Biden is great!” narrative) I’m getting really scared about the bigger picture of what is going on in this country.

We seems to be getting more like China at a super scary speed.
The problem with this censorship of alternative opinions is even if you were thinking of getting the vaccine/are following guidelines etc I feel many will start to question just what exactly is going on if we are not allowed to discuss anything seen as “anti-vaccine/wear a mask” and become more suspicious.

oneglassandpuzzled · 19/01/2021 11:26


MNHQ, like other social media platforms, have a duty to take down anti-vaxx stuff.

They didn’t take down all the anti-AstraZeneca stuff.
SlopesOff · 19/01/2021 11:26

I read the thread early on and found it informative.

I feel it would have been more useful of MN to leave it there and edit the title.

LizFlowers · 19/01/2021 11:26


*Shutting down opinion unless it’s genuine fake news is dangerous it just adds fuel to the fire.

There’s no rational debate on MN anymore if your thoughts/ideas/options don’t fit with the majority it often ends up in bullying.*

Yes, I'm really shocked (and a bit annoyed) that Mumsnet took my post down. It feels like we are only allowed to post positive experiences. But I didn't have a positive experience so it would be 'fake' and not genuine to say I did.

I've only been on MN for a very short while after reading a lot of posts for a long time. I have noticed many threads being pulled recently which seemed OK.

I didn't see your thread, op, but it sounds reasonable with nothing 'anti-vacc' about it; having tea making facilities in the waiting area is not uncommon, so I gather.

Maybe there are some new, over zealous moderators.

Don't take it personally.
BeyondFrustrated · 19/01/2021 11:26

They have drive through testing so why not drive through vaccinations?

thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:27


SW London - cakes and tea being given out after the vaccine here. So I don't believe that to be fake.

Good grief, the only place in the country where you are allowed to have tea and cake inside with someone outside your household is the flipping vaccination centre.
Well-intentioned but totally against the lockdown guidance and totally unnecessary.
LizFlowers · 19/01/2021 11:27

me: have noticed many threads being pulled recently which seemed OK.

I meant the threads seemed OK.

CovidJabToday · 19/01/2021 11:27

MilesJupp - I'm so sorry if you were frightened and sorry for your difficult circumstances.

I was worried though for vulnerable people, when I experienced the vaccine centre yesterday, so I guess my assumption was that if people are vulnerable they'd rather be prepared that some centres might not be using best practice, and that they could this be prepared to take their own pen, water and wear a good quality mask. I'll share my experience with elderly mum soon, not to scare her, but to help her stay safe when she visits a centre for her vaccine soon. She's done so well to shield all this time, I'd hate for her good work to be undone by visiting an unsafe vaccine centre.

OP posts:
Eaumyword · 19/01/2021 11:27

The title was dramatic, the OP has said that, but I personally feel the content was useful to know and however well meant, the practice of masks off and drinking tea, worries me.
So I'm glad it was mentioned on here so I can tell my parents to avoid it when it's their turn.

BeardyButton · 19/01/2021 11:28

Well done @mumsnet. I would MUCH rather see a couple of real threads get wrongly deleted than afree for all of trolls and malevolent influencers stoking up fear agn vaccinations through disinformation and fakenews. So happy to see this thread. Looks like @mumsnet might be willing to do what twitter and facebook have spectacularly failed to do. THANKS.

LizFlowers · 19/01/2021 11:29

thecustomerisalwaysright Tue 19-Jan-21 11:27:14

SW London - cakes and tea being given out after the vaccine here. So I don't believe that to be fake.

Good grief, the only place in the country where you are allowed to have tea and cake inside with someone outside your household is the flipping vaccination centre.
Well-intentioned but totally against the lockdown guidance and totally unnecessary.

Can't argue with that but no reason to pull the thread.

thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:29


They have drive through testing so why not drive through vaccinations?


And they have open-sided marquees for testing too!

A younger and more mobile population will soon be getting vaccinated so hopefully the government, GPs and hospitals will sort this out.

Plus they had drive-through vaccination sites for the flu vaccinations - so it obviously feasible and safe.

And it would enable far more people to get vaccinated because there will be no need for all the cleaning between patients that is causing a lot of time to be spent currently.
DayBath · 19/01/2021 11:29

Mumsnet moderation is terrible lately. Extremely partisan and lots of unfair deletions, I've read their explanation here and I don't agree with it at all. It's like the well known user posting about teachers endlessly in the covid section. People within their threads who disagreed were deleted for things that OP themselves was continually guilty of. If people didn't tow the party line they were deleted for being trolls or some other nonsense just because they have different opinions. It was very clear early on that the particular poster over there had a lot more power than others when it came to bending the forum rules.

Your post was reasonable OP and the title wasn't scaremongering in my eyes. It's a ridiculous reason. Plenty of other threads have worse titles but they get left up. The lack of consistency is infuriating when it comes to moderation here.

PrivateHall · 19/01/2021 11:29


I think the OP is right to question the giving of tea and biscuits, which now seems to be taking place at multiple places.

We are not currently allowed to have tea and biscuits with someone outside our household, so why would this be allowed at a vaccination centre. Plus if you have had your vaccination, you should be going home as soon as allowed, not lingering with a beverage.

My opinion is we need drive-through vaccination sites and sites with open-sided marquees, especially now we are moving onto younger people with more mobility and more likely not to have been shielding and self-isolating since last March and more likely to have been at work etc. The risk of contracting Covid while getting vaccinated will therefore increase and needs to be mitigated with better ventilation (preferably open-air) or in your own car where possible.

As vaccinations move from Pfizer to AZ Oxford increasingly, the risk of anaphylaxis decreases dramatically to the extent that the GP hub in my town is not even making the over-80s remain for the 10 mins of observation any more.

I wonder if you didn't have the chance to read the post before the deletion? It explained on there that people have to stay for 15 minutes after the vaccination for observation. It wouldn't be safe to have people do this in their car, how could they be properly observed? People are not 'lingering', it is an essential part of the process.

I expect this will change as time goes on and they see that there are few reactions. However there are a lot of people arriving nervous who have not eaten and they are prone to fainting, hence the tea and biscuits. As someone explained on the last thread, fainters are a big issue and take up a lot of time and resources as obviously they cannot be sent home for some time after. We have not encountered this and we don't offer any refreshments.
thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:32


thecustomerisalwaysright Tue 19-Jan-21 11:27:14

SW London - cakes and tea being given out after the vaccine here. So I don't believe that to be fake.

Good grief, the only place in the country where you are allowed to have tea and cake inside with someone outside your household is the flipping vaccination centre.
Well-intentioned but totally against the lockdown guidance and totally unnecessary.

Can't argue with that but no reason to pull the thread.

Confused if you agree with me or not.

I think it is ridiculous to be giving out tea/coffee and biscuits/cake at the vaccination centre.

Apart from anything, it is probably against lockdown guidance.

In and out ASAP is how vaccination centres should work. It is not a social setting.
thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:33

I wonder if you didn't have the chance to read the post before the deletion? It explained on there that people have to stay for 15 minutes after the vaccination for observation

Not at my local GP hub giving the AZ Oxford. People are not being required to stay for the 10-15 mins.

Plus in theory this is also required for the flu vaccine. But they managed drive-through vaccinations for the flu vaccine this year also.

GypsyLee · 19/01/2021 11:33

MNHQ, like other social media platforms, have a duty to take down anti-vaxx stuff

No they don't, it's a free country.
Lot's of people won't be having the vaccine, it's not compulsory.

redsquirrelfan · 19/01/2021 11:34

I can't comment on vaccination centres but I can say that when I gave blood at the end of November I thought if I was going to get covid anywhere it was there and another MNer said the same. My mum thinks she got covid in a hospital waiting room.

Just because something is run by medical staff doesn't necessarily mean it's that covid secure (if there is indeed such a thing outside intensive care units).

MN should not be deleting things as fake news unless they have evidence that it is, eg the 5G nonsense.

redsquirrelfan · 19/01/2021 11:36

I suppose they'll delete this thread now too because people have dared to disagree with their moderation policy.


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BIWI · 19/01/2021 11:36

Of course it's a free country!

But the spreading of anti-vaccination information is an organised thing. And the government have been working with social media sites to keep this controlled, to stop it spreading.

It's not just an innocent/naive poster here and there - it's an orchestrated campaign.

That's why I'm glad MNHQ are deleting stuff like the OP's original thread. At best it was a foolish thing to post, at worst it was scaremongering.

We need to ensure that people get the right kind of information about the vaccines, (i.e. correct information) so that we keep the level of vaccinations up - unless we do that we'll never achieve a decent level of immunity.

You don't have to have the vaccine at all, if you don't want to. But to support (either intentionally or otherwise) the spreading of false information is a dangerous thing to do.

redsquirrelfan · 19/01/2021 11:37

However there are a lot of people arriving nervous who have not eaten

Are people being told not to eat beforehand?

thecustomerisalwaysright · 19/01/2021 11:37


I suppose they'll delete this thread now too because people have dared to disagree with their moderation policy.

Maybe OP could start a new thread with a non-inflammatory title along the lines of how to make vaccination sites safer?
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